As soon as Hatomoto Dragon was under my control, the guard opposite immediately reached out to touch the weapon on his waist, but he fell down before he touched his sword. , And a handleless dagger was stuck in his neck at this time.

"hmph, trying to deal with me is too bad."

"Who are you?" Although Ryuichi Hatomoto was pushed against my neck by my dagger, there was nothing I look nervous. After all, this is just a game. A technician like him is nothing if he loses Level 1. Of course, if I can kill him, he naturally hopes to keep Level 1 more.

I didn't bother to answer Hatomoto Ryuichi's question, so I slapped him directly. "Make no mistake, now the hostage is you, not me."

"hahahaha......!" Hahahaha...!" Hahamoto Ryuichi deliberately laughed loudly. "Do you think you are really taking the initiative now? This is our base, with thousands of guards outside. Technicians like me are not afraid of death at all. Do you think it makes any sense for you to hold me down?"

"Oh? It doesn't make sense to hold you down, right? What about this?" I suddenly took out a spherical object and shook it in front of Ryuichi Hatomoto. "I think you know better than me what the consequences will be if this thing explodes here."

"Don't mess around!" Hatomoto Ryuichi's attitude immediately softened. A magic crystal vapor bomb is really nothing, but here is where the magic crystal vapor bomb is produced, and magic crystal vapor bombs are everywhere nearby. Once the magic crystal vapor bomb in my hand explodes, it is a logical thing to detonate the other bombs here, and once a chain reaction occurs, it means that this base will be over.

"So you know you are afraid too?" I shook the bomb in my hand again. "If you cooperate with me obediently now, I won't detonate it, otherwise...huh."

"What do you want me to do? Tell you, it's impossible to ask me to betray the guild."< /p>

"That's not necessarily." I asked Hatomoto Dragon, "You have two choices now. First, tell the location of the other three magic crystal liquefiers right away. Second, I Detonate this thing. You choose?"

"What do you want to know the location of the magic crystal liquefier?"

"You don't have to worry about this."

"If you don't tell me, I will never take you there."

"Oh? can go and die." I killed Hatomoto Ryuichi. Then he turned and jumped back to the room where he had just come out. Originally, I wanted to use Yumoto Ryuichi to find the location of several other magic crystal liquefiers, but now it seems that Yumoto Ryuichi is an extremely uncooperative guy, but I did not activate the magic crystal as I said when threatening him. Steam bomb. The current situation has not reached the point where it is irreversible, so there is no need to detonate it for the time being, but I am not afraid to detonate it. As long as the situation is so bad that I can't get the technical information, I will consider detonating it.

Back to the room containing the magic crystal liquefier that I left before, the five technicians are still assembling there, and they didn't look surprised when I came in. They don't know what happened just outside, but it's only a matter of time, and I must seize this time difference.

"Do you know where the other liquefiers are?"

"Of course." After a technician answered my question, he asked puzzledly: "Are there other liquefiers? A similar problem occurred on the station? It shouldn’t be! It’s okay just now!"

"No, I just thought it wouldn’t hurt to check it by the way since it’s here. Tell me how to go through it. "

"Should I take you there?" said one of the researchers.

Damn, if you really let you lead the way, you will definitely meet the guards halfway through. When the time comes, you can’t find it even if you are taken halfway. "No, you can just tell me how to go."

"But the road here is very complicated. People who come here for the first time will get lost."

"It's okay, I have a good sense of direction. Just tell me how to turn, I can remember it 100%."

"Oh, then all right!"

Under my repeated insistence The technician finally told me the route, and after listening to the location he said, I inquired: "By the way, where is the magic crystal removing impurity here? Tell me the route too. I want to see it."

Although it was strange that I went to see what those things were doing, these guys still told me. After listening to the route they said, I waved my hand directly, and the whole room was instantly emptied by a flame, and the five researchers directly disappeared from the face of the earth. After killing five researchers, I quickly jumped onto the liquefier. This time it’s not as gentle as before. I changed to Purple Moon, a large size, and removed the blocking parts three times. Finally, the vibrator and blasting suppressor at the core of the liquefier were carefully removed and thrown into the Phoenix Dragon. Space, followed by a big tank filled with a full tank of that kind of mixed liquid, and finally cut off the liquefied magic crystal output port at the lower end of the machine, and extracted some of the liquefied magic crystals that had not been transported away from the pipeline. The purpose of extracting this thing is to compare whether our own liquefied magic crystal is qualified in future trial production, but because the residual amount in the pipeline is really small, I finally got only a small cup of weight.

After getting the things I need, I directly switch back to the silver moon form, and then a sun sphere melts the whole machine into a large metal ingot. Even if the returned parts cannot be studied, my destruction will at least slow down the production of the Japanese magic crystal vapor bomb.

Following the directions given by the researchers, I quickly ran to the location of the next liquefier, but the alarm sounded as soon as I ran halfway to the base. With the sound of the sirens, two armor plates were lowered inside and outside the doors of all rooms at the same time, and in the main passage there was also an armor plate falling apart, and the entire base was divided into countless small pieces within a few seconds. Area, and those guards are holding special pass cards to open one door after another. It can be said that the biggest advantage of this method is that it can quickly limit the intruder to a very narrow range and prevent the intruder from causing greater damage to the base. However, this method is useful for ordinary people, but it is useless for me.

First switch to Purple Moon form, then beastized to werewolf form, and then liquefy eternity and cover it with claws and claws. With the help of immensely sharp eternity, I can cut through those armor plates like tofu. Anyway, the route is now blocked, so I simply stopped going along the aisle, but went directly through the wall according to the route simulated in my brain.

In an operating room, several Japanese technical players were anxiously spinning around, and suddenly heard a squeak, three sharp claws penetrated the wall and pierced the interior of the room. Following a sour squeak, the three claws left three cuts nearly one meter long on the wall. After cutting this incision, the claw suddenly retracted, and then stabbed in sideways again. This time three horizontal lines were cut. When the claw was inserted for the third time, these researchers finally figured out what the other party was going to do. But they can only watch. Non-combatants have no chance of winning in front of combat players.

After cutting four consecutive slits, I kicked the steel plate in front of me, and the cut off wall flew directly into the room with a thud. I lowered my head and got in from the hole. After landing, I rolled around on the ground with the help of inertia, and then suddenly bounced. After looking around all around, I confirmed that there was no presence in the room that could threaten me, and then proceeded to cut a wall as if the researchers did not exist. I was tangent here, and suddenly heard a woman's cry from behind, and then listened to the bang, a glass bottle shattered on my helmet. The helmet of the magic dragon suit is of course much stronger than the test vessel. This one did not cause me any harm except for the unknown potion spilled on me. As for the woman who smashed me with a bottle... now I basically can’t see it. Come out in human form. The magic dragon armor's powerful attack halo revenge skill is automatically activated. This skill specifically for melee combat players is too formidable power for non-combat professional players, so it directly burns people.

I continued to break the wall and said, “I don’t want to waste time for you. You better don’t think anything. Non-combat players have no chance of winning against professional combatants. If you want to try, please Come."

It's not too stupid to be a technician. I probably didn't think about it before, but now no one is confused anymore. After easily tearing down the wall, I went directly to the opposite corridor, and then went straight through five walls to enter the room where the next magic crystal liquefier was located. The liquefier here is still running, but I have seen how the technicians turn off this thing before, so I quickly turned it off. In a hurry, I didn't care if the thing was broken, so I violently demolished it, and after smashing the shell, I pulled out the required core components, and finally melted the machine with fire and continued to move on to the next goal.

Now my goal is not the liquefier, but the purification equipment afterwards. Although there are more than two sets of liquefiers here, I have obtained two sets of samples, even if they are used for disassembly and research, it is enough, so the third set is of little significance. The key issue now is to figure out how to purify the magic crystal solution after rough processing. Liquefaction will not stabilize the energy properties of the magic crystal, but will make it more unstable. Therefore, the general separation method cannot remove the impurities, or it will lead to a big explosion.

According to the route information I obtained before, I smashed down several floors and then moved a few rooms sideways. I saw that the last wall of the clean room was in front of me, but I smashed the wall. In the process, the gate on my side suddenly rose by itself. As soon as the gate was raised less than an inch, I heard a ping-pong noise on the ground, and dozens of ninja darts shot into the room with a fire star. Although I blocked most of the darts in time, because the space was too small and there were too many darts, I still hit a few, but it didn't hurt me.

After the darts, the gate has been raised almost a foot high, and a few soft-lined figures like swimming fish slipped in from the bottom of the door, and the most terrible one was me. I actually saw a fiery-red silhouette in the middle. "Gulian Phoenix?"

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