When the three men who were destined to reach the end met, the whole world was silent.

The Pirate King will finally appear among these three people.

Red-haired Shanks, Clown Bucky, Straw Hat Luffy.

There was no cold-faced confrontation, and there was no intrigue.

The three ships slowly approached, and the atmosphere became a bit relaxed.

The King on the King Bucky was still confused. He originally thought that the war would last for at least three days and three nights, but it basically ended in one day.

When Reilly told him it was time to appear, his face was full of helplessness.

Isn't this a joke? He wasn't mentally prepared yet.

And there are still so many pirates left in the area that have not yet been dealt with. The final battle is about to begin?

Not to mention Bucky didn't expect this, the staff didn't even think of it when they first planned the battle.

According to the history of the pirate world, there are super battles that last for ten days and ten nights, and they are very common.

In the past, strong men had at least three days and three nights, and it was rare that the winner could be determined in one day.

It seems that since a certain person appeared in this world, the pace of the battle has accelerated to an unimaginable level.

It has shrunk from the inhuman level of ten days to the even more inhuman level of three days.

During the Battle of Pioneer Island, a record was set for quickly killing general-level enemies in one day.

The one who continued his efforts was Straw Hat Luffy. After his appearance, the battle time was reduced by nearly half.

Sit-ups may seem like they take a long time, but in actual practice they only take less than a minute.

Whitebeard II was beaten to death like this before Luffy realized how to predict the future and dominate. Otherwise, a super-standard attack would not be able to kill this first-tier physical monster.

The Red Earl also felt Luffy's rhythm of getting up and getting stronger in an instant, so he responded with hope, but the result was a bit difficult for him to accept.

Even a strong person can't handle the ultra-high-speed sit-ups, and this guy is trying his best to do them.

Even if it were Akainu, the blue pheasant, fighting like this on Punk Hassad Island, he still wouldn't be able to achieve the ending of Ten Days and Ten Nights.

This led to the sign of the finale appearing halfway through this kind of mission.

Fortunately, the adult behind the scenes came up with plan B, which took this situation into consideration.

Because according to Noah's memory, it seems that Luffy's drama in the theater version was all about various plots in the early stages, and the final battle only lasted about half an hour.

Judging from the color of the sky, it only takes half a day, so this rhythm is under control.

Of course, this is just a joke. In fact, Noah has measured his fighting style in recent years.

People on the sea can also be greatly affected by the end of the era.

After all, in the past ten years, Dahai's violent temper has undoubtedly been revealed, and countless strong men at the general level have fallen.

Many of them were masters at the level that they had longed for but could not find in the past, but they still ended up ruthlessly falling into the sea.

The strongest men in the Roger era, the four emperors in the post-Roger era, the monster admirals of the navy, and the super strong men of the world government.

These people will all fall, and the reasons are various, making everyone unconsciously become alert.

If you don't want to fall, you have to do everything you can to kill your opponent. The harder, faster, and safer your shots are.

Therefore, the iteration of the strong ones is getting faster and faster, which is why the overall battle proceeds so quickly.

Of course, Luffy's special situation is not within the scope of discussion.

Shanks is also Hawkeye and is a pure swordsman with no hatred or other factors. It is a bit like sparring.

So this one ended up taking only one day.

planB came into being.

After all, one of the functions of this battle is to cover up operations outside the sea.

From the notice 10 days ago to today's climax, the situation in Sanhai has not yet stabilized.

So one person needs to come out and fight for some time, and fighting for one more night is one more night.

So Bucky took the lead in a very grand manner after the three of them got together.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Then Luffy laughed first, he couldn't resist laughter no matter what.

Shanks also laughed loudly in order not to fall behind.


Bucky clapped his hands, and a banquet boat sailed to the center of the battlefield.

After that comes the show of the would-be Pirate King.

The general idea is that a certain family will not kill unknown people with their swords, which is wrong.

He is a person from a certain family who will not bully the most serious person.

You have fought a life and death situation in advance, so we will have a banquet together tonight to eat, drink and cultivate ourselves.

Tomorrow dawn will directly determine the outcome of life and death.

After saying this, everyone praised Captain Bucky for his magnanimity. First, he showed respect by holding a banquet and gave his opponent a night to rest.

In fact, someone told him that he should never fight a low-health Luffy during this kind of decisive battle. The consequences would be more tragic than when he was full of health.

This is the advice given to Bucky by the Noatians.

The most terrifying time for a person with the protagonist's destiny is when he is seriously injured and encounters a crisis.

This is how the Red Earl was defeated, and this is how Weibull was defeated. Countless predecessors in the theater version who were beaten down were also defeated in this way.

It seems like letting the opponent eat and rest, but actually weakens the opponent's fighting spirit and ability to make a comeback.

It was also to prevent Bucky from relying on a meal to save his life if he was defeated.

When this proposal was put forward, no one objected. Others were not qualified, and those who were qualified agreed.

As for the pirates who were still struggling in the four-way channel, they also calmed down. Except for the giants who were still fighting with the sand crocodiles, everyone else had stopped.

It is indeed impossible to defeat them, and there is no chance of waiting for these emperors to finish defeating themselves and others. It is better to wait in this ocean current for a day.

The banquet is the adventure group's favorite thing, Shanks likes it, Luffy likes it.

It can even be called the banquet of kings.

Surprisingly, the live broadcast of Phone Bug has not stopped, and it seems that even this kind of banquet of kings is going to be released.

From time to time, the battle between the Sand Crocodiles is inserted, which is a pure and primitive pirate style battle rhythm that will not stop until it lasts for days and nights.

Lao Sha is so angry, when did he and others become gladiators for the whole world to appreciate.


Sand Crocodile Die!!!

Eat my hegemony with one blow!!!

Come here and give me some support, we need support here!!!

The west side has become a large-scale strategy copy. With the giant being both MT and ADC, we are united to defeat the Devil of the North.

Sand Crocodile had no choice but to let go of his demeanor and furiously threw himself into this strategic battle with no winner.

You useless losers, if you want to defeat me, you are still far from qualified, so just defeat me!

Ding Ling started to fight loudly, and at the same time, he felt as if he was being tricked by someone behind the scenes.

Noah laughed while watching the live broadcast. After all, this guy Sand Crocodile has been a friend for many years and he must help him.

Don’t you think that the position of Pirate King is so easy to do?

The Revolutionary Army had put in so much effort to help Bucky get to this point, and all the power of the sea had been mobilized, including even Rafd Drew as a prize.

The red-haired man is the only representative of free pirates in the post-Roger era, and he is the former Chosen Son who relied on his own strength to become the Four Emperors.

Not to mention Luffy, he has strength, background, and a cheat from 800 years ago.

How could he get involved if he had nothing, and whoever became the Pirate King would face attacks from the World Government. Lao Sha's body was still a bit weak.


Plan B has started, you have to hurry up.

Received. Received. Received..

The initial plan was to capture the rulers of these major countries within three days and take over the basic livelihood operations of the country.

As for the dissemination of ideas, we will wait until the final battle is over.

The ruler was taken down very quickly. Even if the kings and nobles were protected by force, they could not stop the navy and the revolutionary army, the two strongest armed forces in the sea.

What's more, Long also obtained the latest Pacifist Type III to assist Sihai in carrying out the breakthrough work very easily.

It is also very simple to take over the running of the country. Even though the revolutionary army has been struggling for twenty years, countries around the world that do not belong to the South China Sea model still use primitive methods to rule.

That is to say, in agricultural civilization, everyone can live better when the ruler is changed as long as there are no major changes.

The most time-consuming thing is keeping secrets. Eliminating internal spies and controlling the outflow of domestic information account for the majority of the work.

So plan B——Let go and start the revolution!

Infiltration can no longer meet the time demand, everyone directly fights in the open!

It is necessary to win over those World Government supporters within the next two days.

The world has returned to calm at night, and most areas still see the sun rising and setting.

Except for those kingdoms and nobles, many people have no nightlife.

This group of masters were still discussing while watching the live broadcast of the Banquet of Kings.

These are the big pirates, they are really scary.

Haha, so what, even the big pirate eats the food that only the poor eat, and drinks rum.

That's right, they are nothing more than monsters with some strength. No matter how strong they are, they can't shake the World Government.

In the exquisite banquet hall, the kings and nobles were scorning those despicable pirates.


At this time, a red light point outside the window slowly climbed up, which was particularly abrupt in the dark night with only moonlight.

Hey, what do you guys think that is?

The light spot suddenly exploded when it reached its highest point.


A beautiful firework bloomed in the sky, and the red light was a flash of beauty.

After just a few seconds, the night still fell into silence, as if nothing had happened.

Besides these nobles, who else would do anything in this country?

The bewildered senior executives were left to make wild guesses.

Could it be that some untouchable set off the fireworks privately? But it is a serious crime to be beheaded.

Little did they know that the fireworks were not only blooming on this one island, but also lit up the skies over all the countries that had not yet been liberated.

Tonight's fireworks light up most of the world and the whole world.

Even the South China Sea, which had no mission, lit up the night sky, keeping pace with the other three seas.

Why must it be done this way?

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