Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 953 Tokiomi, the way to die

Kings like this are not uncommon in human history. You can easily find a few of them. You just occupy the oldest position.

The gods and human heroes from the Age of Gods have such a character. Don't you know how to cherish it?

And the taste is a little bit bad. The artistry of this armor is not high.

And a demigod? Bastard?

He directly reveals the opponent's identity and then tramples on the opponent's heart. This is Noah's temper.

What kind of thing can you expect to get used to?

It's just a golden thing standing on a street lamp. Even if it can't beat the opponent, it won't give in.

Even if you can't defeat him with Noah's methods, you can still escape from here on a battlefield with no defensive space, and make a tactical retreat.

Failure is not an uncommon thing, and even more tragic escapes have happened.

It is normal for an ordinary person to encounter setbacks on the way to subverting the world. Acting alone EX is no joke and there is no psychological burden.

The final victory belongs to you. This is really similar to Kiritsugu.

Moreover, the golden master is not someone who will start a battle on the first day, but a mature, old-fashioned magician who likes respectability.

Therefore, it is most suitable to practice with this golden card.

Finally, when it comes to things like talking, Gilgamesh, a bastard and a bastard, is naturally no match for Noah, who has experienced many battles.

Be bold!

Jin Shining, who was so angry that he was trembling when he spoke, was completely furious.

Deny his achievements, deny his identity, this... this... damn it! ! ! !

Tokiomi Tosaka, who was hiding in the mansion, was already panicking. This later heroic spirit was too rebellious.

It was so provocative, and now the anger of the Ancient King has been felt from the magic power extraction.

Is that kind of terrifying consumption going to completely liberate the Noble Phantasm?

The panicked Master completely lost his previous strategizing.

Should we remonstrate? If we don't let the king vent some of his anger, I'm afraid we won't be able to cooperate in the future.

But if we don't dissuade him, all of Gilgamesh's information will be exposed.

No matter how confident the Master is, he doesn't think that this King of Heroes can beat six people one on one with all the information exposed.

Tokiomi Tosaka, who summoned this great man, originally thought he was sure of victory, so it was completely worthwhile to worship the oldest king with the courtesy of a courtier.

But these are really difficult to maintain, and they are completely self-centered.

Such a personality has exhausted him in just a few days, and now it has plunged the situation into the worst possible situation.

Kotomine Kirei on the side is unruffled by Furui. Only in this way can a world with waves be colorful.

The other Heroic Spirits and Masters were first shocked by the courage and ability of this newcomer.

Was it the information obtained from the beginning using the Noble Phantasm, or was it the intelligence collected before the war started?

He was also surprised by Jin Shining's identity. The weight of this ancient king was not light.

In an instant, most Heroic Spirits and Masters regarded Gilgamesh as their strongest enemy.

At the same time, everyone who got their real names opened the database and began to collect intelligence.

Emiya Kiritsugu was even more certain that Airi's heroic spirit was a future heroic spirit, otherwise he wouldn't know so much information.

The new hero, I don't know if I dare to tell you your name.

At this time, the Conqueror King began to host the work, and he still didn’t know the details of the other party.

Even if the other party is not respectful enough to the king, Iskandar's heart is not that big.

So ask as usual.

My name is Noah, I'm not a hero, I'm just an ordinary human being.

Oh, Noah.

Just when the Conqueror King wanted to say something else, he was interrupted by Jin Shining.

Za, Noah, are you ready to die in front of the king?

The word bastard almost came out of my mouth, but after being disgusted by that bastard, I felt uncomfortable using it again.

He is a complete bastard. If he were in Uruk, such a person would be chopped up and fed to the monsters.

If I say no, will you stop?

The pretended boring tone completely broke a string in Jin Shining's mind. How could there be such a shameless heroic spirit!

Boo hoo hoo~~~! ! !

Seven or eight treasures appeared from the sky, carrying the king's anger and vowing to kill everything.


One word ignited the flames of war.

Noble phantoms flying all over the sky, these magic weapons with their own special attributes are not so easy to pick up.

Without Xiaolan's level of martial arts, Noah wouldn't be able to catch the magic weapon with his bare hands.

Therefore, the realm of the great swordsman in One Piece blooms in the world of Xingyue.

The domineering energy in the sky began to return to his body as if he were going back in time, and the terrifying pressure caused Noah's body to crack again.

Damn it, the compatibility between magic and will is too different.

But never mind.

When facing a tyrant, you always have to give those bastards some color.

The color of seeing and hearing predicts the future, the color of arming is used to bless oneself, and the color of overlord is used to kill.

The red sword energy shot up into the sky like a beam of light, slashing away all the treasures and treasures of the king.

After the explosion, before the smoke and dust dissipated, the King of Heroes shrank his pupils and stepped away from the street lamp.

A thin stream of red sword energy flew toward him, and he was forced to duck away for a moment.

And the lamppost was chopped into countless tiny particles at that moment.

Gilgamesh, who fell to the ground, was not angry because he fell on the same level as others like in the original novel, because his anger had long surpassed that moment.

The golden light shines brightly, and an infinite light curtain opens behind it, and countless precious phantoms are emerging from the void.

No one expected that a decisive battle would appear on the first day.

This is also great.

Even if he doesn't want to admit it, Gilgamesh has put great pressure on everyone. Now there is a lunatic who is not afraid of death and is willing to challenge this. This is a good thing.

Even Kiritsugu didn't do anything to dissuade him. He didn't care that much about Noah's life and death, and he couldn't dissuade him.

If we could gain more opportunities for victory, then it would be a pity to sacrifice here.

Ordinary human beings, 伱

Just when Noah and others were ready to fight, Jin Shining froze in place.


This rage made Gilgamesh's armor tremble.

Well, that Master couldn't sit still after all.

However, at this time, he used the command spell to remonstrate, but it completely made this arrogant and outrageous Jin Shining lose his face.

After all, Noah is not the mute minotaur Xiaolan in the original work, who speaks heartfelt words one after another.

At least let the opponent use his ultimate moves a few more times to redeem some of the harsh words he used before.

Tokiomi, I think you have a way to kill yourself!

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