The succubus rushed towards me, which can be said to be just right for me. With a flick of the wrist, the two dragon's tendons were released from the half-moon at the same time. After the stretched straight dragon's tendons suddenly unhooked, they immediately bounced back like a stretched rubber band. The speed was definitely faster than normal swings by more than N. Times. The succubus knew it was bad when she heard the wind behind her, but she didn’t expect something to come so fast. Although Ryujinsuo and her were moving in the same direction, Ryujinsuo still swept her in the blink of an eye. On the back.

P..."Ah!!!" With a crisp whip sound, the succubus's wings suddenly flicked, and he couldn't help but screamed. Taking advantage of her pain, I suddenly accelerated and rushed forward, and slammed the succubus's chest with the dragon shield hung on my shoulder. In fact, the succubus was ready to intercept when she saw me rushing over, but she didn’t expect that I didn’t use a sharp weapon to attack, but instead hit her with a shield. As a result, although her hand was holding the shield, But because of lack of strength, I slammed her back with her hand and hit her on her chest.

I quickly stepped back after a successful blow, and the facts proved that my choice was correct. Although the succubus is not very good at fighting on its own, it is just not good at it, not at all. Moreover, this is only a Divine Grade succubus, even if the melee skills are poor, it will not be much worse than ordinary creatures. I just hit her and was retreating. Before I could get away, I felt the impact of one after another from the shield, and at the same time, there was a huge explosion and high temperature.

"Yes, you are much better than the average succubus!"

"This is just the beginning!" The succubus suddenly swooped toward me, and I continued to drop. , And finally fell to the ground altogether, and the succubus also followed me to the ground. "Why? Now I know I'm afraid?"

"no no no, I'm just thinking if you fall on the ground, can you still have the same speed in the air?"

Hear The succubus was obviously taken aback by my words, and at this time she was taken aback, the "I" who had been talking to her suddenly changed. A werewolf who is more than two meters tall and looks very strong wearing a gorgeous Battle Armor is standing where I was originally standing. The succubus was even more puzzled after seeing the change in "I". "Do you think that turning into a werewolf can scare me?"

"no no no, I didn't intend to change at all." Although this sentence is nothing, the position it came out of Only the succubus was taken aback. She suddenly bounced like an electric shock and dared to turn around five meters away to observe the situation, and what she saw was another one that looked like me, but looked a little different, "I" was standing where she just stood. . The reason why she had such a big reaction just now was because she suddenly discovered that the voice was coming from behind her. What if the person who was speaking did not choose to speak but directly attacked?

"Are you...Purple Moon?" This succubus and I only met for the first time. Naturally, her memory of my appearance is not very clear. Now suddenly I see a long one who is very close to me. She looked like someone who was wearing completely different equipment. She was a little confused for a while.

"You can say I am Purple Moon, or you can say I am not Purple Moon." The "I" who appeared behind her said with a smile. "Now introduce myself, I am the Avatar of Purple Moon's subject, representing reason and conspiracy. The big dog over there is the warrior Avatar of the subject, representing desire and wildness, and our subject adult... "

"Naturally, I am responsible for the most important thing." When this sentence was said, the succubus almost jumped up again, but it was a pity that she had no chance to jump this time. Because a hand that stretched out from the void had already wrapped her shoulder from behind and locked her throat tightly. The succubus was planning to struggle desperately after discovering that his neck was locked, but another hand suddenly stretched out in front of her and shook a finger in front of her. "I advise you to stay still, if my hand accidentally squeezes your small white neck, it won't be fun!" While saying this, the shoulders and body behind the arm started Gradually, I gradually emerged from the darkness, completely flawless.

"It seems that I underestimated you!" The succubus became much more honest after feeling the pressure on her neck. Even the Divine Grade succubus, in the aspect she is least good at There is still no guts to take risks.

"This has nothing to do with whether you look down on me or not." I gradually tightened my arms, put the succubus around my chest, and then placed my chin on her shoulders against her. Said the ear. "Your real mistake is that you are too arrogant, thinking that only your charm skills and Illusion Technique are the strongest in the world, but I don't know that there are experts in this area in my familiar. In fact, from the very beginning of us After breaking away from the familiars controlled by you, we are already not in the normal space."

"What? This is an illusion?" The succubus was really taken aback this time. She didn't react so much when I caught it. "How did you do it? I mean how did you put me into the illusion?" The succubus looked very excited, she even wanted to turn around to face me and talk, but my hand controlled her The key to her, so she could not break free.

"hahahaha! It's not a trivial thing to put you into the illusion. Tell you, no one can escape the illusion attack of the baby adult." A super cute teddy bear suddenly jumped out and pointed to the succubus loudly Announcing: "My baby is a god in the illusion, hurry up and worship me!"

Although this guy said something in an imposing manner, it is a pity that his teddy bear shape It's too cute, so after saying this remark, not only is there no imposing manner at all, it makes people want to laugh.

"Little fellow stayed there. If it weren’t for my fantasy Camouflage Technique, you want to be fake and real because of your children’s playground-like illusion?" Emiennes pinched one of the teddy bear’s ears. He mentioned the ravages in his arms and said, "The succubus lady over there, don’t think that your fantasy is the most perfect. You must know that your ability is only to modify the consciousness of others and let others treat the general environment as an environment. The baby really created a world. Of course, although it is a bit naive."

The baby, the demon pet speaking of which, is indeed quite different. Want to say he is weak? He is indeed quite weak, as long as someone finds out, just go up to three peasants and use a hoe to turn him over. But what if he is strong? He is also really strong. He can create an independent fantasy world and pull all target creatures in reality into this fantasy world. Although the illusion he created is either a candy house or a puppet, after all, it is a world with its own operating rules. Although it is a bit naive, its essence is the same as the Great World we live in, but the rules are different. In other words, the baby actually has the similar abilities to the creation star, but his ability is the weakened and weakened version of the formidable power of the creation star. But this is not a problem now, because I have matching pets and summon creatures to use.

Emmenes is an illusion Goddess, her illusion can be described as the culmination, and can even create a substantial effect within a certain range. Unlike a baby creating an independent world, Emmenes’ ability is to interfere with the basic rules of an existing world, and to make a certain part of it appear according to her imagination. This is how Emmenes’ Illusion Technique is produced. When Eminis and the baby cooperate, you can let the baby create a world template first, then Eminis will polish it, and finally pull all the target characters into this world, so that even Divine Grade powerhouse rushes into the illusion for a while No abnormalities were found in between. The succubus in front of me suffered a big loss because of this reason. In this world, the baby is the creator of the world. Although he cannot completely control the world he created, he still has no problem affecting its operation within a certain range. Said it is also the world he created. I just borrowed the baby's law interference ability to complete the action of teleportation and breakthrough space. As a result, the succubus was caught without any reaction.

Actually, the succubus was not only the baby and Eminis who had dealt with the succubus just now. There is also a gorgeous tree near us that is very beautiful and obviously inconsistent with the surrounding forest. It or she is me. One of the guild guards-Rainbow Tree Demon. The specialty of the rainbow tree is to produce paralytic nerve poison qi and stabilize Spiritual Fluctuation. Its direct effect is to make people want to sleep, and more powerful creatures are generally not hypnotized by it, but not being hypnotized does not mean not being hypnotized. Influence, at least the rainbow tree can greatly reduce the alertness and reaction speed of powerful creatures, just like being drunk. Although they can move, their reaction will become slow and their judgment will be abnormal.

With the cooperation of the nerve poison qi released by the rainbow tree, the phantom world jointly created by the baby and Emenis completely deceived the succubus, so that until she was caught, she thought she was in In the real world.

"This little thing made this world?" Although it looks cute, the baby's energy response is extremely strong. I noticed this after he became my favorite. After all, it is not so easy to create a world. If a baby is really as harmless as it seems, it is absolutely incapable of creating a world. Although the succubus is not a switch to the energy system, it is still a spell user after all, and will still have some sensitivity to the amount of energy. Otherwise, how do they cast spells?

Suddenly, I took the succubus in my hand hard, and she was spinning around and was thrown out by me. When she regained her sense of direction, she found that she was in the hands of my warrior Avatar, let alone running It's impossible to do even a single move at all.

"Well, since you are now my captive, should the right to ask questions belong to me?"

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