The golden light is the belief of victory, and it is also a light cannon infused with magic and concepts.

All the monsters blocking the way were swallowed up, the sea was divided, and they went straight towards the thing outside the world.

At this moment, Kenneth has considered the idea of ​​sneaking into the Evil God's Egg and escaping from the world to escape.

As a magician who has been infected to the extreme, his path to magic has been cut off, so survival is the first option.

But when he was ready to act, his body stopped.

When the golden light shines from one end of the sea, Caster, who was sleeping in the body of the trinity monster, wakes up.

Ah~~ Such a light, is this the light that Jeanne and I have received God's blessing?

I will fight to the end

The presence of brilliance actually caused the French Marshal to hallucinate, as if he saw Joan reaching out to him.

He had obviously been dragged into chaos by the outer gods and burned by the will of humanity. At this moment, he suddenly woke up and stretched out his hands full of tentacles towards Guanghui.

Kenneth, whose body was briefly affected, was furious. This was the moment, it was too late!

He was so decisive when this group of lunatics dragged him into depravity, but now that he is sober and dazzled by the light, he starts to be indecisive?

What kind of suffering in the world. He is unwilling to give up!

He still has the technique of reverse spiritual descending that he can use, as long as he and the egg of the evil god merge into one again, as long as...


The evil god who lost his physical activity was slowly annihilated by the light cannon, and the trinity of monsters also disappeared.

The huge magical storm changed the offshore environment, and a huge amount of seawater stirred crazily around the evil god. The sea broke through the dam under the turmoil and tried to rush into the city to wreak havoc.

But how could there be so many heroic spirits present that such water flowed into Weiyuan River, blocking his attack directly at the beach.

After the torrent of magic power gradually subsided, the huge evil god's body had disappeared into this world.

The remaining sea monsters also followed the instinct of creatures and tried to escape, but they were unable to move under the suppression of the light field. In the end, with the help of all the heroic spirits, the last sea monster turned into blood.

The contaminated flesh and blood was burned to ashes without any resistance.

As the power of the outer gods dissipated, the nameless fog began to slowly dissipate.

Citizens in the city discovered that this heavy fog, which had not been recorded in the geography of Fuyuki City, was dissipating, and experts began to work again.

The seaside city is coming to life again.

It was already evening when the sky could be seen, and red fire clouds filled the sky.

There are golden ripples scattered on the sea, and the blue water is incredibly beautiful at this moment.


Saber gestured to Diarmuid at this time.

I saw this perfect knight stepping onto the sea surface, and with his exquisite physical skills, the sea water rushed up with a fragment of the evil god's egg.

There is actually a Ke-type seed with such a weak aura that has not been eliminated, and it is still hidden under the sea water.

Unfortunately, what the people who live in it don't know is that the power of the evil god under the field of lights is so dazzling that everyone has noticed it.

Diarmuid looked at the fragments with sad eyes and knelt down on one knee.

My Lord.

The fragments squirmed for a while, perhaps because they couldn't hide it and had no choice but to reveal themselves, and it turned out to be Kenneth's face.

This is the last fragment he captured in the destruction, just waiting to be mixed into the deep sea and redeveloped with the help of life force.

But this is not allowed by everyone. This is our world and we must not allow foreign gods to be unbridled.

Kenneth looked at Diarmuid, who was still bright and bright after the battle, and even more heroic with a strong fighting spirit. The viciousness in his eyes was not hidden at all.

Lancer! Isn't it a wonderful feeling to betray your master? Just like in the myth, betraying your master again adds a new chapter to your resume, hahahahaha.

Shut up, Lancer is not that kind of person!!

A shout came from Sola.

She hurried over after the fog cleared. Ever since she learned that Kenneth appeared above the evil god, she felt panicked and uneasy, so she ran over immediately without caring about the possible risks.

Originally, Kiritsugu wanted to shoot this woman, but he didn't know whether it was because he was in the light field or for some reason.

Sora happened to hear Kenneth's words when he arrived, so he started to refute without thinking.

But the tainted Kenneth no longer had the initial infatuation.

Haha, my beloved, you were not like this when you tortured me in the dark. You were also very firm when you extracted my command spell. Aren't you eager to stay together with this person who likes to seduce your mistress?

Kenneth's words made Diarmuid feel like he was struck by lightning.

Wha, what?!

In fact, the Lord and Caster had already made him suspicious when they appeared together, because Sora said he was transferred to help Kenneth seize the Holy Grail.

The result appeared in the most unexpected place. In the review after the war, some unreasonable things were solved. Now it seems that I have been deceived again.

Recalling Sola's innocent face at that time, a chill filled my heart.

The mythical embodiment of youth once left a mole of love on his face. He thought it would be a blessing, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a curse.

Why would Granny Sola let himself encounter such things all the time?

So what is the purpose of answering the call of the Holy Grail?

Allowing Kenneth and Sora to confront each other, and engage in all kinds of verbal exchanges and venting, the Perfect Knight fell into the sorrow of his own fate.

Jin Shining, King of Conqueror and others looked at these gossips and remained silent. Saber just sympathizes with her friend's situation, but the king who doesn't understand the human heart won't comfort her.

It's really sad that it's clearly a moment of victory but it's a mess.

Finally, Noah couldn't stand it anymore and gave a little red will into Diarmuid's mind.

The hot and stinging power aroused the knight's will.

Diarmuid, who had regrouped his will, was very calm at the moment, neither anxious to explain nor angry. Instead, he looked at Kenneth and Sola calmly.

It turns out that loyalty goes both ways.

There may be more ways to become a knight, but my own choice is too ridiculous.

Perhaps he will never answer the call of the Holy Grail for such a thing again.

I never hate anyone, it's just that fate's arrangement is too cunning.

The free and easy words are like an old man who has seen through the world.

Then he raised the magic gun, and the red roses became warm in the sunset.

My Lord, not letting you fall is the last thing I do for you. Please leave this world as a clock tower monarch. This is your last glory.

Kenneth's polluted soul naturally no longer thinks about glory or heroic appearance.

He's just a poor guy trying to live. The tentacles were dancing wildly, thinking of how to escape.

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