Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 829 Feng Chu takes action again

Silver Ax asked someone to take this man out to calm down first. Not everyone can resist such pressure.

Just another crazy one.

How about provocation? The crazy person just now is quite suitable.

Sacrifice him for a chance.

Maybe Bucky brought the fleet to Aite Wall in anger.

Everyone thought there was something wrong at first, but in the end they shook their heads.

Silver Ax explained.

You have all forgotten that Bucky, as Roger's successor, only appeared after the red-haired one reached the top. His forbearance is really terrifying.

Only after solving the two emperors did he reveal his true nature.

Don't you really think that Wang Zhi was killed after just one more glance?

That was definitely a planned conspiracy. Otherwise, why would he deliberately pass by the pirate's paradise?

Yes, this guy has hidden things quite deeply before. He is obviously an old Yin coin.

A little insult really doesn't work.

Everyone was at a deadlock again.

The pirates are indeed unreliable, and we have to take action from the revolutionary army.

What about the Pirate King?

Brother Feng Chu stood up again and made an irrelevant suggestion.

Many people don’t understand and even think this is crazy.

Only the veteran pirate thought of something and his eyes lit up.

Yin Ax looked at Brother Feng Chu with admiration. There were still capable people among these idiots.

I remember this is Makarov, the captain of the Fairy Tail Pirates. I had never heard of him being so clever and resourceful before, but now he has suddenly emerged and is really the savior of the Pirate Alliance.

Brother Makarov, please tell me carefully about another clever plan of yours.

Alas~~ There is no clever plan, there are only three strategies: upper, middle and lower.

The bad and middle strategies have been discussed before, now let me talk about the best strategies.

Everyone says that Bucky is already an emperor, so why is he still plotting against us?

It was peaceful for several years when the old Fourth Emperor was in power.

Because there are greater interests driving him, and if the emperor is not satisfied, will he only be the Pirate King?


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, and there was a big gust of air on the island.

That makes so much sense.

As soon as this guy came to power, he recruited experts to form the Cross Guild, becoming the strongest imperial group on the surface.

After that, he immediately organized a team to bring the four emperors to the Red Earth Continent. It seemed that he was seeking benefits from the pirates, but in fact it was to establish his reputation as the Clown King.

After that, he forbeared for several years and planned the war to destroy all nations, and also killed Whitebeard and Charlotte Lingling together.

After completely clearing the two most difficult stumbling blocks to the top, it was easy for Wang Zhi.

Because there is no need to pretend, your ambition will be exposed sooner or later.

Now only Red Hair and the New Pirate Alliance are left.

The red hair has disappeared into the sea, and only the members of the Pirate Alliance are blocking his way.

This is the origin of war! ! !

I understand, I understand.

After twenty years of sharpening a sword, and being an enemy of such a monster with an astonishing temperament, the pressure is even greater.

Brother Feng Chu's eyes were shining at this moment.

“So we used One Piece’s throne as bait.

No matter what Bucky wants to do as the Pirate King, he must be recognized by others.

Otherwise, even if he wins, we will not recognize such a courageous person as the Pirate King.

We will only be convinced if we come to Aite Wall and win this battle with dignity.

This is the last task assigned to him by the revolutionary army, which is to build momentum for Bucky.

This is related to a big plan after the Pirate Alliance.

We need to lay the groundwork now and take advantage of the situation to give this war a reason to proceed smoothly.

In fact, the Revolutionary Army has helped the Pirate Alliance a lot so far in the mission, really.

I hope these guys can live up to their expectations.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

A few big pirates were the first to applaud, and then other captains followed. It was wonderful.

The one who was forced onto the battlefield this time was the Cross Guild.

Bucky will definitely pay for his ambition, and they can also use the power of their chain.

Another trick is that Bucky exposed the ambition of the Pirate King. What does the so-called shipmate red hair think?

Will Shanks' ambition explode immediately?

Does the feud between the two emperors give those in the gap more opportunities?

Silver Ax and others thought more, and this reason was even a life-saving straw.

They were not so optimistic about the outcome of the war, and were even worried that they would be defeated by the Cross Guild.

You must know that until now, the opponent has not gathered all its combat power to fight, but only occasionally comes to show off its operations.

The last one to come was Hawkeye, and Silver Ax survived that day by taking turns and throwing other captains out to die.

The sword light that penetrates the sky and the earth can be seen from a long distance, which is really frightening.

Anyone who has never seen the real-life strength of a general is blindly optimistic.

Trying to kill such a strong man by relying on their numbers is not something a pirate can do even if he can.

But a big force like the Navy or the Revolutionary Army will do.

Why was he happy about Makarov's plan? It was this plan that gave big pirates like them a way out.

For the sake of the reputation of the Pirate King, and for the sake of the fact that there will be a few people who make fun of the Pirate King in the future, we can’t kill them all.

The navy and the revolutionary army were reluctant to die, so this stimulation actually brought a glimmer of hope.

As long as he survives this battle, Makarov will be his brother.

Feng Chu completed her task and then retreated, leaving the vote to this group of contestants who knew how to conquer the situation on their own.

Finally decided to implement this plan.

First, he sent people to the territory of the Cross Guild to declare a challenge, betting on his reputation as the Pirate King.

This person is Brother Feng Chu, who can tell that he talks very well.

If you are so awesome, please make more contributions, all for the sake of the Pirate Alliance and you will not refuse.

Some people with dark hearts even hoped that he would die directly on the territory of the Cross Guild and be executed on the spot by the Clown Emperor as a ceremony for setting off for the expedition.

The malicious intentions of the pirate groups with similar strength are already very obvious.

This son is extremely intelligent and they all agree that he must not be kept.

Even Silver Ax, who had previously wanted to marry Makarov, did not stop him.

When you become a brother, you also need to see whether the brother can keep up with you. Those who can't keep up are not his brothers.

Makarov felt embarrassed, these people are really dogs.

If you fall out, you will kill your own people, this pirate alliance will take jujube pills!

With a face full of grief and anger, he had no choice but to accept this fatal task amidst the encouraging laughter of everyone.

He planned to log off after returning to the Cross Guild, and his subsequent plans had nothing to do with him.

The second hand of the Pirate Alliance is to publicize this matter to the outside world.

He was afraid that Bucky would not tolerate even this, and would later increase the importance of the outcome of this war from the enemy's perspective.

It seems that as long as you defeat the Pirate Alliance, you can become the Pirate King.

This action made the red-haired people watching from the outside jump again.

He was obviously the most innocent, but in the end, he threw dirty water and gave up the Pirate King.

These guys really look like the red-haired pirates and are easy to mess with.

“Beckman, there are definitely people from the Revolutionary Army guiding us here.

If not, I would take off the mask of the Sniper King.


Why did you just say yes?

“It doesn’t matter what we think, it’s what the people on the sea think.”

Everyone on the sea went crazy, and the pirates finally came out of the circle again.

In this one-man show of the revolutionary army, he finally regained the first place in popularity.

After receiving a signal from someone, Morgans went all out to hype up the hot spots without any bottom line.

The Battle of Ete Wall is about to give birth to a new Pirate King! 》

World Economic News leads sales with shocking headlines.

It instantly detonated the traffic of the entire sea, and more and more people were looking at this legendary sea area.

Perhaps only the winner here can truly represent the world's choice.

In short, under the exaggeration of the Revolutionary Army Pirate Alliance and newspapers, the battle for the Pirate King slowly occupied everyone's minds.

Bucky was in the limelight as the man closest to the throne.

Even the Red Earl seemed to sense the terrifying calculation hidden under the red-nosed mask when he saw Bucky again.

It was as if the whole sea was under the shadow of this man.

Hawkeye was very happy reading the newspaper, and he also recognized Bucky.

In his opinion, being able to achieve this level while still alive is admirable no matter what the means.

They came to Bucky now to ask when they would go to Aite Wall.

Yes, these two can't wait to fight.

Killing one by one is too tiring and I don’t want to waste time, so I just have a simple idea.

We have to wait a little longer. There are too many enemies. We need to find a few helpers who can kill people in a large area.

Bucky has already sent invitations to the Empress and Rayleigh.

This time, in order to deal with the opponent as much as possible, the Empress's sweet fruit is much more domineering than Lao Sha's rustling fruit.

The more people there are, the stronger it is. This is the ability of the rules system.

There are not many pirates who can resist Hancock's beauty. Even if they are domineering per capita, they will suffer heavy losses.

As for Rayleigh, he wanted to see if he was interested in witnessing another naval battle at Ait Wall. Old people always like to reminisce.

In the end, the empress expressed that she was very interested. Her strength had increased a bit and she always wanted to kick something up, and Weiwei just happened to come to experience the feeling of a big war.

Although I hate this little girl, she is really tough.

Even though he was crying and calling his father, he still had no intention of quitting and going home, which still made Hancock think highly of him.

I just don’t know if Kobra will have a heart attack if he knows that his daughter participated in the Battle of Ate Vol.

As for Raleigh, he will come to commemorate his memory but will not participate in the war.

The Art Wall that belonged to him has passed, and now is the era that belongs to Bucky.

Besides, the disciples who had to be taught by Wu Feng might just come and leave on the day of the decisive battle.

Kidd and Sabo are members of the Revolutionary Army, and their fruits are too ostentatious to hide, while Luffy is not suitable for this kind of war.

His naivety will disgust both the enemy and ourselves on the battlefield, so he might as well stay on the island to practice.

While waiting, Bucky also met Brother Fengchu, who had returned to life.

The mission ended after providing the staff with all the data on the Pirate Alliance and its internal conflicts.

After that, they were arranged to go on vacation in the South China Sea, and the Fairy Tail Pirates disbanded on the spot.

They completed a very important task very easily and can wait for the reward.

As soon as the Nine Snakes Empress arrived, the entire Cross Guild's power also invaded the nest and headed straight for Ate Wall.

An exciting and exciting war is about to begin.

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