Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 874 The Resurrected Nika

The battle on the Eastern Passage continued as before.

Nothing changed after doing sit-ups for the first time. Konis and others frequently watched their captain's struggles during the battle.

Yes, Straw Hat Luffy is still struggling even if the blood lock is unlocked.

The ability to foresee the future is completely destroyed when it encounters the more advanced form of knowledge that can perceive thoughts.

Whatever few seconds of the future can be seen will be sensed and then changed.

This unique skill that just came from Weibull is not as good as the brainless combat mode. At least there is a chance to touch the opponent's clothes.

People all over the world saw that Luffy, who had stood up again before, was knocked to the ground again.

Ba Tang only erased some of the gaps in attack power. The strong man's previous battles were not limited to this.

Liu Ying? Is it still possible at this level? It's just a way to attack the inside.

Especially the serious Red Earl.

Faster speed, like an illusion, appears behind you, in front of you, and anywhere around your body.

The unpredictable figure is like a ghost.

With greater strength, every blow struck by the slender arms is as powerful as a battering ram.

If the rubber fruit hadn't been so active right now, the battle would have ended quickly.

Compared to the Red Earl's strong fighting style from beginning to end, Luffy seems very weird.

He fell down and stood up countless times, but he still rushed up with passionate words. People all over the world couldn't help but sigh that this man really, really, really wants to be the Pirate King.

My brain was beaten out of shape, but I still haven’t given up.

And the Red Count became more and more excited as he fought.

During the fiercest battle, Mount Hyjal was trembling, and blood gathered on every inch of the land.

The lonely red had to admit that with the vampire fruit, he had never fought such a rich battle.

The mountains and plains are filled with the blood of super-high-quality experts, and the power contained in it is even frightening to those with fruit abilities when it gathers around them.

Every move and every move shows great power.

Already superior in strength and with external bonuses, the Red Earl did not abandon it.

Because he could feel that the young man who had been hammered countless times was still getting stronger, with no sign of stopping at all.

He had lost consciousness and body several times before, but he still continued to charge.

Then consciousness came back, without fear, he seemed to be smiling?

The Red Earl's expression gradually became serious, and it seemed that the other party had done some research.

Just relying on will is not enough, One Piece is not such a simple thing.

Luffy, let me see where your true limit is!!!

On the sword body entwined by the blood river in the sky, red and black lightning wrapped around the battlefield. Not only the east, but also the entire Mount Hyjal could feel the breath of death.

Baloric is really ready to send Luffy on his way, but this Straw Hat is still far from the word dream! ! ! !


Blood is like the falling of the sky, bringing about the demise of equality, which is the road to hell.

Unable to avoid, unable to resist.

No matter how violent and fast Luffy's fourth gear fist was, he couldn't resist it.

Overlord Se himself was defeated, and the will of the strongest was just as strong.

Damn it!!!!!!!!

The protagonist with clenched teeth finally fell when faced with a power beyond his limit.

boom! ! !

The mountains were trembling, and the sea within dozens of nautical miles was trembling.

The air current was torn apart, the rocks were shattered, and a huge gas explosion cloud rose into the sky.

The shock wave broke all the giant trees in the forest to the east, and all the masts behind made an overwhelming sound.

The river of blood that hit the ground turned into a sea of ​​blood and eroded away the ground with Luffy as the center. The huge movement silenced the entire battlefield.

Only a familiar figure could be seen in the smoke and dust lying there motionless, and this time he never stood up again.

The five old stars are watching here closely, and Noah from Malinfando is looking here.

People from these two parties who know the true meaning of the rubber fruit are paying attention to the subsequent changes.

Will fate end here?

The people at the scene were a little panicked because they couldn't feel the breath of life at all.

The Straw Hats, who were fighting bloody battles in the rear, completely lost their sense of proportion. Konis' sense of sight could not detect anything in the blood curtain and smoke.

Luffy's voice can't be heard

The breath of life didn't even turn into a candle in the wind, it was completely extinguished.




There was no response to the calls of his companions, it was just a corpse.

In a fit of rage, Sanji and the others lost their minds, abandoned their opponents and attacked the Red Earl.

How dare you, guy!!!!

Baloric, who originally expected Luffy to stand up again, was disappointed. After all, this was the ending.

Then why give him the illusion that he can revive again.

As for the straw hats, the bloody sword energy bloomed in the void.

Luffy was only close to him, but these young people were even worse.

Maybe it was to give face to the young man he once admired, but they were all blasted into a river of blood and unable to move.

It seems that the sniper battle on the Eastern Channel has been completed, and the pirates behind have been too frightened to take a step forward.

Therefore, they were regarded as substitutes for venting their emotions by the angry Red Earl.

A special boy is no longer special. Who can understand the feeling of being disappointed after looking forward to it for two whole years.

This kind of crazy thinking of experts may only be understood by experts.

The bloody massacre started again.

Bucky on the top of the mountain couldn't believe it at this moment. It could be said that Luffy's role on Mount Hyjal had always been planned.

It seems that when formulating the strategy for Mount Hyjal, the planner was certain that this Straw Hat would make it to the end.

But this is a pity for the captain's straw hat.

Rayleigh felt even more sad because Luffy was considered his disciple.

It’s not that the Red Earl is too ruthless because of his duty. This is a war to compete for the Pirate King. Everyone who steps here will have the despair of death.

It’s just a pity that it was too early to enter this stage after all.

Even if it's two years later.

The red-haired man who was fighting fiercely in the west was so stimulated that the Griffin in his hand lost its edge when he looked in that direction.

This is impossible


No matter how many people in the world shout and support, there is no response in the battlefield to the east.

At this moment, Noah's eyes were extremely focused on Luffy's body. Something might happen that would shock the world.

He firmly believes that some people are unreasonable from birth.

Then Noah smiled, and a wisp of white smoke seemed to come out of Luffy's mouth.

In a certain sea area in the new world.

The elephant owner walking on the sea also stopped walking for 800 years. The inertia of this sudden stop caused the Zuowu on his back to become a mess.

The huge head turned in a certain direction.

Two rays of light suddenly lit up in the huge empty eye sockets. This was the first reaction after the boy named Noah came to him.

The orthodox inheritance appears, is it the time of prophecy?

Momonosuke, who was still undergoing transformation in the Rabbit Bowl, also heard something.

Without Zou's trip, he naturally wouldn't know clearly. This was the voice of the Elephant Master.

“It’s really nostalgic to hear that.

The drum of liberation was heard again after 800 years.

Joey Boy is back! ! !

The never-ending criminals on the sea changed their direction and stepped on the sea with their legs like pillars of heaven.

Target: Mount Hyjal.

As for the successor of Wano Country? He can't seem to hear his own voice yet, so he goes to help Joeyboy first.

The east side of Mount Hyjal.

Dong Dong Dong Dong~~Dong Dong Dong Dong~~~Dong Dong Dong Dong~~~

The sound of heartbeats echoed in the air, and a faint flame of life appeared in everyone's perception.

In the blink of an eye, as the drum beat expands, the vitality begins to burn.

There is a wonderful rhythm in the drum sound, which makes people happy.

The Straw Hats, who were still struggling in the river of blood, all looked in the direction of Luffy.



Luffy. Still alive!

The eyes of strong men from all directions were also looking there, and the Red Earl was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out.

No, I've been crossing the sea for so long.

He still couldn't tell the difference between the dead and the living. How could he be so angry if he hadn't been sure that Luffy didn't catch it and died.

But are the heart's sound and breath really so magical?

Bucky actually knew that this scene would happen!

Bucky really didn’t know this would happen!

One second I was regretting the death of the new star of One Piece that everyone was optimistic about, and the next second he was dead.

It’s a fake corpse! Oh My God! ! !

Wouldn't he be able to reach heaven if he had this skill?

Rayleigh next to him was so shocked that he pulled out his big sword and planned to slay demons. This thing doesn't know the basics of living.

No matter what the red hair is, it's a good thing Luffy can survive.

No matter how he did it, there might be even bigger surprises later.

And the drum sound is quite nice.

Even Luffy himself was confused.

‘Why did you become happy when you obviously lost~~~~And when you are happy, you want to laugh~~~~’


The laughter echoed on this tragic battlefield, reaching everyone's ears without any obstruction.

White steam appeared from the body, instead of dissipating in the air, it formed a steam streamer around the neck and armpits.

His hair and clothes turned white, and his hair became like flames.

Luffy slowly got up and looked at his friends while smiling.

Yo, everyone! I'm back!

As he spoke, he wrapped his right foot around it like a python to gather strength, and then threw it out fiercely.

Rubber white whip!


The river of blood that Baloric used to trap the Straw Hats was smashed into pieces. After the friends fell, they were all caught and brought back by Luffy.

The Red Earl was first surprised by Luffy's resurrection, and then he was surprised again by the improvement in his opponent's strength.

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