As the humidity increases, I thought I would encounter a water world in the center of the forest, but the strange thing is that the ground becomes drier and drier, but the temperature keeps on rising. Although the ground has become more and more solid, the fog in the air has become more and more serious, and from time to time, you can see the heat from the cracks on the ground. Now I can understand how the environment here really emerged. There must be a Lava River under the ground in this place, so the underground temperature is relatively high. The wetland on the periphery of the forest itself accumulates a large amount of water, and this water does not flow to the periphery of the forest, but flows back into the forest. However, due to geothermal heat and surface cracks, the water did not form rivers or lakes, but was all evaporated into the air. This rapid evaporation process creates a delicate balance in the forest. The evaporated water takes away a lot of heat, so that the surface temperature can still allow some heat-resistant plants to grow, and the dense plants form a huge canopy to block the rising water vapor, so that the entire forest is filled with fog.

Due to the dry surface and the denser forest, the mount is no longer suitable. Even I have to dismount and walk. I always lower my head to avoid the nasty branches when riding on the back of the night shadow. , It’s not as convenient as walking.

"President Purple Moon, you must be careful from here. There is a terrifying devil beast hidden in this mist. We lost nearly half of our personnel here last time. "The female archer kindly reminded.

Hearing the archer’s prompt, the Captain seemed uneasy and added: "This kind of devil beast is fast and has a high attack power. You'd better be careful."

Before Captain's words fell here, the fog in front suddenly separated, and a group of black shadows shot out from the fog like lightning, but a red light flashed suddenly, and followed me a step to the side, the group of black shadows directly I passed through where I was standing and fell to the ground, and until this time the people around realized that the black shadow was the monster they had encountered before, but now the monster's body was neatly divided into two halves from the middle.

"This is what you are talking about?"

The few people looked at each other, then looked at the monster corpse on the ground, and then Captain helplessly said: "When I didn’t Say."

After that, we encountered many monsters of this kind, but each time there was only one result. All the monsters that appeared were killed by me. This kind of devil beast is actually only a 600-level devil beast. The reason why this squad loses half of its personnel here is mainly because this creature is a regionally adaptive creature. Just like the lava toads I encountered not long ago, players can't fight them at all in lava, and these creatures are similar. In the fog, their explosive power and super attack power bring one strike certain kill. The effect is that the fog obscures the line of sight, causing players to be unable to counterattack effectively. This is their true specialty. But today is not a good day for these monsters. In the face of me, a super player with more than a thousand levels, their kills are completely useless, because I have the ability to find them in the mist and have super long The speed of response, their surprise attack did not work for me at all, and the shortcoming of low defensive power was exposed at this time.

After passing through the area where these monsters are located, a mountain wall appeared in front of us. The mountain body completely covered by green moss and vines is like a huge wall blocking the road ahead completely, and The road also ends here. Under the guidance of the adventure squad, I found a stone gate on the mountain, but this entrance is not on the ground, but on the mountainside more than ten meters above the ground. "Why is this door in such a high place?"

"We don't know, it was like this when we came last time." The Captain said as he stretched out his hand to hold the hanging rattan on the side of the mountain wall. Started to climb up, and everyone else went to find the vacant cane and started climbing up the mountain.

The female archer came over to find a cane and handed it over. I looked at it but didn't answer it. In her puzzled gaze, I raised a hand and pointed it at the hole above, followed my finger movement, and listened to the muffled pu' sound. The dragon tendon zip line suddenly shot out, and a crisp sound was directly inserted into the top of the cave. Among the rocks. I pulled hard twice, and after confirming that the connection was tight, the other hand grabbed the female archer's wrist, followed the zip line and immediately began to shrink, directly pulling the two of us up. With the surprised and envious eyes of the squad members next to us, we landed at the entrance of the cave in a very beautiful posture. The female archer didn't react until this time, and when she looked back, we found that everyone was still climbing the cane.

The cave above is obviously artificially constructed, but the neat stone wall has been completely covered by life force plants, and the top of the passage has also dropped the heels of many unknown plants. Like the spider cave, it feels quite scary. I was about to call the female archer to go first, and suddenly heard a scream from behind. When I looked back, I found that a squad member was already lying on the ground, but there was nothing nearby.

"What's the matter?"

"Just now, a monster rushed out of the fog and attacked us, but it has already run away."

Stretched his head and shouted: "How is Ballas?"

"It's already hung up. That thing moves quickly!"

The Captain immediately shouted: "Don't stop. , Hurry up. It’s not bad to lose one person here, hurry up, everyone."

Captain's words are not bad in their squad, and everyone's movements immediately quickened. Since there was nothing for me to help, I simply turned my head and continued deep into the cave. The roots of the plants that got in the way were cut off with a sword. It would be easier to walk without these obstacles to stop the cave. After tens of meters deep into the cave, the people below also climbed up one after another, but when they ran to us, we had already entered a huge stone chamber. This is a room about the size of a basketball court. The walls all around are covered with moss, but the densely packed embossed text under the moss can still be seen, but it is basically unrecognizable due to too much corrosion.

"Where is the stone of commandment?"

"Still behind, here is the main hall, and there is a mechanism over there. After activation, the channel will be opened. After passing through the channel, you can reach a A room with many passages. The stone of commandment we sold you was found in one of the passages."

"One of the passages? So have you explored the other passages?"< /p>

The female archer shook the head. "No. We only explored two passages at the time. In the second passage, there are two stones of commandment you want, and we only got one in time. Then the boss inside rushed out, and we all I didn't run away. Everyone hung up outside. Fortunately, the stone of commandment did not explode."

I nodded that I understand. Listening to this female archer, they almost didn't explore this place, which means that there might be stones of commandment in other passages. But to be honest, I didn't have much hope for this. After all, the stone of commandment is not iron ore, and it will appear in pieces without reason. I'm already surprised that two pieces can appear in the same place at the same time.

Without waiting for the people behind to catch up, we have already activated the mechanism first. As the archer said, a seam was automatically separated in the center of the wall, but I don’t know if the mechanism had a problem or it was originally like this. , The door only opened a small slit, so I had to smash the side of the door a big chunk before I walked in. According to the female archer, the last time they came, they took the armor off and squeezed in and put on the armor before entering the passage. Fortunately, the inside of the passage is much wider than the entrance, at least there is no need to take off the armor. After walking a few steps, I arrived at the room full of passages. Compared with the outside, it is much cleaner. There is no moss and the like. However, the reliefs on the walls are still corroded seriously, but at least you can see roughly. Form, but this has made me more confused.

"The style of this relief doesn't seem to be European, right?" I asked casually.

The female archer immediately replied: "We don’t know, but it’s definitely not our style. It looks like something from Maya civilization or ancient Egypt."

"It’s not something from Egypt. "I am very sure replied: "The Egyptian characters are not like this. This relief style is only available in South America, and it is likely to be a product of the Mayan civilization. But it is really strange that this will appear in Europe!"

"We don't know this. After all, we are not studying history!" The Captain pointed to the leftmost channel and said: "This channel collapsed after only less than 30 meters, so I didn't explore it later. The one next to it is the passage where we found the stone of commandment you wanted."

I nodded and immediately walked towards the second passage. The female archer immediately shouted from behind: "Be careful, the boss might still be in it last time!"

Before I could answer the Captain, she said first: "People are ranked first in battle strength, yes. We are the BOSS, we are kittens to others."

I ignored them and walked straight into the passage. This passage is much wider than the one that comes in. If the one that comes in is a cave for people to walk, then this one is basically a large tunnel for trains. The tunnel is inclined downwards, and the slope becomes larger as you go, plus the water on the ground and a thin layer of moss, there is almost no friction at all. Those guys came here prepared, they all have a steel drill that is more than one meter long, and then they walk a few steps and put one on the ground, so that they can be used as handrails when they go down one by one, otherwise With this kind of ground, just sit on the ground to ensure you can slip to the bottom.

"Ah!" I was walking well and suddenly heard a scream from behind.

"What's the matter?"

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