No one answered my question, but I really don’t need to answer it anymore. A black creature slightly larger than a leopard suddenly jumped out from behind the team. As a result, the person at the end was thrown to the ground by the thing. The people in front turned back after hearing the calls, but the monster was too fast. , The first few people were attacked one after another. In the panic, some people slipped and fell to the ground, and then slid down the ground to the front, and then knocked over other people in succession, while the people behind were all taken down and all followed the passage. Roll over.

Seeing such a large group of people rolling into a ball, I reacted quickly and threw Eternity away. The eternal flying in the air suddenly transformed into a huge steel wire net, and there were countless barbed metal hooks on the edge of the net. These hooks immediately fixed the main body of the big net in place after they penetrated the wall, and the people who slid down were stopped by the big net. I avoided the sliding crowd and rushed towards the wild beast. The monster reacted very quickly. He twisted around in the air and tried to bypass me and attack the people behind him. Obviously he also knew that I was better than him, but he still I overestimate my speed too much. I jerked out my hand and grabbed his tail and pulled him back. The monster’s tail turned around and wanted to bite me when I was caught, but I didn’t move too slowly. I directly supported the monster’s lower jaw with my palm and pushed it upwards. The monster’s mouth couldn’t open under the force, and I wanted to scratch me with my claws. But he took the initiative to lie down on the ground, raised his leg and kicked the guy's stomach. The back blade oh la la on the back of the magic dragon suit boots flipped to the sole of the shoe. The magic dragon boots turned into a skate model. The sharp ice skates instantly cut the monster’s belly, and the purple red internal organs oh la la broke away from the monster. The belly squirted out. I reacted quickly and rolled to the side to avoid the gushing internal organs, but just after rolling out a few circles, I felt my body lost friction and slipped down. Fortunately, I was quickly blocked by the big net I just arranged.

"This is the boss?"

"No." The warrior closest to me in the team replied: "I haven't seen this before, but it must not be the last time. The BOSS, last time the BOSS was in human form, and it was much more powerful than this guy."

"It seems that you really haven't explored this place very much!" I sighed casually and took it back. The eternal change of the big net allows everyone to continue to deepen.

Continue to move forward for a while, and the slope of the passage gradually begins to flatten. Although it is still very slippery, you can barely get up as long as you are careful. But I don’t have to worry about it anyway. The Magic Dragon suit is fully functional. In addition to ice skates and suction cups, there are cleats. You can basically ignore slipping. After crossing this flat road, we ran into an arch. Originally, I planned to go straight through, but after only one step, I was caught. With a puzzled look, I asked the female archer who was holding me, and the latter just threw a stone at the arch. Without warning, the arch was suddenly dark when the stone passed through the arch, but it only took a few tenths of a second, so that many people did not see the process, but the result of the process was very obvious. Is displayed in front of everyone. The stone that the female archer had just thrown had now become two parts, half of which was lying on the ground inside the door, about five or six meters away from where we were standing. If nothing happened just now, the stone should have all flown to that location, but now only half of the stone has reached the destination, and the other half has stopped right under the arch, or the center line of the arch. Location on our side. Obviously something just cut the stone in half in an instant and blocked the back half.

"What is it?"

"Some kind of unknown mechanism." Squad's Captain walked over and found a pull ring by the door, and then another player also I walked over and found a pull ring on the other side of the door. After the two of them stood still, the Small Captain said to me again: "You have watched us a few times first, and you finally passed."

I nodded to understand. Although I'm not sure if this thing can break through my defenses and cut me in half like that rock, I don't plan to experiment. A player in the team stood in front of the door, then he backed a long distance and made a sprint, then the Captain began to count: "Five, four, three." When he counted to three, this The player on the side suddenly started to rush towards the door, and Captain himself and the player standing on the other side of the door also pulled down the metal ring in their hands at the same time, and they were still counting down, when they finished counting one. The sprinting player happened to pass through the arch, and he did not show up with the stone, but rushed to the opposite side completely.

The female archer explained to me: "The two rings must be pulled at the same time to take effect, and only three seconds after they are pulled down, there will be a safe time of less than one second for the arch. Staying here for less than a second and passing through it will turn out to be like that rock."

"Have you never tried to dig a hole from the side?"

"Dig a hole? "

"Forget it, when I didn't say it." The average players follow the general thinking of ordinary people, and there are not many people like me who like to go wrong. Most people's first idea after encountering a mechanism is to crack the mechanism, but I will think about how to get around it. Probably this is the difference between me and the ordinary person! But I don't plan to make a hole here. After all, this place seems not to be young anymore. If you accidentally collapsed, you still have to spend time digging. That's not worth the gain.

I finally came to me after watching a few people pass by. The Captain has already passed through at this time, and the gripper has been replaced by two less important players, because the gripper requires at least two people. , So it is impossible for everyone to pass, and the last two people will definitely not get through. As I saw before, when they counted to three, I suddenly started and rushed towards the door, but I regretted it when I started. Damn, these guys and I are simply not at the same level, how can I calculate at their speed? Although I just thought of this question, it’s a pity that I have already started it, and it’s too late to stop. As a result, I can’t help but watch myself hit the empty gate when the opponent is only counting to two. .

The people inside the door were shocked when they saw that I was under the door when they counted to two, but they thought differently from mine. They all guessed with surprised expressions that I might be cut in half, but I was worried about whether the Heart Demon dragon suit could withstand the cutting of this thing. Although I don't know how this thing cut the stone in half just now, I don't think that I must be unable to stand it like they did. The result really surprised both of us.

With a sharp ding sound, everyone in the neighborhood except me, including the two guys with the pull ring, couldn’t help holding their heads and desperately trying to cover their ears. , Because the sound just now was too harsh. But because there was only one sound, everyone quickly reacted, but when they saw the situation on my side, they were all stunned. At this moment, I was holding the Eternal Sword in both hands, making a defensive posture and supporting a piece of black metal. This thing has been sandwiched in the middle of the arch. If there is no blocking from the surrounding walls, then everyone can see this thing like a guillotine. The stone before was cut in half by this piece of metal at lightning speed, but with a superhuman reaction and there is no stronghold one cannot overcome the eternal and forcibly holding this invisible killer. But now we are all very surprised, they are surprised that I actually blocked this invisible killer, I am surprised that the piece of metal actually cut into the Eternal Sword as far as one finger, and it is only shown by itself. It's just a gap that is as deep as one finger. In other words, this thing has basically the same strength as eternity. But the problem is not so simple. Eternity is not a weapon in the general sense. After many enhancements and fusions, Eternity is now a conceptual weapon, which means that its lethality does not depend on its physical hardness, but its concept of existence. What eternity can cut is not matter, but existence. It can completely cut everything from time and space, even space and time, and there is only one existence that can cut into eternity, and that is rule.

This piece of metal, which cuts through the objects below it at lightning speed, is not so sharp as it is infinite power, because its real power lies in its cutting through objects. The power of rules, rather than sharpness in the general sense. I really didn't expect that a seemingly simple door is actually a product of rules! What surprised me more was that this thing was not a stone.

So far I know of two objects related to rules-the wheel of commandment and the stone of commandment. These two things are basically equivalent to the rule publisher, and this piece of metal is obviously neither The wheel of commandment is not a stone of commandment, so how does it get the rules? Could it be said that someone can separate the rules from the stone of commandment? Or maybe someone is studying the stone of commandment? Reminiscent of the mysterious institution in this place, this speculation is really hard to say.

"Are you okay?" The squad adventurers didn't react until this time. The previous situation really shocked them.

I did not answer Captain’s question, but said to the two outside the door: "You... pull down the damn ring."

The two immediately heard me. Pulling down the metal ring in my hand, three seconds later the metal flake suddenly pulled up, and I used that moment to flash into the door. The Eternal Sword has recovered from the moment it was separated from the metal sheet. Although it is extremely hard when cutting things, it is still a malleable weapon in essence. The eternity that can be liquefied does not have the probability of being destroyed by the item. Of course, the rule is broken. It’s still possible to attack, but now that the Wheel of Discipline is under my control, how could someone use rules to destroy eternity? No... not right, wait. I suddenly thought of a terrifying possibility. Since the builder of this ruin can use Rule Power to create a guillotine gate that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, can he use Rule Power to make weapons?

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