I stared at the magic puppet's hand very nervously and prayed that it could pick up the sword, but the result was not as smooth as I thought. Squeak... a metal crash stopped the magic doll, followed it with another hand and changed it to holding a sword with two hands, and at the same time stretched out again to stand up, but this time it was accompanied by a sound There was a stronger impact, and at the same time, the devil's feet forcibly stepped into the ground, but the sword still didn't move.

"It seems that the magic puppet is not good!" Venus reminded from the side.

I frowned took back the magic puppet and took off the gloves. At the same time, I started contacting the god of war in the guild. Venus saw that I didn’t let her go. Standing. After a while, a flying devil beast suddenly flew over our heads, and a petite silhouette suddenly jumped off the devil beast and slammed on the ground in front of us with a big crash. . When the smoke disappeared, Venus saw a very soft-looking little girl half-kneeling on the ground and slowly standing up. She had seen someone jump down before, and she thought she was a very stubborn character, didn't expect to see The situation is so much worse than imagined.

"President." Noreen stood up and ran to me immediately.

I passed the glove over. "Help me do a test. Bring this thing and try if you can pick up the sword on the ground."

Norraine looked at the glove full of thorns suspiciously. "Who made this thing? Did someone bring it?"

"That's why I called you all the way! If it's ordinary things, I don't need to be so troublesome!"


A little disdain flashed in the eyes of Venus when I asked Noreen to wear gloves. Obviously she treated Noreen as a normal girl, but I didn't bother to explain it to her. Noreen quickly put on her gloves and tried to move her fingers. "This thing actually has a mental acupuncture effect, if you bring it with the president, it will hurt to death!"

"If you don't use it, maybe I really have to try it myself!"< /p>

"Then pray that I can pick it up!" After she said, Norin bent over and grabbed the hilt, then lifted it up, but because of too much force, she took the sword away from herself. She threw her head out, and she fell herself face up to the sky. We watched that the sword was flipped in the air for N circles and then slammed into the foot of a player from our guild who was hunting the squad. Centimeters, the scared guy stayed there for a long time without daring to move, and it took a long time to see a drop of sweat roll off his forehead. Noreen hurried over to apologize. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't expect this thing to be so light! I thought it would take a lot of effort!"

I also showed a satisfied smile when I saw this scene. The gloves are full of thorns, and Noreen can actually use them. It is estimated that this thing only needs to be a humanoid creature with a soul, and I don't have to bring it personally. After confirming this situation, all the remaining equipment was naturally taken up by Norin. Just like Venus said, as long as it leaves a certain range, the seal will naturally disappear. I identified all the items on the spot. We are also the top Appraisal Master. It is not difficult to identify a few pieces of equipment.

The result of the appraisal is very good. The things that the big harmful insect exploded are basically good equipment. The only problem is that it’s not as good as mine, so it can only be used by others, but it’s for us anyway. The guild is good. After finishing all this, I let Venus leave us first, after all, it is a bit unreasonable to restrict her movement after getting the things. Besides, I still hope to get the secret of that Summon High Servant from her, so she has no hope of keeping her under house arrest.

I don’t know if it’s born to work or something, anyway, I just can’t get free. As soon as the matter here was dealt with, Isengard was urgently recalled by Rose.

"What is so anxious?" As soon as I left the Transmission Formation, Rose and Hong Yue dragged me and ran.

Hong Yue explained to me while running. "Our guild's Institute of Magic has issued a new skill."

After listening to this sentence, I waited for a long time and didn't hear the following. "Just because of this?" Hong Yue nodded, and I immediately complained. "Is there anything wrong? In which week will our guild’s Magic Research Institute release one or two new skills? You just called me back for this matter?"

Speaking of magic research The courtyard building is known to everyone known to everyone in our guild. As one of the first city buildings with special functions built by Isinger, the function of the Magic Academy is very powerful. Putting aside some messy auxiliary abilities, it is enough to get everyone excited by regularly producing new magic skills based on the difference in investment and manpower. In addition to the general skills pre-programmed by the system, most of the spells in "Zero" are developed by players and guilds. The most popular and practical one is guild development skills. As long as it is a guild with a city, it can establish a magic research institute, and then arrange a budget and find some high level NPCs to manage it, and it can produce results on a regular basis. Although the researched skills cannot precisely control the specific effects, the general direction can be set during the research process. As long as there is no accident, the general result will not be too different from the set direction. After successful research on new skills, members of the guild can go to the guild’s library or skill training center to learn. The cost of learning is set by the guild’s management. It can be free or chargeable. Anyway, it’s free. The degree is great. Like our guild, high-level members and above can learn for free. Ordinary members learn according to skill level, but it's cheaper anyway. As for the laymen, even if the president agrees, they cannot learn the skills of the guild. This is a dead rule. Although the success of the research on new skills is very happy, the magic research center of our guild can produce one or two results on average every week with super sufficient funds and personnel. What's so good about ordinary things like this? What about fuss about nothing?

Hearing my doubts, Rose continued to add: "Of course, the general research success will not invite you to call you back. This time it was an accident."

" What's the accident?"

Hong Yue explained in place of Rose: "Originally, the research institute set up and studied a flame-based, powerful magic, but I don’t know why the final success and design There must be a big discrepancy."

"How big is the big discrepancy?" Seeing Hong Yue and Rose having no idea how to explain there, I continued helplessly: "Well, you have to let me know. What kind of skills have you researched out?"

Rose was a little embarrassed: "This is really hard to explain, but you can almost know it when you arrive."

< p>"Why wait for the guild to arrive? Have you not experimented yet?" Kristina, who came back with me, asked suspiciously.

"Because the initial learning condition of this skill is that the level is more than one thousand and two hundred, and the magic value is more than 200,000. Our guild will meet the conditions and only Purple Moon."

"What? It takes one thousand and two hundred to learn? What kind of skill is this?" Now even I couldn't help but yell.

"Anyway, you will know when you go."

I was almost put in the research institute by Rose and Hong Yue. There are many people away from here, most of them They are all legal professionals, after all, this thing has a more direct relationship with them. Chief-In-Charge, who saw me appear here, ran over immediately. "President, you are here. Look at this skill, what should I do now?"

I was put down by Rose and the others, and reached out and took a magic scroll from the other party. This is the basic magic scroll, in addition to the skill requirements, there are other things like instructions. According to the instructions, this spell can hit the designated location from the outer summon giant meteorite to achieve the destructive effect. Its skill form is somewhat similar to the Doomsday Judgment and the Starfall. The only problem is that the two big tricks of the Doomsday Judgment and the Starfall are a bunch of small ones. The meteor and this skill will get a super big guy down from the sky. Although they are both summon meteors, the specific formidable power is estimated to be far ahead of the first two. The main reason is the way the skill takes effect. The spell of Doomsday Judgment is a single-player ultimate spell. Although it covers a large area and the formidable power of a single meteor is extremely terrifying, these meteors did not suddenly fall all at once, but fell sparsely and scattered over a long period of time. In a large area, this causes high-sensitivity units to avoid those meteors by moving. After all, the single formidable power of small meteors is not big. As long as they are not directly hit, the problem is not big. It can be said to be basic except on the battlefield. Using this skill will not have much effect. As for the falling stars, this skill is much more practical than the Doomsday Judgment. After all, this thing has automatic tracking and automatic identification of friend or foe. It is almost the same as a large-scale missile bombing, but the formidable power of this skill is worse in terms of total damage output. A lot, after all, the coverage and duration are much shorter than the Doomsday Judgment. Moreover, the meteorite of the Doomsday Judgment summon itself is larger than the summon of the stars falling, and the meteorite of the stars falling summon is not as fast as the falling speed of the doomsday meteorite, so the damage will not be too exaggerated, at least not as strong as the second person. Point.

Compared to the above two large-scale star fall magic, this new thing that we have developed in the guild is dying. It will first summon a giant meteorite with the same diameter as a skyscraper, and then the meteorite will suddenly burst into hundreds of billions of fragments before it touches the ground, and then these fragments will send the target with a rain-like density within a few seconds. The area is thoroughly baptism again. Compared with the previous two magics, these fragments have three major characteristics. The first is the high density. Because meteorites split after entering the atmosphere, they will hit the ground before they can disperse. Although the coverage area will not be too large, the impact frequency in the clamshell area is absolutely amazing. The second is the super fast impact speed. The falling stars and the meteorites of the Doomsday Judgment summon are actually not directly rushed down from space, so the speed is not exaggerated, and the destructive power of the meteorite depends entirely on its speed and mass. This new spell of our guild is to directly pull the meteorite into Earth orbit from space and drop it directly, and its formidable power is absolutely beyond the first two spells. The third feature is that this spell cannot be evaded. According to the content written in the description, after this large meteorite enters the atmosphere, due to the effect of air pressure, a huge aura will be generated in the area where it will fall on the ground. Objects in this area will instantly feel the pressure accumulation and increase, and some are fragile. The buildings in may have been completely destroyed by the air pressure before the meteorite touches the ground, and relatively weak creatures will be killed directly due to the air pressure problem. As for the powerful people, they will lose the ability to move, so in fact, when you find it Can't run away anymore. And as the meteorite gradually approaches the ground, the super-high air flow that is compressed by it from high altitude will drop the surface temperature to close to the temperature in space within a few seconds, which is more than minus 170 degrees, and then follow the meteorite. Moving closer to the ground, the low temperature situation will suddenly reverse. At this time, because the meteorite's speed is already quite terrifying, the air compressed by it cannot flow out of its route in time, and as a result, it will be violently compressed, and everyone knows that compressed air It will cause it to radiate heat, so at this time the temperature on the ground will rapidly rise from minus 170 degrees to several thousand degrees in the last few seconds before the meteorite touches the ground. This temperature difference is actually large enough to handle it. Part of the enemy, even if you are not dead, the subsequent meteorite rainstorm can definitely smash the existence of Divine Grade into fleshy mud. According to the situation I understand, no player can escape under such a devastating blow. Of course, if someone hides any super skills, it is not impossible to survive, but hope is very slim. Moreover, this skill does not seem to be used to PK against people, but rather like a strategic level spell.

After reading these instructions and the like, I was even more confused. "How did you guys come up with such a thing? The formidable power is too strong, right? I don't think this is like a group attack magic for someone, but like a strategic spell."

"President, you really are Divine Vision!" Chief-In-Charge complimented me for not forgetting to shoot flattery. "In fact, the president, you are right. This was originally a group strategic spell set by our guild, but after the research results came out, I didn’t know how to do it, and it became a single-player spell. What’s worse is that the formidable power is not only absent. The decline has also risen. In addition to the reduced coverage area, it is almost one third stronger than the original spell requirement!"

"What? The group strategy level spell has become a single spell? What do I say Such a huge might!” Group strategy-level spell is not in our guild, but this type of spell requires a large group of players to cast the spell together, and it also requires a super-strength person to dominate the spell. In our guild, apart from me, there are currently only nine people who can undertake the work of strategic spell guide. Among them, the two strongest people are Christina and Hong Yue. Kristina’s specialty is micro-control. Her strategic-level spell can even accurately destroy most of the enemies within the target range in a melee between the two armies without hurting her. You must know that strategic-level spells will not automatically distinguish. For the enemy, it is definitely the existence of Heaven Defying Level that can do this step. As for Hong Yue, she doesn't have the kind of control of Christina, but she also has a specialty, that is, formidable power enhancement. The same strategy spell, guided by Hong Yue under other circumstances, can increase at least 70% of the formidable power compared to others. Basically, a strategy-level spell will become a map-level spell if it is guided by it. What? You don’t know what map-level spell is? To put it simply, it is a spell that changes the map after it is released. For example, Hong Yue previously guided a strategic-level spell called gravity hell in a battle. As a result, there were more artificial lakes on the map of our guild. . But if this spell is used this time, I guess it will not be as simple as multiple lakes.

"Purple Moon, this spell is now available to you alone, can you learn it first?" Hong Yue suggested.

Rose also nodded and said: "At least we can test the formidable power first. Researching this spell, but throwing a lot of money into it, if it can't be used, it will all be lost!"< /p>

"Well then! I'll learn to learn first."

Learning this skill requires a level of one thousand and two hundred. I didn't finish all the divine fruit last time. Now The level is exactly 1,200 Level 9. I still have 40 divine fruit in my hand. I still have no idea whether to eat it now or wait for a while. The main reason is that the attribute of divine fruit is more troublesome. It will increase to Level 1 if you eat one piece of it, and it will automatically cover the original EXP. That is to say, if you go up to Level 1 with zero experience or Level 1 with 90% The experience of 99.999 is actually the same, and it doesn’t matter if you increase the EXP after level 1, you can upgrade to Level 2 if you eat it at Level 1, and it can also rise to 1000 and Level 1 if you eat it at level 1. The user’s experience requirement is one heaven one earth, but this divine fruit doesn’t care about these at all. What I am hesitating now is how to upgrade if the next level is higher if the meal is early? But eating late seems to be a waste. After all, I am not able to go up to Level 1 like in the past few days. It doesn't seem to be a problem to keep waiting like this. But I am at least one thing for sure, that is, I would not eat divine fruit before absorbing the experience of those harmful insects. The last time there was a flood of harmonious insects, we caught more than N harmful insects. In addition to some guilds who participated in resisting the invasion of harmful insects, I have a lot left here. After all, the result of the final calculation is that I contributed the most. There is no doubt about this. of.

After unfolding the scroll and clicking on the learning skills, the skills on the scroll immediately lit up, and then a large number of light spots started to attract me. When all the light spots disappeared on my body, my skills Naturally, there is a new skill in the list, and the inherited name column is actually empty. After I select this skill, I need to name the system hint first.

"The new skill needs a name, what do you call it?" I turned around and asked.

"How about calling the Doomsday Destroyer?" Hong Yue suggested.

Roses shook the head. "It's not Summoned Beast, it's better to call it a natural disaster, short and powerful."

"Natural disaster?" Hong Yue thought for a while and said, "It's better to change the name to Heavenly Tribulation. Natural disaster sounds like undead. The ultimate skill of the Department of Undead Scourge is somewhat similar."

"I also think Heavenly Tribulation is good." Kristina agreed.

"That's it." After I nodded, I said to the setting: "Name the spell Heavenly Tribulation."

"Named successfully. Spell learning completed."

After learning the new spell, I looked at the following spell requirements. "Are there any mistakes, why do you need to use casting materials for this spell?"

"Ah? Need casting materials?" Hong Yue quickly leaned over to look at the attribute board I expanded.

The director of the research institute speculated: "Probably because it turned out to be a strategic-level spell, it suddenly mutated into a single-player spell and added it in order to increase restrictions!"

I nodded Look at the list of materials. The materials needed to cast this thing are not very expensive, but the quantity is a bit scary. It's not that there are too many piles of mountains, but the types are a bit scary. Casting this spell requires more than one hundred and thirty different resources. Fortunately, there are not many of them. Except for the colorful magic crystal, there is nothing too valuable, and the super precious colorful magic crystal is still used as a medium. Can be reused, not considered as consumables. If you need a colorful magic crystal every time you cast it, then this spell can basically be regarded as scrap, I don't have so many colorful magic crystals to use as consumables. Compared with the value of colorful magic crystal, I would rather drop Level 1 by myself than waste a colorful magic crystal.

Anyway, the requirements of this spell are really enough. Apart from a bunch of materials, the requirements for magic power are also quite scary. Fortunately, my attribute value is barely enough, but The problem is that once the spell is used, the remaining mana is only enough to throw two or three small Fireballs. But considering the actual effect of this spell, this kind of magic consumption should actually be considered quite small.

In order to use this spell smoothly in the future, Rose and they found a lot of materials for me, and then packed them in packages, so that every time I want to use this spell, Just take out a whole package and match it with the colorful magic crystal and you can use it directly.

After everything was ready, we began to consider finding a place to experiment with the actual effect of this spell. Originally, the opinions given by the people in the research institute were relatively simple. They said that we should go to the desert outside the steel city to experiment. Anyway, there is no man's land there, and there will be no loss. However, Rose rejected this proposal in order to save every penny. Anyway, no matter what the spell is, the formidable power is definitely not too small, so the rose is recommended to be directly thrown to Japan. Because of Rose’s proposal, I have further thoughts. Soon we were transferred to Fulcrum City, and then we entered the secret communication room and turned on the crystal communication machine to connect to a special channel.

"Huh? President? How do you know that I have something urgent to report?" After the signal was connected, a young Japanese warrior with a typical Japanese mustache appeared on the screen, but this guy is a little bit There is no bloodline in Japan, and he is an out-and-out anti-Japanese activist. The reason why this guy is dressed like this is completely because he was sent to Japan to work with Masaga Matsumoto, so he made such a trumpet, and he made a plane in order to be able to use the Japanese profession. In Japan, he landed in the game to establish new characters and finally succeeded in getting the Japanese warrior professional.

For this guy, Rose and I are both a question mark. "What are you talking about urgently to report? We don't know!"

"Huh? That seems to be a coincidence." At this point, the guy suddenly became very anxious and called out loudly: " Boss, come and help!"

"What the hell happened?"

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