Maybe Tohsaka Aoi will become a widow early, this premonition is particularly strong.

I don’t know how Gilgamesh communicated with his master, but in the end he didn’t say a word.

Even the passers-by could see that the anger had not subsided, but had begun to brew into something more terrifying.

Gilgamesh looked at Noah with eyes full of murderous intent, and then turned into golden light and disappeared on the spot.

Noah, on the other hand, responded with a hearty smile.


It's not that he likes to provoke the king, it's mainly caused by the characteristics of the Holy Grail fixed in his body.

Being elegant and easy-going is also your own personality and cannot be defeated.

After Jin Shining left, everyone felt it was time to leave.

The first day has already been exciting, and there should be no more Masters going crazy.

As for the background of this heroic spirit named Noah, they had already seen through it, and the final battle with Gilgamesh revealed everything.

That's right!

It's a Caster disguised as Saber.

First of all, today only Caster is left. He has not clearly defined his rank.

Secondly, although his swordsmanship was superb, his exhausted strength and endurance betrayed him.

Then the large-scale red aura was proof, it was just a kind of magic that was different from the traditional rune system.

It’s not like I haven’t seen Eastern heroic spirits before.

He may have been famous for his swordsmanship in history, but he was summoned as a magician during this Holy Grail War.

Basically, it is not surprising that these great heroes have identities of several classes.

Participating in the Fuyuki City Port Battle this time was a worthwhile trip.

Just when everyone was sighing with emotion, another wave of turmoil arose, and it was also the last wave.

“Ho ho ho~~~~”

The tauren Xiaolan was furious.

As a Berserker class, he has not become crazy since his debut, and he was a little stunned by Noah's human domineering.

Now he could finally let himself go, because he saw a figure engraved deep in his soul.

It was his sin and the object of his longing.

Losing his mind, he picked up a telephone pole and ran towards the victim whom he missed so much.

sorry! So I'm going to kill you!

Saber was a little surprised at this moment. Why did this black shadow wrapped in black armor attack me?

And the opponent's skills are a bit too good, he can actually turn that telegraph pole into a Noble Phantasm.

Saber, who was injured in one hand, was a little unable to resist, and the opponent was unusually familiar with her swordsmanship.

Damn it, Ellie, you go first!

At this time, Director Ken also intervened. Taking advantage of Saber's injury to directly kill a powerful enemy was the choice of a qualified magician.

No matter whether Diarmuid was willing or not, he had to take action under the command curse. He was determined to trample on the honor of knights.

It can get rid of enemies and cause Diarmuid pain. Double happiness.

But regardless of what they did during their lifetime, the spirit of the heroic spirits is different from what modern people think.

The King of Conqueror decisively drove the Bull of God to give Xiaolan a car accident scene. The distant ravaging domination also carried the divine thunder of Zeus, and after crushing him, he was sent out directly.

The body of Master Matong Yanye behind Xiaolan could not withstand so much damage.

The one who stopped Diarmuid was Noah.

Because of his physical limitations, he still prepared some attack methods to bypass the limitations.

However, neither the Matou family nor Jin Shining were suitable for use. This knight, whose body was a little resistant after being hit by the command spell, was just fine.

Look at what I am capable of as a modern magician!

Take out your big killer weapon from space.

Stinger FIM-92 anti-aircraft missile.

Passive surface-to-air missile, the missile is 1.52 meters long, 0.07 meters in diameter, and has a 0.1 meter tail. The missile itself weighs 10.1 kilograms, and the missile with launch tube and integrated sight, grip and identification friend or foe (IFF) antenna weighs about 15.2 kilograms. The flight speed is 660 meters per second.

The warhead contains 1.02 kilograms (2.25 pounds) of HTA-3 (a mixture of HMX, TNT and aluminum powder) explosives.

Identification of friend or foe and aiming are completely unnecessary. What Noah wants is speed and power.

Wisdom, color, foresight, armed color, entanglement, launch!

In an instant, he gave Guanghui Appearance a hard blow. This is a unique skill that gunmen in the world of One Piece must know.

The reason why Beckman makes even Kizaru fear him is because this skill also has a good locking effect on agile enemies.

This is the way of modern magicians, and the ammunition wrapped with armed colors also has an exaggerated bonus to magic power.

Diarmuid couldn't dodge the Bull of God, but he couldn't dodge the unexpected anti-air missiles.

The unprepared Diarmuid used his body to absorb the blow, and Class B's mind was also shocked by Noah's sudden attack and the way he acted.

Flames and smoke rose at the port of Fuyuki City, and everyone fell silent before they completely dissipated.

Caster's magic has kept pace with the times.

Kiritsugu felt his teeth ache. Who taught him to use magic like this?

Others are also confused, this is a mythical battlefield, why are you fighting the Gulf War?

The Gulf War three years ago also attracted some attention in the magic community. It was too much.

Noah didn't take it seriously. The war in which he died involved much more firepower than any modern war.

In addition to gunpowder weapons, there are also laser weapons, space-based weapons, biological weapons, and unconventional ancient weapons.

This scene is full of water.

If the mysterious tester hadn't been very resistant to modern weapons, he wouldn't have been able to create even more exaggerated scenes.

Diarmuid walked out of the smoke and flames with a speechless expression. The damage was not great, but the physical impact of the explosion was still quite strong.

The black mark on his face and his embarrassed posture made the glorious appearance particularly unpleasant. The perfect knight included appearance.


The guilt he felt toward Saber was completely blown away by this missile, and now he wanted to use the magic gun to poke a few holes in the bastard's body.

As a result, Director Ken was recalled before Diarmuid could take action.

It seems that there is no way to kill Saber when the opportunity arises, so there is no need to compete with that demonic Caster.

Kenneth was jealous, but he still had some brains in the early stage.

And it can also let Sora see the embarrassment of the knight he admires, hehehe.

The King of Conqueror admired Noah's move very much, because he was a tough guy who wanted to buy F22.

He also asked his master, Weber, to learn from other masters. Even if he didn't buy an F22, he could make do with an F16.

The two of them also withdrew when they quarreled with Weber. Apart from a few familiars who were still watching, there were only a few serious heroic spirits and masters left here.

The first night is over.

The battle situation has been completely messed up, which makes Noah very satisfied.

No one has figured out their position yet, so winning in the chaos is a good time to make your own layout.

Without saying hello to Ellie and Saber, he just shrugged, opened a space door and left.

Um? !

The eyes of the masters behind the familiars lit up.

Look, the space door!

You also said that you are not Caster!

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