"Jade Emperor." I said very seriously: "I think the guild has played a very important role in this task, so we are a cooperative relationship. Why are we embarrassed about the labor fees?"

The Jade Emperor is black and I am not white. I directly pointed out our partnership. If he talks about labor fees with us again, it is equivalent to acknowledging the partnership. If we pay the labor service fee under the premise, then even if we charge the labor service fee, we are too speechless.

The Jade Emperor obviously understood what I meant, and immediately stopped mentioning the issue of labor fees. "In that case, I won't force it. How about we discuss the prisoners of war and the wounded now?"

I nodded: "This is good."

The Jade Emperor asked: "Then how do you think the prisoners of war and the wounded should be handled?" Rose said in place of me: "I think the prisoners of war and the wounded should be distinguished first. After all, whether the wounded can be cured is still two different things. Let's talk about the treatment process. The investment is not small, and it’s not a matter of calculation."

"There are some roads, so how do you think it should be handled specifically?"

In the view of the Jade Emperor I made up my mind to listen to our tone first! Rose very cleverly said: "Let our guild first pick out the parts we can handle, and then hand over those we don't have the ability to handle to Celestial Court. As for how Celestial Court likes to handle it, it depends on the Jade Emperor's interest. Pill concocting It’s okay, you can be your own person."

When the Jade Emperor heard it, he smiled and said to me: "You really have a great wife!" Rose and I have a ring of love. So NPC can know that we are a husband and wife, and the Jade Emperor is no exception.

I smiled and said: "Xie Yudi praised, then as your gift, can you accept my wife's suggestion?" This is called smashing a snake, and it is the Jade Emperor who said it first. Yes, at worst, go back to the original point and re-discuss.

After all, the Jade Emperor is a leader of Great Influence, and he still has this kind of demeanor. Besides, we still have a lot of opportunities for cooperation in the future. The Jade Emperor originally intended to win over us, so he didn't get too entangled with us at all, and passed nodded directly.

On the surface, we only have the right to choose a priority. In fact, this benefit is very big. Strictly speaking, the wounded among the prisoners are the real battle strength of Buddhism. Most of the uninjured are non-combatants. It is of little use for such people to go back, and the right of priority selection allows us to easily treat those with high strength. First find out, this is very important to enhance the strength of the troops.

After the wounded are dealt with, they are the prisoners of the non-wounded part. I first spoke to the Jade Emperor and said: "As for the remaining prisoners, we think it is enough to distribute them according to everyone’s credit. Our guild will probably get them. Ten percent of the total, the remaining ninety percent belonged to Celestial Court."

Jade Emperor nodded: "I don't have any comments on this, just do as you said."

I smiled Said: "Then the prisoner part is over, and the rest is the supplies. According to the general understanding, the distribution of materials is based on combat contributions, but we will have other ideas."

" Come and listen." The Jade Emperor didn't seem to care too much about it.

According to our pre-discussion, Rose said: "An item has different value in the hands of different people. For example, the Emperor’s Imperial Jade Seal, it’s in the hands of the Prince who is fighting for power. It represents a country, but in the hands of a farmer, it is just a very valuable piece of jade. The Jade Emperor should be able to understand this? , For the monsters, it means cultivation of arduous cultivation, but for us, Divine Immortal, it is similar to poison."

Ross said: "Since the Jade Emperor understands it, it will be easy, we Opinions are divided according to the role that various items can play in the hands of both parties. We analyze the value of each item in the hands of both parties one by one. In whose hands the value is greater, we will give it to whoever, and if it is the same, then do it. The items used for weighting are divided to one side first. When the items with height difference are finished, the items with no price difference will be used to make up for the leakage according to your contribution value. If this item is not enough to make up, I suggest to take the extra part. The other side exchanges other forms of items or other things. In short, it is to let these items maximize their value."

"Okay, this method is good." The Jade Emperor obviously didn't expect it before. There is also such a distribution method, which really made the Jade Emperor's eyes shine.

After the general direction is set, the Jade Emperor has nothing to discuss with us. As for the assignment of each item, the Jade Emperor will of course not personally intervene. He is just going through the scene. We opened the door and invited the three guardians of the country, Divine Beast, in, and began to study everyone's future status assignments.

In fact, this aspect is easier to handle. Divine Beast is originally a diaspora creature and has no concept of status, so they don’t care about their status. Celestial Court's attitude is also relatively loose, giving the three major protection countries Divine Beast the real protection country Divine Beast title, and set its status at a slightly higher level than the four Sacred Beast. According to this title, their status is within China. Nei can basically walk sideways, and coupled with their own strength, there should be no brains to make trouble with them.

Under the premise that both parties are not too nervous about this identity, this matter is simply passed, and then we returned to the celebration site and started to participate in the celebration as if there was nothing wrong with it. After everyone was full of excitement, I quickly led people to surround Taibai Jinxing. I didn't want to rob, but to flatter him. The Jade Emperor has clearly instructed that all the distribution of the confiscated materials and personnel will be handed over to Taibai Jinxing, which means that Taibai Jinxing now holds a lot of power in his hands. On the premise of not violating the Jade Emperor's policy, Taibai Jinxing has a fairly high control power. If we want to get more things, we have to treat Taibai Jinxing well.

I have already heard very clearly about the hobby of Taibai Jinxing from Erlang Shen, and the rest of the work is nothing more than just surrendering. According to the information provided by Erlang Shen, we were flattery and gift-giving, and soon fainted Taibai Jinxing. As soon as he let go, our distribution work will be much easier.

After finishing Taibai Jinxing, we began to distribute various materials and personnel overnight. Under the arrangement of Celestial Court officials, we first arrived at the place where the prisoners were placed. The injured prisoners were parked separately according to their physical conditions, and the least injured were locked up with the uninjured.

"This is where the prisoners are held?" Su Mi asked us, pinching her nose. "Why did it smell so unpleasant in just two days?"

I explained: "This was originally a Buddhism cell, but now it's used to detain their own people."

"No wonder!" Su Mei turned to Ying and Hong Yue and said: "Has the target type been confirmed?"

"Of course." Hong Yue nodded and said: "I have already watched it. It's been several times."

"That's good." So Mi continued: "Quickly find the people who need it, whether they are willing to join or not, anyway, we have a way to make them our own."< /p>

After Sumei finished speaking, we entered the prison together, and then we separated and checked the cells one by one. As long as it was a symbol, we pulled out all the people we needed. Finally, we gathered outside the prison and compared it together. Those who are ranked lower are sent back, leaving only the approved number, and then go to Taibai Jinxing to apply for removal of these people.

Taibai Jinxing was photographed by our flattery. I don’t know East, South, West, North. I didn’t know that it was nodded and passed. I don’t know that he is nodded and the fiercest expert in prison is almost all Let us mention it. Why is it almost? Because we don’t dare to take away the famous experts like Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle. After all, there are few fools in Celestial Court, and it doesn’t matter if there are few nameless experts. It's strange if the emperor doesn't trouble us!

After the wounded captives were taken away, it was the turn of the uninjured captives. In this part, we also have detailed screening rules. According to this rule, we will quickly select all the people who need it. come out.

We didn't take them away immediately after all the prisoners got in hand, but instead detained them separately. Among them, the auxiliary professionals and the combat professionals were handled separately. All the combat professionals were escorted back to Isengard by our people from Celestial Court, while the auxiliary professionals were escorted to the new continent floating island by our own people. These people have different uses, but the specific operation It's very troublesome. We have to wait until we have time to go back to deal with these people. For the time being, we can only raise wasted food!

After the personnel have solved the problem, it is time to get the supplies. Taibai Jinxing originally thought that we would quarrel with him one by one for more than ten days to allocate everything. We didn't expect us to throw a list to him.

The things we want are very large, but not many. One of the most outrageous is this Purple Clouds Mountain. For Celestial Court, a floating island is nothing rare. There are still hundreds of unoccupied floating mountains in Celestial Court. Even if the size of Purple Clouds Mountain is reasonable, it is just a better one. , Nothing so rare.

Intelligence is very important in business activities. Our bank will have two spies, Erlang Shen and Arctic Star Monarch. We have already investigated clearly what Celestial Court needs and does not need, so The things we want are obviously very precious, but the people at Celestial Court don't care at all, they think we are easy to talk!

The Purple Clouds Mountain has a pointed top and bottom, and a thick middle, which is basically olive-shaped. Starting from the thickest circle in the middle, the whole mountain is cut into layers like a birthday cake, a total of 81 layers. It is said that this number of layers corresponds to the Buddhist allusions of Buddhism Nine by Nine Returns to One, so 81 layers were created. According to our measurement, the usable area of ​​these 81 layers is approximately equal to more than three times the total area of ​​the Isengard Twin Cities, and this is still the external area. If we hollow out all the inside of the mountain, the area of ​​the largest layer is approximately There are already more than three times Isinger, plus the eight 10th layer above, you can imagine how big its area is. Of course, it is not so easy to completely hollow out such a large mountain. Fortunately, our guild has a good industrial foundation. It is nothing more than a question of spending more money.

In fact, we want Purple Clouds Mountain for other purposes, mainly because there are large tracts of fruit forest on this mountain. Buddhism doesn't grow apples, but divine fruit, which is the kind of fruit that I often go to Celestial Court to grab and grab. Although the area of ​​this fruit forest is not large, it still has seeds. As long as we have cultivated it scientifically, it is believed that it will be available in large quantities soon.

In addition to this Purple Clouds Mountain, we also have some relatively low-level equipment. Of course, this is relative to the equipment of Celestial Court. Among the players, even if these equipment cannot be regarded as Peak, they are at least excellent, not to mention that we still have enough to arm the entire guild NPC Legion. We are all very satisfied with this choice, even Taibai Jinxing. Why is Taibai Jinxing satisfied? Because the things we took belong to the standard equipment in the Buddhism equipment library, it can basically be regarded as the worst kind of things in the equipment library. Celestial Court basically treats these things as tattered, and they are not interested in giving them away.

The third column on the list requires all the Buddhist texts. Of course, we are referring to those things that can be cultivated. We are not interested in the scriptures that fool the common people. In this regard, Taibai Jinxing began to show a bit of embarrassment. After all, Buddhism has a lot of things that are very difficult to deal with. This Celestial Court also wanted it, but he was quickly persuaded because the classics can be copied. Anyway, we must not keep the original, as long as the copy is OK. Taibai Jinxing heard that we were just going to make a copy, so we didn't count this in the request, so that we could get more things. It seems that the previous investment was not wasted, and Taibai Jinxing still knew that it would give us some benefits in return.

The content of the hydrogen bomb behind is relatively more complicated. The various special items mentioned above are all specific items. Of course, these items have been selected a long time ago. In fact, after the battle, our people have been counting the supplies. At that time, we have already highlighted all the things we need, so we can get the list in such a short period of time. Taibai Jinxing didn't know what they were, so he couldn't make a decision right away, so he had to show him one by one, and only he could take it away. Fortunately, most of these items are things that are not needed by Celestial Court and are very useful to us. However, there are also some items that we urgently need Celestial Court and want very much. At this time, we must use our gagging skills.

The think tank and diplomatic corps of our guild adopted the tactics of disrupting Taibai Jinxing. Everything that Celestial Court needs should be avoided as much as possible. This shows the importance of such things to us and expresses the needs of Celestial Court. In fact, it can be replaced by other items. Taibai Jinxing, the best one, feels that we are sorry for their saliva before they will give up.

Being busy until the second day in the morning, Taibai Jinxing finally confirmed everything. This old Divine Immortal walked up to me and wiped his sweat: "Xiao Xian always thought he was the best in Celestial Court. Speaking of, today I know that there is Heaven beyond the Heaven! Those in your guild are even more powerful than that sparrow. I am full of Venus because of the noise. Now I am not Taibai Jinxing, but too many Venus. Stars!"

"hahahaha! Too ridiculously joking, how can they be so powerful?"

"Not yet!" Taibai Jinxing tricked me secretly. "Don't think I don't know, that bottle gourd mixed yuan golden pill is also the top baby in the Celestial Court. I was surprised by what you said that it can be replaced by other Immortal Pills. I can tell you the truth. , I know everything, just pretending to be confused. Who told me to take the short hand and eat people the softest!"

"Polite, polite." I looked around and no one quickly stuffed another space. Ring refers to the past. As for the contents inside, no one can guess. In fact, there is a whole thousand dishes in the ring. That's right, it's the dishes. This guy Taibai Jinxing is delicious. Although his Immortal Technique has long been able to fasten, but people do not eat to fill their stomachs, otherwise there will be no snacks this thing. Taibai Jinxing is very greedy, but Celestial Court is better than the human world, except that there is no kitchen. Divine Immortal didn't eat anything, except for occasional celebration parties to eat some fruit. Taibai Jinxing was a close minister next to the Jade Emperor. He didn't even have a chance to steal food from the lower realms, and it was uncomfortable to hold back. This gift I gave is everywhere in the world, but ordinary players don’t know Taibai Jinxing. Even if they know about it, no one dares to give such a high level NPC an ordinary gift such as dishes, so there is only me, an intelligence network. The lucky ones all over Three Realms have the chance to curry favor with Taibai Jinxing.

The dishes in the ring for Taibai Jinxing were made by professional chef players in our guild. The materials were brought back by the players who went out to level up. The cost was almost zero, and Taibai Jinxing gave back The benefit is absolutely impossible to calculate, this transaction is really worth it.

I understand now that "Zero" is not a combat game at all, it is actually a real world. Although the battle strength of Divine Immortal is so strong that they are abnormal, they are actually flesh and blood. They all have their own preferences. You can only find the right way. You can play any Divine Immortal. If you want to walk sideways in the game by martial power, then simply don't think about it. Although the game system opens the upgrade mode after level 1,000, EXP, even if you play for a hundred years, you will not rise above 1,500. The basic level of Divine Immortal is 1,000, and most of them are at level. Above level 1,500, the system has no intention of letting players defeat them head-on. As for the High God like the Mother of the Earth, don't even think about it. You don't even have ashes left when people look at it.

Although everything was settled with Taibai Jinxing, the specific handover still took a lot of time. The Divine Weapon of Celestial Court and the things they had to take away were so many that it took a whole day to move them all. After they are all gone, it is our own time.

First of all, I invited the four Sacred Beasts through the relationship of the three protectors of the country, Divine Beast, and then I asked them for two things. The first thing is to help me move the entire Purple Clouds Mountain to the sky above the steel city. We need to upgrade and renovate this floating island. We can save a lot of things if the floating mountain is close to the factory. The second thing is that we asked the four Sacred Beasts and the three major defenders of Divine Beast to help us make a permanent outer reinforcement for the entire Purple Clouds Mountain, so that we will not break the floating island when we drill holes in the mountains. In the future, the defensive power of floating islands will also be greatly improved.

After the four Sacred Beasts are gone, Bi Ling and Tian Qing also left together. These young couples are getting more and more slimy now! Yinxue is now the Guardian God beast of our guild, so she still stays to help. The system restricts her fighting conditions. In many cases, she cannot participate in the war, but it does not stipulate that she cannot do other things, such as this to help us build a new mobile fortress.

There are too many Buddhist buildings and arrays on the surface of Purple Clouds Mountain, most of which can no longer be used. The array is like a door lock of one's own home, and the ready-made arrays are all left behind by Buddhism, although Buddhism is almost finished now, but neither the Tathagata nor the links have been found. Who knows when they will appear again Come on? It's always unreasonable to give the keys of your own home to others, let alone your enemy who holds the keys?

The work I arranged for Yinxue is to remove all the sculptures and buildings of Buddhism without harming the mountain itself, and also destroy all the arrays, so that we can reinstall the new style. Defensive magic array. Even if the new array is much lower than the original one, at least the enemy doesn't have the key to my house, so the security is somewhat guaranteed.

Destruction is always faster than construction. Yinxue only took a day to turn the building and Buddha statues into powder, and the defensive array was also cleaned up. Somei and their blueprint have also been completed. In addition, our guild’s construction team has advanced equipment and a large number of people. As long as the materials keep up, it can be completed in one week. As for Yinxue, she certainly can't be idle. Since she is more impressed with energy, I arranged her to design a defensive array with the researchers of our guild. I believe that white jade Qilin, who is the best at using energy among the three major protectors of the country, will complete the magic array than Buddhism. The original array is better.

However, our birthday did not last long. On the day when the Purple Clouds Mountain project started, Taibai Jinxing rushed to Isinger to find me. After learning that we were here He rushed here again quickly.

"It turns out to be too white!" I started to say hello from afar. "Why did I have time to come here today? Isn't it the last time I have finished eating?"

"I dare not leave Celestial Court without authorization even after eating!" Taibai Jinxing anxiously Said: "Quickly, go to Celestial Court, the Jade Emperor calls."

"What's the matter? Is it that the Tathagata comes back?"

"Is it right? Come back, but Demon has started." (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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