"Purple Moon, you bastard!" Honglian Phoenix jumped up from the ground like a mad dog, and then rushed towards me quickly, but I shook my wrist just halfway through her rush Throwing a row of black balls again, scared her halfway and turned offensive to defend, but was still thrown back by a few black balls behind.

"Go crazy and send it back to your mother. I am not your nanny. We are enemies, remember?" The meaning of ridicule in my words is very obvious. I couldn't help it, but in the end she endured the breath.

"Very well, I remember what you said." Guren Phoenix angrily threw down this sentence and got up and ran in the other direction. I didn't kill her because now I kill her. It has no meaning at all.

When Guren Phoenix ran away, I turned to Maya Yonghe and said, "Are you connected with Hei Qilin?"

"No." Maya Yonghe replied: "I'm just black The Avatar left by Qilin is only a puppet-shaped Avatar. It is not even fully aware, and even if no one attacks me, I will dissipate on its own after a while."

"Then Do you intend to stay with the black Qilin...?"

"Black Qilin means to use this identity to gain some benefits as much as possible. Even if the black Qilin can't use it, it can be used to buy people's hearts in the future."< /p>

"Buying people's hearts?" I looked at Maiya Yonghe in surprise. "Black Qilin would actually think of buying people's hearts. This world has really changed!" When I said this, I suddenly felt the call bell on the game helmet rang, but the other party just pressed the call and did not initiate the forced exit. "I have something, you can do it a little bit."

I chose to quit the game after I took off the helmet and saw a researcher standing next to him, and he said before I asked him. stand up.

"You don’t need to get up. There is no major event, just let you know. The base has just created something new and needs to replace you physically, so I suggest you switch to the wireless network mode during this time. And never go offline within eight hours."

"Is that all?"

"Yes. That's it."

I nodded. "Then we have to go to the laboratory now and then?"

"You can come by yourself, or we can carry you over."

"Then I still Go over by yourself!"

I called off the physical monsters and summon creatures, and then everyone ran to the experimental area and lay on the experimental platform, and then used the wireless network to reconnect. Switch back to the game, what should everyone do?

Maya Yonghe saw me appear again and immediately asked: "Is it resolved?"

I am nodded. "By the way, I want to ask you something. Do you have super skills here?"

"Super skills?"

"That's the kind of super formidable power skills."


"There are some, but the requirements are quite demanding."

"That's natural. If super skills can be thrown at will like magic missiles without side effects, it will not allow People alive?"

"Oh, then you come with me."

The next thing is much simpler. The battle at the birthday banquet was quickly over, but although the troubled Japanese were driven away, but the gifts have already been received, so this Maiya Yonghe did not lose much. During this period, I introduced Matsumoto Masaka to Maya Yonghe, and then I helped Matsumoto Masaka to get some super skill scrolls from Maya Yonghe, but because these things belong to the black Qilin, I also gave them all sorry. Go, only two pieces can be taken out. However, not all of these two items were for Masaga Matsumoto, because one of them was my favorite.

First of all, the super skill selected by Masaga Matsumoto is called "One Strike", but I think it should be called "One Hit" because its effect is to stack 100 million attacks in one attack. Of course, you can choose to make these billion attacks all hit one person, or spread over a group of people. In short, group attacks can be singled out. With Matsumoto's attack power, if all 100 million attacks are added together, even if I can withstand it, I still have two questions. Others basically don't need to think about it. Of course, super skills are super skills, and the restrictions are still relatively large. First of all, this skill is required to be used when the magic power is full, but it can also be used when the magic power is dissatisfied, but if you lack the magic power, you will have to pay double the HP to offset it, so if the magic power difference is relatively large Using this trick is basically the same as suicide. But it's good to use it to kill one of the strongest enemies or kill a few stronger people on the other side.

While Masaga Matsumoto was excited to check my skills, I was also checking my new skills. Actually, I only planned to get a skill scroll for Masaka Matsumoto. I didn’t plan to have super skills at all. After all, the black Qilin of this level, it’s really not good to owe favors, so I don’t want to take him too much. thing. However, when selecting skills for Masaga Matsumoto, I discovered this super skill that is tasteless to others, but for me it is a super skill, so that I would rather owe favor to me and still take this skill.

The name of this super skill is "learning". It sounds like a very strange skill, and its actual effect is indeed quite different. There are no requirements for the use of this skill, no matter what occupation or level you are, as long as you are a player, you can use it. The price is that your physical and magical attack power will drop to one third of the normal value after the skill is activated, and since this skill itself does not consume any attribute value, it is theoretically possible to use this skill 24 hours a day. . However, although this skill will reduce the user’s attack power to the normal value of one third, it has a loophole, that is, this attribute does not affect the user’s summon creature, which means that if I activate this skill, the actual attack Only myself is the one who has lost power. My familiars and summon creatures are unaffected and can still fight normally. In this way, the cost of this skill can be said to be negligible for me, but its effect can be used for a long time for me.

This skill is called learning, as the name implies, it means to assist learning. There are two effects it exhibits in the game. One is that the EXP obtained in all battles will increase by 50%, and an all-weather experience enhancer is equivalent to open. The second effect is that if the enemy uses the skill in front of you after activating this skill, then you have a 5% probability of learning this skill, and this so-called enemy does not refer to the enemy in the usual sense, but refers to the enemy in the usual sense. The opponent you are fighting against, that is to say, you can also learn the skills of the opponent by the way when you are fighting with your own people, which is almost the same as cheating.

For average players, although this skill speeds up the acquisition of EXP, because their attack power is reduced, the speed of killing the enemy must also be reduced, and even the enemy can’t be beaten, which leads to The average player can't use this skill after learning it. On the contrary, I can't be affected by this restriction. Anyway, the damage output of my familiar is higher than that of my own. The decrease in my own damage does not affect my total damage output too much. On the contrary, the experience-enhancing attribute is useful for people with many familiars like me. It’s bigger, because I have more familiars. After getting the same EXP, I have to multiply it by the number of my familiars. In this way, the total EXP increased by me is actually more than the average person, although these experiences are divided into different ones in the end. On the head of the demon pet, but after all, the total number has increased, so it can be considered as an increase in my leveling speed. Besides, I have a very special source of experience-guild experience dividends. Because I am the guild leader, I can get extra experience dividends in the big battles of the Frost Rose League. This setting was originally intended to make up for the losses caused by the guild commanders’ lack of time to level up due to their work, but I don’t care much about the guild’s work, and our guild’s endless battles in the South and North, so this An experience income is simply a free gift for me, and the amount is super large. What's more perverted is that this super skill called learning will even give me 50% more experience than that, which is simply huge profits! According to this EXP calculation, I can barely move up to the level now, maybe I can jump up again.

Because of the above benefits, I couldn’t help but take such a skill, and I decided to keep this skill active from time to time in the future. Unless necessary, I will resolutely leave it alone. . Anyway, this skill does not consume any attributes, and it only reduces the attack power. My defense and speed have not decreased. In case of an enemy sneak attack, I can still block the opponent’s attack. Then I need to turn off this Skills can also be determined by the situation. It is really a necessary skill for home travel to upgrade and fight monsters!

After I got the skills, I inquired about some recent trends of the black Qilin from Maiya Yonghe. Although this Maiya Yonghe does not have the ability to directly contact Black Qilin, he knows all the things that Black Qilin experienced before he was created, so I still got a lot of news from him, and one of them was about Celestial Court. Yes, it seems you can make good use of it.

After inquiring about the black Qilin, I suddenly remembered that there was someone who had forgotten me, and quickly asked Maiya Yonghedao. "By the way, before I came here, I caught a little Ghost God. He called himself Zhenye Chizi and said that he was your son. But weren't you created by the black Qilin? Is he yours? Or another of the black Qilin A power Avatar?"

Maya Yonghe quickly explained: "This Maye Yonghe is not a character who emerged from the void. There was actually a Ghost God here called Maye Yonghe, but it was later destroyed by the black Qilin. Then I was created to take the seat of Maye Yonghe, but that true child of Maye Yonghe was genuine, the son of Maye Yonghe. When the black Qilin attacked Maye Yonghe, he did it secretly. Later I found out that he had taken over his position. Such a cheap son, but at that time Black Qilin had already left, and you know my strength, you can't borrow someone else's hand if you want to get rid of him, so I had to keep it!"

I nodded . "If it's not yours, I will deal with it myself, and you will save trouble in the future. But you have to help me act out the scene."

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