Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 849: Giving Straw Hat a reputation

This sentence woke everyone up. Crying, howling, frightened, and various sounds were mixed together. I don’t know how many decibels it increased. Everyone was fleeing here.

The Shalulia Palace on the ground was almost trampled.

The girl duo are also a little worried now. This shot feels good for a while, but what to do afterwards is a big problem.

The sound of sirens was circling above his head, and he could sense from what he saw and heard that there was a navy rushing towards him in the distance. This trip to the Shampoo Islands might have to end early.

It’s so annoying, there are still a few places I haven’t visited yet.


Ready for battle, they looked in the direction of Port No. 1, where an even shriller siren sounded.

What's going on with this broken island? Is the center of the world so unsafe?

Who knows?

Who would have thought that so many things would happen at the same time, and it was incredible for Noah to review it himself afterwards.

The same bad incident also happened here in Port No. 1 of the Shampoo Islands.

A Celestial Dragon was also killed.

Kirby, who originally carried Chopper on his back, was looking for a medical book, but later heard that there might be such a thing at the auction house.

Some rare and unique copies were up for auction, so they decided to try their luck.

The two of them walked and played and ate a lot of special snacks, and bought a lot of marshmallows for Chopper.

The little reindeer feels like this is paradise.

The main reason is that Kebi's size is already a very huge threat. After all, such a strong man is not easy to mess with.

That's why Chopper can walk to Port No. 1 safely, otherwise the cute little pet will be collected by many people.

After spending a lot of time on the road, I arrived outside the auction house and met Sanji.

Sanji-kun, didn't you go buy kitchen utensils and some ingredients?

After you buy it, just ask the merchant to deliver it directly to the warehouse near the ship.

He looked like he was not short of money, and his status as a second-generation rich man was clearly demonstrated.

After a few people gathered together, they headed to the auction house.

The three of them were huddled in a corner very low-key, even though Kebi's door-like body was still very eye-catching.

They adhere to a low-key style and are here to auction things today.

The three people here are not a one-minded guy like Luffy.

Sanji once felt very comfortable and could worry less.

The Celestial Dragon who appeared in Auction House No. 1 was another Saint of Charlos who was beaten into a spiral by Luffy in the original work.

The same style, the same dominance.

But this is not the reason why Sanji and others are violent.

Perhaps the most righteous person among the trio is Kerby, but he has never seen such evil things at the auction house, so he just stays there to learn more.

If Zefa were here, he would definitely keep his apprentice away from this place.

Because what is going to happen here will challenge the moral bottom line of this young man with a sense of justice.

In the past, outstanding recruits in the navy would come to the Shampoo Islands for training. If they could not bear the reality of this world, their future positions would be transferred to other places as much as possible.

This is the test, and Kebi began this experience unintentionally.

First there were various formal product auctions, including jewelry and historical documents. There are also some magical weapons.

None of these things are to the liking of this trio.

The magical weapons are also some knives, forks, swords and halberds, but there are no kitchen knives or cutting boards.

“Not even the legendary kitchen utensils, bad review.”

Sanji was greatly disappointed and could only wait and see if any recipes or rare ingredients appeared.

Finally an ancient medical book appears, and Chopper is intrigued.

Sanji took the picture. We are rich and have no shortage of money, so we treated it as a gift for our new friends.

Moreover, there were no bidders for this thing, the price was reasonable, and the history was only about 100 years old.

Chopper was interested because the author of this medical book was named Kuleha.

It should be the work of the witch when she was young. I think it will give the doctor a big surprise after taking the picture.

Don't always think about selling him to pay off debts.

In fact, if this book is really brought over, Chopper's life will not be saved.

He will be scalded with water boiled by Kuleha, then put on the grill and skewered for grilling.

After all, no matter who sees the things he wrote when he was childish and full of errors, he will always be filled with a sense of shame, even a witch who is over 100 years old.

The products that came up in the second half of the auction house were the bulk of the competition. Everyone showed interested smiles, and the atmosphere in the auction house suddenly became lively.

Sanji thought it would be something interesting, but the one that came up first was a devil fruit.

Not interested, none of the three people here are interested.

Sanji is the chef who cannot leave the sea, and Chopper has already eaten.

Kebi was mentioned by Zefal.

The tough guys in this sea don't eat fruits. A passionate man must use his own muscles to defeat his opponent.

This crazy brainwashing made Kebi very resistant to this matter.

After the fruit came the slave auction, this scene was very difficult for the three of them to accept.

The eyes of the captured slaves were full of humiliation and fear. They were brought to the stage like livestock to be chosen and bid.

There are ordinary humans here, as well as fur tribes and some minority races.

The ones that can be auctioned in the No. 1 auction house are considered to be the best in the sea. Even ordinary humans are very handsome and good-looking.

Those young ladies who were so frightened that they trembled with fear had already touched Sanji's murderous intent.

Chopper also felt a little sad when he saw those fur tribes. Although they were not the same kind as him, they still felt a bit sad like a rabbit dying or a fox dying.

Kebi, a young man with a strong sense of justice, had blue veins popping out, and his hands had crushed the armrests. How could there be such a thing as slave trading in this world?

Perhaps seeing the different reactions of these three people, the old man sitting next to them enthusiastically opened their eyes.

After all, it is very interesting to spread some knowledge about upper class society to these young people who look like they have come from the countryside.

There are some people who are very passionate about it.

Don't worry, slave auctions have been around since ancient times.

In the past few years, I may have been frightened by the revolutionary army, and there have been some problems with shipping, so there was a lot less of the best goods.

I remember there used to be a mermaid tribe, and that was the real best.

Now that this is all a trade that has restarted after a few years, it’s great to have this level.

The old man was talking eloquently, but he didn't see the increasingly gloomy eyes of the three people.

After that, they continued to popularize the tricks played by the Tianlong people, which are definitely things that ordinary people would not dare to think about.

When the darkness was revealed so unabashedly, Kebi fell into silence.

Chopper was also stunned on the spot. It turned out that this was the ¥#@¥ sea that the doctor’s wife had mentioned.

Sanji lit a cigarette, he hesitated.

At this time, the Tianlong people stood up.

One billion, I want them all.

The words of the Tianlong people are edicts in this sea, even if the price is obviously a loss, they will still sell it.

The people at the auction house had to lick their smiles and send the people up. After all, it was the Tianlong people who had the courage to continue this trade.

Opposing the revolutionary army really means keeping your head in your belt.

At this time, a young girl kept wailing. She did not want to be a slave.

Eyes longing for freedom and hope scanned the auction house, hoping that a hero could save him.

Maybe the sound of sobbing made the Tianlong people very unhappy, so he raised his hand and took out his pistol and pointed it at the girl.

It's so annoying, you better go die.


Hey, you're not dead?

The Tianlong man looked at the gun in his hand, how could he not kill someone?

It turned out that the bullet was blocked by a handsome guy with blond hair and curly eyebrows who made a handsome appearance.

It's really disgusting to shoot a girl, you fat pig!

The subsequent conflict was almost the same as in Soap Island Park.

Both brother and sister reacted in the same way, and then suffered the same fate.

First, all the guards were swept away by Sanji, and then Chopper went to grab the key to free the slave.

Finally, there was Kebi. This young man could no longer bear it any longer, and he held it tightly with his big palms.

The fist, which was bigger than a sandbag, hit the opponent's head with all his strength.

The head rotated 720 degrees before the body, and then the body followed suit. It was already dead in the air.

Gaba, a Celestial Dragon fell.

But they have no regrets, this is their choice.

The Straw Hats went to sea because they yearned for freedom. Freedom means following one's own will.

At the same time, it is also the result of Zefa's teachings. The execution of justice must be so straightforward.

So a shrill alarm sounded in Port No. 1. This was the root cause of the chaos in the Chambord Islands.

This is only the first day, this efficiency is really high.

Killing two Celestial Dragons in one day, even Noah felt that these people were quite good.

The strong men of the Revolutionary Army have always been cautious when approaching the center of the world. Maybe only this kind of pirate group that has not received much attention has a chance.

When the siren sounded throughout the island, it meant that the sky in the Shampoo Islands had completely collapsed, and people were fleeing everywhere.

Countless pirates and people whose identities don't stand up to scrutiny began to take boats out to sea, not wanting to become cannon fodder in a subsequent war.

It is expected that the intensity of this major purge will exceed previous ones.

People in the gray area rushed to the streets to find the Straw Hats to fight. This was an order from the big boss above.

Regardless of whether you win or not, your attitude must be adequate.

Both the Navy and the World Government received this information.

Then Wulaoxing personally called and asked everyone to set out immediately to kill this group of madmen.

Charulia Palace and Saint Charlos were all killed, and it was the Straw Hat Pirates who took action.

Kizaru, no matter what the Straw Hat's background is, this time we ask the Navy to take full action!


Kizaru also made a guarantee immediately, but unfortunately he is now the marshal of the navy and cannot easily move.

So he sent his chief of staff Ackerman, who was capable and worked hard, and General Aoki Pheasant from the G1 branch.

Although these two people are not as quick in their actions as themselves, they have already shown their support for the world government.

Kizaru also believed that these two people who had had meetings with the revolutionary army knew what to do.

Even if Aoki doesn't know how to drill, his chief of staff still knows how to do it.

So I just continued to read my novel.

He is just a Celestial Dragon, and it’s not like he has never died.

The CP department was depressed, and the director admitted that he had made a mistake.

At first, he didn't pay enough attention to the Straw Hats, and he made a wrong judgment because he was worried that the Celestial Dragons were on the island.

Now that the Celestial Dragon is dead, someone must be responsible.

The commander almost roared and asked Rob Luqi to lead the pacifists to attack and be sure to kill the Straw Hats.

This is another serious provocation to the face of the world government.

A large number of troops and strong men were transferred to the Chambord Islands, and a war in the center of the world was about to begin.

But is it really possible to fight?

Noah feels that the goal has been achieved so far, and the momentum of the Straw Hats has become stronger.

The reputation has also reached the threshold to participate in the latter plan, and you can activate it after you have more experience and strength.

The Shampoo Islands are not a good place to start a war, so let’s switch to battle royale mode this time.

Of course, the same old rules.

It weakens the power of the world government, so the sacrifice is you.

Rob Lucci!

As Straw Hat enters the new world, the pirate power can be completed. Of course, it is also slightly consistent with the original work, using the power of the violent era.

It's so tiring to go to work.

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