There are so many people to do things, less than one minute I heard Princess shouting: "Found it. There is a secret door here."

The original passage The entrance to is just below the bed-like thing we saw before. As long as this bed is lifted off, you can see the big hole exposed underneath. After putting away the familiar, I jumped out of the cave alone. The cave below is also what it looks like, but unlike the dark deep cave before, it is actually very bright, and there is actually an exit less than five meters in front.

After carefully approaching the hole, I stretched my head and glanced outside. Beyond the entrance of the cave is not a mountain scenery, but a beautiful lake. On the other side of the lake is a large forest, which is filled with dense fog. At this time, Venus and the people she led were busy building something by the lake. It looked a bit like a cage, but the shape was a bit weird. This kind of cage is very long, but the space inside is very narrow. If nothing else, it should be used to hold a snake-like creature, because only creatures of that size need this slender cage.

The length of this kind of cage is about 150 meters, and it is not completely straight. It is estimated that the length of the cage may exceed 200 meters to be fully opened. Some people are busy driving down piles on both sides of the cage, presumably to fix the cage, while on the other side some people are preparing some very complicated attacks, which seem to be some kind of surgical equipment.


"Yes." The phantom separated from me and floated on one side alone.

"Go around and see what's in the forest."

"Understood." The phantom quickly vanished and floated towards the misty forest.

The tense preparations here are still going on, but due to the large number of people, the progress is very fast. In a short while, these people completed eight long cages of that kind, and then they continued to reinforce these cages. The materials used in the cages are all pre-prepared metal parts, and the ground piles are also specially made, and they seem to be attached with magic such as sturdiness. After completing these preparations, a player wearing a black mage robe walked to Venus and said something, and then Venus called another group of people over to explain a few words, and then those people took them with them. He took out a few pockets from his space equipment and carried them on his back, and then walked in the direction of the foggy forest.

I know the bags on the backs of those people. That is the bags they used to hold the "bee briquettes" taken out of the tree trunks. It seems that the "bee briquettes" collected before are used here. But the attribute says that this thing is feed. Could it be that... they want to trap devil beast? If you think about it this way, everything is logical. Special devil beast feed, strange cage, these things together are simply intended to trap a certain devil beast.

Those who took the feed did not complete the task quickly, but cautiously walked to the edge of the forest after calling a lot of people, and the movements of these people walking were light, look It seems to be afraid of something. Venus’s battle strength is much stronger than in the valley before, but they hadn’t been so careful when facing Nine Headed Snake in the valley before, but now they seem so careful. Could it be this forest? Is there something very difficult to deal with? Or that what they want to trap is a very powerful devil beast?

After finally moving to the edge of the forest, those people first observed the forest again for a while, and then one of them made a few gestures to the people around them, those people were nodded, and then two of them opened the sacks. Kaiti was there, and the person next to him took out a "briquette" from the inside and carefully dragged it in his hand. Several other people began to sprinkle a yellow powder on the ground until the powder piled up thick on the ground. After the layer, they took the "briquette" from the people next to them and put them on the powder. After these people finished the work, they started to move back, while another group walked to the "beehive briquettes". One of them took out a timer and took a look, and then took out a stick of incense sticks in " "Honeycomb", and then he took a caliper out to measure the incense and cut off a part. After doing all this, he sprinkled some red powder on the briquettes, and then took out a fire to light the incense.

After seeing him finished, the others immediately began to guard this guy and retreat. There is also a "beehive" at a place farther from the forest. This is another one put by the person in charge of the preliminary work. Heap, and then this guy started to repeat the previous work and put an incense on this "briquette", but the length of this incense is different from the previous one. I guess this thing is a simple delayed ignition device. .

These people placed four piles of "beehive briquettes" one after another at a distance of one hundred meters, and then placed one at the entrance of the big cage and one at the depth of the cage, but this time there was only the mouth of the cage. There is a delayed ignition device. The "briquette" at the end of the cage does not contain the powder and the incense for ignition, but there are a few players standing next to it. Probably the last one has a special purpose.

I am observing the preparations of Venus and the others, and the phantom has floated back over there. "Master."

"Anything to find?"

"This forest is weird, and there are a lot of extremely powerful thoughts lingering in it, but I don’t know why I turn there. I haven't seen anything for a long time!"

"Huh? You didn't see anything?"

"en! I didn't see anything." Phantom replied very positively. Me: "I can feel a lot of things hovering around me, and they even became interested in me, but those guys walked around me for a long time and left, but this process is all my psychic energy feedback. Yes, other reconnaissance methods including optical visual inspection can't find anything."

I frowned after thinking about it for a while and then I asked Phantom. "Did you go deeper?"

"Yes, I went. I even went through the entire forest. There are cliffs on the other side of the forest. There is no way to go, and There are no moving creatures in the forest except the things I can feel but can’t see."

"That's weird! Since there is nothing here, Venus and the others What are they trying to trap?"

Because I really don't understand, I can only continue to observe Venus and their movements with a lot of question marks. After finishing all the preparations, those people started to run to the three holes when they came in. Thanks to the fact that I had found another place to hide, otherwise it wouldn't be easy!

Most of the people Venus brought with him hid in the cave where they had entered before, and only a dozen people were left here, including Venus himself. In addition, I actually saw the crow in the crowd. This guy actually had the face to follow Venus, he was really thick-skinned.

When everyone on the left and right is ready, the first incense that was lit before is almost finished. Everyone stared at the incense closely, and saw the red burning part on the incense head gradually moved downwards, and finally burned until the root suddenly hit the red powder, followed by a scream of red powder being incense. Ignite and deflagrate, but this kind of red powder burns very quickly, and it burns out in a second or two, but they also ignite the "briquette" together. Those red "briquettes" are not as exaggerated as red powder burns. They only burn at a very slow speed, but this kind of "briquettes" like these will produce a lot of red smoke. Regardless of the size of the briquettes used in the rural areas of our country, the smoke produced is almost as big as military smoke bombs. I saw billowing red smoke rising upwards and soon formed a huge plume of smoke.

As the first briquettes were ignited, Venus and the people around her tensely squeezed the weapons in their hands. It seemed that the thing should be lured out soon. Sure enough, less than thirty seconds after the smoke column rose, I found two orange-yellow light spots suddenly lit up in the misty forest near the smoke column, followed by a huge standing black shadow appearing in the mist.

Phantom said in disbelief: "Impossible? I've seen the entire forest? I'm impossible about such a big thing. Will I miss it?"

For Phantom Of course I totally believe it, let alone the Phantom’s reconnaissance ability itself is the top of my favorite, even a person who is not good at reconnaissance is impossible to miss such a big thing! Although the black shadow hasn't appeared in front of us yet, just looking at this shadow, which is more than ten meters high and two meters wide, should know how big this thing is. How could the Phantom miss such a big thing?

I was thinking about that mist suddenly surging up violently, and then the dark shadow quickly became clear. Suddenly, a huge golden snake head came out of the mist, followed by a ten-meter-long body erected, and the back of the snake was still hidden in the mist.

"Good fellow, it is big enough!"

The head of a snake that just rushed out looks the size of a small car, and the neck that connects this head is more than two meters. The diameter of the erected part and the huge length of the erected part also indicate that his size will not be too small, because no matter how big a snake is, the erected neck part of its entire length is basically the same. Almost, so we can roughly estimate the length of this guy just by looking at the erect neck.

After the giant snake appeared, it did not rush forward immediately, but first canthused Venus and the others. There are two poisons hanging upside down on the huge upper jaw, at least two meters long, I believe he can easily bite through even the skin of a giant dragon. After displaying his weapon, the snake immediately swam towards the smoking "beehive briquettes". Regardless of the size of this guy, his moving speed is extremely fast, and it seems that its size not only does not affect his actions, but makes him faster.

The snake who swam to the side of the smoke column first looked down at the smoke column, then looked at Venus and the others again, and then took a sharp breath at the smoke column. The thick smoke column was immediately inhaled by the snake. . For a long time, this "beehive" is similar to human cigarettes or drugs to this big snake, and that big snake is a typical smoker.

Maybe because smoking is not enough, the big snake sucked a few mouthfuls and suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the whole bunch of briquettes. Orochi ate the lump of "beehive coal" and brightened his teeth again at Venus. The threat was very obvious, but he didn't seem to have any intention of launching an attack. After the demonstration, Orochi turned his head on the spot. He began to prepare to swim to the middle of the forest, but just when he completely entered the mist and was about to disappear, the powder on the second "briquette" just burned, and immediately rose up following the red plume.

The big snake, who was about to leave, suddenly swung his head and turned back, and then rushed to the front of the new "beehive" at a much faster speed than before, but this time he did not have the same fierceness as before. Smoked that kind of cigarette, but tentatively sniffed it, and then swallowed the "briquette" in one bite. It may be because it has been done more than once before, and the guy who set up the delayed ignition with Venus arranged the ignition time very accurately. Just a few seconds after the snake swallowed the second "briquette", the third "briquette" suddenly burned again. Da Snake seems to like this thing very much, he rushed over without the slightest hesitation and swallowed the new "briquette". In this way, the big snake was led out of the forest little by little and reached the entrance of the cage. After eating the "briquette" at the entrance, Venus waved to the person next to him, and the player immediately ignited the "briquette" in his hand.

Since this "beehive" was caught in the hands of the player, the snake immediately focused on the player. The player did not panic. He first grabbed the blob of briquettes and shook it above his head. After confirming that Orochi's attention had been focused on the briquettes, he threw the blob of briquettes into the cage. The big snake saw that the thing was thrown into the cage and did not immediately swim in. Instead, he went around the burning "beehive" from the outside of the cage. However, although the gap in the cage was enough for one person to walk in and out easily, But it looks too small for this big guy. The big snake slammed its body into the cage angrily, but the solid steel that is bigger than the elephant's legs is not a decoration. The dense steel bars completely withstand the impact of the giant snake, except for a slight deformation. Damage. After realizing that he could not shake these things, the giant snake began to turn back and swim to the entrance of the cage, but he obviously didn't want to go in, but the red smoke of "beehive briquettes" in front of him kept attracting him. After hesitating for a long time, the snake still couldn't resist the temptation of the thing and got in.

The ball of "beehive briquettes" that was thrown in was halfway through the cage. About half of the snake's body got into it before successfully eating the ball of "beehive briquettes", but just as he thought When I exited, I found a burning "briquette" at the end of the cage. The honeycomb briquettes placed there at first were manually ignited by the player. At this time, half of the serpent was already in the cage. When he saw that there was another one in front, he was of course impossible to give up. Anyway, he has already got in. two. Without too much hesitation, the snake immediately swam towards the last "briquette".

The speed of the big snake was very fast, and it reached the end of the cage in an instant and swallowed the lump of "beehive briquettes" in one bite. He followed the snorted that he enjoyed very much, but with his soothing groan, Wiener Si also called out at the same time. "Close the door."

A group of people who had been hidden behind the grass in the distance suddenly stood up, then grabbed the rope at their feet and began to pull back desperately. A rope buried under the ground suddenly stretched straight and bounced, and followed the rope to drive an iron gate to fall with a bang, completely sealing the entrance of the cage. Orochi found that the back road was blocked and immediately struggled with anger, but because the shape of the cage was exactly the same as his body shape, there was not much room for Orochi to gather power in this state, so he couldn't exert his maximum destructive power at all. Generally in an open place, the serpent will shake its tail and use its powerful strength and inertia to generate powerful destructive power, but here he can't move at all, and explosive power alone can't fully exert his strength. But the big snake is there after all, even if it can't play its own strength, it is still strong terrifying. I saw him twisting and struggling crazily in the cage, and the huge steel keel continued to emit sour twists under the terrifying power.

"Quick, quick, anesthesia needle, anesthesia needle, and give him an anesthesia needle." Venus shouted anxiously: "Where is the mental mage? Use Hypnosis Technique to minimize his Struggling hard, the cage can't stand it anymore."

Venus heard a ping sound before he finished shouting. A screw cap the size of a human head was broken from the metal pillar. Flew out. Nearby players saw this situation and ran over more quickly. Several of them were holding a long javelin-like object and rushing towards the body of the serpent, and then they used a siege hammer to destroy the object. The tip slammed into the cracks in the scales of the big snake. The big snake didn't seem to respond much to the sudden pain. After all, the thing was a little too thin for it, but the players were thrown away by his violent struggle. Going out, even the same thing as the javelin fell off. After landing, one of the players quickly climbed back to the javelin to take a look, and then nodded to the other people who were about to climb over. Only then did those people show a relieved expression and continue to sit back on the ground. However, the other groups did not go so well after they were done. The people who rushed up with the javelin just now shared seven or eight groups, but in the end only two groups were lucky enough to complete the task. The other groups were not stuck on the scales. The needle was bent but it was inserted but there was no time to push the anesthetic.

"Mage team, how did you do it? Why is it still not good?" Venus can only hope that the mage team will work, but hasn’t waited for the wizards to answer her. The question was a bang, and accompanied by the screams of a large group of people, the front end of the cage was forcibly pulled out of the ground with a length of more than ten meters. You know that these metal cages are fixed underground with steel of the same thickness. How much effort will it take to pull all these things out?

Without the help of fixed piles, the structural strength of the cage itself cannot limit the movement of the giant snake at all. With the giant snake’s crazy left and right twisting, the steel bars like legs will twist with it for a while. After a while, we all know that metal can’t be moved back and forth, otherwise it, there is another crisp sound, there is a steel in the front of the cage and finally can’t withstand this repeated twisting and suddenly fracture. It was like tearing cloth. With the fracture of the first steel bar, the steel behind could no longer hold the front half of the cage, and one after another was broken. When the last steel bar broke and the giant snake shook its head fiercely, several tons of cage fragments were immediately thrown away, flying all the way across the lake and hitting the ground not far from me. If it weren’t for me, it’s already now. Was smashed into the mud.

"This guy is really barbaric!" I sighed while watching the situation over there.

Although he was hit by two extra-large anesthesia needles, the giant snake is still full of energy. After shaking off the front part of the cage, he immediately swam out of the cage. A group of players rushed to him and plunged into his body with a spare anesthetic needle. Screaming and flew into the lake. After getting rid of these people, the giant snake immediately rushed to the others. Draw with the tail, grind with the body, and bite with the mouth. Anyway, what is the use of a giant snake. There are no rules at all, but it is full of wild formidable power. In this brief moment, he is the strongest.

Venus directed her subordinates to rush up while helplessly watching the players flying out in the field like a trapeze. The effect of the anesthetic was much worse than expected. The giant snake even hit the three anesthetic needles to counterattack so crazily, and the spell of the wizard team unexpectedly failed once. The drowsy spell of the wizards should have worked before the anesthesia needle, but because of an accidental failure, the wizards had to prepare again, but it hasn't been released yet.

Here Venus is in a hurry. Suddenly a group of wizards flew over a white light in the middle of the snake head. The giant snake seemed to be fiercely knocked on a stick, and immediately slowed down. It was swaying on the ground, as if he would fall asleep at any time, but he did not fall asleep, but suddenly shook his head to force himself to wake up, and then slammed into the wizards.

"Don't let him get close to the division." With the shout, a thick rope was thrown over and caught the snake's head, but Knight who threw the rope was taken away by the giant snake. This is similar to how a cow cub uses a rope to trap a train. Even if you are trapped, it will definitely not be the train that is pulled to a stop. However, this guy's behavior created a condition, and other people rushed up and hugged the rope and pulled it backwards, especially a few of the players, Summon, who helped out with a giant monster pet. Although the familiars of these guys are not as big as the big snakes, they are much cheaper than the size of people. The movements of the big snakes were finally affected, and the sudden resistance made him turn around and shouted at the person behind him.

To be honest, I didn’t know that snakes actually scream, but it may be that snakes in reality are too small! It's not surprising that this guy is so big that he can scream. The roar of the giant snake is not over yet. Two more yellow light balls flew out from the division. The giant snake was beaten again, and its head almost fell down, but before it was about to lie down, it stood up again. He got up, but his spirit seemed to get worse this time.

Take advantage of the chance that he was confused by the coma and vertigo spells, another two groups of people successfully plunged into the giant snake’s body with the anesthesia javelin, but the pain of the needle entering the body actually made the giant snake temporarily Slowly came over. He angrily twisted his body and swept away the people who lived with him and the demons together. He huffed and flew up a group of people on the field like bowling, and followed these people and fell oh la la to the lake. On the beach, only two of them flew into the deep water.

The continuous stun magic and the anesthetic needle made the giant snake more and more sleepy. After sweeping away these people, he began to turn his head towards the division and bark his teeth, but the voice became smaller and smaller, and his head gradually He drooped down, and finally fell to the ground and fell asleep.

It can be said that these people brought by Venus did a good job in dealing with the giant snake. Obviously, their previous capture experience helped a lot. The preliminary preparations have greatly restricted the attacking ability of the monster snake, and the subsequent cooperation is also in place. Although the snake flies all over the sky in the end, only one unfortunate person hangs up in the end. Of course, the snake is not a fake. All the people who survived were severely injured except Venus and the crow, who hadn't shot. But this is a game. Injuries are fine as long as the medicine is sufficient.

"Are you okay?" Venus walked to a player and asked.

The guy was obviously very excited about Venus' false concern, and immediately jumped up to show that he was okay. After a simple arrangement, the things on the field were quickly restored to their original state, and some players moved out new fixed equipment from the specially-carried space equipment, fixed another cage to the ground just before the battle, and restored it. Those organs and decoys. It seems that a snake cannot meet the requirements. I have counted. There are a total of nine cages here. In other words, they may wish to catch nine snakes. Of course, they may have prepared so many to use as a backup, but they will definitely not catch more than nine snakes.

The fainted snake was injected with more than a dozen anesthetics one after another, and now he is definitely unable to get up. Several warriors brought the tool that I saw before, which looked like surgical supplies, and then they put it on the head of the snake. Only now have I figured out what this thing is for. After they fixed the thing, they took out some parts and installed it, and finally they just assembled a drilling machine-like thing on the snake head. After starting the thing, the thing quickly opened a hole in the snake's head, and then inserted a claw-like object from the snake's head. The giant snake shook fiercely at the moment the brain was inserted by the claw, but it didn't move anymore. Soon the claw pulled out a dark red Great Demon core from the snake head. Someone immediately hugged the magic core and handed it to Venus, and Venus hid the thing happily. It seems that this magic core is the key.

After taking out the magic core, the people of Venus immediately began to clean the scene, digging the remaining body of the snake directly, and then covering it with turf from other places, so that the ground It seems that there are not many traces of battle. After finishing all this, they started their second trapping plan. The previous steps are the same, but this time they have a lot of good luck, and the wizards’ vertigo spell at first succeeded. Orochi did not struggle very much, and then the anesthesia group put six needles in it in a row, and Orochi quickly Fainted. They also took out the magic core, except for the corpse, and they started trapping for the third time. They got six magic cores in this way. In the whole process, except for the first snake killed one person, it miraculously did not cause any casualties. , Even the cage is not damaged.

Like before, Venus and the others started their seventh trapping plan. The previous steps were the same. The snake was also successfully drawn out, but the problem was that this time it was not one but one. Two.

"What is going on?" Venus looked towards a player beside him in surprise.

That guy is obviously at a loss. "I don't know! There have never been two snakes at the same time before!"

Another player immediately suggested: "Miss Venus, I think we should give up? These snakes are not active. Attacking monsters will go back when they finish eating the bait. As long as we don’t anger them, they won’t attack us."

The player who was questioned by Venus immediately said: "Perhaps we can wait for them to return to the forest and wait for the bait again, maybe only one will be drawn this time?"

The player who persuaded Venus to leave was immediately angry at this player Roared: "You stupid pig, since there have been two giant snakes, it means that they are not far away. Even if we lure them, we will draw the two together again."

Venus looked at the two people who were arguing and didn't know who would listen to for a while, but the crow suddenly took a step forward. "Leave the one on the left to me. You bring the one on the right into the cage and kill it as planned." He rushed out without waiting for others to respond. Venus wanted to call him back, but after thinking about it, he rushed out. Shut up. She quickly shouted to the person next to her: "Quickly, the crow will drag one snake, and we will bring in the other one."

The two giant snakes saw the burning "briquette" and immediately swam. In the past, the two of them suddenly stopped and stared at each other vigilantly. Although these big guys are not high in intelligence, they can understand the simple reason that there is only one thing, one eats some and the other does not eat, so the two snakes immediately became hostile to each other. But at this time, the crow suddenly jumped up from the side and plunged a knife into the eye of one of the snakes. In fact, he shouldn't have succeeded in such a simple way. The key is that the two snakes are wary of each other, and naturally they have not noticed the humans who are similar to ants.

The sudden attack caused the snake to howl in pain, while shaking his head desperately. The crow jumped out quickly, so it didn't take any damage. The other snake was also very slick, and when he saw his companion injured, he immediately turned and rushed towards the "beehive" and swallowed it in his belly. The injured snake saw that his delicacy was eaten by another guy, and immediately wanted to rush up and desperately, but the crow jumped up at the right time and caused a big wound on the giant snake again. Although the giant snake is huge, the crow is a Peak expert who can play against me after all. A giant snake is not a big problem for him.

The other snake found that the little bit attacked his own kind, but he immediately swam to the next target he had just discovered. He was eating the bait that kept appearing while watching the riddled with scars of the same kind being beaten by that little scars with pride. If in peacetime, he would definitely help the kind to get rid of that little scars, but now he is busy grabbing the food, so he is concerned about the situation of the same kind. Not only is the idea of ​​no help, but some taking pleasure in other people's misfortune. However, his mood soon disappeared. The sudden fall of the gate completely sealed him in the cage, and then felt that after being pierced by a few small thorns, he began to lose his energy, his strength was getting weaker and weaker, and he finally fell asleep completely.

When the snake fell down, the giant snake that the crow had dealt with was almost dead. Venus and the others were very excited at this time, because they could get two magic cores immediately, but at this time the mutation happened again.

Boom. Because of a small mistake, the crow was knocked out by the dying giant snake. Originally this was not at the worst, but unfortunately, when the crow fell down, it knocked over the person who was responsible for the "beehive briquettes". Just now because they closed the cage relatively quickly, the giant snake did not have time to swallow the "beehive" that was placed in the deepest part of the cage. As long as this thing is temporarily extinguished, it can be used again for a while. Based on the principle of economy, this guy ran over to recycle the "briquette", but he didn't expect that the crow would suddenly fly over and knock him down. It doesn't matter if this guy falls. The problem is that the burning "briquette" he just picked up fell into the bag of other "briquette".

Although this thing is not very easy to catch fire, how can it be impossible for such a large group of fired things to fall directly into the bag? Soon all the "briquette" in the bag was burned up, and the bag was also burned. The result of burning a pile of "briquette" at the same time is to release the red smoke hiding the sky and covering the earth, and then everyone heard a huge roar from the depths of the foggy forest. If they look down from in the sky now, they can find that there are several leaf waves in the woodland that are rapidly advancing towards them. The swaying of those leaves is clearly caused by a large creature passing below. However, although Venus and the others could not observe the forest from the air, they quickly understood the current situation, because a large row of trees fell suddenly on the edge of the forest, and a dozen giant snakes appeared on the edge of the forest. , And what’s worse is that in the middle of these snakes there is a giant snake that is obviously a few laps larger than the other giant snakes. Different from the golden scales of other giant snakes, this guy is covered in black and red stripes, which is far more terrifying than other giant snakes.

"This is a big trouble!"

"Retreat now." Venus was decisive enough. He had no nostalgia for this kind of battle, which was sure to have no chance of winning. He directly asked the people around him to turn around and ran, and even the tools used for capture were left in place. In order to allow everyone to evacuate safely, a mage in the team summon a Fire Element. This thing is different from Familiars, which have relatively low intelligence, but they won’t be dropped when they die. The summon level is only affected by the skill level. After the mage summon got out of the Fire Element, he immediately directed the Fire Element to pick up the pile of burning "briquette" and ran to the other side of the lake. His purpose is simple, is to attract giant snakes to the past. Anyway, Fire Element can be recruited again if it is dead. As long as the giant snake is drawn away, everyone can evacuate safely.

This guy’s method worked very well. The giant snakes themselves were attracted by the smoke from these "beehive briquettes". Now they saw the "beehive briquettes" and im

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