"Purple Moon?" Guren Phoenix was also taken aback recently. She had only heard that someone invaded and didn't know that the invader would be me, so she was a little stunned, but the intruder was the intruder, although she was surprised but not incomprehensible. Gulian Phoenix's reaction was quick, and as soon as he reacted, he threw a red long knife over.

When. After a claw and flying a long knife, I turned around and kicked on the wall that I had cut a few big cuts. The severely damaged wall slammed into a large piece, but it didn’t fall all over. At this time, Honglian Phoenix, who was next to him, had already flew up and rushed forward. I have to say that this woman is really a lunatic, she jumped up without a weapon, and I was knocked to the ground because I didn't expect her to be so crazy. Honglian Phoenix moved very quickly. After he threw me down, he immediately pulled out a small dagger from my waist and inserted it against my neck. I hurriedly blocked it with my left arm, and the dagger was inserted into the guard of the magic dragon suit. The arm slipped out, and I straightened my left arm and stretched out from beside her left face. I directly clasped her neck with my wrist and slammed her to the left and lifted her off me, but the woman was just thrown away. Several other female ninjas have jumped up one after another. The first female ninja jumped onto my shoulder like a flea, her feet were on my shoulders, but her hands hooked the back of my neck and pulled my head forward. I instinctively reached out and touched her. The chin wanted to get her down, but the other female ninja was already lying on the ground and sliding to my feet at the speed of the forward thrust and thrusting a knife into the seam of my belly armor. Because my hands were trapped, I could only raise my leg to block the blow, but the woman suddenly twisted and swam along my legs like a snake and onto my back-up again and plunged a dagger into my neck again. .

"Go to hell!" I let out a loud roar, jumped back suddenly, and then hit the ground where my head was. If this action is usually quite dangerous, but now I still have a ninja hanging behind me. With a bang, the weight of the three of us all hit the female ninja behind me, and I deliberately raised my head, and the sharp barbs on the dragon's helmet penetrated directly into the female ninja's chest. The blow was not over yet. With the help of the backward force, my abdomen was violently bounced upwards. My legs were bent and one foot, and the woman who was holding on to my face flew straight to the ceiling with a thumping sound. The ceiling smashed into a large sink and then fell again. I took advantage of this time to roll to the side, and after the female ninja fell down, it happened to hit the female ninja who was hanging behind me just now. It was not over yet. After I got out, I rolled back in the opposite direction, wrapped the eternal palm and pointed it like a knife, and plunged into the female ninja vest above. The eternally powerful destructive power simply cannot be blocked by the ninja’s weak armor. My hand easily penetrated that woman’s vest and directly penetrated her chest, piercing her heart all the way forward and then breaking her chest. With a powerful force, the female ninja below also passed through.

Guren Phoenix turned over and rushed back immediately after being thrown away by me, but within a second she just saw me passing through her two men with one hand. The woman eyes flash with a cold light yelled at the two women: "Hold him." Then she pulled out the spare knife hung on her waist, turned the tip of the knife down, and leaped forward in an attempt to fight the sword. I was nailed to the ground. Seeing her actions, I immediately understood her intentions, but I was about to dodge my hand but found that I couldn't get it out. As soon as I turned my eyes, I found that the two female ninjas who were crossed by my arms were desperately holding the arms stuck in their chests. At that moment, I was even frightened by their crazy gazes. Fortunately, Japanese men are not as terrifying as their women! I have to say that although women are a symbol of weakness most of the time in life, but at a critical moment, some women can display willpower that is more terrifying than men. This is probably the so-called anti-things!

Anyway, my hand is stuck and I can’t take it out at all, but Guren Phoenix’s knife is already in front of my eyes. But I will not be defeated so easily. "Get me up!" I suddenly turned over and used brute force to lift the two women who were wearing my hands from the ground. The two female ninjas spurted blood from the wounds caused by the shaking of the arms on their chests. Not only, but still clinging to my arm and refusing to let go, but I don't need them to let go. I lifted the two of them above me, and Guren Phoenix's knife pierced her two men directly, and finally the blade stopped in front of me with a millimetre difference. Go crazy but can't shake my arm at all. Now I am still in the form of a werewolf. Although holding two people seems to be at a disadvantage, the power of the main warrior is incomparable to that of a ninja that relies on speed. Of course, Guren Phoenix seems to be a mixed profession of ninja and Japanese warrior, but it is not difficult to see from her attack method that she is not taking the power route. Besides, the gender bonus for women is only agility, while the gender bonus for men is added. It is strength, she is definitely not my opponent.

After working hard for a while, Guren Phoenix finally realized that her strength could not shake me at all. She quickly released the hilt of the knife and jumped over the two female ninjas I was holding, but she didn’t Adjusted his posture, but landed directly on his shoulders and threw away six throwing knives just before landing. I saw her throwing knife, and the reaction was not much slower than her. I forcefully twisted the two female ninjas to the side, and I suddenly bounced off the ground. Although I am very strong, there are still two people on my body in my current posture. It is indeed impossible to jump up. But it can still be done off the ground. At the moment I bounced, six throwing knives slid past my back with the dragon armor attached to me in no particular order. However, Guren Phoenix’s attack ended here, because she didn’t look at the landing spot when she jumped over. As a result, there was not enough space behind for her to turn around. After the shoulders landed, her back and legs hit directly. On the wall, although she responded quickly and jumped up again with the help of the force of the rebound, but it caused a lot of damage to her.

When she hit the wall, I turned over and pressed the two women who were holding my arm firmly under my body, and then I raised my upper body and adjusted my posture to a strong level Angle, followed with a slight effort to get myself to stand up, but my hand was still stuck in the chest of the two women, but as long as I stood up, it was easy to move. I raised one foot and stepped on the back of the woman who was leaning on, and then violently pulled my hand out of her back. The two female ninjas below screamed at the same time because my hands were pulling. When they came out, they also completely destroyed their heart and lung system.

Throwing off the two annoying women, I suddenly heard a clamor from the side. It turned out that the gate had risen. The first person who rushed in was an archer. I really don't know how this kind of place is equipped with an archer! As soon as that guy came in, it was a beautiful three-pointed arrow, but I ignored him at all and rushed towards Guren Phoenix with my head down. Honglian Phoenix just had the shock not lightly. As soon as spirit slowly recovers, he saw my super close-up, and then I was hugged and hit the wall. With a bang, the two of us ran into the place where I kicked, and the already loose wall finally could no longer withstand my brute force and was smashed through a big hole. With a bang, I hugged Guren Phoenix and fell into the back room.

People outside immediately chased us when we entered the room, but the one who rushed to the entrance of the cave was the most unlucky. As soon as I fell into the room with Honglian Phoenix, I immediately turned around and shot the Avenger at the hole in the wall. A dozen short arrows instantly rushed into the front of the guy's chest like a hedgehog. After I got the guy, I turned around immediately. At this time, Honglian Phoenix had already sat up from the ground, and I knocked her down again with a straight fist, followed by supporting her shoulders and legs with both hands and bounced from the ground, and she stood up with a forward somersault. He got up, and shot a flying knife to the ground, and then Fenglong suddenly appeared next to the guy and caught the falling machine part.

Although I would like to see what this is, there is really no time. Four or five people have poured into the big hole in the wall, and at this time the front door of this room suddenly opened, and a large group of guards were rushing in through the door.

"Storm of Swords!" Eternally, it broke away from my palm and regrouped into a sword. Then I was threw away with a sword shadow. The room seemed to be attacked by a metal storm. All the instruments and personnel were all In an instant it exploded into countless fragments, and the walls were also scratched with deep sword marks.

Although this big trick is very difficult to deal with, there are too many enemies outside. I have no chance to study everything in the room anymore. Besides, the things here are almost destroyed by me. . After quickly analyzing the current situation, I decided to leave here immediately, beckoned, and Fenglong Space appeared in front of me, followed by two metal fighters jumping out of it. Although Fenglong Space is often used by me to place my favorites, it is not actually Pet Space. Its real function should be storage space. These two metal fighters are considered item type because they are hybrid magic guards. The so-called hybrid type refers to the mixture of golem and golem. Its technical system includes the dual technology of golem and golem, which combines the advantages of the two mechanical lifeforms and makes up for the shortcomings of both parties.

The advantage of the golem is that the defensive power is stronger than the golem, it has good resistance to damage, and it can be operated with spiritual guidance magic, which is more controllable. The advantage of golems is that they can be mass-produced, and their agility is much higher than that of golems. At the same time, their basic intelligence is better than that of ordinary golems. Now that the hybrid model that has been developed after combining the advantages of the two is already the seventh-generation product of our guild, some defects have been corrected and many new technologies have been strengthened. As long as these guys don't think about magic, their physical damage alone is already more powerful than the higher heaven soldiers sold by Celestial Court to our guild. Of course, the heavenly soldiers are better than the mixed magic puppets if they are really singled out. But this thing far surpasses the heavenly soldiers in at least one aspect, and that is defense.

Because of my Storm of Swords baptism in the room, no one can stand up now. As soon as the enemy rushed to the door, he saw a big guy rushing towards him. With a bang, the first guy who planned to enter the room was directly blasted out. Following the robotic soldier rushed into the corridor and turned slightly to the side, pushing an arm with a horn on the front and rushing all the way. forward. Although the aisle was full of people, it could not stop the crazy sprint of the magic puppet. The guards along the way were all knocked out by this big guy, or were trampled in blood. The crowded passages actually restricted the guards' performance, and the magic puppet didn't care about these at all, so it relied on strength to rush all the way.

I let the other demon puppet hall, and I follow the demon puppet in front all the way forward, as long as I see the one who hasn't died, I will go up and make a sword. In this way, we quickly rushed to the goal I had planned. This is the room where the box is packed, and what I'm looking for is actually the core explosive of the semifinished product magic crystal vapor bomb here. After smashing open the door of the room, I immediately jumped in. Looking around, the floor was full of explosives. I was really excited to see it.

"Purple Moon, what are you doing?" A Japanese player who rushed in saw me standing in the middle of the room laughing wildly and scolded.

"Huh? What do you ask me to do? Of course I did this." I smiled and put away the magic puppet I brought, and then threw a magic crystal vapor bomb in my hand against the wall. .

The Japanese reacted quickly. Others saw the bomb I threw and his face turned pale, but he reacted quickly and jumped up and reached out to catch the bomb in the air, and then hugged it. The bomb slammed into the middle of a pile of boxes, but although it fell horribly, he was somewhat assured that the bomb did not explode in this room full of bombs. Others saw him catch the bomb unharmed and exhaled at the same time, but just as the guy was holding the bomb and smirking, only a small ding sound was heard, and a short arrow suddenly appeared in his hand. In the center, the arrow had passed through the bomb body and emerged from the other side, and the smiles on everyone's faces were frozen.

What happens if one of them is detonated in a room full of bombs? Of course there is only one possibility. Boom...

The entire seabed base shook fiercely, and then began to shake one after another endlessly. The explosion triggered a chain reaction. There are too many explosives in this place. Tons of magic crystals and countless flammable substances used to prepare special solutions were detonated in series. The shock wave completely destroyed the structure of the entire base, the steel structure. Large cracks appeared in the outer shell, sea water poured into the base like a flood, and everyone was washed away. So what am I doing at this time?

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