In a corner of the New Pirates Alliance.

nailed it?

It's done, it's just a bunch of rabble.

“Forget the first reason, it’s still acceptable.

Why did this second iron lock agree?

How do I know? Just by casually mentioning it, they all know Emperor.

They are experts at killing their own people.

How to tie the chain at the back without breaking, and what level should be tied to the chain are hotly debated. They are all talented people.

Several undercover agents of the Revolutionary Army never expected that they could overfulfill their tasks.

This group of people fought as if they were joking, without any regard for the actual situation.

They received the mission to replace certain pirate groups to collect intelligence, and also confirmed the location of the decisive battle. The result was as smooth as if they were all undercover agents.

There is another task for you to complete this time, and it is to make Bucky

Make sure to complete the mission.

The largest naval battle in the history of pirates is about to begin, and the sails of the pirate ships assembled can really cover the sky.

Both sides are constantly gathering forces and seem to really want to complete the victory in one battle.

The determination and courage of the Pirate Alliance are impressive. They are really tough.

Regardless of the fact that the Pirate Alliance had the absolute advantage in the fleet group, everyone believed that the Cross Guild would win as a result of the war.

The gap between the imperial group and the non-imperial group is still reflected in the real top level.

However, the Pirate Alliance seems to be taking a new turn now.

According to the information coming from within this sieve-like alliance, it seems that the big pirates have solved several difficult problems.

At this moment, I actually have the certainty and confidence to win.

Unfortunately, the good and the bad are mixed, and not everyone has the ability to keep secrets.

Some loudmouths have already shouted slogans to kill the Cross Guild in advance, but if they ask too much, they will laugh sinisterly.

It means that this is a strategy full of wisdom, but I can't say it because I'm tight-lipped.

After holding it in for a while, I will only tell you. Others must keep it secret, us.

Not to mention this mysterious yet obvious move, the morale of the Pirate Alliance is really strong.

After all, the majority of pirates are brainless. How can you know who is stronger without fighting?

The prelude to the grand decisive battle has begun.

Even the World Government, Navy, and Revolutionary Army have openly sent people to collect intelligence.

Anyway, third parties watching the battle don't have to worry about being affected. They can just stay away and watch the sword energy or the light of the fire.

As a result, the Pirate Alliance performed a shameless operation in front of everyone.

All the pirate ships left all the nearby stationed islands and rushed to the ports around the Aite Wall waters.

The Navy and the World Government frowned at this first-hand view. Why are they running around without formulating a strategy and dividing the fleet when the war is about to begin?

I'm really not afraid of the Cross Guilds chasing each other one after another. They will suffer heavy losses.

Even people in CP0 know what to do, so why are so many big pirates gathering together so childish?

According to the general information returned by the spies, this group of people chose to find a wide place to launch a posture and fight hard.

Is this something a normal person can do?

And the choice was Art Wall.

Facing Roger's descendants, why did they choose this place? To change history or to go against the will of heaven?

Later I realized that this was a pirate. Or hundreds of ambitious pirates.

At this time, no one is willing to hand over the command, but there is still some chance to do so.

What if the Cross Guild is in chaos, what if Bucky becomes demented while remembering the old captain in Atvol.

This was a choice made out of all kinds of desperation. No wonder Yin Ax and others did not stop it.

The mighty Great Migration began, and a group of people who wanted to fight for a chance of survival actually headed to the place where they thought they would be the decisive battle, talking and laughing.

The docks near Etwal have been occupied, and in a short period of time there was a mess.

This group of guys started to show their magical powers to find the iron chain.

The big pirates mobilized all their resources and began to build chains suitable for war.

The cannon fodder pirates are still connected in series, and the bustling look really makes people laugh.

Many small factories of the Revolutionary Army in the New World are working overtime to produce iron chains, transport them to Etwal and sell them at a high price.

By this time, the Pirate Alliance was purchasing these items at a premium.

At this time, trying to engage in no-cost trading will only cause logistics collapse, so I spent money to buy it honestly.

In addition to the iron chain Tezzolo, a guy who knows how to make money, also arranged a lot of high-end drinks, luxurious cigarettes and high-end fruits and meats.

At this time, pirates spend the most money and don't care about money at all.

Spend the money quickly while the person is still alive. Who knows if the person leaves and the money goes unspent, doubling the pain.

As a result, the financial situation of the Revolutionary Army soared again. I didn't realize that these guys were quite rich.

This war fortune has been extremely rich.

The marshal's chief of staff, who came specially to watch the battle, was amazed as he watched chain after chain being tied to the ship.

The operation of chaining the boat with one hand actually felt very cordial.

If it weren't for destiny to help me, how could I get Feng Chu's clever plan? With the iron rope and the boat connected, crossing the river was indeed like walking on flat ground.

It's really scary that this Fengxiao actually appears like this.

He specifically went to observe the brother whom the Revolutionary Army arranged to offer advice, and carefully reviewed the information to make sure he did not come from time travel.

Even though the incisions were correct several times but not connected, I was relieved. This sudden little surprise was unusual for Noah.

I really thought I had bumped into a fellow countryman.

The navy's iron chain formation was indeed very useful in the paradise stage, capturing many pirate ships.

In the original animation, Sauron defeated this plan with the power of cutting iron, and it was very difficult to defeat it.

The Straw Hats lack fire attack skills and are limited by the actual situation.

It is because the navy's ships are made of steel and have a certain resistance to flames.

There are not many ships, and the distance between them is very wide, even if the east wind blows, they can't blow it.

The Navy just connects a row, suppresses it with firepower, and then shrinks in. This is a very mature tactic.

There are naturally no obvious flaws in the writing of the Warring States Period.

It would be interesting to use it on pirates.

Most pirate ships are made of wooden structures, and are composed of sails, hemp ropes, gunpowder, spirits, and many other flammable materials.

In the past, the reason for not being afraid of fire was because the target of a ship was very small. Except for the ability of Fire Fist Ace, it was basically difficult to deliberately target it.

Now that they are connected together, the target is bigger, and you can cover several of them without even aiming.

It is estimated that the new pirate alliance will definitely focus on charging and boarding battles in this battle. The operation of making this group of cannon fodder form a chain formation is really not afraid of burning the company.

Logically speaking, Yin Ax and others could also see that it was a pity that they were kidnapped by the general trend.

With so many pirates gathered together, no one but the emperor can suppress them.

Besides, these old guys probably have quite a lot of calculations.

The fire company cannot burn its own ship, and the cannon fodder rushing to the enemy's position with flames is not bad.

Sigh. I don’t know what the red hair thinks of this final battle among pirates.

The redhead's scalp felt numb when he saw it. What kind of magic operation was this?

“A bunch of idiots, a bunch of idiots still fighting among themselves!!!

Beckman, you saw it, this group of people clamored to replace the Emperor.

OMG. Does this still require a strategy? My mind is full of #@¥%#@”

Seeing the red-haired man looking furious, Beckman expressed his understanding.

Although the New Pirates Alliance stretched their hips to a point where they were embarrassed and embarrassed in front of the whole sea.

But after all, he is the last backbone of the pirates. To put it in a more fantasy way, he has the remaining luck of the pirates.

As a result, he kept running wildly on the road to death.

Naturally, a redhead aiming to be the Pirate King is unacceptable.

Even if I become the Pirate King but the pirates are gone, this is outrageous.

But as the calmest mate, Beckman still persuaded him.

You are also a big conspirator with red hair. Trying to dissuade him now will only make everyone think that you really want to eat up the Pirate Alliance.

How else to explain that to pour cold water on everyone when they are in full swing, isn't it because they are afraid of the Pirate Alliance's victory?

This person's humanity is really pinched, why is the method of the guy who leads the red-haired conspiracy theory so familiar?

Much like a dead person.


The redhead shivered with anger.

Those idiots in Silver Ax dare to make up any lies just for fame and fortune, and the revolutionary army is also adding fuel to the fire to ruin my reputation.

Shanks, who originally didn't care about these external possessions, suddenly felt so angry.

While everyone was waiting for the war to begin, another controversy occurred within the Pirate Alliance. When everyone was almost ready, they discovered a very serious problem.

That's why the Cross Guild came to Aite Wall to fight them.

There seems to be no reason, the opponent can fight however they want.

Bucky is so strong that he can slowly cannibalize or behead him.

Eat the Pirate Alliance bit by bit or use a little trick or something.

Even if they do nothing but leave them here, this group of people won't be able to stand it for long.

Pirates also have to live a life without robbing, engaging in illegal trade, or charging protection fees.

What to eat and drink? The bigger the boss, the more afraid of this.

Over time they will naturally become undefeated and defeated.

Silver Ax was going crazy. He realized that he might as well not issue the summoning order. Just relying on the few people before him would not be unable to resist for a while.

Although I have been losing, I am not dead. Now I am on the fast track to death.

Such a large group of people are really out of their wits, and your words and words have led the alliance astray.

Once again, it was gloomy and gloomy, and low pressure spread to the outside world.

The captains brought themselves into the cross guild, and the bosses laughed loudly. A group of idiots stupidly killed themselves in Art Wall.

This is absolutely not allowed, I cannot afford to lose this person.

Do you want to go to the next challenge? Make a date and place for a fight?

Everyone looked at that person as if they were a fool.

“Come on, we are pirates.

You still don’t know what a pirate looks like?

Only the emperor and the emperor have the right to make an agreement on an equal footing. We are not qualified yet.

What if the Clown Emperor made an appointment at a place not here, or about half a year later?

Will that lunatic Bucky be the one to accept the challenge? He is just a despicable and shameless dog@#@#!@#

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