Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 951 It’s not like I haven’t killed the king before

And because he was dissatisfied with the behavior of his mentor Kenneth El-Melloi Archibald who denounced his views, he stole his mentor's heroic relics to participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

I want to show my strength and be recognized by everyone.

This incident almost blocked his future, but he ended up meeting such a unique servant.

I don't look like a master at all, it's simply too bad.

The worst thing is that his teacher Kenneth also found the holy relic again and got involved. This is almost a deadly feud.

Rider, what on earth are you doing?! How can you reveal your identity!!!

Weber was on the verge of tears. The thin man huddled on top of the chariot, tears streaming down his face.

But, the king's courage is so strange.

Just like the overlords in the One Piece world have to fight against each other for a few times after encountering each other, no king here can tolerate such provocation.

So Saber exposed herself.

I am the King of Britain, how can I join your army!!!

The sniper rifle Kiritsugu was aiming at had several times wanted to shoot the king with a dull hair on his forehead.

How did you, Britain, go undefeated in twelve games before?

Why don't you talk about any strategy?

You've already been disabled and exposed? What a secret!

Even with Kiritsugu's calmness, he felt tired and had the urge to destroy himself.

Noah, who had already arrived at the battlefield, almost laughed out loud. What does incompatibility mean? This is called incompatibility.

Although Weber looks timid, he is also a very reckless person at critical moments, so he and Iskandar complement each other well.

Although Kenneth and Diarmuid don't get along, the Radiant Knight is obedient and famously loyal.

Saber and Kiritsugu

The silence on the battlefield was simply embarrassing.

As a result, a second mentally retarded person also appeared, and Lancer's master appeared. Hiding in a corner, he began to express his anger.

This one is awesome, Kenneth Elmloy Archibalud. One of the Twelve Lords of the Clock Tower of the Magic Association, the Lord of the Ore Division (Kishua), and the El-Melloi Faction.

From these terms alone, we can tell that his status in the magic world is quite high. Kenneth is the head of the Archibald family, a family of magicians that has lasted for nine generations. He is a genius magician with outstanding achievements.

He is just a proud, conceited person, and easily provoked.

I couldn't bear it when I saw Weber and his servant Iskandar.

This little brat like Weber actually dared to steal his things. You know, I, Director Ken, have never suffered a few losses in my life.

If he can't get out of this tone, why should he be messing with the Clock Tower?

What's even worse is that he summoned Diarmuid, the great hero from Celtic mythology, in order to continue participating in the Holy Grail War.

A powerful servant is certainly a good thing, but Diarmuid also has the title of Brilliant Appearance, which means super handsome, perfect face, and extremely attractive to women. Even the tear mole on his face has solidified the attribute of charm.

This is very uncomfortable, because Director Ken really has a beautiful fiancée, Sora Nazelle Sophialy.

What's even more ridiculous is that from the moment he summoned the servant, Sora fell in love with Diarmuid, making Director Ken furious.

This is a proper tauren plot, and the personal integrity of the Shining Knight is comparable to that of the King of Knights. Only by not having any thoughts about the mistress can we live in peace.

Otherwise, I can’t think about it anymore.

Director Ken, who was now directing all his anger at Weber, was filled with resentment. If it weren't for Weber, the garbage disciple of the third generation, why would he feel a little heavy on his head.

Weber, my good disciple, it turns out you are.

Director Ken gritted his teeth and denounced the culprit. Weber huddled in the chariot and held his head in his hands, full of fear.

He was frightened by the majesty of the clock tower and the reputation of his teacher.

But the conquering king Iskandar couldn't bear it anymore. His master was a very good guy, and he deserved recognition just because he dared to accompany him to this mythical battlefield.

So he righteously scolded Director Ken, saying that he was a coward who didn't even dare to come to the battlefield, and highly recognized Weber.

Ken's teeth were broken. The heroic spirit summoned by the holy relic that his family spent a lot of money to buy spoke for the student who stole his things.

Iskandar's conduct successfully allowed Director Ken to be given NTR+1.

The war continues.

The King of Conqueror may have had too much fun with his talk and just allowed his temper to run wild.

Cowards who are afraid of showing their faces will be despised by my conqueror, Iskander.

This sentence stabbed a certain proud king in the heart.

A golden light flashed.

A slender young man with blond hair, red eyes, and a gorgeous golden armor descended on the street lamp.

The Street Lamp King spoke with an air of unimaginable arrogance.

I didn't expect that two rats who claimed to be king would appear in one night despite my presence.

The King of Knights Saber and the King of Conqueror Iskandar were extremely unhappy with these words. Who is not a king?

What kind of nonsense are you pretending to be standing on a streetlight?

They all asked about their identity. The king would never hide his head and reveal his tail.

With the street lights flickering under their feet, the golden king was very angry that they dared to question his identity, how disrespectful!

You enjoy the honor of being able to see me, but you dare not know me! Such an ignorant person is not fit to live!

Golden ripples rippled behind him, and legendary treasures emerged one after another.

Let the many heroic spirits present feel extremely vigilant!

But these are normal heroic spirits, and there will always be abnormal heroic spirits.


The violent wind pressure, the crazy black wind, and the giant in armor came out of the black shadow with flashing red eyes.

Needless to say, the madness on his body clearly shows his identity, Berserker!

The craziest warrior in every Holy Grail War, the biggest problem with Madness is the constant loss of rationality.

It's just that the berserker seems a little weak at the moment, because his master is a little weak.

The marking insects and magic power in Matou Kariya's body have declined significantly, causing the servant's aura to also weaken.

Now it is entirely supported by its own crazy will.

No master who is rational will let his followers enter this whirlpool that has no strategy at all!

Emiya Kiritsugu said with great certainty, and at the same time made a conclusion about Saber's reckless behavior, that is, it had nothing to do with him.

In the original book, Berserker had a fight with the Street Lamp King when he debuted, but this time Noah didn't want to wait.


boom! ! !

The container and the road, as well as the heroic spirits and Masters present, all suffered the impact of their wills.

Who is coming!*5

The red aura came over, and that unique aura made the three kings present feel extremely uncomfortable.

It seems to be very targeted towards them, especially the Street Lamp King.

He has a divinity that is two-thirds god and one-third human, and he considers himself an invincible tyrant.

This is a completely professional counterpart.

Maybe I shouldn't say this, but it's like a king or a god or something.

It's not like I haven't killed anyone before.

Yesterday the first leader showed up, thanks to Mr. Qingci for the reward.

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