"Block that guy." I yelled in one direction, and several high level players rushed up immediately, followed by a sword light flying, and several insects were caught by the expert present. The formed formation completely blocked the outside, and their flapping did not have any effect, but the problem was not these small insects, the real trouble was the big ones.

"Hart, be careful!" A handsome blond guy was blocking the assault of a big insect, but not knowing if it was bad luck or what happened, the biggest insect actually rushed towards him. Although the people around him reminded him, they had no time to help him stop the big insect. This handsome guy named Hart was hit by the big insect almost instantly, and because of his fall, a big gap appeared in the defense line. The massive insects instantly broke through the barrier and rushed towards the nearby experts, and the two leaned on. The latest expert was immediately recruited, although the people next to him picked up the insects on them in time, which caused a bigger loophole.

"No, this won't work." Venus shouted: "The melee profession is withdrawn and ready to clear the field with a large spell."

The people present are all Dragons Among Humans, one He took the order and acted immediately. Zhenhong suddenly rushed to the front of the crowd and jumped up violently and threw a punch directly into the ground in midair. "Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist Eighty-Earth Burst." With a boom, a huge crack appeared between us and the insects, and all the players instantly escaped from the battlefield with the help of this ditch. The real red who ran at the back just ran out of the spell range and immediately shouted: "Spell is covered."

"Then endless void! In the name of light and darkness, we are united here to summon you The advent of the Void Storm." Xiaochun and Ling Xu stood in midair and were thinking of incantion simultaneously, and behind them were dozens of mages providing energy for them. This one dominated by my demon is not just the Human Demon method, but the out-and-out strategic magic. At the moment when the spell was completed, a huge gray ball of light suddenly appeared in front of us. As the ball of light continued to grow, it finally wrapped all the insects in front of us, and followed the ball of light with a fierce flash, and a white naked eye was visible. The shock wave sweeps through our bodies at lightning speed. Everyone, including me, was instantly knocked out by this shock wave, and the forest behind us was instantly pulled up by the roots by the shock wave like it was hit by an atomic bomb, and blown to an unknown place. When the shock wave disappeared ten seconds later, we people fell within a few kilometers in the vicinity of one after another. Although there were no deaths, we were almost all injured. If not, none of us here are ordinary people. Don't know how much to hang up. However, although the injury was miserable, our goal was achieved. In fact, the target of the attack just now was simply not the insect, but the nearby forest. We know that insect’s defense is beyond imagination. Just now, it’s okay to kill a god like Titans, but we can’t do anything in the face of a harmonious insect that is stronger than the defense of all the powers of the gods to centralize in one point. Just now, I just wanted to clean up the forest and all the food that can be eaten by the harmful insects, so that we can have a bigger strategy to move around. The main reason why I couldn't deal with the sea of ​​insects just now was that the sniper face was too small, and the 500-meter defense was not enough for us.

As soon as the site was cleared, our people rushed up again. No one here is a fool, so we simply have no illusions. That kind of attack will definitely not kill the harmful insects. The only way to kill them is hunger.

"Listen." The gun god suddenly loudly said: "You try to hold those small insects as much as possible. You can catch a few of them. If you can't, try to fly them back. Just don't let them run. Just drop it. Put the biggest one first, and I will work with Purple Moon and Black Widow to see if we can kill it."

"Spell coverage like that is useless for you. Can the attack work?" Black Widow asked uncertainly.

"Then do you have any other way?" Gun God asked back.

“Don’t make a noise. You can’t do it with Gunslinger. It’s not the time. Everyone concentrates on catching small insects first, and I will block the large insects by myself.”

" Are you alone?" Nobunaga Guishou looked towards me suspiciously.

"Since you all agreed to let me be the temporary commander in the past, then give me obedience to the order now." Although my tone was harder, after all, I was the one who caused the biggest trouble. Therefore, other people only admire me and are not angry, and such a tone itself is easier to suppress others. Sure enough, everyone seemed to agree with me after I finished talking.

"Be careful yourself!" After the gun god finished speaking, he and the others accelerated and rushed forward, while I opened my wings and flew directly. What I need to deal with is not those small insects. The real horror of small insects is the biting ability rather than the battle strength, so as long as people with rich combat experience are enough to deal with it, only the two largest insects that really need high-end martial power are my goal.

The speed of helping me with wings is naturally much faster than others, and immediately after flying directly into the top of the battlefield, there are countless insects flying. These insects can all fly, but the flight altitude and time are not very good, but now because I rush to the front, it naturally attracts a lot of firepower.

I didn’t do anything to dodge the oncoming insect swarm. Suddenly the wings were folded in the air and turned over, and the people following saw a large feather falling off my wings. . Those insects are not high in IQ. As soon as they saw the feathers, they rushed up and bit them as food. But those feathers are not real feathers. They are made from my gem summon biological candle bee, and the candle bee is the most What is good at is-self-destruct.

Boom boom boom boom...the explosion sounded instantly. Those insects that had just started flying were all blasted down by the shock wave, and the two largest insects were due to my deliberate release of water and their own resistance. Qiang did not fall with the other insects, but instead came out more and more and rushed towards me.

"Stay." I threw a translucent blue ball directly to one of the two big insects. When the ball touched the insect, it immediately became a huge The crystal bubble completely encased it. Because flapping the wings in the bubble was completely unable to interfere with the changes in the outside air flow, the insect that was wrapped in immediately fell like a stone. This bubble is my super equipment. When encountering multiple enemies, you can temporarily trap one of them, and solve one before dealing with the other one. The person wrapped in this bubble cannot attack the outside at all. Of course, the outside person can’t enter, and the person who is wrapped can’t control their movement, because although the inside and outside of the bubble can be seen and heard, they are like two. In a world, power cannot be transferred to each other at all. Of course, this thing is not invincible. People in the bubble can regain their freedom by attacking the bubble to burst it, but the blood of this bubble is thicker and has special effects of reducing damage, so it is not so simple to destroy it. . But today I can use this bubble unscrupulously here, because the characteristic of these insects is to absorb experience, but the real damage is not high. It will take at least a few years to destroy the bubble with their poor damage methods. At that time, all battles are over.

Although one insect is sealed, another insect has already rushed in front of me, but I am not afraid of this guy. The ring of commandments composed of two and a half months and the core of the commandment has been blocked between me and the insect. "Command-energy explosion." Boom. "Ah!"

Unexpectedly, the insect in front of me suddenly exploded in front of me and turned into a sky full of starlight sprinkled everywhere, and all players contaminated with starlight were surprised to find their own EXP flipped up like a stopwatch, and in a blink of an eye many people rose to Level 1.

"Damn, how did I level up?" A relatively young player was still silly and sighed, but the person next to him patted his head. "What are you doing standing stupid, the insect is coming up!"


The people below have no time to analyze it does not mean that I have no time, in fact, after the insect exploded I have roughly analyzed the entire process of development. The Ring of Discipline does not actually belong to my personal equipment. It is just a small terminal of the large wheel of Discipline in the City of Discipline. Although the precepts I received are all useful to me, they may not be useful to what extent. Under normal circumstances, I usually only draw a commandment that can have a weak help effect, but today I don’t know what happened. I actually got a powerful commandment of destruction level at a sudden explosion, even the defense surpasses Low God. The big insects were all turned into scum in an instant. However, I didn’t fully understand the point of light that burst out of the insect body. Obviously, that thing should be the energy absorbed in the body of the insect, because the insect only absorbs experience, so those are EXP. This also explains why people who are exposed to the point of light. The experience of the whole city exploded.

"Hey, the people below are listening. The insect body is full of EXP. When these guys die, EXP will explode, and everyone standing next to them will be compensated by experience." People were all excited. I thought this time I was doing voluntary labor purely for the common benefit of everyone. Didn’t expect that there was a benefit in the end. This is definitely a windfall. Who is unhappy? Seeing that the people below even had a much faster fighting speed, I continued to add: "Everyone works hard. When we catch these insects back, we will divide the insects according to their respective credits."

No one has any comments on my proposal, but I started to worry. Killing the insect directly may actually explode experience, but the question is whether the starved insect still explodes with EXP?

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