"Purple Moon, why are you standing there stupidly?" Nobunaga's scolding awakened me from thinking, but I would not be that way to Nobunaga. polite.

“You’re an idiot, I’m better off catching a few more insects when I’m free. I’ve said in advance, the battle is now recorded throughout the whole process. If you don’t make a lot of contributions, you don’t have enough insects. Complain."

"hmph, I don't need to remind you." Nobunaga Guishou didn't talk to me anymore, but directly plunged into the insect swarm and started fighting with the insect.

Although I said just now that insect can be used as an experiential medicine to improve everyone's morale, the strength of insect is still there, and after a short burst, it can't stand it.

"Ah!" We are fighting constantly. Suddenly, an expert was thrown to the ground by an insect with a body length of more than one meter. Following a group of insects, they swarmed up and attacked other people. Regardless of it, he was biting that player madly. The player was pressed down by a bunch of insects, and we could only see his hands and feet scratching outside, but he couldn't see his body at all.

"Go away!" Zhen Hong roared, and then hit the top of Chongshan with a fist. A red beam of light was penetrated directly into the inside of Chongshan along her fist, followed by another With a bang, the red light group exploded inside the insect mountain. A small part of the insect covering the player was blown out, revealing a small hole in the player's chest. Just when the player was about to be surrounded by insects again, a silver light suddenly shot in from the small hole, followed by those insects abruptly abandoning the player and started crawling towards nearby people. After the insects dispersed, everyone discovered that the player was dead, and the big hole in the chest of the corpse was the cause of his death.

"What are you doing, Gunner?" a French player asked loudly. The one who was killed just now was his acquaintance.

I explained to the Gun God: "Being killed by us is nothing more than losing Level 1. If you are bitten by an insect, it will be a bite of Level 1. Do you want to be bitten or killed by your own person and go back to resurrection? ?" I explained that everyone would never speak again. As a matter of fact, everyone has come to understand it. It was just the inertial thinking that didn't react for a while. It is indeed a very serious betrayal to be killed by one's own people in a normal fighting state, but once you are thrown down by an insect in this kind of battle, you can also be killed immediately by your own people. Anyway, if you are killed by one's own people, you will lose two levels at most. , Being bitten by an insect is not a one-level or two-level problem, so if you are thrown down and killed by your own people at this time, then not only can you not blame others, but you have to thank them when you look back.

"I'm sorry." The French player immediately apologized to the gun god after he realized it. The gun god didn't care too much, and he didn't cause any substantial damage anyway.

As the battle progressed, more and more insects came out of the ruins, and the only good news is that my eternity finally came out of the ruins. This also shows that all the insects are Here it is. Eternal has been chasing insects before, and those insects found many devil beasts running into the ruins inside the ruins, and then began to devour the devil beasts and reproduce. That’s how the extra-large insect that I blocked and the one I killed came from. However, due to the eternal pursuit all the way, the insects know that they can't stay in one place even if they only have simple intelligence, so they are all bombed out now. And Eternal has also caught a lot of insects on this road. Now that the Eternal subject has left the ruins and transported those trapped insects to the outside. Several players on our side hurriedly took the imprisonment created by our guild. The device takes over for Eternal to trap these insects, so Eternal can free up space to catch other insects. Since Eternal is not afraid of insect bites at all, Eternal can catch insects much faster than us, almost one by one, and never missed.

"Ah! Guishou Nobunaga, save me!" A high level player brought by Guishou Nobunaga was suddenly thrown down by the insect. Seeing that his companion was attacked, Nobunaga Guishou immediately wanted to help him, but more insects rushed in and blocked the rescue path. A total of four people came from all over Japan this time. In addition to Onitou Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix, there are also two Japanese players. It can be said that the four of them represent Japan's high-end martial power. Except for Masaga Matsumoto, whose strength has not been fully demonstrated for the time being, all Japanese high-level personnel can be said to be here. If one is abolished by an insect, it will be an irreparable loss for Japan.

"Purple Moon, you fucking help!" Nobunaga Guishou was forced to do it. Seeing my own people being submerged under the sea of ​​worms, but I can't make it through at all, trying to find anyone or anything in a crisis actually thought of asking me to help.

Under normal circumstances, I would normally watch the Japanese being completely sucked up, because that would be of great benefit to me in the future, but now if I don’t save it, the people present will be because of me. The behavior is reserved. As a result, everyone hopes that the insect consumes the strength of other forces, and saves the strength by themselves. In the end, we will only be defeated by the insect because of everyone's carelessness. And once our blocking action here fails, then only the doomsday is waiting for us!

"It's really annoying!" I violently jumped up from the swarm that surrounded me, and when I was still in the air, I turned around and threw a bomb on top of the swarm that was flying with me. past. With a bang, all the insects that were chasing me were blasted down. Followed me in the air and fell to the side of the trapped Japanese player. "Liberation-Purgatory Mode." I saw the black magic halo under my feet suddenly flashed, and the same magic halo appeared in six directions at the same time, and then the six magic halos began to rotate simultaneously, and accompanied by With a bang of light sound, the raging Hell Raging Flames suddenly rose up on my body. After completing this series of changes, I suddenly felt a virtual grip towards the sky with one hand. "The Punisher's Blade." A ray of black energy quickly gathered in my palm and gradually formed a black long sword. As my palm suddenly became firm, the sword instantly became a solid sword. sword.

"Oh!" The gun god made a weird sound deliberately looking at my special form. "It seems that Purple Moon do you hide a lot of things?"

"I am a person who never let others see all my hole cards." I said suddenly turning the black sword back. Turned and inserted directly into the worm pile, but the sword seemed to pass through the insects and penetrated directly into the worm pile like air. Then the people around saw that the only exposed hand of the Japanese player stopped. struggle. After finishing all this, I turned to face the gun god and continued to slowly say: "Not now."

"putting it that way you still hid something?"

"Same as you." After I finished speaking, I suddenly glared at the ground, and then my body suddenly disappeared in place. The people around only saw my silhouette flashing suddenly, and then the entire field was everywhere for a while My silhouette and the insects all flew together like they were hit by something. They all fell into the middle of the field and piled up into a big pile of insects. After completing this, all of my silhouettes in the venue shook for a while, and then disappeared. In the end, there was only one I threw and sat down behind the gun god. Although I can't do anything except sit on the ground and pant desperately at this time, but the pupils of the gun god are instantly enlarged. He knew that if it were not on such a battlefield, if we were in a hostile battle, once I used the trick just now, then I would be able to kill him easily. The gun god himself knew that his speed could never keep up with my just now, no matter how high the attack power was, as long as I maintained that speed, he would be killed by me in an instant. This is the gap between first and second, the gap between Heaven and Earth. For most people, Heaven and Earth are insurmountable, but only the earth himself knows how far he is from the sky, and the gun god now deeply understands the feelings of the earth.

"You are very strong." The gun god said this to me and he stopped provoking me. The trick just now has completely eliminated the pride of the gun god, at least he knows that he has not found a way to deal with this He and I will not have any suspense before the method of recruiting.

In fact, the trick I used just now is not that simple. The cost of this skill is to consume my stamina a thousand times the normal speed, which means that if I walk one meter in this skill state, it is equivalent to run one kilometer in the normal state. In addition, this skill will cause the skill to end. After that, my stamina cannot be recovered by any means within ten minutes, so in the next ten minutes I will be about the same as a dead man. Of course, such a large restriction also brought a terrible improvement. At least I threw all the insects from the audience into the center of the venue in an instant and piled up a mountain of insects. At my abnormal speed, the insects are all frozen. All I have to do is grab the insect and throw it out, and then find the next insect, nothing more.

Because I lost the ability to act, I had to delegate all the remaining work to the Gunners and they were responsible, and I am now a full-time commander. But not so much that I retreat to the second line, it is better to say that I am still in the first line. Because my basic profession is-summoner. Although I did not directly participate in the war, I sent out several of my powerful Familiars. To be honest, the battle strengths of these familiars are not much worse than those of the top-ranked experts. The gap between them is only because the familiars cannot learn skills and change equipment like players. It is purely a matter of personal strength. Even more than most of the players here.

Because of the form I created, the experts finally succeeded in enclosing the insects near the insect mountain. Anyone who wants to run will be beaten back, and the insects that are deliberately released will be quickly directed by me. Eternally quickly grabbed and handed it to the logistics players to imprison and teleport back to Isengard. But just when this form was getting better, an accident suddenly appeared. A player was bitten by an insect because he couldn't avoid it. Although he was quickly rescued by people around him, more than a dozen insects rushed out of the circle. Eternity only had time to seal a few of them, and a few rushed to the outer circle area. Originally, it was easy to catch these few insects, but at this time the nearby forest was shaking, and some players actually walked out of the forest.

"Go out!"

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