When I heard that call, I knew it was not good. I quickly jumped out from behind the hidden rock, and less than a second after I jumped out, I used to The hidden boulder has been blasted and turned into countless stone dust scattered all over.

"The Brahma God has such a big temper!" I said as I walked out of the sky of stone dust with a smile.

Seeing my appearance, the performance of the two parties is very different. The Hindu Spiritual God on Brahma’s side basically didn’t have much contact with me. Although I have heard that our forces have fought a few times, but there is only limited friction and no formal battles have occurred at all. Therefore, I know about me. Only to know it. In contrast, the response from Buddhism is larger. Although I don’t know what the reborn Avatar is, at least I’m sure there should be a connection between the two, because people on Buddhism see me all It was obviously nervous. With their strength, I am naturally not afraid of me as a mortal. I can only be so nervous because of the backer called Celestial Court behind me. So since they know the relationship between me and Celestial Court, they must have a connection with their Avatar. of.

Although most people on Brahma's side don't know me, but also not absolutely nobody knows me. Just when Brahma and the others were uncertain, the Hindu side walked out of a player who whispered a report next to Brahma. As a player, the content of attention is naturally different from these gods. Of course, I understand that my battle strength ranks first. There is nothing strange, besides, I have also been to India before to make trouble, so there are not a few players who know me.

"It turns out to be the lord of Chinese guilds!" Vishnu came out and said, "What do you mean by being here today?"

"hahaha, I am just Passing by, just come and visit when you see the excitement here. You don’t need to care about me, take care of anything, as long as I don’t exist."

"humph." Shiva coldly snorted and said "Even if I don’t agree with Tianzhu God’s Cult, it’s our internal matter. You, an outsider, appeared here thinking about watching. Let me meet you as a mortal first and see how powerful the Central Plains Human Race is."

< p>Shiva is the god of destruction in India, and his personality is naturally more aggressive, but I didn’t expect this guy to even ignore his identity. One of the three dignified Hindu giants actually wants to do something with me, an ordinary person. Just like the existence of equivalent to primordial Heavenly Venerable in our country suddenly finds the gun god or the ghost hand Nobunaga and they single-handedly, is it not clear that it is bullying?

I still want to explain something. Who knew Shiva actually said to hit and hit, beckoned with one hand, suddenly a huge snake head appeared under my feet and swallowed me in one bite. . Seeing that I was swallowed by the giant snake, the player immediately began to take pictures of Shiva’s flattery, but the corners of Shiva’s mouth that was about to raise upwards suddenly pulled down, and even the faces of the other gods around suddenly changed. The low-level gods even turned pale in an instant, like a rabbit that accidentally stepped into a wolf's den.

"How is it possible?" Shiva was the first to yell out. His personality is more impulsive, so he yelled out any changes. Those Indian players who adhere to Buddhism and Hinduism only noticed that the big guys around them suddenly changed their colors, but they didn't know what happened. One or two of them were on the same question mark, but it was not easy to ask them directly.

When those people were in a daze, they suddenly found that the giant snake in front was struggling violently, and then suddenly saw the giant snake's head suddenly lifted up and opened its mouth toward the sky. , A purple black flame sprayed out from the mouth of the snake, and the flame spread rapidly and immediately wrapped the whole snake in. In a violent twist, the giant snake was quickly burned into a pile of fly ash, and then all Everyone saw me standing there intact, looking at them with a smile.

"Shiva is really don't give face! Originally I just passed by, didn't expect Hindu gods to treat guests like this, it's really disappointing!"

< p>When Shiva saw me, he didn’t know what to say. Instead, Vishnu beside him stood up and asked loudly, “What’s in your chest?” In fact, the reason why these great gods just now I was so surprised because I activated the Spirit Bead on my chest. Although the power of that thing suppresses the divine force, it has no shielding effect. Therefore, the suppressed gods can all sense that the source of the power to suppress themselves is in mine. Chest.

"You said this?" I deliberately pretended not to know, pointing to my chest and said, "I don't know what this is. The great gods like this thing too?"

I was worried that the Spirit Bead would not have the effect on certain gods with stronger divine force. Now it seems that the suppression effect is perfect, so I naturally feel confident about it. If the battle strengths of ordinary monsters and players in "Zero" are quantified and scaled down, the battle strengths of players and monsters can be roughly summarized into a positive number within one hundred. Normal people are roughly this Value, and Spiritual God’s battle strength also has a positive number within 100 in front of it, but their actual battle strength is the number after this value is multiplied by one hundred, which determines that mortals under normal circumstances are affirmative. Can’t beat Spiritual God, because your maximum value is less than one hundred, and people have a multiplier of one hundred. Even if you multiply by one, you have reached the peak of the players’ battle strength, let alone most advanced players. God’s basic battle strength is above fifty, which means that people’s battle strength is generally eighty to one hundred times that of players, so players can’t beat Spiritual God anyway. However, this Spirit Bead in my hand has an extremely anti-sky function. It can directly remove the Spiritual God battle strength by one hundred, which means that the Spiritual God battle strength can only be returned to the level of a mortal. Basic battle strength to fight, then Spiritual God will not be able to get up, especially in front of me. I have done a divine force boundary task before, that is, through the limit of mortals, so my basic battle strength can reach more than one hundred. Although there is no reward for multiplying by one hundred, these gods are now in front of me. The multiplying one hundred reward is gone, and their remaining battle strength is only the basic battle strength. Unfortunately, the basic battle strength of Spiritual Gods is actually similar to the player’s basic battle strength, which is basically below one hundred. Although multiplied by one hundred, it will be nearly one hundred times stronger than the player, but now It has completely fallen to the same level as the player, not to mention that I am like a god among the players. I estimate that there are no more than double digits among the Spiritual Gods who can pass a hundred tricks under my hand, and I am afraid that there are less than ten who dare to say that they will never be killed by me. Even those like Brahma and Tathagata can only be said to be slightly better than me, and the result is a four-six score. Of course, I don’t dare to take the initiative to provoke it. After all, my chances of winning for 4-6 are slightly lower. Moreover, this is still calculated based on the opponent’s and me. When Sect Lord came, he had to run away quickly. as the saying goes A good tiger can't stand a pack of wolves, let alone a large group of gods on the opposite side?

In fact, the above algorithm is not necessarily accurate, because battle strength is not completely calculated according to personal strength. Those calculated above should be said to be personal strength rather than battle strength, because the battle determines victory. In addition to personal strength, there are two very important things called weapons and armors. Even if the great god is suppressed, the Divine Item suit is not pretty. Unlike the players, Divine Item is basically the same as ordinary equipment on the Spiritual God side. I don’t dare to say that there is a set of manpower. One piece per person is the basic guarantee. Big guys like Brahma and Tathagata must be the best Divine Item suit plus a bunch of powerful Divine Item-level auxiliary props. We still suffer when it comes to fighting.

Although I am afraid of the power of Spiritual God and dare not use it, those Spiritual Gods are hesitating now. Before they were dozens of times the battle strength of mine, naturally there was nothing to discuss, just like if you wanted to bully an ant, naturally you wouldn’t discuss anything with the ant, but if your current opponent suddenly becomes a wolf , Even if it’s a weaker wolf, it’s worth considering whether it’s worth it or not.

Generally speaking, Brahma does not have a direct conflict of interest with me. Although there will definitely be some conflicts in the future, there are still no irreconcilable contradictions in the near future, so in comparison, they are not quite right. Want to move me. Buddhism is on the contrary. The conflict is already obvious, and it has reached the point of irreconcilability. Now I suddenly showed the Spirit Bead, which is like a weapon of mass destruction for gods and Buddhas. They thought After thinking about it, I still feel that I can't leave this scourge, at least I can't let me carry the Spirit Bead, or they will suffer if I activate this thing in the future battles. If I don’t take advantage of my position now, I may not have this opportunity in the future.

After trying to understand this truth, Tathagata first shouted to Brahma. "That thing on his body is a scourge to both of us. It is better to destroy that thing now, or it will be no good for you and me!" After the instigation here, they began to hesitate. After all, the threat of closing Spirit Bead was too great, and they were naturally quite worried.

When I heard the words of the Tathagata, I immediately dismantled the platform and said: "I said Tathagata, when can your habit of using people being used as a tool change? I have no hatred with the Brahma God, you What does it mean to provoke us to fight? If you want to snatch this thing, you can do it yourself. Don’t you think Buddhism is my opponent and dare not come forward with so many people?"

The suppression of Spirit Bead, even if the Buddha of Buddhism goes together, it can still be done, but the premise is that Brahma can’t get in with each other. It’s not a good thing to be chased by two gods, especially since I know that Shiva has one. Divine Beast has a very special ability that can restrict others from escaping, so in any case, they should not be allowed to join hands with Buddhism, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle.

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