"hahahaha......!" Seeing my expression succubus seemed very happy. "The guy with overestimate one's capabilities actually wants to take advantage of my injury. Now I will let you know what the consequences of dare to humiliate me!"

"Wait!" Seeing that succubus seems to be It was about to launch an attack, so I hurriedly called to stop.

"Do you have any last words to explain?"

"No, no. I just want to explain that I didn't mean to take advantage before."

"Do you think I can believe?"

I shook the head myself. "But this is true. We met your subordinate before, that is Lich. According to his description, you don't seem to want to meet people, so we have to take a more extreme method to see you!"

"Would you go to meet a stranger you don't know if you were injured and killed?"

I shook the head again. "But please believe that we really needed to see you before we adopted this method!"

"Well, this Queen has a lot, I will let you finish the matter and then kill you. "Speaking of this, she paused suddenly, and then said: "Don't think that delaying time will allow them to recover from the state of charm. My strength was not fully restored before, so they were able to break free. It is only a few days in my current state. They won't recover in time!"

It's really troublesome. It's the first time I have come across such a smart creature so far. I was there just now to talk nonsense with her just to delay the time for my familiars to recover. Although she can charm them again, my plan is to throw away those familiars and summon creatures that cannot withstand the charm when they recover. Back to the Phoenix Dragon Space and the Gate of the Earth, even though my familiars are reduced, it is equivalent to abolishing the charm of the succubus, and a succubus that cannot use charm is basically toothless. Tigers are almost the same. But the problem now is that this guy is so smart, she can think of anything I think of, not to mention she doesn't care if I take time.

Looking at me not talking for a long time, the succubus said triumphantly: "What's wrong? Can't find an excuse? I advise you to obediently let me kill it, or else you and your own demon I have to fight for pets first, how hurt?"


"hahahaha...what's wrong? Now I know I'm anxious?"


"Purple Moon, don't waste time with her, we might not lose to her if we try hard." Masaga Matsumoto also flew up from the forest below at this time, and now he has to hide underneath. Obviously it doesn't make any sense anymore. Our previous plan was to use my familiar and me to force the succubus to the ground, and then Masaga Matsumoto and the others would take the opportunity to sneak attack. With the defensive power of the succubus, as long as the sneak attack succeeds, the battle can be ended directly, but we didn't expect mountain road twists around each new peak, and now it turns out that we are going to die!

When I heard Matsumoto's words, I also decided to stop talking about her. Anyway, it is not easy for her kind of intellectual creature to deceive, and it depends on the strength to speak in the end. The succubus probably also saw that I was about to do it, so she rushed in front of me and directed my Familiar that was controlled by her to rush towards me.

The first thing that came to me was the darts. Among my favorites, he was the fastest. I just had the intention of attacking and the darts suddenly rushed over, white light flashed, I only came to the side and found that my face was wiped. If it weren't for the helmet, my face would definitely be covered. Slashed away. But the dart attack is only interference, the real attack is actually behind. I know my familiars very well, but the succubus doesn’t know them, so she can only let the controlled familiars decide the battle method by themselves, and because my familiars cooperate with each other for a long time, they will keep the previous ones even if they are controlled. Fighting habits, so I can say that I know their attack routines well. "Go down." I flung a wing after the dart attack, and my body rose up. The bird’s supersonic assault happened at this time, and it rushed to where I was just now, which is now below me. I stepped on Asuka's back with my feet, and I jumped up and rushed towards the succubus with the power of that foot.

The succubus saw me rushing over and immediately hid it. Lucky and plague flew before me and the succubus to separate us, and then luck was a claw wave In the past, this is a habit of lucky. When he encounters an enemy, the 1st move must be a slap with his claws. As my first familiar, I know the lucky movements very well. Lucky claws, with the wings retracted, a dive slid from under the luck, followed the wings spreading and slamming a few times, turning sideways and flashing the tail that was slammed down by the luck, and then flapping the wings again to accelerate the charge towards the succubus Past. The plague originally followed luck, and his habitual action was dragon flame spray, but because I got under the luck, the plague didn't attack in order to avoid spraying luck. Although they are all controlled by the succubus now, it is precisely because they are also under the control of the succubus, so the plague will be lucky to be a companion, so I successfully avoided the plague's dragon flame attack. You know that the dragon flame of the plague is much harder to flash than the lucky claws. Long Yan itself is fan-shaped spray, its area is very large, so close distance is really not easy to hide.

After successfully flashing two dragons, I slammed sideways, and a dazzling beam of light flew over my wings. I even felt the burning sensation on my body. That beam was the magic light bombardment of the tank, and if it really hits, I will have half my life left. Several interceptions didn't work, and the succubus was obviously a little nervous. While flying backward, she continued to direct my other familiars to stop me, but my familiars were too widely distributed. The two of us chased and the other escaped and we had already ran far away, and the controlled familiars could not quench our near thirst. There is no time for rescue.

Matsumoto Masaka seemed to see my intentions. He suddenly flew behind me, then turned around and shot a white light and shadow to force the controlled monsters who were catching up to come back. And Yeyue and the others who were not controlled also immediately stood near Matsumoto Masaga to help intercept those controlled ones, so that my plan was half successful.

Actually, my intention of speaking of which is very simple. Because the succubus is not good at fighting, she will run away first when she sees me approaching, and find a way to let my familiars deal with me. I just use this to force her to retreat, and I myself go through the defenses of the familiars. The line drove her far away, and the controlled familiars behind were intercepted by my other familiars and Masaga Matsumoto, so that I would have driven the succubus away from my many familiars and summon creatures. . Succubus is not terrifying, her control ability is the most terrifying. As long as she is not allowed to come into contact with a large number of creatures, I will single her out to be safer.

The succubus at first just didn’t want to fight me head-on, but she was so smart, she found that the situation was not right after running for a while, and then she guessed what I meant, so she turned around and thought again Fly back, it's a pity that I won't let her easily do as she wishes.

"You and Smart, you know that you want to separate me from the creatures that can be controlled by me!" This time I changed to a succubus and started to drag time, but she is smart and I am not stupid, she can guess When it comes to my intentions, I can naturally guess her intentions. She just wanted to delay time so that my familiars under her control could chase me and surround me again.

"Let’s not waste time anymore, I know what you mean, I won’t let you do it, let’s do it quickly!" I said and didn’t wait for her to answer Rushing over, the succubus immediately flew to the side. I pointed to her escape direction: "Go." The small ring of commandment behind suddenly disintegrated, two and a half months one after another flew over to completely cut off the escape route of the succubus, forcing her to retreat. return.

When Ban Yue blocked her way, I flew towards her, and the succubus began to flap its wings and flew backwards, trying to get away from me. Anyway, she made up her mind not to fight me head-on, and she would never do anything if she didn't drive her to a dead end.

Although the succubus has been hiding, my speed itself is comparable to hers, and she is flying backwards, so the speed is naturally not as fast as I am, and I was soon brought closer to normal Attack distance. As soon as I raised my hand with two pops, the dragon tendons on both arms flew out immediately. The succubus saw the dragon-jinsuo flying over and immediately turned his head and let it go, but she heard two dings and dings right after her, and when she looked back, she found that the two cable heads were actually nailed to two and a half months. .

After the head of the dragon's tendons was hung on Banyue, Banyue was dragged by Banyue to stretch the thin dragon's tendons straight. Like flying a kite, I pulled two and a half months to direct their actions. After only half a month, they crossed in the distance, and the two dragon tendons immediately crossed. The succubus retracted its wings in a panic, his body suddenly fell, and two dragon tendons crossed over her head like sharp knives, cutting off a strand of her hair by the way.

The succubus waited for the dragon's tendons to fly past before stopping, and only then did she notice a strand of hair falling from her. After catching the small piece of hair, she smoothed her hair to the front in surprise, and then found out that it was her own hair after a comparison. She immediately screamed at me with two eyes burning with anger. "You really make me angry now!"

"What can I do if I get angry? Is it possible for us to have a peace talk before?"

"Well, you give me I remember what I said." The succubus suddenly rushed towards me with his wings, which surprised me a bit. She didn't expect that she would give up the tactic of running away and take the initiative to meet her, but this is exactly what I expected. The speed of the two of us is actually the same. If she really refuses to fight me, I don't think I can catch up with her. It would be best if she is willing to take the initiative to fight.

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