Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 950 The King’s Appearance

A large amount of magic power is transformed into a special power. Endless red sparks flew out from his body, igniting this sinful place.

The imprinting insect inside Sakura's body was howling in pain.

The flames did not harm the body, but the spirit locked onto the foreign object.

Ahh~~!!! What kind of flame is this? Why. Why.

Before he could finish speaking, he was burned into nothingness.

Other engraved insects cannot escape the fate of being burned. This flame is a natural enemy for Matou Zangyan. This is not any kind of magic he knows.

But it has terrifying lethality to the soul.

These bugs were trying to escape from the mansion. As long as they escaped, they would have a chance to be resurrected. He would never be willing to die like this.

It's been 200 years and I haven't reached the root yet, and I haven't implemented my own magic path yet! not yet.

Maqiri Zolgen!!

Who is Makiri Zolgen?

The old insect twisted in pain in the flames, but why did this name sound so familiar? Even the burning flames could not cover up the greater pain.

Ah, Makiri Zolgen, it's me

Blue hair, cheerful face, tall figure, profound magic, Von Hohenheim Paracelsus' confidant. The admirable magician Makiri Zolgen is actually me?

Now, I hate my decaying soul and body, and I don't want to die without accomplishing anything. Over time, I have turned into obsession.

Turn yourself into a bug and parasitize others to extend your life. The body is no different from that of a monster, so it doesn't like the sun and usually hides in dark places.

Time is not, it is its own degradation.

I can’t remember exactly when it became like this. Maybe dying back then was the best choice.

Depraved souls should disappear into this world with their sins!!

Along with Noah's trial, flames covered the entire Matou mansion.

If the props that were used to isolate this place were not very effective, at least one-third of Fuyuki City would have been able to see the flames that had reached the sky.

When the obstacle blocking the breath is shattered, his mission has been completed.

What's more important now is how to place Sakura.

Bring back the Einzbern Castle. Emiya Kiritsugu, a rotten person, will not give up this usable resource.

But Ellie is still alive, so some things have some bottom line.

And it was just a temporary thing, so he raised his hand and opened the door.

By the time he returned to the port of Fuyuki City, the war had already heated up.

Previously, Saber was taking Airi to relax in Fuyuki City, and came to fight after receiving Lancer's provocation.

Saber wants to dedicate her victory to the girl with a pure heart, so she is full of fighting spirit at this moment.

And the opponent is no ordinary person. The great hero in Celtic mythology is ordered by the master hidden behind him to seize the Holy Grail.

So the brutal fight started after a few verbal exchanges.

The confrontation between the two magic guns and the invisible sword was not comparable to the previous practice.

Both of them are heroes who were killed in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Neither humans nor non-humans can stop their will.

Carrying terrifying murderous intent, they collided in this small port.

It's a pity that I can't give my real name to duel with a strong man like you.

Lancer, it doesn't have to be like this. Being able to fight here across time and space is already worth it. Let's fight!

Where swords and spears collide, Celtic mythology and British legend collide.

The war in the Age of Gods has started again in modern society.

Terrifying physique, strong fighting will, top fighting skills, and rich fighting experience.

These are the heroic spirits, these are the legendary heroes.

The melee battle was almost indistinguishable. When the red demon-breaking Red Rose Lance failed to gain an advantage against Saber, Lancer decided to use tactics.

He found the right moment and provoked Na Bing's short spear. The inevitable yellow rose.

During a fight, he released the Noble Phantasm and injured the tendon of Saber's left hand.

The Destructible Yellow Rose is a permanent activation type Noble Phantasm that does not require the chanting of the true name to exert its effect.

This gun was a gift from the sea god Manano Michael Lie to Diarmuid Odina. The rune inscriptions on the yellow magic gun mean: success, hail (strength), gift, birch (fertility), war god (victory).

Injury from this dangerous short gun can cause irreversible trauma.

Irisviel's healing magic was useless, and at the same time, she had to worry about her real servant, Noah.

Because Noah consumed too much magic power, an average magician of that level would never be able to hold on.

It seems that Noah has also encountered a strong enemy.

In other words, Saber is now in a very dangerous situation. She is injured and support cannot come. At the same time, even the liberation of the Noble Phantasm has been sealed.

But it doesn't matter, the most reckless and passionate heroic spirit in this Holy Grail War has arrived.

There were lightning and thunder in the sky, as well as the roar of bulls, and terrifying magic passed through the sky.

A third heroic spirit arrives in this war.

A tall man with black pupils, red hair, red beard, and a man so strong that he was philosophical came from the air.

The chariot riding the Bull of Heaven came to the battlefield with boundless courage and separated the two warring parties.

Both sides put away their swords! Don't be rude before Wang Zha!

My name is Iskandar! I came to this world as a rider in this Holy Grail War.

Although fate has made me compete with you for the Holy Grail, I want to ask one thing first.

You! Can you join me and give me the Holy Grail?

If that's the case, I'll treat him as a friend.

Share the joy of conquering the world with you!

The whole audience was silent.

Logically speaking, the Holy Grail War is also a war of intelligence. Why does Saber always use the Wind King's Barrier to wrap the sword that symbolizes his identity? Why does Lancer's Master not let Diarmuid reveal his real name?

All because these myths and legends contain the weaknesses of heroes.

If someone targets him, even a great hero like Siegfried can bow out in frustration.

Who knows that those who have the original scriptures are all mythical heroic spirits in human legends.

The Conqueror King's move was an eye-opener for everyone.

Now everyone knows that he is the famous Macedonian king in Eurasia, Iskandar the Conqueror.

The old bastards behind this almost laughed out loud.

How could there be such a stupid master? Isn't this even a restriction?

The silver-haired and red-eyed female Master who followed Saber to the battlefield was already stupid, but the new guy turned out to be even stupider.

Weber, the idiot in everyone's eyes, was going crazy at this moment.

He is an ordinary student in the Clock Tower. Because his family has only three generations of magicians, he is often looked down upon by other families and mentors.

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