"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult!" Ashford's answer completely surprised me.

"It's a bit difficult? What's the difficulty?"

"This...!" After hesitating for a while, Ashford went on to say: "You are at first by Wiener She disappeared suddenly after Si was killed."


"Yes. It's just those High God guys that you said are borrowing you and your demons. After his body appeared, the Venus was surrounded by them, and then disappeared without knowing what to do. Only the blue light and shadow outside was taken away by those guys. I will temporarily return the things that follow I don’t know, so don’t be too nervous. Maybe she just died. Maybe she’s now resurrected and returned to the British and French forces."

"Understood." Venus Although it is the number one beauty in Europe, she is not very attractive to people like Ashford. In this kind of battle, Ashford is naturally impossible to call the spy network to follow her whereabouts. "Now I have helped you rise up the city, and I have also reinforced the periphery. You should be able to deal with the British and French allied forces outside?"

"There should be no problem. Why? Are you leaving again?" "

I am nodded. "Yes. But I need you to help me check the whereabouts of Venus. If there is news, tell Rose and let her contact me at any time with the ring of love."

"This is no problem."


"Then I'll go first, please work harder here!"

After restoring various attributes in Iron Cross City, I flew out directly from the battlefield. There are birds. Help me not to worry about being intercepted at all. As long as I don't stop, no one will catch me. Just now Ashford spent a short period of time asking the spies who were in the Anglo-French allied forces to help check the whereabouts of Venus. According to intelligence, Venus hadn't appeared on the battlefield since he disappeared. But in addition, A message indicated that she is now probably in a place in France called Lour Gorge. In addition, from the news returned by Ashford’s spy, we learned that the state Venus used to attack me was not her personal skill, but a joint spell that needs to be activated with the help of array, and it seems to be activated once. The consumption is still very large. Later, the news that Venus might be in Lour Gorge was because summon's high-level samurai's array used a specialty of Lour Gorge, so Venus is now taking people there to collect this thing.

After the message was confirmed, I flew out of the iron cross city and left the teleportation suppression area, then teleported to Tianyu City and then transferred to France. After arriving here, I chose to teleport to Paris first, and then concealed the equipment and appearance with the Camouflage Technique and then mixed into the city library. The purpose of coming here is to find what Luer Canyon. Although the map in the game is roughly made according to the real world, there are still big differences in topography and landforms, and most of the place names have been changed except for a few historical cities, so this Lure Canyon The name of is most likely to be found on the actual map of France. The only thing that can determine this name is the map in the game, and the Paris Library is the only place where it is possible to find a detailed map of the whole of France.

As a top player in the game, I have not only combat strength, but I also excel in missions. If most people know such a place name, they probably have to spend a long time looking around for the place, and then looking for it a little bit, but I know that there are actually ready-made information in the dao chart library. What? You say that others are not so stupid and don't know how to go to the library to find a map? Then I tell you, it's not that others are stupid, but that others can't find it. Do you think the library in the game is open to everyone? Even if it is open, can you access all the information including hidden skills as an ordinary person? That is dreaming. If you want to find these things that others can’t find, you have to have some extraordinary means, and this extraordinary means is...

"Be careful when you go in. Don’t talk to anyone. If you can’t hide, just say yes. My relative, I’m sick, so you come to work. What you’re looking for is... you must pay attention to these, do you know?" An NPC administrator in the library exchanged clothes with me and explained the precautions. And we didn’t know it a few minutes ago. The reason why we can enter this state so quickly is due to three reasons: the charm of the small monstrous talent level of Silver Moon, a certificate of high priest from Light God Palace, and... A heavy bag of crystal coins. Of course, the most important is the last item.

I didn't come to Paris to fight, so I changed my trumpet Yinyue in advance to get things done. With the charm value of Yinyue monstrous talent level, all intelligent creatures with intelligence that is more than half of the human average and without serious mental illness are almost unable to be immune to my charm. Although they may not be able to obey, at least it will be very convenient to communicate. In addition, because of my "good relationship" with the two current Goddess of Light, I can easily get a certificate of high priest. Although the player doesn't care about this thing at all, the NPC of Light Faction is almost impossible to ignore the existence of this thing. As for the last bag of crystal coins, although it is the most important thing for the administrator, it is the easiest thing to solve for me.

Wearing the clothes of the administrator just now, I walked to the library's inventory area. There is generally not only one set of books in a large library. One set will be placed in the reading area outside for everyone to borrow, while the other set will be stored in a warehouse-like area at the back for use as a backup, and some are very special. Important orphans or confidential materials that are cherished will only appear in the inventory area instead of the reading area.

Different from the manager’s account, I didn’t walk backwards like a thief, but looked around like a country bumpkin from the countryside, and I sighed from time to time. Voice. Because of my outstanding performance, people passing by will of course notice me, but most people did not take the initiative to communicate with me, of course, no one came to stop me from deepening, because the inertial thinking of ordinary people would think that such a blatant person is definitely not People who have unruly attempts to be a guilty conscience is an idiom invented by the Chinese, but this is also the consistent idea of ​​most people in Europe, but I just do guilty conscience.

Probably when I was approaching the important information area, I finally found a few guards here. In reality, these NPCs are not my opponents at all. One thousand and two hundred level guards deal with ordinary players with one sword. If you deal with me, no one or two hundred people are estimated to be enough. But I'm here to look through the information, and I don't want to alarm the forces here. How can I say that the Anglo-French alliance is still at war with the Germans. I, the number one ally of the Iron Crusade, is a friend of the enemy to the French, so I am also their enemy. Although I have a good relationship with the temple, it is not something that can be used on the stage, so there is no way to use their power to enter here blatantly. Besides, it is not worth it. I have time to ask the temple for help and I have checked the information.

Those guards are obviously guarding here every day, and there are not many people in the back-step inventory area itself, so they all know them. Seeing my face glanced around, their Naturally, his eyes started to follow me from afar. Of course I have noticed their gazes a long time ago, but I'm not afraid, completely when they don't exist, I still look forward and look forward. Suddenly I saw the body of one of the Knights moving. Obviously he was going to come up and question me. After all, they were guards and not staff. Even if they didn't think I looked like a bad person, they would be impossible to ignore me. However, I moved ahead of him. I stopped in front of him at a faster speed just before he was about to come up and question my actions. Knight was a little puzzled about me taking the initiative to come up. Of course, it made him feel that I was not a bad person, because generally people with unruly attempts saw that they either dodge immediately or start a fight immediately or want to confuse me, but take the initiative to come up with this behavior and the three. Both situations are obviously inconsistent.

"That..." I asked quietly, "Where is the map room? I'm Figo Uncle's nephew. Uncle was a little uncomfortable today, so I went back first. He asked me to Here is one day for him. But someone broke the map book just now, and the administrator asked me to get a copy of the damaged page of the map to the reading area, but I don’t know the way behind it. Could you please help me? After asking the question, I immediately fixed my gaze on Knight’s eyes, and then the guy immediately entered the "good guy" mode, very enthusiastically showing me the direction and sent me through the first turn before returning to my own. Post, dragging this blessing I not only quickly found the map depository, even the door guards passed easily, because they saw this Knight talking to me at the first turn. If you are a security guard in a company, you just saw a person you don’t know chatting with your security Captain very enthusiastically, and then this person walked by your side, would you want to go up and search him? Obviously not! Although the library is not accessible to everyone, it is not a super secret unit. The so-called guards are nothing but the kind of furnishings to guard against the gentleman and the villain. Naturally, they don't take it too seriously.

After successfully mixing into the map area, I started to search for the map, because there is a detailed catalogue to check, so I quickly found the map I needed. After marking the destination on my player map, I restored the map completely, but when I was going to replay the map, I unexpectedly found a very interesting thing.

"Oh? There is actually this thing? Hehe, it seems I'm going to check it out when I have time." I copied this insert on the side of a very old map. Then put the original back in place and carefully left the map area. When I came out, I passed by the Knight who gave me directions again. I thanked him again. This guy also responded enthusiastically. If he knows that the guy in front of him just peeked at something that he shouldn’t be looking at, he doesn’t know him. What will I think in my mind.

I left the library smoothly after changing my clothes at the manager I bribed. Now that you have a map, the rest is easy. Teleport directly to the small city closest to the Luhr Gorge. After getting out of the city area, quickly change back to Purple Moon, a large size, and ride the Night Shadow towards the canyon.

Before I really didn’t expect this so-called Luhr Canyon is actually a gathering area for the undead. I found the sky gradually darkened after a long distance, and finally the sky was already when I actually walked to the entrance of the canyon It became as dark as night. Now the brightness here can only be compared with the very strong moonlight at night mention on equal terms, but unlike silver moonlight, the light here is a dark diffused light that has been refracted many times, and will not cast any shadows, just feel all directions It's as dark everywhere.

After passing through the outer forest area, the mouth of the canyon appeared in front of me, but this place is the swamp I hate the most. On the dark green ground, it’s not clear where is the puddle and which is the road. Anyway, it will fall accidentally. Fortunately, the night shadows will fly. The road is not a problem for me. It is mainly because of monsters in such places. The mud that will surely start to fly all over the sky, and I don't like to do it all by myself.

Summon came out of rose vines and the pioneers and let them dive into the mud to help me detect threats under the mud, while I rode the night shadow floating in search of an inch from the ground. The flow characteristics of the mud make there is no trace at all for me to refer to. Even if someone walks past here, the mud will quickly refill the footprints or something, even if someone drops something on the ground as a mark, it will sink in the end. The quagmire disappeared completely.

"Rose vine. Can you feel that there is an enemy nearby?"

"No." Rose vine's answer in the contact is very simple.

"Then continue searching."

Since the vibration of the rose vine can't feel the presence of the enemy, it means that the enemy should not be close, but this cannot be completely guarantee. The shock absorption characteristics of the special medium of mud are worse than that of hard soil and soft water. This kind of semi-dry and semi-sparse material can consume the vibration energy in a short distance, so relying on vibration induction can only Find a closer target. As for visual reconnaissance... Do you think the swamp is really a Pingchuan? Weeds as tall as a person and all kinds of weird plants grow here, and there is almost no open space except for some places that look like roads but are actually mud pits.

"Half Moon." With a movement of my mind, the two and a half months immediately separated from the ring of commandments and flew to my left and right sides respectively. In the second half of my control, I first landed to a height of less than an inch from the ground, and then the blade edged outwards and started a high-speed rotation centered on me. Two and a half moons revolved around me like a lawn mower, and all the plants blocking the way were cut off, so that the area near me was completely vacated, at least when it came out, it would be much more convenient.

After walking a short distance, the rose vine reported the discovery of undead creatures, and then I saw a green zombie appeared not far away. This kind of disgusting thing is very common in the quagmire, and the more disgusting thing is that these things are not necessarily brushed out by the system. The current "Zero" has a new feature, that is, if the player dies in a dark place full of Dark Aura, the body will not gradually sink into the ground and be refreshed as in other places, but will become a zombie according to the damage. Or a skeleton, it may even become a high level undead like Nether Soul, and there is a very interesting thing here, that is, if you hang up in this place once and explode a certain piece of equipment and happen to be not picked up by anyone. , Then your equipment will be used by the zombie or skeleton that your corpse turns into. If you can quickly run back after the resurrection to find the undead you turned into and kill him, then your explosive equipment There will be a 100% probability of falling out of this zombie or skeleton.

In fact, this interesting situation was not discovered by me, but by a Dutch player who walked with dogshit luck. The lucky guy killed a wandering low-level zombie in the peripheral zone of an undead gathering area. As a result, that zombie broke more than a dozen high-level equipment. It turns out that this zombie turned out to be a red-named player. After hanging up here, most of the equipment on his body was exposed. Then the body of this guy was resurrected as a zombie, and he brought a piece of top-quality equipment, but he was caught by a very low-level player. The player picked up the bargain. After that, the player posted this issue on the forum with the topic of low-level equipment exploding a bunch of best products, but at the time everyone did not believe that there was such a thing. However, since this kind of thing appeared in various parts of the world, some people gradually discovered the truth and reported it. Later, after some good people's propaganda, it became an interesting setting that most people know.

I was thinking about this and saw that the zombie in front of me was tied up with more than a dozen rattans sticking out of the mud, and then the peng sound rattans were scattered one after another, and the zombie was torn into ten Several pieces were scattered in a large area. This is my request. Because I don't want to get mud, I asked Rose Vine and the Blazers to try their best to kill all the monsters they might encounter at a certain distance from me, so that I don't have to do it myself. But what surprised me was that as the zombie in front of me was torn apart, a piece of equipment actually fell in front of me. Could this also be changed by a certain player?

"Rose vine." I only yelled the rose vine and rolled the thing in front of me with my heart, and he also vigorously removed all the mud from a distance ahead of time. give it to me.

I took the thing and checked it, and the result was indeed as I expected. This is a pretty good piece of equipment, definitely not something that this low-level zombie can explode, so this zombie must have been an unfortunate player before. Holding this equipment, I suddenly realized that this thing seemed a bit familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere before. After carefully recalling the acting, I suddenly remembered. Isn't this the equipment of a guy in the guard team around Venus? Because of the beauty of Venus, there are always a group of male players with strong hormone secretion around him. Although these people are not organized people, they are used to regard them as Venus’s guards, but in reality They can also play a role. The reason why these guys didn't show a face in the previous exchanges with me was mainly because they were blown away by the airflow caused by my fighting with the crows as soon as they appeared. These people are ordinary people in Europe. True experts either directly pursue the offensive against Venus just like the torch and the crow, or they have little interest in Venus, impossible to the point of acting as a guard. At that time, the crows and I were fighting. Both sides knew the level of each other. Naturally, the firepower was fully fired during the battle. The damage output was just a normal burst of strength in the eyes of both of us, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it was the same as the storm. However, although those people were blown away by the battle between me and the crows as soon as they appeared, I still left some impressions on this equipment, because the shape of this thing is too individual. This is a large golden ring with a diameter of about one meter and a width of more than an inch. The ring was on the back of one of the guys at the time. Because the color was brighter and the thing was rare, it left some impression on me.

Now it seems that if that guy hadn't been blown off as soon as he came up, he would be able to make a few moves with me by relying on this thing, because this ring is called: the ring of strength. The attribute of this thing allows the user to temporarily replicate the full strength of an opponent. Of course, this strength does not include summon objects and Avatar, but just the entire strength of the opponent's body. That is to say, if that guy used this thing to me at that time, he can at least maintain my battle strength when he is not summon summon until his magic power is exhausted. But what he can copy is only the attribute recognized by the game. Considering that I myself have received professional training and know some fighting skills, even if I have the same attribute as me, he is still not my opponent.

Since the identity of this guy is confirmed, it means that Venus and the others should be in the vicinity. At least they have passed by here. Although the undead creatures resurrected from the player's corpse will wander around, they will not leave the Land of Death too far, so he should die nearby. However, the resurrection of the corpse generally does not take effect immediately. There is an interval of more than an hour during this period, so this guy has been dead for at least an hour. It seems that when I was recruited by Pangu for questioning, this guy should have already searched for that special item here.

As we continued forward, the canyon suddenly became wider. The canyons in "Zero" seem to be similar, all with narrow exits and large interiors, and this one is no exception. There are not only large swamps but also a large dark forest in the gorge within the valley. This kind of jungle is made up of a very strange tree. This kind of tree looks dark and rustling, and it feels like severely rotted decayed wood, but in fact, this tree is simply not rotted, but it is born like this. In addition, this kind of tree generally does not grow straight up, but likes to grow wildly in various directions and at various angles. In the end, the Head President has some very scary shapes, either looking like some kind of rare beast claws. It looks like a big open mouth, in short, the shape is extremely scary. Of course, a tree is a tree, and this hasn't changed, except that it is scary and has no real harm. But for the average player, this kind of forest is still not a good place, because this kind of forest is often a gathering place for high level dark creatures. In addition to the increased probability of various strange skeletons and zombies, it can also encounter undead. Things like Knight or Nether Soul, if you are lucky enough to run into a big Lich, it’s not surprising.

"Master, found the target."

The Trailblazer, who has been swaying far away, suddenly sent an enemy signal. I immediately ordered him not to disturb the enemy and be careful. Pay attention to the lurking near the enemy. After the Trailblazer confirmed the order, I immediately commanded Rose Vine and Yekage to move closer to the Trailblazer's location. I didn't know that we were not far away from Venus until I reached the location of the Blazers, but there was just a large quagmire pond between us, so we went around in a big circle before we reached them.

Before, the weeds that I have always felt are intrusive at this time have brought me great benefits, because it is too easy to hide myself in this kind of place, but the only thing that makes me What is very unsatisfactory is that I finally had to step in the mud! No way, Ye Ying, who usually looks very tall and handsome, is really not suitable for lurking tasks. It is too high to ride on him. The enemy only needs to turn his head to see me who is a bit taller than the weeds, so I had to walk down far away. After walking deep and shallow in the mud to them, I found a place where I could go down and squatted there. Through the long weeds, I could see Venus carrying dozens of them. A player and hundreds of NPCs are cutting trees there. Yes, they were cutting down trees, and it was still a very strange tree. This kind of tree looks similar to the kind of strange tree in the Dark Forest, but if you look closely, you will find that the trunk of this tree is relatively thick, and the trunk is darker than that of the strange tree.

I saw a few of them cut down a tree of this kind within a short while, and then they did not collect the wood but went up and completely split the trees and dug out from the inside of the trunk. This kind of scarlet looks a lot like briquette. I guess the "briquette" of this scarlet is the kind of specialty they say, but I really don't know what this thing is for. Haven't heard that the products in this kind of strange tree can be used for summon high samurai? Anyway, I decided to keep following up. Although killing these people is not a troublesome thing, I don't want to kill them, but to know their summon high-level patrons' methods and solve the matter permanently. Just killing them once or twice is not a permanent solution.

Venus is sitting on a shelf carried by eight people. Obviously she also hates falling into a mud pit. After all, not many beautiful women like to mess with themselves. Like a monkey. Except for the person who was carrying her, there were players standing nearby, and it seemed that it was the guard team that had exceeded the hormonal index. The people on the periphery are ordinary players, and it seems that most of them are auxiliary professions, and they should be practicing gathering skills and the like. Those who cut trees are basically NPCs, and it seems that they are not professional laborers but temporary part-time battle-type NPCs. After all, this kind of place is not easy for ordinary people to survive except for people like me with a dark attribute higher than the undead, so if you don't bring more battle-type personnel, you will definitely not be able to get here by relying on the guards alone. At least they are impossible like me to let the low-level skeletons and zombies completely ignore my existence.

In fact, my dark attributes are not completely useless except for causing me a lot of trouble. At least in such places, dark attributes still take advantage. Because my dark attribute is very strong, undead creatures that should be active attacking will become passive attacking around me. That is to say, unless the undead is responsible for guarding something, under normal circumstances I walked by the undead. They will be busy with themselves as if they hadn't seen me, as long as I don't attack them, they won't have any interest in me.

It seems that Venus and the others need a lot of this thing, because I squatted there for at least half an hour, and they didn’t even mean to leave, they were still collecting that kind of "briquette" crazy. .

"No, this is not the way to guard it!" I thought about summon and the king came out. Most female characters are afraid of getting dirty. It is better not to help them in such muddy places. The two male demon familiars didn't react to the mud environment at all, they just looked down and stopped talking. I whispered to them: "Did you see what those people collected?"

The king and the second were nodded together. "I saw it."

"You two go to a farther place to help me collect some back. It doesn’t need to be too many, just a few. I just use it to study what it is, so don’t Too much. Be careful and try not to let them discover your existence."

"Understood." The two people were nodded and quickly made a big bend from behind and touched the other side of the woodland. The grass blocked me soon and I couldn't see them, but it shouldn't be a big problem in this kind of area with their level.

After continuing to observe the situation for a while, the king and the second came back, but it was completely different from the situation when they left clean. Now these two guys are almost like mud monkeys. "This is what you want." The king stretched out his hand and handed over two "briquettes."

I took the thing carefully and used my expert Appraisal Technique to appraise it, and the displayed attributes surprised me greatly. This is actually a kind of feed. "Dark rotten wood core: The product of the internal organization of dark rotten wood mutated. It is a very high-end devil beast feed, which helps the devil beast's magic power recovery speed. (It is not effective for higher intelligent creatures)." This is the thing of this thing. All the attributes have been introduced, and I have no idea what this thing has to do with the summon array.

Looking at Venus and the others collecting this kind of "briquette" here with keen interest pleasure, I really don't know if it's time to interrupt them. If I don't interrupt, I don't know when they are going to collect it, but my EXP is dropping every minute! But in case I interrupted their process and they didn’t collect enough materials, they would have to do it again before they could start preparing for the ceremony. Am I not even worse?

I was hesitating here, but the people on Venus suddenly turned around and made me think I was exposed! But I soon realized that the problem was not with me, because the other person's eyes were obviously much higher than mine. I suddenly realized that they were actually looking behind me. I quickly turned around and saw nine huge heads standing not far behind me staring at me.

"Damn, swamp Nine Headed Snake!" This is a specialty of the swamp. There are a lot of them, and the strength is not low. In addition to being unable to fly or magnify magic, it can basically compete with giant The dragon works against it, and this thing has a very annoying feature-mentally retarded! Nine Headed Snake has no brains and can't distinguish the breath of prey at all. Although there are nine heads, their intelligence is already low to the point where there is only a stress response, which makes many people who don't want to encounter him upset. Mould, because originally as long as Nine Headed Snake was smart enough, he wouldn't attack a powerful enemy like us, but this guy is an idiot.

In fact, Nine Headed Snake's nine heads are not low in intelligence, but his overall behavior is very dull, which may be like a human society. Everyone's intelligence is indeed not low, but once it rises to the height of the country, many seemingly simple things will become very complicated. Nine Headed Snake is such a situation, because the opinions and ideas of nine heads are not unified, and no head is absolutely dominant, so the action is very restricted, otherwise the strength of this guy will definitely not be reduced to a rateless monster. Area.

Now the action of this Nine Headed Snake is obviously to take me as a target, but Venus and others did not see me, but because the size of the Nine Headed Snake is too big, so they just I discovered Nine Headed Snake first, but in this case, I will definitely be exposed once I start fighting. Really, such a thing unexpectedly happened! I reluctantly pulled down the helmet mask and activated the fully enclosed mode of the Devil Dragon suit. Since this equipment can be used as a dive in the sea, it should work well in the mud. After completing the sealing work, I immediately hugged myself into a ball, and the surrounding mud suddenly burst upward. The pioneer's mouth came out from the ground and wrapped me in his mouth, and then quickly disappeared. In the mud. This is the strategy I came up with. Let the Blazers put me in their mouths and quickly escape under the ground. If Nine Headed Snake catches up, then I only have to wait until the distance is far enough to come out and kill Nine Headed Snake. If Nine Headed Snake doesn’t chase me but goes to Venus and their troubles, then I can come back again. Look at the excitement, anyway, these two situations are much better than exposing my whereabouts.

The intelligence of the Nine Headed Snake in front of me is definitely not high. After seeing me suddenly swallowed by the Trailblazers, he as it should be by rights thought I was eaten by another monster, originally in something else Under the circumstances, he should be chasing the guy who robbed him of food, but today’s situation is that there is still a lot of food, so Nine Headed Snake did not chase us but went directly across the grass where I was hiding to Venus and the others. past.

"Disperse!" The shout of Venus immediately reminded those auxiliary professional players that they hid in the woods behind, and those battle-type NPCs who were still cutting trees before. They all ran back to block between everyone and Nine Headed Snake.

Nine Headed Snake was not nervous about the ant changing position in front of him. The eyes of one of his heads suddenly lit up, and everyone around Venus felt that their feet were sinking, and then they started to move. Sag.

"It's a quagmire technique, everyone stays still, it will disperse and cast quickly." Venus, as a figure who often brings a bunch of followers, is very natural in this case In addition to the command force, and she is carried by eight people, even if everyone is stuck in the mud, she will be the last to sink, so she is the calmest in comparison.

The rays of light for dispelling magic soon lit up in the team, but another magic was lit up on Nine Headed Snake, and everyone felt

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