"Does Demon need to be so nervous?" Seeing Taibai Jinxing's nervous look, I laughed and said, "Celestial Court won't even be able to solve Demon, right? When fighting Buddhism, you said that being attacked by Demon might still be a little worrying. There seems to be no problem at this moment, right?"

Taibai Jinxing shook his head very helplessly: "You still come with me to see Yu Yu Emperor, when the time comes, you'll know."

Looking at Taibai Jinxing's appearance, it doesn't look like a pretend. I felt that something really serious happened, so I immediately followed Taibai. Jinxing went to Celestial Court together. Using Transmission Formation, we quickly arrived at the Lingxiao Temple, but the strange thing is that Divine Immortal is not imaginary all over the floor. I only saw a few familiar faces, all of which are great characters with heads and faces in the Celestial Court. What little gods and little immortals appear here, this usual Celestial Court meeting seems to be different.

Seeing that I arrived, the Jade Emperor waved his hand outwards, and the goddess and the goddess attendants next to them all turned and left the great hall. It seems that a major event has really occurred. The Jade Emperor drove all these people out. Obviously, the matter is too serious to be known by ordinary Divine Immortal. Such a big event has happened at most in the history of Celestial Court. Two times, one of them was when Black Qilin was suppressed, and the other was when Monster King was suppressed. Wait, I suddenly thought of Monster King.

"The Jade Emperor, don’t you know what to do if you call me urgently?"

The Jade Emperor asked back: "With your ingenuity, don’t you see anything?" "

"I can only see that the Celestial Court has a major event, but it is something that is too important to be publicized, but Celestial Court has many secrets, and I can't think of what it needs to be. Such prudence."

"You are not stupid." The Jade Emperor winked at Taibai Jinxing, and Taibai Jinxing immediately said to me: "You have reminded us to be careful of Demon before we go to war with Buddhism. When we came to the sneak attack, as a result, we deployed heavy forces to defend the Celestial Court. Even Hong Jun Sect Lord and Lao Tzu stayed to guard the Celestial Court to prevent accidents, but didn’t expect things still happened, but it didn’t look like we thought. Launch a frontal attack."

"Not a frontal attack? Did they sneak into the Celestial Court and do nothing?"

"You guessed it," Taibai Jinxing said:" Demon used lured the tiger away from the mountain to lure away Lao Tzu and Hong Jun Sect Lord, and then sent an expert to steal something."

I wrinkled and did not ask: "Who can be so powerful? Lead Hong Jun Sect Lord and Lao Tzu away? Is there such a powerful person in Demon?"

Taibai Jinxing nodded: "Heavenspan Cult Lord and Great Wheel Pluto are here."


I have seen the Great Wheel of Pluto. She was a kind of expert when she was in Buddhism. I can’t say that the Tathagata is stable against her. I want to attract one of the two experts from Celestial Court. One is not difficult, as for the other, his identity is even more interesting. Heavenspan Cult Lord is actually one of Hong Jun’s Sect Lord’s disciplines. Hong Jun’s Sect Lord has three disciplines, eldest apprentice is Lao Tzu, and the latter two disciplines regardless of size, one is Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, and the other is Heavenspan. Cult Lord. However, unlike Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and Lao Tzu, Heavenspan Cult Lord is a traitor as a whole. Hong Jun Sect Lord agrees and he opposes it. He is completely opposed to Hong Jun Sect Lord. However, ordinary strangers must have anomalies. Although the Heavenspan Cult Lord is very rebellious, the aptitude is really good. Among the three disciplines of Hong Jun Sect Lord, he may be the most powerful. If he was the bait, even the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning would probably chase him together. It would not be difficult to entice these two great experts.

Taibai Jinxing said to me: "After leading away the two immortals sitting in town, the remaining Demon experts secretly sneaked into the Celestial Court, and then they not only stole the Monster King’s magic mysterious beads, but also Some demon weapons hidden in Celestial Court were also stolen. The most damning thing is that they even kidnapped Chang'e Fairy."

Halo! Demon and Celestial Court are indeed the same. When Celestial Court was first built, Demon's treasure was taken over when Demon was mass eradicated, but because Divine Immortal could not use the demon weapon, it was all sealed up. Now that Demon comes to retrieve those things strictly speaking is not considered stealing, but from the standpoint of Celestial Court, it is more embarrassing than stealing. As for Chang'e, this is not easy to say. Chang'e should have been regarded as Loose Immortal, and had no position at all. The reason why she lived in Vast-Glacial Palace should actually be regarded as a family dispute between the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother. Chang'e is a gold-worship girl who dreams of flying to the branch to become Phoenix. The Jade Emperor belongs to the big money type, and the Queen Mother is more strict, so the Jade Emperor can’t eat swan's meat and don’t want others to eat it, so he had to put Chang’e in Vast- Glacial Palace was confined as a canary. Demon abducted Chang'e, and his purpose was probably similar to that of the Jade Emperor. Everyone has a love for beauty, and Demon is no exception. Besides, this is not necessarily a kidnapping. Chang'e wanted to be a Divine Immortal in the first place. It was nothing more than the idea of ​​a woman who worshipped gold. However, she later found out that she could not become a Phoenix but became a prisoner, so she was naturally unhappy. It happened that this time she met Demon and swept Celestial Court. She took the opportunity to hook up a Demon and let someone take her away. It was not impossible. However, speaking of which, just lost something, Celestial Court's reaction seems to be too big. This is obviously abnormal. I think the Jade Emperor should have nothing to tell me.

"Jade Emperor." I respectfully said: "Is there anything unspeakable here at Celestial Court? This situation seems to not make you anxious, right?"

< p>"You are indeed very smart." The Jade Emperor looked at me and said: "The things being stolen are not only those, but also this." The Jade Emperor took a piece of jade from a box beside him.

Taibai Jinxing handed the jade to me. I turned over and over again and didn't see anything famous. "This...I don't understand. Since it was stolen, what is this?"

"There should have been three yuan, but now only this one is left." For it. Demons took this thing and hid it. No matter how we searched it, we couldn’t find it. Even if we used Dasoutianxia’s spell, we couldn’t do anything about it."

"So..." I Bi drew for a long time: "Is there nothing to explain?" I held the jade and shook it.

"I think you still don't know." The Jade Emperor said seriously.

I thought about it a little bit. "Then what do I need to do?"

"Find the place where Demon is hiding, even if you use clues, the Celestial Court soldiers and horses can be dispatched at will, you only need to provide information."

I nodded, and then stretched out three fingers: "Three conditions."

"Talk about it."

"First, according to the old rules, I can't be too busy "

"No problem." The Jade Emperor said: "You can get 10% of the last spoils of war, and you can pick it first."

I nodded: "Second. , I need to defend. Demon is not as easy to approach as when they first came out. At that time, they were locked up for tens of thousands of years. . But now they already know this world very well, and for this Celestial Court thing, I and my acquaintances in Demon are very unhappy. Besides, the actual rights in Demon have been transferred, my old ones A friend may not be able to speak for me."

The Jade Emperor said quickly: "I will let White Tiger and Black Tortoise go with you, and give you a special purpose, let you take your white Jade Qilin and bring it together."

"Then there is the last one, and the most important one."

"Just say it."

"Jade The emperor also knows that I have many friends in Demon. Although the trouble between me and my Demon friends is not pleasant this time, it is only a disagreement in opinion, not that our relationship has changed. So, I hope I can let go of my Demon friends."

This time, the Jade Emperor is not as refreshing as before. After thinking about it for a long time, he said: "I can't completely agree to this." Look. When I was about to speak, he immediately said: "Don't worry, I didn't say that I would not agree at all, but I need to modify the content."

"Jade Emperor, please tell me."

"You have to protect your friends. There is nothing to say about this, but Celestial Court also has to eliminate the threat. Therefore, there are several masterminds you cannot protect."

"Which ones, please? Let me see Is there anyone I want to protect?"

The Jade Emperor discussed with Taibai Jinxing, and then said: "I don’t want to make it difficult for you, as long as Heavenspan Cult Lord, Peacock King, White Elephant King, Golden Lion King and Eternal Monster King, you can choose other Demons. However, you must let them join your guild. If you follow you, they are just ordinary Demons. mon, and if they are simply released, it will mess up the Celestial Court, so you must persuade them to join your guild. If the person you want to protect doesn't agree, it's me. "

I nodded: "I am very grateful that the Jade Emperor can do this step, so please ask two Sacred Beasts to come to Isengard to find me. They will leave as soon as they arrive. "

The Jade Emperor reminded again: "Remember, what we want is the two pieces of jade. Must confirm where they are. "

"Understood. "

After leaving Celestial Court, I first returned to Steel City. The enhancement project of Purple Clouds Mountain still requires me to determine some details. In about half an hour, White Tiger and Black Tortoise arrived in Aixin. Ge, I also rushed back to Isengard after receiving the notice. The two of them have already found out what happened in Celestial Court, so there is no need for me to say anything. Take the permission letter they brought to Yinxue and read it. After that, the system ban was officially lifted. I can temporarily take Yinxue out of the guild’s sphere of influence and go out for activities.

After the three thugs were ready, I did not rush to take them out to find Demon’s lair. Instead, we first went to the combat command room of our guild, where there is a super-large world map on the ground, and with the crystal technology of our guild, we can even check the location of a certain house in a certain city alone. I took Black Tortoise and they came here mainly to confirm the possible hiding place of Demon.

Although I don’t know what the two stolen jade pieces were for, the demons have stolen it. The important thing, then impossible is still hiding in the original nest. Demon used to live in the Celestial Court. The Celestial Court must know the place. When they go back there, it is equivalent to walking right into a trap. The Demons are not that stupid.

Black Tortoise, White Tiger and Yinxue have never seen the combat command center of our guild. They are very curious about the environment of this place, but only Yinxue can feel around, Black Both Tortoise and White Tiger know that they are not members of the guild. In order to avoid embarrassment, they will naturally not ask me to ask all sorts of questions.

"Is something looking for me again? "As soon as I entered the room, Martial God asked without looking up.

I talked about Demon in general, and then asked: "Now Demon must not be there anymore, I hope you Give me a guess of possible hiding places. "

The military god pressed a few times on the crystal console, and three-dimensional images of four spheres immediately appeared on the open space in the middle of the room. I can easily tell that these four spheres are Earth. , The moon, the red planet and the gray planet. Didn’t expect the war god to add the data of these two planets during this period.

They don't know the situation of other planets, and they don't have the ability to enter the moon, so the scope is initially determined to be Earth. "The other three planets in the center of the room gradually faded and disappeared, and then moved to the center, and zoomed in. The military god continued: "This world is controlled by many forces. During this period, the Demons rush into the control of other forces. The range is easy to cause war, and Celestial Court is catching them again, and the feeling of being attacked by the stomach and back should not be very comfortable, so they will not enter the control range of other countries. "

White Tiger asked: "You mean they are still within the scope of my Huaxia domain?" "

Military God shook his head and said: "Not quite right. I only said that they did not enter the territory of other countries, but this does not mean that they did not leave the territory of China, because in this world there is still a small part of unowned land. "

White Tiger and Black Tortoise are constantly nodded after listening, obviously they did not expect this situation before.

Military God continued: "Although they may not be in China Within the scope, but this is only possible, and it does not mean that it must not be there, so we will take out the possible area separately. "The picture in front of me flashed, and some unowned areas in China and the surrounding areas were turned into flat images and were enlarged and displayed separately. The god of war pointed to the picture and said to us: "According to the information I have, Demon has spoken to Spiritual Qi is in great demand, and they plan to confront Celestial Court head-on, so they are impossible to enter an area without Spiritual Qi. On the screen, I dilute the areas where Spiritual Qi is thin and not suitable for them to build a base, and the remaining highlight areas are the possible range. "

The picture before us suddenly becomes clearer when the military god handles it in this way. Spiritual Qi this thing is very rare, otherwise Celestial Court would not compete with Buddhism so powerfully. So. , Remove the area without Spiritual Qi, in fact, ninety-nine percent of the area in China has been removed, and the rest is nothing more than a few hundred dots.

Xuan Martial Dao: "Purple Moon, your equipment here is really convenient, and your friends' brains are also very good. This saves us a lot of trouble. We'll find these hundreds of points separately, and we should be able to find them all within seven days. "

I shook my head and said, "You can't find Demon without me, and I can't return to report without you, so we simply can't separate. "

Black Tortoise said with some regret: "Then the time may become very long in this case!" "

The military god interrupted us and said: "It's not necessary at all. There are a total of 731 points marked on the map, most of which are directly under the Celestial Court or the practice field of the Loose Immortal. You only need to ask the Jade Emperor to send a decree and let these venues report back. Information is enough. If there is no normal return information, it means that it has been occupied by Demon. "

"You guys are really smart! "Xuan Martial Dao: "This time it's less than half!" I will ask the Jade Emperor to make an order. "Black Tortoise took out a white jade pendant, and then said something to the jade pendant, then raised his head and said to us: "The Jade Emperor said that he will make an order immediately and will tell us the details in an hour. "

Military Shendao: "In this case, the part of the Spiritual Qi gathering point controlled by the Celestial Court doesn't need to be taken care of. Let's remove it. "The picture is now much more refreshing. There are only a hundred or so dots left in the entire China and surrounding areas. The military god continues without waiting for us to speak: "The remaining hundred and twenty-three There are big and small gathering points. The number of Demon is very large. At this time, it is necessary to gather together to prepare for war, so it is unlikely that they will be distributed everywhere, at most, they will be controlled by three to five relatively close strongholds, or they will all be gathered together. Based on this, let us remove those areas that are not big enough, or where the Spiritual Qi is not too thick, so that there are thirteen possible targets left. "

The thirteen points on the screen are shown in red, of which eleven are in China, and there are two, one is on the sea, and the other is in India in the Himalayas mountain range. On one side, there is no man’s land, so there is no question of ownership.

"Thirteen goals, even if you look for them one by one, it will take more than a day. Yinxue said happily.

Military God added: "It is also possible that Celestial Court directly reported that the target was found, so you don’t necessarily need to go out and look for it. Besides, these 13 This point can still be streamlined. "

"Can still remove part of it? "

Military god nodded. "One of these thirteen points is the place where Demon gathered before. The Jade Emperor informs you that you must have sent someone to check there before looking for Demon, so this point can be eliminated of. Two of the remaining twelve points are occupied by the player's guild, and one belongs to the Dark God Palace, so there are only nine real targets. "The eliminated points on the screen gradually fade and disappear, and the remaining nine points are individually displayed.

"Then we will search for these nine areas. "Black Tortoise said.

The military god took a special crystal pen and drew on the screen in front of him. The three-dimensional images we saw also showed the lines he drew simultaneously. Seeing that three of them were crossed, White Tiger asked in surprise: "Why did you remove three more? "

"Because these three are medium-sized strongholds, although they can be used as sub-bases, their location is too passive, as long as the demons have a little brain will not choose these three places. "

Yinxue asked excitedly: "That means there are only six points to investigate, right? "

"Yes. "Jun Shendao: "With my reasoning model, it is impossible to eliminate more areas. The remaining six areas are all possible. But I suggest you check in this order. "The points on the screen are numbered one by one. "This is my analysis based on Demon's previous behavior patterns and the information provided by you. As long as there is no small probability of hits, you are 70% sure of the first point. Find the trace of Demon. "

As a battlefield management computer, the god of military condenses our country’s most cutting-edge information and biological and electronic technology, simulation of the battlefield, calculation of enemy behavior, analysis of various tactics, these all are it The main job of. We now ask him to help find Demon's location, which is actually equivalent to figuring out the possible hiding place of the enemy. If Black Tortoise and I go out this time, they really find Demon once, then This shows that the military god can already rely on very rough intelligence to analyze the approximate position and movement of the enemy. Such a supercomputer is simply better than a spy satellite. You can also use various camouflage methods to confuse the spy satellite. But it is completely calculated, and it’s useless to pretend.

With detailed information, it’s much easier to do. It’s better than pretending to be like a fly without a head. Many people have always known us. The motherland is very big, but it is difficult for people who have not really traveled to imagine how big our motherland is. Without this information from the military gods, if we are unlucky, we may not be able to find the right place even if we look for a year.

After waiting for about an hour in Isengard, Celestial Court's reply finally arrived. The sacred mountains have reported back, and no Demon has been found. The owners of those sacred mountains are local Divine Immortal, and Demon wants to be with them It’s impossible to exist safely on the land without being discovered. Besides, it’s not one or two Demons. They can’t hide at all.

Black Tortoise took the jade pendant for communication and said: “It seems that Demon is just It's in one of these six areas. Let's go look for them one by one now? "(To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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