The so-called acting is nothing more than fooling about that kid. I actually like this little fellow. After all, he can be alone outside at such a young age, which shows that he is more independent and smart. As long as an existence like this is well cultivated, the future will definitely be bright.

I first explained his recent mission to Matsumoto Masaka, and then asked him to leave here first. Anyway, he has already obtained the most important skill, and it is time to do his own business. After sending Matsumoto Masaka away, I started to look back and fool this little fellow. Although the little fellow’s intelligence is relatively high, this fake Maiya Nagato still bears the identity of his father after all, so the little fellow believed this without much doubt. The false Zhenye Yonghe's words followed me back to China. Of course, since this little fellow is an NPC, it is definitely not suitable to be placed in Isinger, so in the end I thought for a long time and sent him to the North Pole Star Monarch. Anyway, he is also a genuine Divine Immortal, following Divine Immortal. It's always good to learn something.

After fixing the little fellow’s problem, it’s been almost four or five hours. I simply went back to Isinger and helped the Eagles deal with the downside affairs, and they dealt with them one by one. All looked flattered. Speaking of which I, the president of the guild, is really a bit idle. When such a big guild is established, I haven't had much trouble with it. It's rare for me to do serious things and be watched by people watching monstrous for a long time. Human adaptability is indeed extremely powerful! No matter how abnormal things are, as long as you watch them for a long time, you will adapt. On the contrary, things that should belong to the normal situation suddenly happen and make everyone make a fuss about nothing.

I quit the game after spending a few hours in the guild headquarters. It is estimated that the adjustment and transformation should have ended. The first thing I saw after the connection was cut off was the white ceiling, and a large group of staff were walking around busy beside me. Seeing that I opened my eyes, a technician next to me immediately reminded: "Don't move. There was a little accident just now. It took a little longer. Your things have not been adjusted completely."

" Then I’ll be online for a while!"

"No, it’s just a small action, it can be done in a few minutes." As he was talking, he saw a person next to me walking over and pulling a few electrodes from me. Something like that came down, and then someone pushed a trolley full of electronic instruments and pulled a tube out of the car and said to me: "Take your head down, please."

After lowering his head, he pushed the thing behind my neck, and suddenly a green floating window popped out of my vision, showing a slowly growing progress bar, and there was a string of horses on the progress bar. The rapidly increasing numbers are moving along with the progress bar. In the upper left corner of this floating window is marked "The main battery is being charged...".

"It took you eight hours to install a battery?" I asked in surprise. After all, it turns out that we don't have this thing in our body. Our energy is generally stored in the form of bioenergy. The battery this thing is not convenient to put in the body, and the efficiency is not high, so it has not been installed before.

When I heard my question, an older researcher next to me said: "This is made using the energy technology extracted from the three alien hosts you brought back last time. The new type of battery, we call it atomic battery, although the name is still battery, but it is not at all in principle with the battery you usually see. In short, this thing is very advanced, and the only drawback is probably that the cost is a little higher. "

"How big is this battery? What's the capacity?"

The researcher took a golden light shiny thing from the car next to him with both hands and gave it to me, and I took it Afterwards, I only felt that this thing was very heavy. Of course, it was not that it weighed, but the weight of this thing was a bit unexpected relative to its size. This thing is similar in shape to the common disposable lighters outside, and the size is basically the same, but even a small object of this size weighs 18 kg, and even such a large piece of gold is definitely not comparable to this thing. the weight of.

"Damn, why is it so heavy?"

"The energy storage structure involved is more troublesome to explain, but it is heavier anyway." The researcher finished speaking and continued. Explaining my previous question: "This is the smallest type. You have a total of eight pieces installed in your limbs. There are also two models, one is installed in your electronic brain. , The shape of that is curved, and it is clamped inside your electronic brain. There is another kind of that." He pointed to a piece of golden light shimmering and similar to the shape of a can placed on the remote console. "It's a large one, and one is installed in your abdomen and chest cavity. Do you want to talk about capacity... The electronic brain in your head can support your electronic brain to operate independently for about 100,000 years. Of course, I'm talking about theory. Time, after all, it takes a long time for the battery’s own casing to be chalked. But according to the power consumption of your electronic brain and the storage capacity of the battery, it can indeed work continuously for so many years, and this is still according to you. With the result of the maximum power consumption calculation, if you enter the dormant state, it can basically be regarded as unlimited energy! The storage capacity of the batteries on your limbs is larger than the one in your head, but because of the power consumption of your limbs It is also much bigger than your head, so if you turn on full power operation, these eight batteries together can withstand your continuous exercise for ten years. Of course, this is also a very considerable number, after all, you are unlikely You don’t come back for replenishment for ten years at a time. Even if you go out for ten years, you can’t keep exercising for ten years, right? So you can basically ignore its energy consumption. It’s basically for you personally. It’s considered unlimited energy."

"Since this thing has such a large storage capacity, why do I have two such big ones in my stomach?"

"Oh, this is I forgot. Earlier I said that the battery in your head can last you for 100,000 years. That is to maintain your brain’s vital characteristics and the energy consumption of the electronic brain itself, because you also have super-similar special functions. Electromagnetic transmitters, so I have prepared two large ones for you. Normally, when you use superpowers, energy will be extracted equally from the two batteries, and the power will be released according to the energy in your body, even if you use the strongest output , These two batteries are enough for you to output ten hours continuously. But I think you should generally not use the strongest output, and even if you use it, it will only take a few seconds each time, ten hours absolutely It’s enough for you to use it for a long time."

"Then what if these two batteries fail if we are hit hard? Can the battery in our heads withstand the release of superpowers?"

"Yes, but if you use your maximum power output, it will last for ten minutes at most and it will run out."

I nodded that I understand. But this seems to be a shortcoming situation, don’t worry, firstly, the probability that can hit us is only a head is very low, secondly, even if that happens, we will probably immediately consider running away instead of continuing. I've been fighting, so it's OK to be able to support my head for more than ten minutes to escape.

As soon as the researcher here finished explaining, the researcher in charge who was in charge of our body at the base walked over. "Oh, are you up?"

I'm nodded. "I have been up for a while. I just finished listening to the battery."

old man nodded said: "The battery is not my main attack direction, so I don’t understand it very much, but you have to pay attention to it for a while. You may have to get used to this body. This time we have helped you make a big change, the most important thing is that your body has been completely replaced."

"Huh? Changed it again?"< /p>

"Well, you are the strongest individual after all, so you must ensure that you are using the most advanced technology. We haven’t made many adjustments to the electronic brain, and the main thing is to replace the metal shell of the electronic brain with a new type. Compared with the previous composite materials, this new material has a greater increase in hardness and toughness, and this material has better heat insulation. In case you encounter high temperatures, this electronic brain can at least be at a high temperature of 3,000 degrees. The medium allows you to persist for more than ten hours, and this is still supported by the attribute of the material itself. If you use your energy control ability to shield yourself, the persistence will be longer. Also, your electronic auxiliary system will help you replace it with a new one. A set of computing cores and software have been upgraded, and the computing power has increased by more than 1,300 times compared with before."

"How come we have improved so much? Could it be the one we grabbed back? The technology in the computers of the three aliens?"

"Yes, it is the technology in that thing."

"What else have you modified?"

< p>"The other is the modification of your body. Didn't you have a metal skeleton like a machine skeleton before?"

"en. What's the matter? Did you remove that thing?" "

"That's not it, we replaced you with a new kind of skeleton machine, and used a new type of reinforced ceramic material to replace the original metal material to make the joints, and the main components of the mechanical skeleton were also changed. Become a ceramic, the advantage of doing this is to reduce your weight, and the metal reaction is lower than before. The most important thing is that this reinforced ceramic is thousands of times stronger than metal materials in high temperature resistance, at tens of thousands of degrees. It can maintain normal operation under the power, and the general laser don’t want to cut it. Also, the joint power part of the new skeleton uses a new quantum engine to replace the previous electromagnetic joint. This is also a new thing, and the output is higher than before. More than three times, the energy consumption has dropped by 10%, and the explosive power and continuous output are much better than before. Now even if you don’t rely on muscle tissue, you can just use the power system on this skeleton to rub noodles. The rebar used in the house is rubbed and rubbed. Of course, the main technical advantage of our group is still reflected in biology, so this time we mainly help you strengthen muscle tissue and body organs. Your muscle tissue is now new The biological cells replace the original tissues, and the new muscle groups have improved strength Not much, it has increased by 13.6%. This time it is mainly to improve the stability of the output. In the past, if you continued to lift a heavy object for a long time, the muscles would feel trembling and sour. Now this situation will basically not happen. Unless the energy in the body is exhausted, the body itself will not be fatigued. In addition, the explosive power of the new body is about 70% higher than the original body, and the response time of the muscle group is also shortened by half. Of course, because the original muscle group reacts quickly, this improves you Probably can't feel any changes. "

"Except for muscles, is there any strengthening in other areas?" "

"Well, other enhancements are mainly the addition of a new super-electromagnetic organ in your body. This is mainly to enlarge the volume of the super-electromagnetic transmitter inside your brain, so in When you use this ability, your output power will be greatly improved than before. However, because of the difficulty of accurate calculations in biology, we are not yet sure how much huge might can be generated, but it is certain to increase by several times. If the situation is good, even output a hundred times more power than before. "

I looked at my stomach in surprise after hearing what he said. "The previous system was abnormal enough, now this one is simply superhuman!" "

"Superman is not enough, but he is definitely better than before. However, this transformation is only for you and your subordinates. The other personnel in the base did not use advanced things like yours after the Dragon Clanization, and the super-electromagnetic organ in your stomach is only you and you in the game. Those Dragon Clan members who came out of Familiars and Demon Servants were installed on their bodies. Those Dragon Clan members called Qilin warrior did not install so many things. The batteries in their bodies were not as much as yours. They only installed them. It’s equivalent to the kind of small battery in your arm. "

"Why did we only install all the equipment?" "

"Because these things are too expensive, do you know how much it costs for such a large atomic battery? One hundred million. That's it. The two large ones in your belly cost 2.4 billion renminbi each, and the one in your head is also worth more than 300 million. There are also those quantum engines in your body. The cost of each engine is as high as 70 million renminbi. How many movable joints do you have in your body? "

"The formidable power of a weapon is indeed proportional to the amount of money spent! "I sighed and called out the console in my body. On the one hand, I communicated with the new electronic brain and learned about the various changes in my body. On the other hand, I also took a look at what else was installed on my body. Every time those researchers like to put a lot of weird things on our bodies. No, I soon discovered a new thing. When I raised my arm, there was a ding sound from the index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger of my right hand. Three dark red blades popped out between the three fingers. "Damn, what is this? Have you watched a lot of movies? "

The researcher quickly explained: "This is to prevent you from finding a weapon. There are high-frequency vibrators behind these three blades, which means that these three blades are actually plasma vibrating blades. "As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a buzzing sound from thick to thin to inaudible ear-piercing bangs. The surrounding researchers all instinctively threw off the things in their hands and covered their ears, and at the same time saw the three blades in my hand. The outside became fuzzy as if covered with a layer of fog. The researcher hurriedly shouted: "Turn it off, turn it off! "

"Oh, sorry, I just want to try it! "I said that the thing has stopped.

Several researchers said while rubbing their heads: "You'd better not try this. Cutting everything with a high-frequency blade is almost the same as cutting tofu. "

"Oh! Attention next time! "

"The people at the research institute told me to install it. Anyway, it's just an experiment. If it's really useless, it will be removed in the future. In addition, a similar high-frequency weapon is installed on your finger, but the blade is shorter. But more flexible. "As he was talking about me, he tried it out. I stretched out my fingers and slammed five knives-like blades on my fingers. They were only one centimeter longer than the length, but they really needed to be used. This thing deals with the human body, it is still very scary.

"Apart from these two, what else did you install? "

"Nothing. After all, there are a lot of things in your body, and the chaos basically fills up the space in your body. If your body digestion is much simpler than humans and saves a lot of space, these things really can't fit in! "

Speaking of this digestive system, the digestive system of our Dragon Clan is really weird. To put it simply, it is the rectum. Most of the human digestive system is the intestines, and the soft tubular passages are in the human stomach. The circling and revolving inside occupies a lot of space. When it is straightened, it can be seven meters long. You can imagine how much space it takes to stuff a seven-meter-long water pipe into a person’s belly. This is not a feed. The auxiliary digestive organs such as liver, pancreas, etc. take up the volume. But our Dragon Clan is different. First of all, our intestines are not that long, and the total length is just over one meter. Secondly, we don’t have that many. The auxiliary digestive organ, there is only one stomach. In order to complete the work that a human seven-meter-long intestine can complete in such a short digestive system, our stomach is designed with a multi-layer structure, which is similar to a cow’s stomach. Of course, there is no The cow is so big that we don’t need us to regurgitate. But our stomach can indeed be digested many times, and the acidity in it is many times stronger than that of humans. Although it is not at the same level as the strong acidity of industry, the general food is definitely If you go in, it will be gone. Otherwise, how do they digest so much food every time they eat? In addition, the other organs in our body are also relatively small. Relatively speaking, they are reduced in size on the basis of strengthening functions. After all, our stomachs There are also many electronic systems belonging to mechanical skeletons. It will definitely not work if you don’t make room for it.

Let’s talk here. This will take time. My new battery is finally charged. Disconnect and close the neck. After the opening opening, I jumped off the console. My other pets and summon creatures all went offline and started to move their bodies. The researcher suggested that we go to the weapon experiment area to do some exercises to let the electronic brain and the biological brain coordinate the body. So I took a large group of Dragon Clan members to the weapon experiment area to experiment with various body functions. Although on the surface it seems that the exercise we do is similar to the exercise of ordinary athletes, but people who actually see it will definitely The jaw dropped. I saw a Qilin warrior transformed Dragon Clan member posing on the ground in a squatting starting position, and then suddenly his legs were strong, and the place where he stood was as if he had been bombarded by a cannonball. A large piece of soil immediately flew back, and he himself shot forward like a cannonball. As a result, he rushed out more than a hundred meters at this step before stopping.

The one who is practicing here hasn't stopped, a Dragon Clan member standing on a special platform much higher than the ground grabbed a barbell to experiment with lifting power, but the barbell he used was not A barbell used by ordinary athletes. This thing simply cannot be called a barbell, its main body is actually the root H Shaped steel, this thing is mainly used as a beam or support column in large buildings, but now it is used as a crossbar in the middle of the barbell, and the two ends of this crossbar are connected with two downward H-shaped steels. A huge metal hanging bucket is connected to the two H-shaped steels respectively. Now these two hanging buckets are filled with huge solid metal piers, and each metal pier weighs one ton. The hanging buckets on both sides of the barbell each weigh more than one ton, and the H steel used as the boom itself is eight and a half tons, which means that even if the hanging buckets on both sides don’t put anything, the supporting structure alone already weighs ten tons. The above weight is over, not to mention that there are more than a dozen metal piers on one side, but that's it, the Dragon Clan member still gently lifted the thing and was lifted up.

"No, it's too light, I can't try to limit the output!" He said that the person next to him immediately began to move the metal pier counterweight into the bucket, and soon the total weight was added to 60 tons. The Dragon Clan member felt strenuous, and in the end he kept adding the weight to seventy-three tons before he could not move it. But looking at the deformed H-beam, I was thinking about what would happen when I went up. You must know that the Dragon Clan members transformed by Qilin warrior are not fully modified. Only me and Ling are the ones who are. A truly full-featured modification, if we carry out lifting, we may not be able to lift a hundred tons. If this power is used on humans, it will definitely die if touched.

Here, explosive power and extreme power tests are still going on, and other places are conducting some fine control tests. I read them all and tried them myself. In general Compared with the past, the strength has been greatly increased. I know that father stepping up to strengthen our physical fitness is worried that the last time will happen again. After all, we are a new race different from human beings. It is inevitable that some people will look at us not pleasing to the eye. Before we have absolute numbers, our individual strength is the best way to ensure our safety.

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