With the help of the huge transmission network coverage of our association, I arrived in Japan within a few minutes. As for the purpose of my visit this time...what else can I have besides the magic crystal vapor bomb? ? The data previously obtained from the research institute has shown that direct research will cost astronomical amounts of money and time. Although my own research is the right way, I don’t mind if I can easily get results with other methods.

Going to Japan is different from going to other places. Most players here want to chop me up and eat meat, so in my current image, as long as I leave the area controlled by Chinese players, I will be immediately Japanese players recognize it. For the above reasons, the necessary disguise is essential. But this time, you don't have to be so wronged to pretend to be a woman, just use Illusion Technique to change your image and it's OK.

After leaving Fulcrum City, I first teleported to a medium-sized city called Yokosuka. This is a city controlled by Chinese players. I only snatched it from the Japanese some time ago. After I got here, I quickly left the city. Not far from the city is a... War Zone or a group PK area. Anyway, such a large-scale war zone will appear on the actual control line of Chinese and Japanese players. This is not set by the system, but created by the players themselves. It is basically the same as the leveling zone opened by the system. The difference is now It’s not monsters, but players from the opposing country, and the opponent players are not brushed out by the system, but they are recruited to participate in the battle.

This kind of mixed War Zone is basically nothing expert, so it does not pose a threat to me at all. Anyone who regards me as a target will be solved by me. After successfully passing through this area, I changed my form and disguised myself as a Japanese warrior, and then walked to a nearby city called Guangfu City. This Guangfu City was not originally called by this name, and it was still under the control of our guild a few days ago, but unfortunately it was snatched back by the Japanese not long ago. As for the person who commanded the snatch operation...Of course it was Masaga Matsumoto. Is it Nobunaga Onitou? Just his kind of idiot, if I don't send troops to reinforce him, he may not be able to rob the city.

On the surface, it seems that Guangfu City is the city that Masaka Matsumoto led the Japanese players to grab, but in fact, for our guild, it is just a right hand with the left hand. Of course, the people who feel this way are limited to a small group of people in the guild. I am aware of such super double agents as Masaga Matsumoto from the entire guild that is impossible. So far, only a small group of people who participated in the action when Masaka An Matsumoto was recruited were the only people who knew about this. I didn't tell any of the extra people. They knew it was useless anyway.

Because I was disguised as a Japanese warrior, I easily got into Guangfu City. Unlike other places, the Japanese players in Guangfu City are very excited. After all, the Japanese have always suffered from our guild. This time they finally won a big victory. It is natural to be proud.

I found out the location of Masaka Matsumoto after inquiring casually in the city, and then easily met Masaka Matsumoto with the help of the connector code I left in advance.

"Are you...Purple Moon President?" My disguise was so perfect that even Matsumoto Masaka didn't notice it when he knew in advance that it was me.

"This is the Illusion Technique. After all, you also know my current situation in Japan. Now I am talking about business." I took out the record crystal ball from my body, and then took the captured magic crystal steam bomb. Three-dimensional images are projected into the room. "Have you seen this?"

Matsumoto Masaka just glanced at it and nodded hard. "This is a magic crystal steam bomb."

"Do you know this thing?" I thought Matsumoto Masaka didn't know it!

"Of course." Masaka Matsumoto replied very simply, and then he asked me to wait here for a while before he turned and ran out, and ran back in less than ten minutes, followed by two people. "Let's put it here." Matsumoto Masaka said to the people who followed. The two people put the carrying box on the ground, then turned and left the room. After the two people closed the door, Masaka Matsumoto turned and opened the box and pushed it in front of me.

"This is...? Magic crystal steam bomb?" Matsumoto Masaga nodded. I squatted in disbelief and took one out of the box. It's different from the one I grabbed before. This one is bigger than that one, and it looks different in structure. The one I grabbed earlier looked more like a rocket, but this one looked a lot like a mortar shell. "Where did you get it?"

"One of my people has something to do with Nobunaga's ghost shadow. He knew that I was going to grab the city of our guild and got it back for me. Because This time I got this city, and the more radical guy said he could help me get more in the future."

I nodded and asked: "I got one before, but It looks different from this one?"

"I don't know which one you got, but this is what I got. This one was launched with a mortar-like launcher , The structure is very simple. Although the range is not very far, but the formidable power is very large, and the deployment is very fast. I originally wanted to take the time to steal a few and send them back, but the other party looked very tight, so it has not succeeded yet."< /p>

I put the magic crystal steam bomb in my hand back into the box, and said to Masaka Matsumoto: "You don't need to steal this thing anymore. Our guild already has a sample, although the structure is not The same, but I also discussed with the researchers in our guild. The reason why we can't produce this thing is that the real technical difficulty lies in the outer shell, so it is estimated that it will be of limited help to us if we make a few more pieces."

Matsumoto Masaga nodded. He was also the boss of the Black Dragon Club before he fell out. At that time, there were also full-time researchers with 10,000 numbers under his hand, and they knew more about this aspect than the average player. "Are you here for this?"

I'm nodded. "The research progress of our bank is slow. I want to see if I can steal some technology. Even if I can get a general research direction, I can save a lot of money and time!"

" How can I help you?"

I thought about it and said, "Your identity will be of great use to our future actions. It is too cost-effective to expose this matter, so you don’t need to directly participate in this. This kind of thing. You just need to find a way to get the person who helped you get this thing to do it for you again in the near future."

"You want to follow him?" Matsumoto is not stupid, immediately. Just guessed my intention.

"Yes. I want to find his contact through this guy. Since he can get this thing, it means that the person can contact, or indirectly contact the production line of this thing. As long as I am on the first floor Looking up, I can always find the production base. I think as long as I can get in, it shouldn’t be difficult to get some information out. You can contact that guy now, as an excuse..." I thought a little, then Said: "Just say you want to take advantage of the victory and pursue, and then occupy a city controlled by our guild. I intend to let you take care of the nearby cities. Anyway, as long as the actual benefits are obtained, the city is still under the control of the Japanese. What's the difference under the control of the Chinese? I'm not a fool who just wants face."

Matsumoto Masaga nodded. "I now completely understand why you were always shamed by you when I was against you!"

"hahahaha...follow me you will find more things that surprise you in the future."


Matsumoto's movements were very fast, and the guy soon learned the news under his arrangement. I have to say that people like angry youth are not a specialty of China, and there are many in Japan. This guy is a typical Japanese angry youth, and his behavior is extremely radical. Masaga Matsumoto first said that he would lay down a few more cities to regain the lost ground, and then he just mentioned in a vague way that if there were more magic crystal vapor bombs, he immediately solemnly vowed a guarantee to get a batch. new goods. Masaga Matsumoto did not act very positively, but did not believe it. youngster! The most unbearable thing is to be underestimated by others. This guy found that Matsumoto wasn't quite convinced that he immediately ran out to contact him excitedly, obviously he was going to prove himself with facts. Of course, a nobody like our super bastard will naturally not notice.

I followed along silently immediately after the guy left. Tracking such a nobody has no technical content at all. I almost walked behind him swaggeringly, but this guy didn't notice me even once. Very smoothly followed him to another Japanese city, and then this guy ran to the ghost shadow alliance location and found his contact. Since the guy who contacted him seemed much smarter than him, I didn't dare to get too close. Fortunately, this idiot had a loud voice, and he could hear what he was talking about half a street away.

"Please, brother, please help me this time!" The Japanese angry youth pulled the other person and begged. The guy who was asked whispered something, but unfortunately his voice was in the category of a normal person, so I couldn't hear it. However, the angry youth immediately said loudly: "In this way, as long as you help me this time, how about I give you the limited-edition No. Z processing tongs? Then I did the task of one day, one night. Divine Item-level craftsman tools are more difficult to deal with than regular combat equipment!"

Maybe the thing he promised was more tempting, this person was nodded, and then left after saying something. Seeing that they were separated, I immediately followed the man and ran out. Now I don’t have to go with that idiot anymore. Since this guy agreed to him, then he must have contacted the bomb. I don’t know if he will take me to the production directly. factory.

The good things I expected did not happen. After this guy left, he did not return to any processing plant or research facility, but went straight into a restaurant not far away. "Damn it. It's really anxious to be in the mood to eat at this time!" I complained helplessly, and I had to follow it. But... things may not be as bad as imagined. After entering the restaurant, this guy didn't stay on the first floor, but went directly to the private room on the third floor. The moment he opened the door and entered, I saw a person through the crack of the door, a vital person.

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