After a quick explanation from the player, we finally figured out what was going on. In fact, this incident is not so surprising, or that it is simply a matter of success. Because of the harmful insect, the war was ended early on Nobunaga Onitou.

As a result, Nobunaga Onishen also encountered the same problem as ours. The mercenaries holding a large number of mercenaries in his hands are to be released or kept. In order to let these soldiers play their due role as soon as possible, so as not to drag their own economy, Guishou Nobunaga also wants to

A similar approach to ours is to start war. But the problem now is that our guild is obviously well prepared. If we fight with us, it will not be a surprise attack but a courting death. Especially after Nobunaga oni has witnessed my super battle strength with his own eyes, he has no guts to fight with me.< /p>

Spelled it. However, I was not the only person that Nobunaga Ghost had to deal with. If he couldn't do it with us, he found another target, and this target was Masaga Matsumoto. The reason why the player was so anxious just now is because the city managed by Masaka Matsumoto is now being hacked by Nobunaga Onihand. If we don’t take action, the city may change hands at any time.

"Don't panic first, we will figure out a solution right away."

"Boss, can you send someone to help you with the specific method and think about it? We are really here. I can't stand it anymore!"

I frowned and said: "But the problem is that you are now a Japanese force! How can I help you? It is not difficult to send troops to rescue you, but I am Everyone knows that you and I are wearing a pair of trousers. In the future, you will still have a fart in Japan.


The player was also taken aback when I said this. NS. Maybe he was too anxious to forget this before, but now I remind him of it. How can I pretend to be Japanese power after I dispatched troops? "Um... but if you don’t help, what about the city

? We finally managed to grab such a few cities. This time we lost three of them, and now we have the largest one. The city of crystal! If this is lost again, won’t we have to start over again? We have worked so hard to build such a power

It’s not easy!"

" I also know it's difficult for you. Isn't this just thinking of a way? Don't make a noise and let us discuss what we can do." After finishing talking, I was afraid that the guy would yell at me and had to turn off the communication first. "What do you think? I asked Rose and the others."

"There is no need to think about sending troops directly. You are right." Hong Yue first affirmed my thoughts. "The question now is how can we try to prevent others from discovering that we are in a gang with him on the premise of helping Matsumoto Masaka." Kristina said: "Do you have one in China? What relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers? Is it possible to use it?"

As a European, you can understand relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers. Complicated Chinese theory is not easy, but Kristina obviously made things simple. Before I could speak Hong Yue, I objected: "Of course you don’t think about such a complicated

in the European way of thinking, but the Japanese and Chinese strictly speaking of which are actually not much different. , Our culture is very similar, and we know them as well, relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers. Although it doesn’t seem to be helping Matsumoto directly, as long as Nobunaga is not an idiot. p>

I can react."

"The key point of this matter is still on the Japanese side." Rose suggested: "It's better to change our thinking mode. Why should we help Matsumoto Masaga? "

"Don't help him...!" Hong Yue originally wanted to object, but as he spoke, he gradually figured out, and his voice became smaller and smaller. "Putting it that way, maybe it's really good!"

"What are you talking about?" Kristina looked at the three of us with a question mark, trying to figure us out What are you talking about, but it’s a pity that our thoughts are more responsible. With Kristina’s rectal character, it’s probably a lifetime

that we can’t think of anything.

Looking at her anxiously asking me to explain to her directly, and by the way, confirm whether Rose and Hong Yue thought the same. "We mean not to help Masaka Matsumoto, but to let the Japanese help him."

"Let the Japanese help him?" Kristina asked with an unfathomable mystery face. Said: "That...does our guild hide a secret force lurking in Japan?"

Rose took over my words and explained for me: "He is not talking about our guild forces. , It’s an ordinary Japanese player."

"But how can we command the Japanese?"

"Of course it depends." Rose pointed to her head . "An ancient Chinese allusion said that the generals of an army are divided into three levels. The strongest generals can command the enemy's army, the general generals can command their own army, and the worst generals can command their own company.

The troops are not well commanded."

Kristina's head shook like a rattle after listening. "I still don't understand. Can you just say what you are going to do?"

I thought about it for a while and wanted to explain: "It's actually very simple. We don't help Matsumoto Masaka, on the contrary we have to send troops to attack him. , And it’s not a fake fight but a real full attack."

"Will Matsumoto Masaka’s forces collapse in an instant?"

"Wrong." Rose took me. The words explained: "Do you think that the Japanese character will watch us hit Matsumoto Masaka and ignore it?"

Christina shook the head. "I'm not quite clear, I guess It shouldn't be watch it! Are they all Japanese after all?" Rose nodded continued: "That's right. Even Matsumoto Masaga and Ghost Souvenir The long is not the same, but at least Matsumoto Masaka’s forces seem to be Japanese forces. Even if Oni Shou Nobunaga doesn’t want to help, he can do it, otherwise ordinary Japanese players will feel it.

Get Oni Shou Nobunaga Only fighting the civil war, it is a typical nest. Once such a reputation spreads, the blow to Onizu Nobunaga will be more serious than the gains and losses of several cities, so even if Onizu Nobunaga is unwilling, he must send troops. Help withstand our offensive."

"I understand." Kristina happily testified: "Onitaka Nobunaga impossible while helping Matsumoto Masaka to block our army so that we can continue the attack. Matsumoto Masaka’s city, so they will inevitably stop attacking the city. This is equivalent to indirect

Resolving Matsumoto Masaka’s siege. You Chinese have a special idea!"

< p>"In fact, it is far from that simple." I added: "Since there is such a chance, I think I should just make it bigger."

"Bigger?" Kristina has another look. Looking at me in a daze, I don't know what it means to be bigger.

Rose explained on my behalf: "Didn’t it say that we are going to transfer our troops to Japan to fight a big battle and consume the extra troops?"

Kristina nodded . "Yeah. But what does this have to do with saving Matsumoto Masaka?"

"Of course it does! Anyway, the rescue of Matsumoto Masaka is to fight a battle, so we just use it. This time we attacked the city of Masaka Matsumoto as the starting point for the battle. After that, we directly pushed the crystal city occupied by Masaka Matsumoto in a spurt of energy."

"Huh? Push it away?" Kristina was startled. "Aren't we still discussing how to save Masaga Matsumoto? Why did it turn upside down again?"

"It's not the other way around, it's just a little bit later in time." Rose explained: " We first flatten the city of Masaka Matsumoto, which is equivalent to completely squeezing Masaka Matsumoto into the Japanese collective. After all, after this battle, no one will doubt Matsumoto Masaka again.

There is a connection with us. Besides, the city of Masaka Matsumoto is about to be broken anyway. Even if it is flattened by ourselves, the actual loss is not very large, because we are not pushed by Oni Shou Nobunaga. We It’s impossible to get it

. Although we flattened the Crystal City in this attack, Nobunaga, who was forced to stand in the front, would definitely lose a large number of troops because of it. He will use fuel tactics to constantly attack the Japanese territories. Even if Nobunaga can free up his hands

, he cannot do anything against Masaka Matsumoto. Because even if Masaka Matsumoto loses the city, he still remains a Japanese influence. Nobunaga Onité does not want to bear the reputation of being a civil war maker and cannot touch Matsumoto Masaka, and Matsumoto Masaka can continue to fight even though he has no city. After all, he

the soldiers under him are still there. After that, we can consciously manipulate the results of the battle so that Masaga Matsumoto wins more than Nobunaga Onite, so ordinary Japanese players will feel that Masaga Matsumoto is better than Nobunaga Onite, and then the prestige of Onite Nobunaga will continue. Down

, Masaka Matsumoto will have more and more subordinates. We can gradually consume the extra NPC troops in the process of the changes in the strength of both sides, and at the same time, we can compete for War through repeated cities. General Onitou Nobunaga’s city was snatched and lost to Matsumoto Masaga, and

We can also transfer a part of the Japanese cities we control to Matsumoto Masaga in the process, and finally wait for the battle. At the end, it is estimated that the actual strengths of Nobunaga Onita and Masaga Matsumoto should be basically about the same."

Kristina stretched out a thumbs up and shouted: "I admire and admire! I'm just Thinking about how to solve this crisis, you guys even planned the future distribution of Japan's power by the way, very awesome!"

Rose said with a smile: "I am not good at fighting, so I have to be a bit talented. Okay? Okay, now that the plan has been finalized, let's execute it quickly! Don't wait until Masaga Matsumoto can't defend it before starting a war, the effect will be compromised!"

"Yes, yes, yes, we have to hurry up."

I said hurry up. In fact, if you want to mobilize a large force quickly, it does not raise. But since it was decided to use the refueling tactic before, then there is no need to invest once. There are too many troops, so we gathered the troops that can quickly reach the War Zone area first, and reluctantly let me

we put together hundreds of thousands of troops, plus our guild’s elite Combat team As well as our high-end martial power, the actual battle strength is also very impressive.

By the time we arrived next to the Crystal City, the battle was at its final moment. The city wall of the Crystal City was missing several sections from the east and the west, and there was no longer Matsumoto Masaka’s on the city wall. People, obviously the battle has reached the stage of street fighting. Although

There are guns and magic, the tone of "Zero" is still based on cold weapon combat. In modern warfare, the street fighting that has caused a lot of headaches for many troops is the simplest here. At this stage, there is no suspense about the victory or defeat. Most guilds will surrender as long as the city wall is breached and will not engage in street fighting at all. Since Crystal City has entered the street fighting mode, it is not far from the end of the battle. Fortunately, we are still catching up.

Due to the need to mobilize troops, Rose stayed in Isinger and did not follow. In the end, only Hong Yue and Kristina came with me. As soon as I saw the situation at the scene, Hong Yue asked nervously. Said: "It seems that the situation is not optimistic! I don't know if we can't catch up yet


"I hope Matsumoto Masaga can withstand it!" I watched Looking at the densely packed Japanese players and NPC Legion outside the city wall, they quickly took out the crystal communicator to connect to the god of war. The combat command of this guild is all in charge of the military gods. We battlefield commanders are only responsible for

large tactical and strategic commands. The military gods will break down our commands into individual Individual instructions from NPC soldiers and players are for them to execute. Although it lacks human creative thinking, I have to admit that computers are really much better than humans in dealing with huge repetitive data. "Military god."

"Understand, the troops have entered the standby state. What kind of offensive method do you plan to use?"

"Use C mode first, then switch to A mode after contacting the city wall ."

"Understood. The C mode is activated. After contacting the city wall, the troops will switch to the A mode."

This so-called A mode and C mode is actually our guild’s people and army. God’s pre-arranged combat strategy. Mode A is a mode designed specifically for siege warfare. In this mode, the cavalry in the army will be transferred from the main attack position to the support position, and

powerful The assault infantry will take on the main offensive task, of course, it also includes some layout plans for shield soldiers and large weapons. In short, we pack all the formations that need to be set up into a model, as long as we tell the military god to execute

Which mode of military god will immediately arrange troops according to the predetermined plan. As for the C mode we first used this time, this is the field mode, which also includes some small fractions. For example, if I directly say that C mode will default to plain field operations, if I say C2 mode

The formula will switch to the mountain mode, of course, there are also terrain modes such as swamps. Anyway, we have planned the corresponding deployment methods in advance for various situations that can be encountered, so that we can enter the battle as quickly as possible.

As soon as the C mode was activated, the troops we brought in moved immediately. Several of our commanders stood on a high ground and watched the troops in front of them change their formations. That scene is absolutely unseen. The people in this picture are stunned on the spot, because the military god’s orders are issued directly

to everyone, so what you see is not the shifting position of the general army, but all Everyone shouted and it was all messed up, and the various arms were interspersed with each other in a mess. If the average army estimated it would be completely messed up, but the military god’s data processing capabilities are exaggerated, even if everyone is there. When moving, he can clearly know whether everyone has reached the predetermined position, and if anyone goes wrong, he will specifically remind that person to return to the correct position. After about ten minutes of chaos, the troops in front suddenly stopped, and the formation was completed naturally. This efficiency can definitely make general military commanders jealous and want to commit suicide.

After completing the transformation, the forward of the army became a uniform heavy cavalry unit, while the light cavalry that was in front ran to both sides of the team, and they all changed into longbows, which seemed to be ready Temporarily used as an archer. The

in the back of the cavalry unit are light infantry. This is because I chose C mode and then changed to A mode. Therefore, the heavy infantry who should have been standing forward in the plain battle was transferred to the back. In terms of position, after all, after the cavalry breaks through the formation of the Japanese army outside, the subsequent infantry will have to climb the city wall.

You can't expect heavy infantry like iron cans to climb the city wall, right?

The troops after the formation started to move slowly without waiting for my order. Because the steps are very neat, there will be earthquake-like shaking when each step goes down. Those who have never brought soldiers are very strong. It's hard to understand. But we are doing this now mainly

to attract the attention of the Japanese. We definitely want to destroy the Crystal City, but the meaning of letting it be destroyed in the hands of Masaka Matsumoto is very different from that of being destroyed in the hands of Oni Shou Nobunaga. I don't want the city to change owners so soon.

Since the city is still far away, the cavalry did not start charging, but moved forward slowly like a walk at a relatively full speed, but this speed is basically already moving fast for the infantry. Now, as long as you hurry up, you will enter the state of trotting


After seeing the troops on our side, the Japanese also began to gradually mess up. The troops that were rushing into the city had a short pause, and then they began to mess up completely. Some people started to mess around. Running out of the city, some people are still rushing into the city

. Since there is no battlefield command system like our guild, the battle command of other guilds is commanded by semaphores and flares. Before the battle, the general strategic plan is determined, and then the commanders are distributed to the troops and they will bring some people to fight.

. Normal combat in this mode is enough, but the command system is obviously not enough in an accident like today. Previously, the Japanese players who led the team received the task of attacking the Crystal City, and each of these people brought a large group of NPC troops. Originally, they played well, but after seeing our troops, some of them realized that we were profiting from somebody's misfortune, so some people thought that we should attack us first. After all, attacking the Crystal City is considered a civil war, and it doesn’t make sense. Outsiders are hitting

When you get to the door of your house, your brother is still beating there, right? However, it is difficult to unify people’s thinking. Although some people think that they have to be consistent with each other first, but because the battle of Crystal City has reached the final stage, some people want to end the battle here first.

< p>Contact our troops. It can be said that there is nothing wrong with the two schemes. If they can be commanded in a unified manner, no matter which scheme is used, it is actually possible. However, the problem is that the Japanese do not have a unified command, and semaphores cannot command such a complex battlefield environment.

Scheduling, so some players took their NPCs to rush out, and some people took the NPCs to continue to run in. As a result, the teams led by the two types of people mixed together on the city wall and not only blocked each other’s path. In addition, many teams with formations were scattered.

Although many troops still ran out of the city, there is a mess on the city wall. Many people don't even know where their troops are.

"haha, the Japanese team is in chaos." Kristina said happily, looking at the chaotic Japanese troops ahead. "Should we start charging now?"

"No, it's not necessary." I said I connected the line to Matsumoto Masaga in the city with a crystal communicator. The player over there who answered the communication yelled in excitement as soon as they saw me. "President, are you here?"

"Yes, but the plan has changed, so listen carefully."

"Well, I'm listening."

"The troops I brought have already arrived outside the city, but I will let other Japanese know that you are my people directly by helping you, so we thought of other ways. There is no time to explain the specific plan to you at the moment, you just need to follow my Just arrange the action. After a while, you

we will say not to fight the civil war, but the guns must be unanimous, and then let Matsumoto Masaka lead people out of the city to meet us. Remember, put everyone Bring them all out. If you give up the defense and still want to occupy the city, you don’t care, let him do it.

I will use a large spell to destroy the city in ten minutes, so you’d better You can run out. After you come out, don’t worry about anything. Just treat our troops as enemies. You don’t need to keep your hands. Most of them are NPCs anyway. If you run into a player from our guild, you will be the same.

, This necessary sacrifice is still to be done. But I brought more people this time, you definitely can’t fight. I plan to hang up all of you once. After you die, don’t come back and join the war again. Use this battle as an excuse to recruit day

This player strengthens his own strength. I will inform you of future plans. Let’s implement the plan first."


After closing the communication, I immediately ordered the military god to start the army to accelerate, but still did not enter the charging state, after all, it was still far away.

After more than ten minutes of chaos, the Japanese troops finally recovered. However, it was not that the troops unified their goals, but the mixed troops finally separated. Now Nobunaga's troops are divided into two parts, one part almost completely enters the city

and the other half rushes out to meet our troops.

"Is it time for us to go?" Seeing that the troops on both sides will soon contact Kristina and asked anxiously.

"Not for the time being, I will experiment with the super spell's formidable power first."

Hong Yue obviously forgot about it, and now I just think about it. It just happens to be able to experiment with the formidable power of this spell here. "It's just right, you try it quickly. I don't know how much formidable power is left in the personal version of this strategy spell."

"I hope it won't turn into rubbish spell." I started to activate the skill after I said it. After all, this spell is a product of strategic spell research mistakes. The casting time is not generally long. There is basically no place suitable for this kind of spell except the battlefield. After all, others are not stupid.

Seeing that you have been preparing for such a long time, I am sure. Will find a way to interrupt your spellcasting, even if you can't interrupt, will avoid it first, besides an idiot, who will stand there waiting for you to blow up?

I was casting spells outside the city, while in the Crystal City, Masaka Matsumoto gathered with the remaining troops. Those who can survive the melee are high-level NPC units and high-level players, and the low-level cannon fodder is long gone. Matsumoto wearing a suit of the Emperor of Light

Masaga stood at the forefront of the team and blocked a Japanese warrior in black armor.

"Watanabe. The Chinese have already hit our door, and you are still here to fight a civil war with us. Do you have any brains?"

"hmph, I can Regardless of those, Lord Nobunaga's order is to destroy you to seize control of the city, you still don't resist, anyway, your little people can't stop us." The Japanese warrior said arrogantly.

After hearing the other party’s words, Masaga Matsumoto loudly said: "hmph, it’s just a city. Once the Chinese come in, we won’t get anything. You pig is still worrying about city control. Quan. Okay, I don’t bother to waste time with you. You let us over, we go outside and fight the Chinese, the city you want to take, anyway, can’t stop the Chinese who are the last in this city I can't get it either."

As soon as Masaga Matsumoto finished speaking, the people around the Japanese warrior began to hesitate. The Japanese warrior who took the lead is a brash man with little mind. Apart from his higher level and his loyalty to Nobunaga Oniji, he can be said to be useless, but only these two

s are enough to make him one. The leader of the team. Although the players who followed him are smarter than him, their status is not as good as him. It's just that these people are obviously more inclined to Matsumoto's ideas, so after listening to Matsumoto's words, they all hesitated.

"hahahaha! I want to run if I can't beat it?" The Japanese warrior laughed arrogantly. "You have no other way to go except to hang out today. Give it to me." After the guy said, his arrogant hands waved forward to let the people behind

rush up, but After he finished swinging it, he waited for a long time but found that no one rushed over. Fortunately, he didn't even think about taking the lead, otherwise it would be more fun now. The people behind do not rush, he rushes into the enemy's battallion alone, is that still alive? Besides, Masamoto Matsumoto

Since He got the attribute of the Emperor Guangming suit, it’s a silly upward attack. Even if this black warrior has no brains, he knows that he is simply not an opponent, otherwise he wouldn’t let it just now. The subordinate rushed to himself without taking the lead.

The guy turned his head and looked at the back after he found out that his subordinates did not respond, and found out that the leading players of his sub-teams were actually whispering about what to do, so he was very angry. Roared. "What are you all doing?


After the players watched each other for a while, a professional ninja player came out. "Watanabe, Masaka Matsumoto is right. The Chinese have recently occupied so many cities in our country. If we don’t resist this city with all our strength, they will eventually be occupied by them. Wait

After leaving, we can come to occupy the Crystal City again? Anyway, there are not as many people as Matsumoto Masaka. We can grab it whenever we want? But if we are occupied by the Chinese, we will have nothing! "

Someone took the lead and others became courageous.

"That's right! Ours is a civil war. It's nothing to fight when no one is there, but the Chinese are all at the door of the house. Are we still here attacking each other?"

"Yes! It feels like helping the Chinese indirectly!"

"Yes! Yes!"


A group of people talking at once is getting louder and louder. Obviously most of the Japanese players who follow are supporting to fight with us first and then solve Masaka Matsumoto. Although Watanabe is the leader, there are so many things. People are opposed to his opinion. He also understands that his own ideas may be problematic. After all, although he is not smart, he knows himself. He also knows that people are smarter than him. Since most people are In favor of hitting the Chinese first, he also began to feel that he shouldn't hit Matsumoto Masaka first.

Watanabe was hesitating, a player suddenly loudly said: "Hesitation, anyway, the city center is in front. It is not too late to shoot down the Crystal City before dealing with the Chinese!"

< p> Suddenly found that someone agreed with his opinion, Watanabe, who had originally planned to order to leave the city first, began to hesitate again. "This...!"

"We have no time to spend with you here. If you are still Japanese, give way first. We have to go out and fight the Chinese. We would rather fight harder than be killed by you. After losing the two Chinese, at least I would dare to say loudly that I am a Yamato warrior after I hang up! "Song

Momoto Masaha, regardless of whether the other party agrees or not, walked over with someone. The Japanese on the opposite side hesitated when they saw them coming, but because Watanabe hadn't spoken all the time, they didn't do anything. They just took their weapons and walked to the roadside carefully.

Matsumoto Masaga knew that the city would soon be attacked by a large-scale strategic spell, so naturally he could not stay and be bombed, so he would brace oneself and take people out, but it seems that the situation is not bad. Although Watanabe did not make a clear statement, his sinking was tantamount to acquiescing to the behavior of his subordinates, and eventually Matsumoto Masaga led some people to run out.

In this kind of alert, Masaka Matsumoto finally ran out of the city with people. Because of the delay before, they finally came out a bit late. Fortunately, my spell casting time is also somewhat Long, just set aside a safe time for them. When Song

Matsuoka left the city wall, he suddenly felt a strange wind blowing in the sky. It is strange because the wind is not blowing in any direction of East, South, West, North, but from directly above the head. The grass on the ground is lying low on the ground by the wind pressure

, while the grass in the distance is all falling back toward the city. It is obvious that there is a high-pressure air current above them. Pressing down first.

As Masaga Matsumoto and the others left the city wall, the air currents in the air began to become stronger and stronger. Soon they discovered that they didn’t know why there was heavy fog around, and the temperature was also unfathomable mystery drop. After more than ten degrees, many people feel that it is starting to get cold.

"What's the matter? Why is it so cold all of a sudden?" A player who followed Masaka Matsumoto looked up at the sky in confusion, but saw nothing but nothing.

"It's probably the large spell that Purple Moon said!" Masaga Matsumoto whispered. The people next to him are all sent to him by me, so don’t worry about leaks, but he dare not speak loudly. After all, there are still some people in the team who are real Japanese players.

Let these people hear that this time the play is considered to be in vain!

As time goes by, the temperature drops faster and faster. The strange fog that appeared before suddenly disappeared at some point, but the ground is unfathomable mystery with more layers of hoarfrost. It looks like The surrounding temperature has dropped below zero. However, the temperature drop is only the beginning. After Masaga Matsumoto completely left the outer circle area of ​​the city, the temperature began to drop sharply at a faster rate than before. Now everyone has noticed the surrounding abnormalities, but No one understands exactly what happened, but most of

can guess that this is probably a strategic spell.

Because of realizing that the temperature drop may come from a strategic spell, the people of Nobunaga Ghosts started to run out of the city, but it was too late to run at this time. The temperature dropped from a few degrees below zero to more than one hundred degrees below zero within one minute. Many people

are frozen on the ground. They can’t even breathe because the inhaled air connects the respiratory tract. It was frozen. The surrounding buildings and the ground are rapidly turning white, and a layer of ice cocoon is quickly covering every object on the surface at the speed visible by the naked eye.

"What is that?" Nobunaga Onishi noticed that a huge red cloud appeared in the sky, but unlike ordinary clouds, this cloud seemed very high, and it seemed to be still there. Constantly shaking, it feels like a burning flame.

"It feels like a fire." A think tank next to Nobunaga Guishou looked at the thing for a while and thought for a while, and the boss suddenly stared and screamed. "Oops, let the troops in the city get out."


The think tank hurriedly shouted: "The goal of the Chinese is not to occupy the Crystal City."

"It's not occupation? Then what are they going to do? Could it be..." When it comes to this Guishou Nobunaga's eyes suddenly stared, because he had already guessed our purpose. Of course, what he guessed was only our superficial purpose. He could not think of our real plan.

"Quickly, order the troops to withdraw. The Chinese will completely destroy the Crystal City!"

Although Guishou Nobunaga screamed quickly, it was a pity that he suggested it. It was still a little late. Due to the sudden temperature drop, the troops in the city were completely unable to move. Since

meteorites are governed by universal gravitation, their speed will be faster as they reach the end, and the temperature drop on the ground will gradually accelerate. Previously, the one minute dropped by nearly one hundred degrees, but after only a dozen seconds, it dropped to over one hundred and seventy degrees below zero. Because most of the

people have been frozen at this time, no one noticed

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