"I need to know the scale of your battle and the current technical strength to give reasonable advice. If you have only a few people and no maintenance unit, I suggest choosing a single soldier in the arsenal Fighting mecha can immediately greatly increase the battle strength. If you have a certain repair ability, it is recommended to choose a small battleship in the berth cabin. It should be useful after repairs. If you plan to take root here for a long time and have the ability to build a permanent base , I suggest moving away the central computing database. The database has a protection system. Now the connection is only interrupted, and the data should not be damaged. Even if it suffers a relatively large damage, there will always be some left. With the data there It should be possible to restore our federation’s technology to a certain extent and re-develop it, and it may even be possible to repair the ship in the future."

Although I don’t plan to build a base or something, Longyuan has its own base. , We can completely analyze the technical data in the database to greatly improve the technical strength of our group. "I want a database, where is that stuff?"

"The database is located in the front area of ​​the center of the ship, specifically here, you can go along this road." Internal management computer The coordinates of the location and the route map are directly given in my electronic brain.

"I will get it now and call you when I need it."

"Please wait a moment."

"Any questions? "I am surprised that this internal management system will actively block my actions. Ordinarily, this kind of system should only have auxiliary capabilities!

The management system explained very concisely: "When this ship crashed, part of the hatching battle beast incubator was damaged, and some of the underdeveloped battle beasts survived. Colonized into the control center, so these fighting beasts are only governed by their survival instinct."

"Are these guys still alive? You have all crashed for so many years, even if they find a source of food, don’t they? Is lifespan restricted?"

"The gene fragments of the biochemical combat beasts are similar to the special forces genes on your body, and their survivability is extremely powerful. They enter the dormant mode after the food shortage, so it is still not complete. Loss of vitality."

Ling couldn't help but interject and ask: "Those things don't happen to be sleeping in the database?"

"Yes. The battleship database is equipped with an energy maintenance system, which just can provide weak energy supplements for these dormant battle beasts, so they all put their nests in the database."

"You just put them in the database. It doesn’t matter there? Can’t you control the defense system in the battleship?"

"Before, because the personnel on the battleship have died, the battle beasts just play a protective role in the database, so I don’t have Destroy them."

"Then it will be eliminated now."

"It can't be done. The weapon system of several nearby passages in the database has been used for one hundred and twenty-seven years. The former is completely invalid, and I cannot kill it at the moment."

"That means we have to kill those things if we want to get the information, right?" I asked tentatively.

"You may be able to avoid fighting if you are careful." Control system's answer made me a little relaxed. "Because the dormant state of the battle beasts has been maintained for too long, its sensitivity has been greatly reduced. As long as you do not cause excessive external stimuli, they will not wake up."

"You mean What are the external stimuli?"

"Material vibrations, and various forms of energy radiation."

"That is to say, there should be no too much noise, and walking should be light, and Is it necessary to prevent the emergence of strong radiation such as light or electromagnetic waves?" I confirmed.


I nodded, and said: "There should be no problem in this case. Is there anything else I need to pay attention to?"

"No It’s over."

"Then we’re over. If you have any problems, please remind us."

"Sorry, I can’t do it. The communication equipment in that area is also damaged. You can’t hear me after you get closer."

"Then can’t we use the radio to contact you?"

"No, excessive electromagnetic radiation will cause Battle beasts wake up, they are very sensitive to electromagnetic signals."

"How much radiation is a safe value?"

"This amount." The control system simulates a signal strength, I I can feel that the signal is relatively strong, about a little bit smaller than the radiation of a mobile phone.

"Okay, I get it, you first tell me what the database looks like, what do I need to take to bring the information out?"

The control system was immediately sent Show me a three-dimensional picture, I took a look, the structure of the database is relatively simple, it is a huge hexagonal room, and dozens of hexagonal pillars stand in the center of the room. One of the central pillars has a regular polyhedron. This thing is the recording unit for recording scientific and technological information, and this is what we need to take.

According to the map to go to the database is easy, anyway, we can now open the door by ourselves, and there is a map to guide the way. After reaching the target area, the management system stopped contacting us. He was afraid of disturbing the battle beasts and threatening us, and we started to act cautiously, but didn't expect as soon as we arrived at the door of the database. its stuck. The door of the database is a retractable door, but the problem is that the monsters seem to be dissatisfied with this door, and it is deformed. Now the door is half-open and half-closed. The problem is that we can't get through the seam in the middle, but opening the deformed door a bit bigger will definitely cause a lot of movement, which is troublesome!

Ling Zheng and I were hesitating, when suddenly we heard a shout. "Boss, you guys are here too? Tell you one..." Halfway through the shouting, Skye found that Ling and I were constantly waving at him and doing various actions to quiet him, but our Dragon Clan itself has a radio. Communication ability, even if you don’t need to speak, it’s a bit weird to compare motions to paintings. As a result, he did not know what we meant, but he didn’t know that it didn’t make much sense now, because we tried to compare paintings. When I heard a loud explosion sound suddenly came from behind, the door that was already crooked and slanted was suddenly knocked in half from the middle, and a monster nearly four meters long with head and tail rushed from the door. I came out and separated Ling Ji and me.

The creature in front of me has a strange appearance. Its basic structure is similar to that of a Velociraptor. It walks on two hind limbs and has a large tail behind it. However, its forelimbs are not as short as the Velociraptor. On the contrary, its forelimbs are not much shorter than the hind limbs except for the thinner. This guy's head is long like a frog's head, in a flat triangle, but its lower jaw is divided into two halves like an Insect, and it is covered with two rows of densely packed white teeth. Originally, we saw a lot of monsters in the game. We wouldn’t be afraid to see this thing, but the problem is that the thing in front of us is not as regular as the creatures we usually see. Even toads are better than this. Things are much more cute. Although this guy looked fierce in appearance, his skin was dark red, and it was dissatisfied with the thick meridian tissue and black-green protrusions, which looked like large blisters.

"What's this?" They were shocked to see such an ugly monster in front of them, even Scot.

"Leave it alone, kill them first!" I yelled as I ran. Compared with Ling, I am a bit more dangerous now, because even though the monster fell between me and Ling, Ling was on the side of Scott and the others. I am the only one on my side, the creature in front of me. Even if only instinct should know that my side is better to deal with.

Sure enough, the thing didn't stop at all after it landed, and the big tail flicked and turned and rushed towards me. Although I was shocked by the appearance of this thing, I am not a fool. Seeing such a big thing rushing over, it immediately rolled and flashed to the side, and then turned back and grabbed the side of the thing with a claw. The finger part of this armor on my body is very sharp, and it can be used as a knife at the critical moment, but this grasping has no effect at all, and it feels like I have grasped an iron plate. No, compared with the iron plate, this guy's skin is much rougher, it has a lot of resistance, and it has a certain degree of elasticity, but the claws on my armor fingertips just can't get in.

The thing turned around without any pause after it hit the ground. At the speed it was just now, I thought it would slide forward for a while before it could stop. Who knew this guy was actually under his feet. There was something like a sucker, and it turned around in an instant and launched a second attack again. I originally wanted to flash back, but suddenly I felt a strong wind pressure behind me. I almost instinctively landed on an iron bridge. A sharp sickle-shaped sharp claw wiped my face and swept it over. At the same time, the monster who rushed over just happened to pounce on it again. Now in this position, I can’t hide even if I want to hide. I just let go of the posture of the iron bridge and let my back touch the ground. Its hind paws with a huge hook on my body have to make two big holes for me. After my legs withstand the power of this guy's pounce, my hands held forward the two front paws that it extended, and then as its weight was weighed down, I moved to the side and turned it over. When it was pressed down, I instead rode on its stomach. At this time, there was no time to touch any long weapons. I straightened my wrist instantly, and the movable opening at the finger gap of the armor automatically opened. The muscle tissue in the gap between my fingers also automatically separated by a gap, and then I heard a click. The golden blade hidden in the forearm instantly bounced out, and at the same time, accompanied by a sharp sound, the three blades entered the high-frequency vibration mode at the same time. All of the above was basically completed within 0.1 second. After all of this was completed, I immediately thrust into the chest of the monster with increased force. My eyes had activated the active bio-scanning mode when I was lying on the ground just now, and found an unknown organ with a large number of neural tube connections in the chest cavity of that monster. Now I am aiming at that organ. Location. The plasma vibrating blade was inserted into the chest cavity of the monster instantly like cutting butter, and even the fingers that I put together were inserted into the chest cavity of the monster. Finally, I even inserted half of my arm in and pinched the chest cavity of the monster. That organ was pulled out with a bunch of blood vessels. It wasn't until this time that the monster started screaming like crazy, and suddenly increased in strength and kicked me out of it.

Although I was kicked away, the monster did not get up. It just screamed wildly on the ground while twisting violently, and at the same time, the big hole in its chest was still spraying yellow. The green liquid looks disgusting. But I don't have time to care about evil or disgusting, because the other monsters that jumped out of the gate have rushed towards me. These guys don’t seem to have any feelings other than not attacking their companions. They have no sympathy or fear for their companions who are obviously dying on the ground. They just jumped over that guy as if they hadn’t seen it. The body continued to attack me.

When there was a scuffle on my side, Skott’s side was not idle. Although the monsters that rushed out were all coming towards me before, the monsters who came out later found that there was no more on my side. Once they got their positions, they all rushed towards them, but the thing that Skott and the others have a better advantage than me is that they are still some distance away from the monster, and because the monster attacked me first, they gave them enough time to react, so they became a monster. When they rushed towards them, they encountered intensive long-range firepower strikes. There are a lot of people on Skok, and their guns are all formidable. When they are adjusted to the strongest firing mode, they can even shoot through the tanks. Even if these monsters are very strong, they still get too many shots. I would be killed. The monster that rushed over there in the dense bullet rain quickly fell down a large area. Only the few monsters chasing me here are still showing off one's military strength.

My gun fell when the first monster rushed out, and I didn't have time to draw the main weapon. Now I can only rely on the plasma vibrating blade that pops out of my hands to fight the monsters. Compared to ordinary people, I’m almost a superman. I can lift tanks and punch through walls. But in front of these monsters, my power is not only unadvantageous, but also slightly suppressed, but luckily, although these guys are stronger than me, But I don’t know if it’s the repercussions caused by the incomplete development caused by the damage to the culture tank. Anyway, these guys seem to have a slower reaction speed. Because of this advantage in speed, I can barely resist between the three monsters besieging me. For a while.

Skeet quickly got most of the monsters, and then he took people to the door to block the monsters that came out one after another, Yeyue and Ling from them The team split out and ran towards me. I was fighting with three monsters. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise. A monster that leaped at me flew out sideways, then fell to the ground without moving. When the remaining two monsters heard the sound, they turned around and screamed in the other direction. I took the opportunity to jump on the back of one of the monsters and pressed its head with one hand. The electric energy in the body instantly activated and pressed a plasma ball directly. Got into its head. With a loud bang, the monster's head exploded like a watermelon filled with explosives. The monster next to it was startled by the sudden change, but it did not have time to react before it followed in the footsteps of its companions.

"Huh, I finally got it done." I kicked the corpse under me and said: "If it wasn't for the surrounding environment, I thought I was in the game! This thing is simply better than the game. Thunder Beast is even more powerful, is it a crazy dog!"

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