Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 877 Fire all over the world

Warring States thought that a phone bug could notify everyone, and it was so fancy.

Because in order for everyone to see the light of the fire, everyone needs some enlightenment from the bottom of their hearts.


Yes, a little introduction for those who are trapped in the dark night.

It seems that there is some deep meaning in this, and the big guys in the navy don't understand it very well.

Because they are ruthless characters who will fight out with a pair of iron fists in a hell full of demons. Naturally, they do not understand the needs of ordinary people.

Walking in the dark requires more courage.

For example, the revolutionary army and navy that are still operating in the dark have a different feeling.

During the day, they can use their navy status to directly occupy and penetrate behind enemy lines. Actions under the sun are so refreshing.

Moreover, competing with the revolutionary army is also a kind of psychology, and the first cooperation must not reveal any tricks.

Finally, there is excitement. Being able to carry out the justice that has been suppressed deep in the heart is the wish of most navy.

But it was dark.

The passionate legs of the day are gone, and ordinary people have already rested.

Loss of popular support and excitement

I don't know why I feel a little panic in my heart. What are these actions of my own? The World Government is a political power that has ruled for 800 years. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

As one of the most important combat forces, it is good for the navy to uphold the principle of justice in its actions.

However, I have not been systematically enlightened by revolutionary ideas, and I only have some superficial knowledge.

Therefore, it is inevitable that there will be some unsteadiness and wavering.

Until a red firework exploded in the sky, illuminating each other's faces.

Sometimes light is such a simple thing, it can dispel darkness and hesitation.

Everyone, Plan B has begun!

When the revolutionary army and navy in Sanhai received the signal, they all looked at each other and became very excited!

The fire in my chest was ignited by the fireworks in the sky.

After watching all the dirty things during the day, wouldn't it be nice to be able to rush directly into the palace at night and seize those fat-headed guys?

No matter what hesitation or wavering, it is better to do it first and then talk about it!


Everyone is fighting against me. This bird king has long wanted to give him a beating. Why are you hiding here?

I used to serve as a frigate for this grandson back then, but now I feel sick just thinking about it.

You mean the 2016 World Conference?


Then what are you waiting for? Fuck him% @¥% @¥!

The morale of the soldiers was ignited, and several military commanders and rear admirals were also shocked.

Although he acted rigorously before, after all, he lacked a bit of fiery intensity.

The torches were lit in the dark like a long dragon, and the jumping flames were reflected in the eyes.

When everyone gathered together, the sky was filled with a sea of ​​fire surrounding the darkest place in time to suppress them.

East China Sea.

We should have done this a long time ago, my iron fist is already so thirsty!

Betty waved her arms and threw away her coat.

With great fanfare, they stood on the top of the tower at night and waved the flag.

That is free will, the sign of a new era.

That was the belief that never fell down on Pioneer Island.

The difference is that the two parties who once fought against each other have finally joined together for the future of the sea. This is the power that can change the world!


The Encouraging Fruit was in full swing, and everyone's blood was flowing at high speed under the strong compression of the heart.

A passionate feeling filled my heart.

Come on, comrades!

Taotu took the lead and drew out his weapon and rushed towards the palace, slashing out with the huge sword energy firmly.

The city wall was split into several sections, and the navy candidate was the first to rush in.

Jinbiluo finally had the opportunity to continue to be wild, so happy.

Who are you!

The captain of the royal palace guard screamed in terror. He was no longer as domineering as when he bullied the people in the past, like a turkey that had been frightened.

Of course, anyone who sees a master who can even cut down city walls will panic.

So he died.

For Taotu, remembering the appearance of a criminal is the most basic required course, and now there is no time to continue to dawdle.

When Plan B is implemented, they will compete with the Five Old Stars in time and space.

It is enough as long as the culprit king and a few ministers are alive to face trial!

Blood and flames burned in the East China Sea.

North Sea.

A large number of crows descended on the New Lubuni Kingdom with the smell of death.

A new kingdom built on the ruins of the former country of Nolando, the great talker.

A country that can still survive today under the shadow of the Bei Hai Ba Shi Kingdom, Germa 66, and the Don Quixote family naturally has its own specialness.

The world government's most loyal lackey in Beihai is the most vivid embodiment.

Relying on the ultimate human mining technology, it can provide a large amount of political funds every year to maintain its status, and Tianshangjin is much better than other countries.

Because there are a large number of assets and family members of World Government officials in the country, they have always been safe and sound.

But the life of such a deformed country will come to an end tonight.

The crow's announcement of death is only the first step. No matter how much the nobles dislike it, they cannot drive it away.

Bloody eyes just looked at them in the darkness.

boom! ! !

This is the sound of the strongest man in the kingdom falling.

Cha Dou adjusted the wrinkled coat on his body and was speechless. Why is there still CP0?

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Everyone, come after me!!!

Crow also accompanied the army's charge and entered the palace in advance to control the royal family who were preparing to escape.

You have failed the sea!

The fire in the North Sea is also soaring to the sky.

West Sea.


The core area of ​​the Mafia is also the legendary country of evil parties.

There are five gangsters here who are similar to the Capone family.

The Capones are just the youngest and most radical.

Other families adhere to the rules of the dark world and the model of cooperative rule by the world government.

It has always been stable in the West Sea without any changes.

But today is different.

The flames of war began to burn from the outside, and messages for help from the five major families kept ringing.

Smoker turned into white smoke and fell from the sky, turning on the unparalleled mode in the center of the city.

Until he was shot down by an old man.

Navy? Even the lieutenant generals of our headquarters don't dare to come here easily. Young man, you have crossed the line.

Smoker took a sip of blood and stood up. There was indeed a master here.

Just when he was about to fight fiercely, he was stopped by a voice.

Mr. Smoker, your fruit ability is very important, so leave it to me.

An ordinary middle-aged man walked over in the mist. Wearing ordinary Japanese-style clothes and a pair of round-framed glasses.

He has a teacher-like temperament about him, very gentle.

After knowing the ruthlessness of the visitor, Smoker flew away without saying a word. It would be easy to get chopped if he stayed here.

And the old men of the mafia are no longer relaxed, and their round of intelligence is not bad either.

This is a big cadre of the revolutionary army, and the smoker just now is a rising star of the navy. This is terrifying if you think about it!

Cold sweat flowed down unconsciously.

I didn't expect that the swordsman Shuang Yue would arrive in great numbers. The Revolutionary Army.

Before the other party could finish speaking, Koushiro opened his squinted eyes, and the cold murderous aura was surging like a surging sea.

The second round of moonlight rises from the ground. It doesn't matter what kind of monsters you are, just accept death.

Heidao Qiushui will have to drink the blood of a powerful enemy tonight to be satisfied.

Sorry, I'm busy tonight and in a hurry.


The fire in Sicily is said to have burned throughout the night.

The fire all over the world is just the beginning. The Vice Admiral's fleet in the Great Route Paradise stage has also begun to take action, cutting off many important waterways.

At the same time, some of the secret bases of the world government were also dealt with.

When Huo Shaoshan led people to capture an island, everyone inside was stunned.

Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan, is there a misunderstanding here? We are a world government.


There is no misunderstanding. Everyone immediately controlled the communication equipment here and arrested people.


The other vice-admiral fleets were also wildly performing their missions, and this time there was no way out.

But they have no regrets.

The prelude to letting go of all pretense of revolutionary power has sounded.

This is a charge louder than the drums of freedom.

The battle to end the era has officially begun.


“Only part of the signal near the Red Earth Continent can be intercepted, and the process of receiving information inside is also blocked.

There is also the One Piece battle in the new world as an eye-catching smoke bomb. This time the tactic is still very successful.

But it is conservatively estimated that it will be delayed for one night at most. There are quite a lot of people from CP0 to CP9 who have lost contact tonight.

Staff Officer He spoke calmly about his preparations.

She is professional in dealing with the World Government, and as a great adviser, she occasionally makes some tactical predictions and arrangements for this behemoth.

Look, this is useful.

And the deceased father and son Spangdam and Spangdyne clearly explained all the details in this regard before they died.

I am afraid that some people are not dead and can continue to enjoy their own glory and wealth.

This is even more uncomfortable than killing them.

With the help of the revolutionary army's intelligence and the navy's accumulation, Staff Officer Crane easily slowed down the enemy's communication efficiency.

Next, it's time to clean up Malinfando.

Warring States sighed, he couldn't escape the fate of being burned here.

This is your own fault. During the internal rectification, the spies installed by the World Government only had fun. Now you should be the protagonist.

The murderous look in Counselor He's eyes was undisguised, and he was even eager to try.

Then I'll leave this place to you seniors. The Marshal and I have a game to catch up with.

Ackerman stood up. It was time for him to wait.

Kizaru also stood up and walked together. After all, there was no large fleet left in the headquarters, and it was almost empty.

It's quite boring for Marshal Xianyu to stay here. He can just listen to his deputy's arrangements.

Ackerman, how do we get started? You can't take people with you in elemental form.

Ackerman raised his hand, and a space gate appeared in mid-air.

Let's just go~

The marshal's office suddenly became very quiet.

It’s really difficult. As you write, you need to overturn what you have written before. This is the first time I feel this way.

Please continue to support me as I go on.

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