Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 869 Big commotion all over the world

A harsh and sharp voice came from the mouth of this mysterious man, and there seemed to be endless anger hidden behind the sharp loudspeaker.

You should call me by my real title. Don't you think the name Crow is nice? King Mosen!

Yes, the person who came was none other than Crow, the commander of the Northern Army of the Revolutionary Army.

His origin is unknown, but from the conversation between the two, it can be seen that the grievances are still very serious.

After all, many people don't know the real name of Crow, but this King Moson can blurt it out immediately, I'm afraid there are grievances in it.

The Principality of Mosen is willing to submit to the revolutionary army and fight against the World Government. Can there be a way to survive?

King Momosun is cruel, but his cunning is real, and he can bend and stretch.

As soon as his thoughts changed, he realized that if the crow could break into the palace hall so quickly, I was afraid that all the knight guards he had spent a lot of money to train would have been eliminated.

Therefore, the most important thing is whether you can save your own life. What is the use of the country keeping people alive after they die?

But the crow just shook his head indifferently.

“You and your children and the ministers of this kingdom have been indebted to the people of this kingdom.

When you were riding on the heads of the common people and dominating you, did you ever think about this day?

When you casually took the lives of others as your hobby, never did you think that I could come back.

I had countless opportunities to break into this palace and kill you, but I gave up.

Just to walk into this hall uprightly in this paradise and deal with all the sins calmly.

Then hand you over to the people for trial, and finally hang you at the highest point of this palace. This is what I want to do most.

Crow rarely talks so much in front of outsiders.

But today he couldn't help his desire to talk, because after decades of hard work and hard work, he could finally announce it to the world on this day. This happy feeling was unimaginable by others.

This is a victory for the revolution.

At this time, all the peripheral areas of the kingdom had been dealt with, and several teams of navy rushed in and began to control these kings and ministers.

The ministers who still wanted to resist at this time were all beaten by the revolution. After being beaten hard several times by these rough and powerful guards, they all calmed down.

It turns out that these noble people are also afraid of pain.

“I see, you used naval disguises to raid.

Karas, you are worthy of being called a revolutionary army?

He is nothing more than a careerist! ! !

King Mawson may have seen his solution, so he started attacking the opponent crazily.

Even if you die, you still want to make your opponent unhappy.

The World Government will not let you go. The World Government's intelligence department exists here. What you have done will make it impossible to survive!!!

Perhaps seeing the crow's silence made the old king even more energetic.


Oh, this palace is so big, I almost got lost.


King Moson would have wiped his eyes if his hands hadn't been tied behind his back.

Tea Dolphin. Lieutenant General?

The king, who had been to Mariejoia, recognized the candidate for general at a glance.

As a person with a strong desire for power, he naturally knows how to work hard. This is no ordinary lieutenant general, but a candidate for the next generation of generals in the navy.

There are countless people who want to curry favor and give gifts, and King Moson is one of them.

How is this possible?

No matter how brave he was, he couldn't imagine what was going on behind the scenes.

The most outrageous idea is that the tea dolphin was bought by the revolutionary army.

The tea dolphin also smiled at this old acquaintance. The contrast was quite interesting.

It is estimated that many people will show such expressions these days.

In the end, King Mosen stared at Crow with unwilling and confused eyes, but he was still forced out of the palace.

Looking at the luxurious palace, the crow just snorted disdainfully.

The people in the CP department have caught it, and now we have to deal with it internally within the Navy. I'll excuse you for now.

The tea dolphin politely greeted the crow and went to catch the person.

After all, there are people from the CP department in his team, so he can cut off this hidden line before the other party can react.

It doesn't matter when Marigio will find out.

King Mosen, who was sent outside the palace, was a little panicked when he looked at the dark tide outside, because there were untouchables one after another.

These scum dared to look up at him! ! !

There was an anger in their eyes that made people tremble with fear! !

A simple high platform was erected outside the gate of the palace. On it, people from the revolutionary army were shouting something with loudspeakers.

It seemed like a crime or something.

Ridiculous, how could I, the majestic King Mosen, be afraid of these mud-legged people! ! ! Who can judge me! ! !

It wasn't until I got closer that I saw the gallows.

and the minister who was hung above

Hang him! Hang him! Hang him!

What happened in the Principality of Mawson was just an abbreviation of one scene in the entire North Sea. It was only because of the special circumstances that a military commander could take action personally.

The kings of most countries and some people were led into the palace by someone and took control of them without knowing what was going on.

A large number of civilian personnel from the Revolutionary Army immediately stationed themselves in key areas of the kingdom and began to accept work. They must stabilize the operation of the country amid this turmoil.

There is no thought of postponement, what the people need is the fastest and most direct execution of justice.

Enough evidence has been collected over the years, and no one is innocent anyway.

Every time a noble is hanged, the people will get closer to the revolutionary army. Taking advantage of the trend and spreading their ideas openly can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

The kingdom of Goa in the East China Sea.

War has also broken out in this so-called most beautiful country.

Betty and Gion broke into the palace together, and the high walls on the outside had long been smashed.

Countless naval warriors charged with the power of the Encouraging Fruit.

Seeing the high morale of the Navy, even Taotu could only helplessly express that the Revolutionary Army still had some tricks.

At this time, the relationship between the two commanders was much better.

Now let’s judge the new king of Goa Kingdom together.

Oh, right. This man named Staley is the brother of Saab's brother.

Betty looked at it for a long time and could only say that the difference between people is really big.

The wretched young man with blond hair covered his face and knelt on the ground shivering. He realized how weak he was when he realized that these marines didn't care about him at all.

This group of ferocious navy seems not to be the East China Sea branch in the past, but must be the headquarters navy on the Grand Line. It is too cruel.

Just because I said a few more words, I got slapped in the face several times.


Yes, yes. Lord Navy. Is there any misunderstanding between us?

Our Kingdom of Goa is the hometown of Lord Garp, and we are definitely loyal subordinates of the World Government.

Staley looked at the two women in front of him with the utmost flattery, without any evil thoughts at all.

Saab, please do me something.

Saab? The criminal?

Staley couldn't figure out how a criminal could be related to him, his brother in name only?

Stop it, his parents had long since erased Sabo's name.


A delicate fist struck the Goa Kingdom's stomach. Staley fell to the ground and vomited on the spot.

Okay, drag him down and prepare for trial. I have pushed down the walls of the inner and outer cities of Goa Kingdom.


Seeing that the chaos in Goa Kingdom was quickly quelled, Betty also admired the navy's overall mobility.

Have you dealt with all the spies among you?

Peach Rabbit shrugged indifferently.

I was executed a long time ago. I feel particularly good these days.

Their naval fleets heading into the Three Seas have all been screened, and only a few spies are lurking among them.

The real big numbers are within the Grand Line and Malevando.

No matter how deep they hide, they can't escape from the hands of Staff He.

For example, in a certain vice-admiral-class fleet in the paradise stage.

Sir, I.

Link, the tacit understanding over the years ends here. Our positions are different, so please don't resist.

The school officer named Link measured the gap in combat power between himself and the Lieutenant General and decisively gave up resistance.

Even though he was tied up, he was still unwilling to fail like this. As a spy in the CP department, the punishment he would face if he failed in his mission was too cruel.

Sir, the Navy will be in doom if this continues.

Lord Wulaoxing will not let you go either.

No, we will not let go of those people on the Red Earth Continent.

Huo Shaoshan rarely revealed his eyes that were always covered by squinting eyes.

There was fire flickering in his pupils. As a lieutenant general who had been in contact with Noah in 1506, how could he be indifferent to the changes in the world.

The rest of the fleet was doing the same as he was clearing his force of spies.

Some people are helpless, while others want to resist and incite others to resist together.

It is a pity that the Warring States Period took decades to establish an independent navy. The idea of ​​​​an independent navy cannot be shaken by a few simple words.

This is a day that countless people have spent countless efforts on.

The marshal's office in Malinfando was surprisingly quiet, with only a few figures sitting or leaning there.

There are no more scenes of dozens of phone bugs jumping wildly, and there are no intelligence officers coming in and out.

The weather is calm and the blue sky and white clouds near the Red Earth Continent today are really pleasant.

It seems that everyone's operations are going smoothly. I don't know how long it will take for the Red Earth Continent to be discovered.

Kizaru also rested at this moment. He was really tired from talking to people in Manhai in the past few days.

There is an upper limit to the power of salted fish, and it is on the verge of a critical point at this moment.

I hope it will come to light after the final results of Mount Hyjal appear, so that our retreat can be more leisurely.

Staff Officer He sincerely hopes that everything will end smoothly. This old man really doesn't want to risk his life.

But the Warring States Period had a different view.

Even if the new world attracts everyone's attention, a large number of spies losing contact will be enough to wake up the Five Old Stars.

He had no doubts about the early stage of this plan, but the later developments would be exposed sooner or later.

Even if all the spies of the World Government are arrested, those countries that have been compromised will try their best to contact Mary Joa.

Especially don’t underestimate the 50 countries in the World Conference. There are still many means to achieve this level of financial resources and influence.

Ackerman also rested on a recliner. He may need to attack himself later, so it is crucial to recharge his batteries.

“Don’t worry, Bucky’s words about supremacy and disrespect to the Creator were spoken in front of the whole world.

The Five Old Stars will definitely send Minister CP there. This is even more taboo than unifying the new world.

This line was specially added by Noah in order to fully attract hatred.

Anyway, Bucky can afford it.

At this time, Kizaru thought of something.

“The Prometheus plan is to steal the power of the gods and return freedom and dignity to the world.

So why is the subsequent plan called

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