Actually, what is really difficult to enter like this kind of base is the outside part, there is not much defense force inside. After all, underground bases are naturally concealed, and ordinary people cannot enter at all as long as they are guarded outside. of. If we can get here, we have already passed the tightest defense layer, and this place is basically completely open.

"Boss, do we split up? This place is too big. It takes only a few years for us to complete the investigation?" A bell tone Knight suggested.

I looked at the giant beast nodded in front of me. "Everyone spread out, a group of two or three, you team up by yourself. Ling, you go with me."

"Understand." Ling immediately ran to me and followed me to the giant beast ahead. Ran over. Looking at it from a distance, it feels that this thing is big, but when we get to it, we have another feeling, that is, our own insignificance.

"This thing is really big!" Ling raised his head and looked at the hull of the ship that stood in front of us like a mountain.

I looked around, and suddenly found that there was an open door not far from us. "You can go in there."

"I saw it." Ling raised his hand to aim at the door, then moved his wrist, the pu' sound was muffled, and a spear full of barbeds spun and flew. Go out, but when the thing flew to the top of the hole, it hit a fire star and bounced off. Ling looked at the falling spear in surprise and said, "The material of this boat is too hard?"

As I said, I raised my hand and hit another spear. "Stupid! You hit the armor layer!" At the same time as I finished speaking, my spear had plunged into the ceiling at the top of the hole and more than half of it had been inserted. The unnecessary parts will not be equipped with such high hardness materials. The place where I was hitting was too outside, that place should be the outer armor layer of the spaceship, and the place I hit was an ordinary channel, so the hardness was naturally different. I pulled the fiber under the shuttle dart hard, and confirmed that it was firmly fixed. After I slapped my waist with one hand, and then touched the ground with my toe, the wire take-up on the wrist immediately started to rotate at a high speed and took the two of us along that one. The very thin filaments rose at a high speed, and after a few seconds we were already standing at the entrance of the passage. Looking down from here is almost the same as looking down from a skyscraper. The most terrifying thing is that this door is only a hatch on the bottom of the spaceship, and it does not even reach the one third height of the spaceship. It is conceivable that the entire spaceship is the same. How big is it.

I shook my wrist after I got to the entrance of the passage, and the outstretched dart on top of my head automatically retracted the inside of the dart. The reel immediately began to take up the thread and pulled the dart out of the wall and automatically returned to the position before the launch. Location. "Let's go."


Being less than ten meters forward along the passage is a T-shaped turnout. We looked back and forth and it seemed that both sides were similar. This spaceship is really too big. We simply don’t know the internal structure diagram. We can only follow our feelings. Anyway, we don’t have a fixed goal. If we encounter something valuable, just study it. As for general things, let’s forget. Anyway, I can't take too much.

After turning the T-shaped intersection, we made many turns in spaceship. During this time, we ran into two researchers here. Ling read two people with thought reading. And then erased their information about seeing us, so that we can try not to expose our situation here.

The information found in the minds of those two people shows that Americans are developing spaceship much faster than us, but there is one thing that is different from us, that is, Americans’ development is rougher, not like us. China’s "Fourth Special Zone" has been developed in a more conservative way, so Americans have a much wider area of ​​exploration than ours, but they have destroyed a lot of useful things. This is why it’s also an alien battleship, Americans. The only thing developed is mechanical technology, and the biological part is so much worse than our dragon fate. Obviously, the problem lies in this development process. I use my own intelligence to estimate that the Americans’ plan is to quickly improve their technical capabilities at the expense of some of the technology on this spaceship, and defeat other countries with spaceship ruins to snatch the spaceship ruins of other fruits, so that they can not only To become the strongest country in the world, and to make up for all the technologies destroyed by rapid research in the country, can be said to be a very profitable solution.

In addition to the information about the development progress, based on the information in the brains of the two people, we were surprised to find that this ship is actually very different from the one in our country. The spaceship ruins in China’s “Fourth Special Zone” can be said to be real ruins. It has basically been scrapped. We are only slowly disassembling and studying the information in it, and the spaceship’s main computer is the first thing to be found. Its first research result is the central computer "Nuwa" in our base. But what surprises us is that the central computer in this spaceship on the US side has not been taken out, it has also been resisting, which means that this spaceship has not completely lost its function, it just can’t fly, it’s not. Shut down completely. Now the large area in the front of the spaceship near the central control room is still under the control of the spaceship central computer. The Americans cannot enter those areas temporarily because the passages there are all equipped with defensive weapons systems. The Americans used to I tried to force a breakthrough several times, but I was beaten back, and the loss was very heavy. That computer is not only good at manipulating the weapon system, but also good at using various tactics. It can engage in battered and exhausted American commandos every time. In those few forcible assaults alone, more than 3,000 special combatants have been lost. This shows that How powerful is the defensive ability. The most important thing is that the Americans have lost so many people and there has been almost no progress so far. You must know that even if the Americans take down a city on Earth, they may not need to die so many people, but here is an area for a spaceship. So many people died and didn't attack. This contrast is a bit too obvious.

Ling sorted out the information and showed it to me and then asked: "Are you thinking what I think?"

"What do you think?"

"My master, your personality, I think you are the same as I think."

"What are you waiting for?"

Actually, my idea is very simple, since The Americans can't get in after so much effort, which means that the place has not been studied by the Americans, and it is tantamount to an untapped treasure. If a tomb robber enters a huge tomb and finds that several rooms have been visited by his peers, but several rooms are still closed, what do you think he would choose? We now have similar ideas. If Americans can't enter, we may not be able to enter. No matter what is in that area, even the central computer that is still in operation is a huge asset in itself. Imagine the second Nuwa, how many new technologies will it bring to our Dragon Fate?

According to the memories in the brains of the two researchers, we quickly found the inaccessible area. Unlike several other places, there are actually fully armed guards standing guard, just to see that their direction is not like defending the intruder from the outside, but it looks like it is defending the inside. Could it be said that the defense system can also control movable attackers?

With doubts, we carefully touched one of the guarded gates. Obviously, it is impossible to enter the area over there without disturbing the guards here, at least from here. Ling and I circled a large circle outside the cordon to observe many different intersections, and finally set the target at one of the least guarded entrances. There are only three people guarding this entrance. The reason why you are so Young Master is because the door here has never been opened. Unlike the other entrances, the Americans have tried to invade from those people, so the door has been blasted long ago. , The rest is an unobstructed passage, so a large number of people have to be kept to guard it. On the contrary, the passage blocked by the completely paralyzed gate is safer, and several people are there as a sentry. That's enough.

When we reached the edge of the gate, one of the three guards was sitting in the corridor by the exit, playing a new generation of handheld game consoles, and the other two were chatting against the wall. Obviously, they didn’t mean to be on guard. Anyway, this ghost place has never been opened since humans appeared on Earth. They don’t think that Inner Sect will suddenly open during the time when they are standing guard, so simply Did not take the vigilance mission seriously. Ling and I quietly touched a corner very close to them, and then counted one, two, three and fired three anesthesia needles at three people at the same time. Because of our speed and the fact that the other party was completely defenseless, it was almost a single shot. Get three people. The rest of the work is simple. Ling and I respectively read the memories of three people and modified their memories to erase the segment that saw us, and then put them back to their original positions to put them into a semi-sleep state. We should have entered when they recover.

After finishing the three guards, the two of us successfully reached the closed gate. Just looking at this door is similar to the design on Earth, if you don't know that this is inside an alien battleship, just look at this door and think it is the high-pressure sealed door of which laboratory.

"How do you open this thing?" Ling looked at the door and asked me.

"According to the memory of those guards, this door seems to be sealed, and may need to be forcibly opened!"

Ling said when he heard my words: "Then I will hurry up Go and add another memory to the three guys outside, lest they get up and find that there is a hole in the door running area to alert."

"Go ahead, I'll open the door." After I finished speaking, I I took a slap on the door with my hand. Originally, I was planning to check the firmness of the door before starting. Who knew that after this slap was slapped, a palm-sized square cover suddenly opened on the wall on the side of the door. A layer of something similar to frosted glass was exposed, and Ling and I were both taken aback.

"This seems to be a recognition switch, right?" Ling looked at the panel in surprise and asked me.

"Maybe!" I said, I pressed my hand on the panel. I thought there would be no response. Who knew the panel suddenly lit up, followed by a slight beep. The piercing sound, but what surprised us more was the change in the back. The reminder on the wall actually made a sound, and the most incredible thing was that it was still in Chinese.

The woman’s electronic notification tone said in standard Chinese: "The palmprint information is not logged in. If you need to use the assisted login, please contact the test panel again."

I was surprised. Suddenly, He Ling looked at each other, and then tried to press his hands on the cover again, but this time four metal holders popped out from near the cover with a chuckle and locked my wrist in place with a click. Pierced the wall, and then four slender probes protruded from under the holder, piercing the skin under my wrist like lightning, and automatically retracted it before I had time to react. The four were fixed. The instrument was also automatically retracted after the probe was retracted. After a few seconds of pause, the alert sounded again.

"Beep..." First, there was a clear prompt, which was completely different from the previous slightly harsh prompt, which sounded much more comfortable. "Level 1 DNA code recognition is completed, the connection to the ship's database fails, and the identity information cannot be checked. Confirm the Level 2 pass permit. Please put your palm on the test area again, and the system will log in the temporary pass permit for you."

< p>This prompt stunned both Ling and I. The recognition actually passed? Why does the alien DNA recognition system recognize my DNA code? And it’s obvious that the system connected to this door simply couldn’t find my information. It didn’t know who I was at all. It only relied on a DNA code to give my colleagues permission, which means that my DNA belongs even among aliens. A very special group, otherwise the impossible information will be passed. Of course, there is another possibility that the aliens who built this battleship are a unified group, and their only enemy is other alien races, and the races are very united, so as long as the DNA of the race is found, it will be passed. But this probability is relatively small, and how does my DNA match the aliens? and many more. I am not a human being, but a super creature enhanced by the B13 virus-Dragon Clan. But B13 is not something we made ourselves. It is a genetic sample obtained from an alien’s battleship and restored by Earth’s technology, which means that the restoration work of Dragon Fate has been very successful in restoring our DNA. When it comes to the DNA state of aliens, it means that the original aliens should be a group of creatures with the same DNA as ours. This kind of understanding makes sense.

"Master, what do you want? Hurry up and log in!" Ling couldn't help but push me after seeing me not responding for a long time.

"Ah? Oh!"

I quickly pressed my hand on the test panel, and after the green light flashed on the panel, the prompt sounded again.

"The login information is complete, you have a temporary access permit before the ship's database connection is restored, and you can give orders below Level 3 to this system."

"Orders?" I was surprised Blurted out. This permission not only allowed me to pass through the gate but also gave me a permission to issue orders. Although I don’t know what the scope of this Level 3 command is, at least it is certain that I have been identified by the system as "my own person". The system will provide services to me within the scope of my authority. This change is also a bit surprising. !

"Is there any mistake, this is okay?" Ling couldn't help but put his hand on the panel and tried it. The result was the same as me. The system said it was a person who did not log in. She was also tested for DNA and given a temporary access permit. Obviously, our Dragon Clan DNA is the default DNA here only for people with very high access permissions.

After logging in, Ling and I walked to the door. Before we were going to shoot the door, the door rose by itself. It turned out that this door has been considered broken by the Americans. It needs identification to open! After we entered the gate, the door automatically closed again, so there is no need to worry about leaving a big hole in the door and being discovered by people outside.

After passing through the gate, we started to move carefully, but we didn’t find anything after walking for a long time. Then after thinking about it, I suddenly shouted at the top of my head: "The main system."

As expected, system actually responded to my shouts. "Hello officer, what order do you have?"

"Officer? Why do you call me an officer?"

"DNA analysis shows that your DNA sequence has been strengthened by special forces, but this The ship database has been damaged and your identity information cannot be read. According to the strategic configuration of our army, special forces have strengthened the transformation of the minimum rank of lieutenant or above, so I call you an officer. If you are willing to tell me your specific identity or want me to call you special You can tell the title now, and this system will immediately apply your personal settings."

"Please call me Purple Moon." I didn’t use my real name because I’m afraid that the Americans will come in at this time. system call me by name. The Americans clearly knew that we did this attack, but they just can't publicize it because they have no evidence. If they knew my name, it would be troublesome even if it could not be directly used as evidence.

"Hello Purple Moon. What order do you have?" After changing the name, system began to ask me what order I had.

I thought for a while and said: "I am not on this ship. Do you have a map here?"

"Please use your personal terminal to receive the map."


"My personal terminal was damaged during the battle." I am not an alien, so what kind of personal terminal is there? I don't know if this lie can pass!

The system immediately said without any hesitation: "You can use any electronic device with wireless communication function that you confirm to be safe to receive information or go forward to the third fork and turn right and use the communicator in the passage. Receive the map."

I thought about it and wanted to spread the wireless signal of my electronic brain immediately and said: "Can you detect the wireless device I'm turning on now?"

" An unrecorded wireless device is detected. It is assumed to be Fire Essence 6th-generation personal assistant terminal, but the specific model cannot be inquired. This system can be connected to the device. May I use it?"

connect. What I just turned on is the wireless network mode of my electronic brain, and this system can not only find the signal, but also recognize it as a "Fire Essence sixth-generation personal terminal". From this, it can be determined that our electronic brain should be the same. The technology of the aliens is reversely restored, so it is very similar to the alien’s terminal, but ours is produced by our Dragon Yuan after all, so the system only thinks that this is one of the new ones that has not been certified by it. model.

"Please transfer the map."

When I finished speaking, I immediately felt the wireless connection signal, and then I got an electronic map immediately after the connection was established, which I shared with Ling I started browsing immediately after reading the map. This map is not a plan, but a three-dimensional map. The three-dimensional structure of the entire ship is all on it. It not only indicates the location of the passages and corridors, but also the functions of each room.

After reading the map, I suddenly have a thought. Since this system recognizes my status as an officer, can it accept my order to start this battleship? If it is really possible, then the entire battleship will really be moved back to China! Even if you can't fly back to China blatantly, as long as you stay in the United States, are you afraid that you won't have the opportunity to study?

"Main system, can you fully control this battleship?"

"Yes." System's answer excited me, and Ling also heard what I meant. Waiting for my next command with ears erected.

"Then I hope you can let the battleship take off?"

"The order is accepted." These four words made me almost jumped up with excitement, but system followed. Played a role as a brake. "But it can't be completed."

"What do you mean?"

"All primordial members of this ship have been killed. You currently have the highest authority on this ship, so the order is accepted, but this ship The flight system was damaged and could not be started, so the command could not be completed."

"Oh, I'm so happy!" Lingzai also softened like me.

I thought for a while and said: "I hope to get a report of the damage to the battleship, can you give it to me?"

"The instruction is being executed, please wait a moment."< /p>

This wait took more than a minute, and then the system directly transmitted the damage report to my electronic brain. Obviously, it had already determined that this was my personal terminal. The new damage report is obtained after refining on the basis of the previous map. The original battleship structure diagram has been detailed, and a lot of electrical pipelines and equipment locations have been marked, some of which are displayed in green, and some It becomes yellow with red and black logos. The note next to it is written in green to indicate that it is completely normal, yellow indicates that the device has been damaged but is still functioning temporarily, red is a device that has lost its function but can be repaired, and black is a device that is damaged and has no magic cultivator. We can see from the picture that almost one-fifth of the entire ship is black, red parts account for more than half, yellow equipment accounts for more than one-fifth, and green ones have only a few spots. . However, it is a miracle that an antique that has crashed on Earth for N years can still function. If the whole picture is green, it would be a hell!

"Where is this?" I used my electronic brain to circle several yellow-green concentrated areas in the spaceship state diagram and asked the system.

"The one at the front is the mobile weapons warehouse, the one above the middle is the central control area, which is the area where you are now, and the two behind are where the life-sustaining facilities and the biological weapons incubator are located. "

"That is to say, the most important areas are okay?"

"Yes, because the above areas belong to the most important areas, they have been done before construction All preparations have been made, and these areas have their own automatic maintenance robots. After the ship’s fall, the maintenance robots still work for a long time. Therefore, most of the equipment in these areas still maintains normal functions, especially the biological weapon incubation area. "The main system circled an almost all green area in the status chart. "One-tenth of the maintenance robots in this area can still operate normally, so the intact rate of this area is obviously higher than that of other areas."

"Battle Creature Incubator? You mean the creation of combat creatures. Place?"

"Yes. The combat biological incubator can extract the required biological gene fragments from the gene bank and use the inventory resources to synthesize biological spores, and then use them in the catalytic converter for six to eight hours to catalyze their growth to Adult state. Before the battleship group comes into contact, it can shoot biological missiles containing combat creatures into the opponent's area, and then let the combat creatures land on the enemy ship and penetrate into the battleship to kill its vitality and destroy the battleship system. This is the most economical that has been proven so far. The battle method is especially effective when landing on the planet. As the first stage battle against the mothership of the biochemical battle beast, the ship once created the destruction of 3 million unmanned space interceptors and sinking the Orion Galaxy Convention Organizing leader-level planet fortress records, the biological battle group of our Hualong Federation is considered to be the most cost-effective combat system in the current war system. No one can contend except for the gravity weapon system controlled by the Kaka clan of the Sith Nebula."< /p>

Although the information database of this computer is severely damaged, it is clear that there is still a lot of information surviving. These news about this battleship are only historical news that made me, the Earth creature, stunned. interstellar war! That is something we can't even dare to think about. At best, we have just been able to fight in space now. When we encounter the enemy of this battleship or its owner, we will die if we die.

"By the way, I want to know how you crashed here?"

"This ship was ordered to execute top-secret military operations on September 14, 8217. During the operation, the Karratha Planet Devourer was attacked during the battle. In order to save time, the ship and the fleet activated the wormhole generator for Space Jump, but encountered a star burst during the jump. The ship and the Atlantis biochemical beast The mothership and the electronic battleship Heavenly Palace were caught in the wormhole and lost the space coordinates. When we returned to the normal space, our three battleships were already very close to this planet. Because the power system was destroyed by the turbulence of time and space, we could not get rid of the planet. Gravity is forced to crash on the surface of the planet."

"In other words, you don’t actually know where it is?"

"Yes. When I return to normal space, my The main system started the Nebula Scanning system, but it was unable to match the star map. The only probability that the central host calculated before damage was that we not only passed through the space, but also broke through the time barrier in the wormhole. This should not belong to our federation. A time system."

"Damn, did you cross over here?" Lingcai yelled violently when he heard here. I was also relaxed. Before, I was worried that we might touch it when we emigrate. Such a powerful alien is definitely not an opponent, but now it seems that there is no need to worry about it. He has said that this is not in the same time and space as where he came from, which means that even if we search the universe again, it is impossible to find him. The power that the maker is in.

I thought for a while and wanted to ask: "Did the USS Atlantis crash on the opposite side of this planet?"

"Yes. This ship. It was at the last position in the queue, so I recorded the exact landing locations of the other two battleships."

"Do you think this is the position?" I posted the position of the fourth special zone in China. As a result, the system confirmed the location. In this way, the fourth special zone developed by our country should be the Atlantis. It turned out to be a biochemical battle beast mothership. No wonder, most of the technology analyzed by the dragon fate It's all the technology of biological transformation. After a long time, the ship is dedicated to this! "Well, where is the other electronic battleship?" System immediately gave a coordinate on Earth. I compared the position with the map in my head. Good guy, that electronic battleship was actually buried in Switzerland. How many world wars have turned upside down, but no one moved in Switzerland! After spending a long time there is a baby that is common to all Europe. People say that everyone will hide from that place to fight, so as not to accidentally destroy everyone's common baby.

Now that this ship is basically under our control, I can just use it to get some technical information back. After thinking about it, I immediately asked the main system for all the technical information it stored, but the result disappointed me. It turns out that the system that has been talking to us is not the main system here. In order to ensure that the entire battleship does not lose control due to the paralysis of a certain system during the battle, the system on the alien battleship is divided into several parts. Among them, there is a central system with the highest authority, which is in charge of the entire ship. Under it there is a combat system, a support system, an information system, an internal management system, and a navigation system. Now the other systems on this ship are all scrapped. The only internal management system we are talking about is the most useless system on the ship, but as far as our current situation is concerned, this system is the most useful. Now this ship is rotten. The combat system and the flight control system are basically equipped. The support system has no specific tasks. It is usually responsible for layoffs. Whoever is too busy will automatically mount it. The information system manages communications and intelligence analysis. It's also useless. Only this internal management system can maximize the functions of the remaining equipment of this battleship. After all, the outside of the battleship is all rotten, but the internal equipment is relatively intact. However, although this internal management system is very useful, it just ignores technical information. Originally, the central main system is responsible for the technical data. Under normal circumstances, other systems can call their data. The problem is that the battleship database is damaged, and I can’t check it!

When I heard that there is no ready-made technical information, I had no choice but to retreat. "That, tell you the truth! In fact, I was also drawn here, so now I need to collect as much as possible the materials left by the Federation on this planet to expand my strength as soon as possible, but I lack transportation equipment. If it's you, what do you think should be taken away first will help me the most?" Anyway, this guy is responsible for managing the various equipment inside the battleship. He must know what is most useful.

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