Lao Sha didn't have much fear of the giant race. His Baroque Works Company had long known that there were two silly giants who had been fighting in the small garden for 100 years.

In the eyes of the Desert King, such a race without any fighting intelligence only has brute strength and does not pose any threat.

Facing such an opponent, he still wanted to say some words to show off. After all, giants are still very intimidating in the eyes of outsiders who don't know how to do it.

If you win the battle easily, you can get a great sense of accomplishment.

Unlike other pirates, Lao Sha knows the effects of the program very well.

And he also has his own natural fan base.

The people watching the live broadcast in Alabasta were already preparing to cheer.

This strong man who has protected the country for more than ten years has an excellent reputation and is a great hero of the desert.

But the Giant Pirates are not used to the so-called King of the Desert. This is a new world, Mount Hyjal, a place full of seas.

Mountain Beard particularly looked down upon the arrogant smile of the little man opposite him.

No one would have dared to show such an expression to the hero of Elbaf 100 years ago.

Dongli, Broki, shoot him down for me.


Ao Oni and Ao Oni formally stood up and stood in front of the raft.

The battle ax and giant sword in his hands were raised high, and the muscles on his body bulged in an instant.

Just the sound of blood flowing in the giant's body was as turbulent as the Yangtze River.

Even such aggressive and roaring ocean currents cannot cover up the sound of their beating hearts.

A huge sense of crisis erupted from the two giants.

The Spear of Elbaf was the most terrifying martial skill the giants had ever had.

On this basis, countless giants have developed various domineering moves.

Among them, the most famous one in the whole sea is Charlotte Lingling. Her Elbaf's Spear, Weiguo, can be said to really intimidate other countries with one blow.

Although the original giant heroes in Elpabu Village were inferior to Big Mom in terms of physical fitness and brute strength, they could use their combined attack skills to make up for this gap.

Roar! ! !

Dominate the sea! ! !

The two of them immediately joined forces and swung the huge weapons in their hands at the same time.

The terrifying shock wave split the air, cut through the sea currents, and shattered the rocks. Although it was slow but determined, it rushed towards the target.

It flew towards the sand crocodile's face, and it was right on target.

Bahai, who can smash such terrifying creatures as the island-eating goldfish, is naturally not so easy to pick up.

Sand Crocodile's face was livid, why were these giants so ignorant, they came up and fired their big moves.

Now we are fighting in front of the whole world. It would be too embarrassing if we dodge.

The two defenders on the east and west waterways have achieved astonishing results. What ambition can they talk about if they can only dodge?

Hmph! Corrosion of reincarnation!

Raising his left hand, invisible waves spread across the entire north side of Mount Hyjal.

Just before the eyes of the world, the green forest and brown fertile soil began to be stripped of all moisture, and slowly turned into the color of lifeless sand.

In the blink of an eye, the world changed, and the lush sacred mountains on the sea turned into desert hills, which really shocked everyone's eyes.

So is this the strength and dominance of the natural system? The whole world will be my battlefield when I need it.

This wave of Crocodile is not only about showing off his skills and building momentum, but also because he needs enough desert to support his abilities in the face of terrifying attacks.

Massive amounts of sand gathered and a dam made of sand was built over the entire Northern Channel.

Hundreds of meters high, dozens of meters thick, and spanning several kilometers, the barrier is like a creation of God.

Lao Sha stood calmly behind the dam and allowed the opponent's attack to come.

The strongest shield. Absolute defense.

The great power that can blast through super giant creatures bombards the desert wall.

boom! ! !

A huge explosion occurs here.

Terrifying shock waves have been trying to break through this dam of sand. It keeps breaking through, but unfortunately the sand crocodile is not easy to mess with.

The shock wave is limited, but the sand that can be mobilized is relatively unlimited.

In the end, the sword energy ran out of power, and a huge explosion occurred inside the desert dam.

The endless defenses were also blown up and turned into a sea of ​​sand that spread towards the sky, and the whole world was shrouded in sand and dust.

Crocodile stood in the middle without taking a step back. This was his pride.

Go back!

The sand and dust flying in the air were manipulated to re-form a dam at the feet of the sand crocodile, as if going back in time.

And these sands have also blocked the entire northern upside down channel. If he is not defeated, no one will be able to move forward.

When he looked at the cool-looking sand crocodile, his eyes changed.

It turns out that this guy who looks like a pendant is really very powerful.

This one-hand operation is really a highlight moment, and everyone who sees it will give a thumbs up.

The people in Alabasta were cheering like a festival, and even Cobra in the palace heard it.

It's a pity that he has no intention of contacting his hero because he happened to see Weiwei on the live broadcast.

He already had an ominous premonition when he saw the Straw Hats, but the picture didn't give much.

It wasn't until the cut to the Red Earl that I saw a flash of footage.

She actually fought crazily in the upside-down channel and smashed the head of a pirate with one hand.

The brain tissue is splattered on the body, and it really looks like a Valkyrie.

The old father's heart was almost unable to bear it. This was even more frightening than Princess Otohime's previous world declaration.

Talk about the northern battlefield.

Even Mountain Beard recognized his opponent's arrogance at this moment. With such strength, it’s no wonder that he can guard this place alone.

The giants admire such strong men the most. If that's the case, then let's fight seriously.

Several giants looked at such a scene and nodded, jumped off the raft, picked up huge weapons and attacked their opponents.

At this time, they thought of the glory of the Elbaf soldiers, which would shine on them again after 100 years.

Shouting ancient slogans and holding huge weapons in their hands, they are fearless giants.

The pirates behind him looked at each other and rushed over. What are they waiting for when they have arrows?

Lao Sha also stepped forward at this time, planning to defeat everyone forcefully.

at the same time.

The pirates who maintained a tacit understanding on the southern channel also stopped at the same time. Standing in front of them was the extremely powerful pirate empress Boya Hancock.

This empress stole the show during the battle with the New Pirate Alliance.

He kicked the heads of countless pirates with his feet and arrogantly harvested the lives of those strong men.

Now she stood in front of them on this crucial battlefield, looking down at all living beings like the goddess of death.

They even looked up at the sky with their heads held high, such a arrogant and arrogant attitude.

Any strength or weakness will be chopped into pieces.

As the Queen of the Amazon Lily, she was also a part of the World Declaration.

He also understands how hateful pirates are.

Although she was also a pirate before, the shadow of her childhood made her hate this group.

The current empress is actually executing this plan in the most pure way.

As for these pirates, they were no threat to her at all.

People all over the world have no idea what the true power of the sweet fruit is.

The pirates were naturally frightened when they saw the Empress guarding them. Although the bounties of several veteran pirates were around 2 billion beli, they did not exceed the specifications.

Of course, fighting is possible, but a life-and-death battle is likely to end here.

Naturally, this kind of temporary alliance should not be taken too seriously. If anyone falls here, I am afraid that the kelp group behind them will be divided up in an instant.

So they looked at each other and charged collectively, with all kinds of armed colors, overlord colors, sword energy and fruit abilities bombarding them.

This is their idea. Since no one wants to be the leader, let's bomb them together.

Even an emperor-level warrior might not be able to catch all of the attacks from so many people, and would definitely dodge them.

When the time comes, everyone will rush over in a swarm. As for how many people can survive to the end, it all depends on fate. This is fair.

But the empress is such a proud master. Based on what she saw, the other three parties did not let any pirate pass.

Wouldn't it be very shameful if he was broken through here first?

Sweet Fruit Liberation. Super Prisoner's Shield.

The huge pink heart shone in mid-air and turned into a pink shield blocking the front.

No matter what kind of attack the opponent hits into this pink bubble, it will turn into stones. Intangible objects such as flames, thunder, and sword energy are all turned into stones, making everyone's eyes widen.

This ability is a little too basic.

Sweet? It's not sweet at all, it's even scary.

Intangible things, substances that cannot be moved can be turned into stone like this.

Finally, the prisoner's shield turned into prisoner's arrows, which were ruthlessly scattered towards the pirate ship on the opposite side.

The empress was the first to inflict the greatest damage since the war began.

The number of pirates in the channel was reduced by 1/3 in an instant. This all-out move consumes a lot of physical energy but has an excellent suppression effect.

Most of the pirates who were hit had no chance to resist, and ordinary Haki could not resist the petrification ability.

The pirate ships that were hit also had the same fate and turned into stone ships.

The turbulent upside-down ocean currents ignored these and continued to push them against each other, breaking into piles of rocks and falling into the sea.

A huge number of stone statues and stone boats actually blocked this way out, but Hancock standing on the pile of stones left an extremely terrifying image, like a banshee in myths and legends.

At this time, the several big pirates hiding among them knew that they would lose morale if they didn't take action, and it would be even worse when the time came, so they had no choice but to kill them.

For example, Breed, the captain of the Leviathan Pirate Ship, used his fruit ability to trap several rough-skinned and fleshy races, and then attacked them first as a human shield.

Due to the domineering suppression of the fruit's abilities, they still had the confidence to fight fiercely.

So the chaos in the south began, and not everyone was attacking the empress. They were also taking the opportunity to fight with each other, and it was impossible to see clearly in the chaos.

The entire Mount Hyjal is slowly being covered in blood.

Even the color of these ocean currents is slowly leaning towards red, because too many people died in the battle.

After these ocean currents hit the Well of Eternity, the lake turned into blood.



Joyous laughter echoed on this tragic battlefield, and a burst of intensive drumming sounded in everyone's ears.

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