Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 975 The Glory of the World

At this moment, on the other side of the sea, the evil god himself was roaring uneasily.

The power of red is like a flame burning disorder, chaos, stench, and destruction.

The endless will fights against the pollution transmitted from the outside world.

Therefore, the unique spiritual pollution in this field has been suppressed by human will and has completely lost its effect.

The eyes on the tentacles and body were bleeding, and the gray mist spontaneously burned into nothingness as soon as it left the body.

The most terrifying weapons belonging to the outer gods were abolished, and the threat of the evil gods was greatly reduced.

Kenneth among them is also afraid.

Having completely merged with the power of the outer gods, he is no longer a human being, and has a very strong resistance to this power of human will.

He was angry that he had experienced so many setbacks and sacrificed his identity as a human being, only to be restrained by such power.

Caster and Ryunosuke had only a trace of spiritual existence left long ago. They were first infected by the evil god's egg and chaos eroded everything, and then they were burned by the red power and lost the ability to speak.

Only Kenneth, who had the strongest desire, persisted with his last evil thoughts.

Damn it!!! What a dazzling light!

Kill! Kill that guy and drag this world into chaos!!

So they drove a huge army of sea monsters and continued to march to the land. Since they couldn't affect the humans in Fuyuki City here, they just went to seize the flesh and blood.

Crazy Kenneth also guided the evil god's body forward, setting off huge waves and heading towards the shore.

The war continues, and they who have established a link with Ghatanothoa will not lose.

But the human side's counterattack began.

A magic bomb blasted through a sea monster, completely beating the opponent and losing the chance of resurrection.

Then, what is that?

Looking at the richer red light around him, Weber looked at his hands a little blankly.

Magic missiles are just the simplest way to release magic power, and every apprentice in the Clock Tower knows it.

Even with his qualifications, he can learn it easily, and the reason is simple.

Casting the spell is simple, all you need is a magic circuit.

It's just that the power is average, and magicians with ceremonial costumes and magic hands generally won't use such low-level magic.

But this time, Weber felt something different. His magic power was blessed by the red power in the void.

This is completely different from what he learned in the Clock Tower. Weber, who has the attributes of a scholar, has already felt the difference in power and magic.

Not only the power has been greatly improved, but the suppression of the enemy is even more terrifying.

The monster army that had been crushed before and would devour the combination again now lost that kind of physical activity. As long as it was killed on the spot, there would never be a chance to resurrect.

It seemed that the activity had been killed by the red power, and the blood water that had lost its pollution properties was swallowed up by the sea.

Veterans like Tokiomi Tosaka and Kiritsugu Emiya have also discovered this. After the sea monsters lose their immortality, they can be wiped out even if they are doubled in number.

The two of them held the defense line on the shore, and a large number of modern weapons continued to be put into the battlefield.

Even Tohsaka Tokiomi was assigned some simple weapons, since bombarding these non-polluting beasts with gem magic was such a waste.

The Tohsaka family is not so luxurious.

Now as long as the evil god's body is cleared away, this war that has attracted a lot of attention from the mysterious side will be over.

And the feelings of all the heroic spirits are also different.

Iskandar looked at Noah who had turned into a torch and sighed.

This kind of will really makes me admire you. I was rude if I wanted to conquer such a strong man before.

Maybe someone can defeat Noah, but absolutely no one can make Noah surrender, not even the gods!

When the conquering king saw an unconquerable opponent, he was not disappointed, but only became more motivated to fight.

Let these disgusting sea monsters bear the king's anger and joy.

Jin Shanshan was first shocked by such power, and then he noticed something different from the previous domineering.

It's not just that the intensity is increasing, but there are more qualitative changes.

Looking thoughtfully at the red sky and the place where the real world has a sense of boundary, it seems to be the process of eroding reality.

If this red power were to increase even more, it would be an inherent barrier.

The subtype of fantasy materialization is a barrier formed by the caster's mental world that erodes reality. It is the magic closest to magic.

And the feeling of unfulfilled feelings under Noah's lighthouse is also very obvious, so he is still unable to issue a complete barrier despite being restricted. He is really a powerful human being.

This is the first time that the Ancient King Gilgamesh uses the word powerful to describe a human being.

In the Age of Gods, if humans had such a will that was more dazzling than gold, they would be destined to be the enemies of God.

I'm really looking forward to my duel with you, Noah.

As for the crazy evil god now, he was already a lamb to be slaughtered in Jin Shining's eyes.

Without the extreme pollution ability and abnormal regeneration power, the evil god is just a beast.

Even the desire to take out a stronger Noble Phantasm is gone, and this battle will end soon.

It just depends on who else can come up with an interesting performance.

The situation was just like Jin Shining's prediction. The Evil God's side, which had lost its biggest threat, fell into a disadvantage at an extremely fast speed.

Both the number of the Warcraft army and the strength of the evil god are constantly being wiped out.

The beast could only rely on its body's blood to charge. Although those tentacles could still regenerate, they were not as powerful as before.

Saber, who was charging among the monsters, felt a sense of loss.

When Noah said that she didn't understand people's hearts, she didn't think so, but the fact that the other party could actually understand people's hearts like this proved to the world who understands people's hearts.

Maybe you really need to ask the other party for advice.

But that was after the war.

At this moment, everyone has seen the bravery of the Conquering King, the arrogance of the Hero King, Diarmuid's loyalty, and Noah's powerful and extreme humane will, but they have not yet seen the glory of King Arthur.

As a knight among knights, a king holding the tip of the sword.

He must perform well in this war, and he also promised Lancer to help him send off his master decently.


Lancer! Help me clear the enemies here!


A whirlwind of magic flashed past, and the red magic gun turned into an afterimage and struck.

And King Arthur Artoria Pendragon released his weapons here.

The Wind King's barrier dissipated, revealing the true form of the sword in his hand. The sword light was as gorgeous as an imaginary thing, like the bright sun.

The colors of gold and enamel entangled the sword hilt with magnificent colors, and the edge of the sword made by elves shone with a soul-stirring cold light.

Saber held the sword seriously with both hands, gathering all her will and strength.

The brilliance of gold gathers from itself, from the sea, from the sky, and from the earth.

That sword is exactly the sad but noble dream that all soldiers who have disappeared from the past and future on the battlefield have when they are dying. That kind of will is worth boasting about, and that kind of faith must be implemented. The victorious king read it loudly in his hand. The true name of Miracle is—Excalibur, the Sword of Promise of Victory.

The golden torrent flashed across the sky

Sorry, too tired.

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