I saw a white man just when the door opened. Unlike the white people we usually think of, this guy is not a European-American white person, but a Russian. Although I can't say specifically what kind of characteristic it is, as soon as you see him, you can immediately feel that he is Russian.

I didn't foolishly wait outside for eavesdropping, but quickly set up a private room next to the shop owner and hid in. There is only a wall between the two private rooms, and it is the characteristic wall of Japan. To put it bluntly, it is a piece of paper. However, although the wall looks like paper in the game, it is indeed reinforced. Not only is it harder than thick wood, but it also has a good sound insulation effect. Of course, these enhancements and sound insulation are very low-level spell enhancements, which are really nothing to ordinary people, but they can be easily handled if they are really deliberately eavesdropping. After using a little trick, I clearly heard the voice next door.

"How does it taste?" This is the voice of the Japanese I followed.

The white voice is relatively thicker. "Not very good. I probably can’t adapt to your Japanese tastes!"

"haha, it’s okay. Anyway, you don’t have many chances to come here. Next time I will ask you to eat some dishes that are not special. , I guess you should be able to adapt."

"Forget it!" The white man refused directly: "Although I have a good relationship with you, to be honest, I still prefer Chinese people for this aspect alone. Something."

The Japanese may not like this content, and quickly changed the subject: "When will it be available next time?"

"This is hard to say!" I listened When the chopsticks were put down, it was obvious that the white man had stopped eating and was taking this topic very seriously. "The formula of that thing has a very complicated necessary ingredient, and the output of this thing has been unstable, so...!"

"I understand, but can't I think of something?"< /p>

"Other things are easy to handle, but this kind of necessary materials is really no way. We have sent all the helpers we can find to collect, and this thing needs to be kept secret, and we can’t hire people everywhere. If the news is leaked, you also know the consequences."

After a while of silence, the Japanese continued: "I understand. Then I have to ask you to do your best."

" Don’t worry, we still want your money very much. If we can increase production, we would be happier than you!"

After this passage, the two people said some messy gossip, but they were all too much. The irrelevant things are really useful in this paragraph. After analyzing the passage carefully, I got two pieces of information from it. The first is that the Japanese are buying something from the Russians. The second is that this thing is a mixture, and there are ingredients in it that are difficult to get. Because listening to what they said before, it can be inferred that the formula of this thing needs to be kept secret, so I directly connected this thing with the magic crystal solution that can quickly vaporize. Researchers from our guild before helped me analyze the results showed that the really important things in the missile are different, one is the technology of liquefying the magic crystal, and the other is the auxiliary mixture. When I was discussing with those researchers, we guessed that not all the technology of that thing came from the Japanese, and now it happens that another person who may be related to the magic crystal vapor bomb is in contact with a Russian, plus just now What I heard was naturally associated with the kind of mixture they said that required special materials. Maybe it was the kind of mixture we were working on.

I waited in the private room until the two people left before following out. Because the other two people may have the information I need, they must be tracked. Therefore, I released the phantom that I had been in a state of harmony and followed the Russian, while I continued to stare at the Japanese. Compared with the Russians, the Japanese have more reconnaissance methods for Soul Body, so the Mirage is still safer than the Russians. "Zero" may take into account the national habits of people from all over the world, and the distribution of battle strength to each country in the world is actually not even. To put it simply, there are more Knights in Russia, while France has a particularly large number of mages, and the United States has almost five points. One of the players is related to firearms, and there are many Taoist things in China. The Japanese's specialty is the soul-like incorporeal combat technology, so it is very unwise to let the Phantom track the Japanese.

I followed that guy all the way out of the city and ran to a relatively hidden mountain recess, where there is a large cemetery. The guy looked around first, and after making sure that no one was in the vicinity, he cautiously walked to the back of a tombstone and squatted down. Because I was blocked by the tombstone, I couldn't see what he was doing behind, but I waited for a long time and didn't see him up. "Oops." I suddenly realized that the guy might not have squatted down just now, but entered the secret passage. Maybe the tombstone was a disguised entrance. But unfortunately, when I walked around there, I saw nothing but the tombstone. This guy has been down for at least ten minutes, and if there is a diversion below, it will be troublesome!

After running to the edge of the tombstone, I quickly found it. Now that the guy has gone down, there must be something like a secret door here, but it's a pity that I haven't found anything after watching it for a long time and I dare not touch it indiscriminately. Actually, I could use other methods to dig in, but Rose Vine and Trailblazers are not around, and I am really not good at digging holes myself. The guy with Steel Claw digs holes quickly, and the movement is... forget it. !

I was embarrassed. The tombstone suddenly made a sound. I quickly jumped to the next tombstone and activated Phantom Cloak’s invisibility. Now as long as I stay still, or the other party uses a spy type spell Will not discover my existence. After the tombstone rang, the surrounding ground suddenly collapsed to reveal a small door, and then a person walked out of it. This guy is very poorly vigilant. After coming out, he just walked out like the other side, without even looking at the back door. Anyway, with his back facing me, I simply stepped over and jumped in at the last second when the door was closed.

The hidden door closed above my head, and the passage was immediately darkened, but fortunately, I have a dark vision, this kind of place has no effect on me at all. After walking down the steps, there was a gate. I thought about it and pushed the gate open. Fortunately, no one is guarded behind, but the situation is worse than someone guarded. Because behind the gate is a huge studio, nearly 300 staff members all turned their eyes to me.

Damn, it’s a big game this time! These Japanese people are too good at saving money, right? Shouldn't a place like a secret factory be buried deep in the ground, and then add dozens of levels and hundreds of powerful guards outside? Why did you enter the workshop directly after two doors?

It was just a moment of dazed effort, and the whole room was fried with a bang. The people in the room suddenly fell into a mess. Some people ran toward the door opposite to the door I came in, while others rushed directly toward me. Because the two groups of people run in different directions, chaos is inevitable, but I quickly let this chaos end.

"Magic Burning." This skill is very simple. It directly burns the opponent's life with my own magical power. As long as my magical power is higher than the opponent's health, then everything is not a problem. Of course, this skill is only cost-effective when there are more enemies, and one-to-one burning is pure waste.

Maybe because most of the people here are technicians, there are really not many people who can fight. At least those who ran away died in an instant, while those who rushed up to meet me were everything in an instant. Stumbled, but didn't fall down. I only started the magical burning for a moment. After all, it was just to prevent someone from running in and reporting the letter. There was no need to kill those who came to me. Although the magic burning has little effect on combat professionals, a stagger is enough to make them unable to get up again. After a white light flashed by, I was already standing by the door opposite, and the people who were going to stop me just now were all rolling around the door where I came in with their blood-spraying necks. This kind of part-time auxiliary professional low-level players really can't stop me in front of me.

Although all the personnel in the second studio were wiped out in an instant, the movement just now was discovered by people outside. The door in front of me opened by myself when I was about to pull it, and the people behind the door were stunned when they saw me. Before he could react, I pulled him into the room, and then completed the movement of wiping his neck in the air. When he landed, he was already a corpse.

When I opened the door again and walked out, I heard the voice of a person outside lazily asking: "What are the people inside arguing?" Obviously this guy treated me as the one I killed just now. Human, because the guy was moving too fast, that guy didn't have time to make any sound, so that the guy who was close at hand didn't even know that his companion had been killed. Although this is a game, the dead players can log in and resurrect and come back to report, but this process also takes time. Even if there is a resurrection mage or a resurrection temple in this base, it will take at least a few minutes to be resurrected once, and I haven't been exposed before those people came back.

My body did not leave the door, I just stretched out my hand and hooked the guy’s neck and pulled him in. The guy only came and uttered an awkward sound and it was done by me. . This guy didn't know if he was unlucky, he died and his equipment exploded. I directly put on the armor and helmet on that guy and swaggered into the next room. In fact, this side can't be regarded as a room, or it should be said that the passage is relatively correct. There is a gate at a distance along the way, and two guards stand beside each gate, but because there are too many clutter in the passage, the adjacent passages are invisible to each other. Thanks to these clutter, if I kill the two guards, I will be spotted immediately.

Bypassing the seven-turned passage that was blocked by debris, I quickly arrived near the second passage. The guards here are the same as what I wear. This type of armor is not personal equipment, but uniform. The two guards I killed before wore this type of armor. I knew at the time that it was not personal equipment, so Will use this guy's equipment to impersonate.

For me, the guards who are not honest guarding the gate, the two guys just looked at them curiously and didn't say anything. I moved towards them directly and they thought I had something to say. "Uh..." I uttered such a mouthful, and the other party immediately listened carefully and was about to wait for me. Unfortunately, what was waiting was a sword glow, and the two immediately fell down.

After disposing of the two corpses, I carefully opened the door behind them, and what I saw was a warehouse. I simply flipped it over, and there were no important materials. The missiles contained the missile bodies I captured, obviously only the parts prepared for assembly. It seems that this is a production plant, or at least an assembly plant.

It took some time to check the materials in the warehouse. When I came out, I suddenly heard the harsh siren. It seems that those who were just killed by me have come back to life. However, I didn't intend to evacuate there, but ran forward quickly. Soon I met the guard of the next gate. The guards here also heard the alarm, of course, but they didn't know what happened. Seeing me running over, they habitually wanted to ask questions, but I pretended to be very anxious and asked loudly before they asked: "Have you seen a phantom running from here?"

"Void? Is it an intruder? That guy will still be invisible? We haven't seen it!" The two guards became nervous when they heard of an intruder, and the same equipment as me made these two guys get used to it. Sexually treats me as a companion.

"That guy just came from me and was discovered by me. The companion who guarded the warehouse with me was killed. I chased him all the way and didn’t see his shadow. I probably ran over. You and Shall I chase forward together?"

"But what should I do here?" The two guards obviously did not dare to leave their duties without authorization.

"Forget it, you guys watch here first, I will chase forward and inform others by the way."

My trick is super easy to use, use this trick all the way After fooling the guards of seven or eight doors, I found a place to take off my equipment, and then activated my stealth to hide on top of a pile of debris. A team of guards rushed forward soon, and ran past me all the way in the direction I came from. After the team passed by, I jumped down again and continued to run forward, but this time I changed back to the armor I grabbed before and continued to wear guards. After meeting the guard again, I still pretended to be very nervous and said to them: "I can't stand it anymore. You two will go over and help immediately. I'll call for reinforcements from the back. Hurry up." I turned around and ran. Those two guys were also so nervous to death by me. After thinking for a while, they ran forward obediently.

Speaking of those who overrun their heads, they ran to the front and met the deceived guard before they knew they had overrun. They followed a group of people and started running back, but they continued to encounter the "reinforcement" that I cheated over. "The angry guy who took the lead almost didn't faint directly. They gathered more and more people along the way, but soon they encountered a new situation.

Of course I caused this new situation. After deceiving a bunch of people, I attacked the two guards again, and then threw the bodies of the two guys into the warehouse guarded by them. I attacked seven or eight doors like this one after another, and after killing a dozen guards, I collected all their equipment, and then ran back to the door guarded by the first two guards I killed. And summon was lucky enough to make him appear in the passage in human form. He threw a set of the collected equipment and put it on for him, and then the two of us pretended to be guards who had been tricked by me and ran to the fire brigade that was rushing back.

Because I have encountered more than N teams of guards who have been tricked like us before, the guy who led the team has long been numb. I pretended to be surprised and asked them why they ran back. He had heard similar questions N times a long time ago. Now he didn't even bother to answer and order us to follow them. Then Lucky and I got into this team.

Continue to run forward for a section of the road. After that, the team naturally passed through the area guarded by the killed guards, and then met the front guard who was still safe and alive. Of course, this time They immediately thought that we must have been in their team, but because these people themselves did not know each other and their equipment was uniform, they had no idea who was in the team. But as long as you give them time, I believe they can still find out, but will I give them this time?

"Ah!" I pretended to be injured and fell backward, clutching the bleeding wound, but luckily I took a knife in one hand, and another guard yelled: "Run, we I've been recognized."

Of course the guy who was pulled knew immediately that he was framed, but is he free to explain? Without me, the guard next to him went up and killed the guard with a single knife, and this guy fell unwillingly. After being wronged so badly, it is estimated that this guy will have to vomit blood when he goes back. Although the wronged guy died, he was lucky but was fine. Although it uses a human form, it is a dragon after all, and its melee combat ability is definitely more terrifying than a super warrior. I quickly opened a bloody road and ran towards the other end of the passage, while I shouted to follow behind and "chase and kill". Fortunately, I was actually blocking the footsteps of the people behind intentionally or unintentionally. The result was that we chased all the way. I can't catch up with luck.

Because of the super strong battle strength of luck, the enemies in front of him cannot stop him at all, and the people behind cannot get up quickly because of my blocking speed. Everyone always keeps a certain distance and chases there. . No matter how long the channel is, there will always be a head, and after we chased it for a while, the channel also ended. Fortunately, I smashed the last door, and the result was an incomparable gigantic Underground World. Of course, Lucky has no time to visit now. He has to continue running, and I also increased a little speed to catch up with Lucky once and pretended to be shaken back, but the guards who followed me quickly rushed to take over. I work. Fortunately, I didn't get entangled with them, and I simply handed over and started running, but I pretended to be injured and left the chasing team.

When those people chased away, I suddenly turned over and jumped up from the ground. "Hehe, go and chase slowly! Let me see how your liquefied magic crystal is produced."

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