Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 848 Tianlong people are the nourishment for practice

Lei Li actually went to collect information with the mentality of watching the excitement. This information would be given to Xia Qi to sell to make money to support the family.

Luffy and Long Nose are pretty good and won't be a drag.

As soon as I left the house, I found a large number of naval forces swarming out of the base and heading to Port 33.

The dispatch of a large number of ordinary naval forces, based on Rayleigh's experience, suggested that something had happened to the Tianlong people.

That's Soap Bubble Park. Could it be that you were beaten by some little girl in the park?

Rayleigh said with a smile.

Then he saw Luffy and Usopp stiff and sweating.

Pluto seemed to understand something, and his tone was a little helpless.

Is he one of your people?

It should probably be possible.

Usopp thought for a moment about the two violent women on the ship and their tempers that could not be tolerated.

There will definitely be conflicts when encountering Tianlong people. After all, it is absolutely impossible to make them kneel down.

If Weiwei takes action, the opponent will be stunned at most, but if it is a little girl like Konis, it will not be easy.

As a result, halfway forward, suddenly a shrill siren sounded from another direction.

The navy began to move crazily in another direction, and Rayleigh looked at what seemed to be Port No. 1.

What happened today? Why are Tianlong people having trouble everywhere?

There were only two or three people here that day. Could it be that they were all beaten by you?

Luffy and Usopp looked at each other, unsure of what this ominous premonition was about.

Which crew member did the good deed?

Adjust the time back.

Quan Yuan and Empress, the two new great pirates, started their journey with very clear goals.

First we went to the civilian shopping street in Port 30. There are many high-quality and cheap things here that are perfect for shopping.

It was a good time shopping, but not long after they left, they realized that they were being followed.

The two brave people, who are skilled in art, immediately turned into an alley.

Seeing several burly men emerging from the dark alley, I was very curious about what these people were doing.

Hehehehe, it seems to be the angel tribe from the legendary Sky Island.

This is really a good item. If it is sold to the No. 1 auction house, there will definitely be a large commission. I will make a fortune this time.


These people laughed crazily and seemed to have seen Bailey waving.

Where is Auction House No. 1?

Weiwei asked confused.

She was not at all afraid of the matter but instead asked questions.

One of the boys also answered naively.

“It’s a place where everything is auctioned, including treasures, fruits, and slaves.

You besties are our prey today, so accept your fate, little girl.

It's just that you guys have bad luck and have ended up in the most sinful place in the world.

This little guy used his most handsome expression and said the most handsome lines he had ever heard.

Coupled with non-mainstream hairstyle and clothing taste, it is really disgusting.

After saying that, these people surrounded him with smiles.


In an instant they fell, feeling no pain.

The kind girls did not give them time to struggle.

After feeling that these people were completely dead, the two nodded with satisfaction.

Eliminating evil is an important knowledge they have learned in these two years.

After dealing with these people, the two walked out of the small alley and continued shopping.

When the people watching the patrol saw that the person walking out of the alley was not one of them, they realized that they were in trouble. Then they recognized that one of the two people was the legendary Fist Wish Cornish, so they began to flee. , I can’t afford to offend this kind of person.

Even the top Sky Islanders don't dare to take action again. This is no longer a level where peripheral thugs like them can kidnap.

Perhaps because they didn't like being followed all the time, the two girls turned to Soap Bubble Park.

But what happened before has cast a shadow on their hearts. The darkness contained in this fairy tale-like place is so dirty.

I hope this kind of bad thing won't happen again in the new place.

As a result, we almost met another Tianlong here.

Luria Palace. The eldest daughter of Saint Roswald and the sister of Saint Charlos.

The Celestial Dragons, who have been imprisoned in the center of the world for a long time, often frequent the Chambord Islands when they are bored.

This time she came to relax and was walking boredly with her slave.

Huh? Untouchable, you dare to raise your head when you see me.

An ignorant little girl inadvertently committed a terrible crime.

When Luria Palace was about to shoot the child, she was stopped.

Stop it, you vicious woman.


Someone actually dared to scold the Celestial Dragons, how brave they were!

Even the civilians kneeling on the ground quietly raised their heads to take a look at who he was.

In addition to being a little angry at first, Luria Palace was also a little excited.

There are actually people who dare to resist him. It would be interesting to torture such people.

After taking a closer look, his expression darkened, and he turned out to be quite good-looking.

Weiwei just glanced at her casually. She may be very beautiful, but she is not the best among her slaves. At most, she has a somewhat unique temperament.

If it were normal, he would grab it and stuff it into his palace.

But when he saw Cornis next to him, his eyes were different.

This is a very high-quality angel race, very rare in the whole of Mariejoia.

Moreover, those collected by other royal families are all ordinary items, which are not as good as the one in front of me.

So she ordered her subordinates very naturally.

Go and capture that angel tribe, and it will be mine from now on.

They are so naturally domineering, and the world has always given them everything they want.

Otherwise, a group of lunatics like the revolutionary army will appear, and the whole world will be ravaged in their hands.

After being trapped here for a long time, the hearts of these people became even more twisted.

A lot of bad things have been done in recent years, and even the Five Old Stars have specially imposed many restrictions.

In fact, including Noah, they were also trying to find opportunities to kill a few more to continue to shock them, but unfortunately they never had the chance.

I didn't expect that such a good opportunity would come to these two little girls. Is this fate?

Back to Soap Bubble Park, the group of Celestial Dragon guards were already gearing up.

Anyone who can be used as a dog to the Celestial Dragons is definitely not a good person, and his heart will be twisted along with it.

In Cornis's eyes, they were all a group of inhuman creatures exuding a disgusting stench.

The losers were so happy to see that their opponent was just a weak and weak angel girl.

Such a beautiful existence can only feel pleasure when it is pressed into the quagmire.

A group of people immediately jumped on him, howling. Being able to serve as a dog for the great Celestial Dragons was a job that many people envied.

His sinful hands are about to touch this beauty and tear her apart!

boom! ! !

Weiwei burst into anger and launched a domineering attack, then swept across with her long legs.

All the muscles and bones of this group of trash were broken by the beating, and they howled miserably and flew into the air.

There was no sound when it fell. This is the tyranny of the Desert Empress.

He went to arrest Cornis instead of her, and he lost again!

Women's desire to compare really comes out all the time.

As for Cornis, she was looking at the angry Celestial Dragon in the distance with a strange look.

There was a different light in his eyes.

She had heard Teacher Robin talk about the deeds of the Celestial Dragons. Including things done by Robin's deceased relative.

That is currently the most idolized idol of the little girl from the Angel Clan.

Although Robin is always digging holes for Noah, he still puts up the image of a revolutionary light in front of some juniors, and he praises him very highly.

When practicing in the South China Sea, it is difficult not to be affected by influences from all directions.

Everyone is grateful for the light that brought the fire of freedom and dignity back to the world. This is the prestige of Noah.

The boxing skills in Shingen-ryu Boxing are only part of it, the other part lies in the mental skills.

The more such a school pays more attention to spiritual practice.

How did Otohime join the revolutionary army in the first place? I was infected by the enthusiasm of Nanhai.

The little girl worshiped Noah, which shows that she also has the spirit and will of resistance in her heart.

The biggest relationship between Noah and the Celestial Dragons is that Donghai killed a bubble head.

This is something an idol has done, so is there anything that should be done to pay tribute to the idol?

Especially when it sounds so heart-warming.

This quiet girl stood there with her heart turbulent, constantly wandering between impulsiveness and calmness.

If you take action, you will drag down your friends. This is a Tianlong.

But if I don't take action, my fist will feel itchy. If I miss such a big goal, I may never get another chance in the future.

In the end, worry about his companions took over, and he planned to take Weiwei away from here.

Usually the villain must seek death at this time, and Lulia Palace will not disappoint.

Go to hell, you freak!

The vicious Tianlong people still pulled the trigger.

It also gave Cornis a reason to take action.

Teacher Robin said. Without anger towards evil, justice loses its sensibility.

And she is a sentimental girl, so...

Take a deep breath, take a lunge forward, put your right hand back on your waist, and immerse yourself in it.

This punch was touched by the thousands of punches he had thrown in the past two years, and it was also touched by my own soul.

boom! ! !

As if a big tomato had been exploded, the land was covered in blood, and the sky was covered with the same color.

Lyria Palace was wiped out without even leaving a last word from the villain.

The escort fell to his knees, dumbfounded.

Luliya Palace~~~It's everywhere~~~~Ahhhhhhhhh!!!

All civilians were also frightened, and the entire Soap Bubble Park became so quiet.

Oh my God, the Celestial Dragons are dead!

The Celestial Dragons are dead. They can actually die!

It seems to me that the Celestial Dragon is dead.

The noisy sound was like a low buzzing of bees.

Countless people began to spread terrifying information, and rumors spread at a speed that surpassed any communication equipment.

This is a new disaster besides the Charmak Holy Incident in the East China Sea.

Those Tianlong guards felt their brains buzzing. Their legs and feet were weak and they collapsed on the ground crying. Some of them were even scared to the point of excrement and urination.

They were completely unable to breathe, and some were frightened to death.

This was the master they wanted to protect, but he was killed in front of everyone.

Not even a complete piece of clothing can be found, and this matter will never end.

Regardless of whether the two little girls across from him would die, he was definitely dead this time.

Evil always comes from the side of courage, and there are a few guys who are not good birds themselves and want to come up and die with each other with weapons.

It immediately followed the footsteps of Shalulia Palace and turned into several big fireworks.

After finishing her work, Cornis felt refreshed and her boxing skills were incredibly improved.

It turns out that there is such a way to practice in Shingenryu. Next time I will introduce Master Robin to give it a try.

Weiwei looked helplessly at her friends beside her. As a member of the Neferutali clan, she couldn't say anything.

If you die, let it die. These civilians still need to be evacuated.

If I were you, run away quickly. This place will probably turn into a battlefield soon.

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