Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 868 Go and light the fire

Now I announce the rules of the battle for the Pirate King.

It turned out to be fair competition, and rules had been worked out.

Captain Bucky is domineering!

All the pirates were listening, maybe they had never been so serious in their lives.

Even ordinary people watching the live broadcast from all over the world are inexplicably paying attention to this rule.

Everyone is looking forward to what tricks the big pirate, who has led the world's attention in the past two years, can do this time.

Head to the top of the mountain through hundreds of upside-down channels around the island.

Then rush into the 4 main channels and kill all the opponents.

Finally, being able to reach the highest level of the Lake of the Well of Eternity is considered to have passed the most brutal basic difficulty.

If you can't even get here, it means your pirate group is nothing more than this. Even if such a person is lucky enough to ascend the throne, no one will believe it.

So I decided to use the pirate method to decide everything.

From now on, the remaining emperors will fight one on one to conquer everyone.

Then walk up the golden stairs, sit on your own throne, and accept the cheers or scorn of the world. This is the path of the Pirate King.

The simple and crude rules are surprisingly acceptable to everyone.

Pirates should engage in these things, regardless of luck or strength, all they have left is to fight this way.

After explaining the rules, Bucky glanced at the sky and realized that the time had come, so he said lightly.


The sea defense chain of the Cross Guild along Mount Hyjal disappeared directly, and all the pirates raced straight to the last holy mountain.

Kill, kill these dogs%@#¥ @%@#¥

Speed ​​up!!! Go faster!!

Chaos, complete chaos.

The impulses and instincts that have been suppressed for a long time burst out here.

The fighting had already begun before they entered the entrances to those upside-down sea currents.

After all, the risk of fighting in an upside-down ocean current is very high. If the ship is not strong enough or the navigator is not strong enough, the number of people will be reduced at any time without combat.

It would save a lot of trouble if we could kill our opponents on a stable sea surface.

Therefore, even if the distance is only twenty nautical miles, most pirates are still immersed in fighting. This is a choice of ordinary pirates.

The ferocious side of the pirates was shown in front of everyone in the world, and the various fruit abilities opened the eyes of the decision makers.

Animals are a very common fruit in the New World. On the sea, they are not very rare, so everyone eats quite a lot of them.

Considering that Kaido is just a pirate group and can gather so many animals and ancient species, we understand that it is not difficult to collect them.

The powerful animal types are all large or carnivore prototypes. They performed a zoo riot on the sea.

The sounds of apes and tigers roaring are endless, and the animalistic nature combined with the indulgence of pirates complement each other.

Moreover, the animal system has an advantage, that is, it is simple and crude to develop, and is particularly suitable for uneducated groups.

Superhumans and fantasy beasts are very rare.

These are the secret treasures of every major force, and non-captains or top cadres cannot have access to them.

Fruits of this type rarely appear at auctions, so they are an excellent choice whether you consume them yourself or develop your power.

The iconic ones are White Beard, Golden Lion and other famous and powerful men.

Of course, not all superhumans are so perverted.

For example, the user with the paper-rolling fruit ability was struggling on the sea, and confetti flew into the air when someone chopped him off.

Then the offensive method is hard to describe, I can only say it is clean and hygienic.

Are human desires really that boring?

It’s really sad to think back on Dr. Vegapunk’s theory.

How could human beings who had survived from ancient times have such terrible thoughts? Was there really rolling paper at that time?

Compared with this bottom-breaking fruit, other abilities are so useful.

The fantasy beast species are very rare, and they currently appear less frequently than the natural species.

Marco's Phoenix Flame is truly the most eye-catching presence on the battlefield, it's so gorgeous.

The strongest point of the fantasy beast species is that it has the blessing of the mythical scriptures and basically has no weak abilities.

In addition, there is no shortage of natural elements.

The natural element of the smoke fruit level, similar to that of the smoker, accounts for a large proportion of it.

Relying on the most common elementalization ability in nature is still somewhat useful in middle-level battles. If you put it in a high-level battle, you will just be killed casually.

The pirates are really the group with the most fruit abilities. After all, you can always find some weird fruits running around in the sea.

Because of the numerous fruit abilities and the flashes of flying slashes of various colors, the entire battlefield is absolutely packed with special effects.

The dozens of lenses surrounding it are constantly switching, giving the world a visual feast.

And just when the fighting in the new world has just begun, actions from the outside that are related to the fate of the world are also taking place simultaneously.

Prometheus, the hero who brought fire to the world.

This is a myth. In real history, fire was created by human beings' own thinking.

“The first fire was kindled from under O’Hara’s Tree of All-Knowing.”

Decades have passed and it has spread across the sea, so it's time to set the world on fire.

Several people in the marshal's office conveyed the instructions at the same time.

Leave everything to the world, now just wait.

North Sea.

The Principality of Mosen was one of the former overlords of the North Sea, and King Mosen was famous for his vicious methods and unique vision.

When he was young, he was a crown prince who had traveled the great sea route, and his connections were all over the sea.

It's a pity that after being suppressed by the Vinsmoke family in the past few years, he kept a low profile. Whether he was killed by Gaji or not was at a high price.

The feudal nobles in the country gathered together a large sum of heavenly gold and handed it over in exchange for special protection from the World Government.

After all, the World Government's endorsement would still scare many powerful people.

Especially Germa 66, who also wanted to maintain a tacit understanding with the upper class. So this lonely country continued to linger.

However, as more donations were made, the nobles in the country had to maintain their extravagant lives, so the oppression of the people at the bottom reached an appalling level.

The people who are born are no longer humans, but cattle and horses.

Future generations are expendable resources, and even the most basic cover-up is gone.

In recent years, the revolutionary army has been very troubled, and has set off several waves of resistance in this principality.

But they were all suppressed by their national guards.

In this sea, money can also be exchanged for some strength. King Mawson was very discerning and took a few devil fruits back from the Shampoo Islands.

Having such a escort team in the North Sea will definitely be able to traverse a small sea area.

Relying on strong force to suppress them, he repelled several rebellions of these untouchables and still sat firmly on the throne.

Now the king is leaning on the throne watching the live broadcast of the new world and sighing greatly.

Next time you go to the new world, you must buy some more devil fruits. These powerful people can split mountains and rocks and are omnipotent.

If such an enemy appeared among the rebels, his guards would certainly not be able to resist him.

He is very concerned about his own safety and understands that money and power combined are the most powerful things in this sea.

Moreover, the revolutionary army has taken root in the North Sea, and domestic conflicts are likely to escalate in the future.

Therefore, we must unite with the idiots from other North Sea kingdoms as soon as possible in order to maintain the advantage in front of those mud-legged people.

Thinking of this, I feel very proud to explain my ideas to my three sons.

After that, the three princes also talked about how to torture those who resisted in the near future and how to deal with the untouchables.

They were talking and laughing, quite a scene of a loving father and a filial son.

But what they don't know is that today is the end of these conservative nobles.

King Moson, who was watching the live broadcast, felt a little hungry, so he asked the minister to arrange a banquet and beautiful women.

How could such an exciting fight be without these?

Everything that is royal and kingly is just a dish for me to drink with.

As usual, the ministers clapped their hands and understood what it meant, so they planned to make arrangements. They also liked to eat and drink with the king.

As long as the stinky feet are praised well, ministers like them can be regarded as the pinnacle of human beings in the country.

They live the most luxurious life they want, which is slightly worse than the royal family, so this group of people is also the class that firmly opposes the revolutionary army.

Before the minister could push the door open, the door was already pushed open.


The door suddenly opened with a strong gust of wind and a loud noise, which startled the king and princes.

A strong man nearly three meters tall wearing a black coat and carrying a beak-shaped loudspeaker walked into this magnificent hall.

The old king was very angry, patted the dove egg-sized gem on his throne and stood up.

How brave! Drag me out.

The king's voice became softer and softer, his pupils shrank sharply and even a lot of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

It made people think that he might faint from dehydration at any time.

When the eldest prince saw his father suddenly pause in the middle of speaking, he became confused and sat still to see how things would develop.

The second prince also followed suit. This is the survival code of the royal family.

The little prince was a brainless guy. He stood up and started to curse in his father's place.

Untouchable! When will people like you be allowed to enter the palace?

It shows no taste at all that you are still wearing such ugly clothes. Pluck your bird feathers and give them to me, and then find a place to hang yourself. This is the greatest kindness I can show you.

Otherwise, if the palace guards take action, you can enjoy the most cruel punishment in the world.

Your family, your relatives and friends will be executed together!

The old king almost had a heart attack when he heard these smooth words.

Don't you think he looks familiar?


The king, who was noble, sacred and inviolable in the eyes of outsiders, knelt down.

Lord Karas, this man is not my son.

He's just a nephew with some blood ties, so if you want to deal with him, you can leave him to your disposal.

When the old king got rich, he separated the relationship as quickly as possible and in the most humble manner. He even made up a new life experience for his own son so as not to implicate himself.

He is worthy of being a king who has seen the great route, and his decisive character is truly astonishing.

Only the youngest son on the side was stunned by what he said, and his first reaction was nothing else.

But it turned out that he was really not the king's biological son, and he felt sad for a moment.

Karas~~ It's been a long time since anyone called me this name.

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