Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 809 The Empress takes action

Year 1522 of the Haiyuan calendar has passed.

What happened this year is dizzying, and it feels like the pace of the sea is unacceptably fast.

In the first half of the year, top battles came one after another, and countless legendary strong men appeared and fell one after another.

The Four Emperors, Generals, and Revolutionary Army Lights.

The three most powerful power groups have all suffered significant attrition, and the intensity of the war was even more brutal than the Battle of Pioneer Island, which involved more than 100,000 people.

After the Battle of Judiciary Island in the second half of the year, fierce conflicts broke out between the mechanical Moria and the pirates on the Grand Line.

There were fierce battles one after another. Many old pirate groups' properties in the paradise stage were attacked by the World Government and their assets were confiscated.

The composition of many large fleets is not only the territory of the New World, but also their franchised pirate groups and industries are also arranged in the paradise stage.

You only need to send some weaker cadres to guard a medium-sized island.

There will be a steady stream of new pirates being recruited, as well as many valuable industries. This is the blood-forming organ for Silver Ax and others.

They also knew that the robbery was only a shock, and the income from the merchant ships alone could not support the large fleet.

As a result, after being targeted by the New Pacifists this time, they were basically unable to fight back, and all those assets were divided up.

Maybe Marie Joa hasn't been this majestic for a long time, or there hasn't been any new progress for a long time.

This large amount of wealth and the strength of the mechanical Moria made them lose their minds.

You're eyeing those things in the new world again, aren't you?

He was hacked to death as soon as he entered.

Are the pirates of the New World really that useless? If the two emperors are not easy to mess with, why don't you find a new pirate alliance?

The group of pirates were beaten to the point of death by Bucky's Cross Guild and were holding back their anger.

Now that the new pacifists see the world government, they have to relax.

The strength of the first generation of mass-produced pacifists was only over 100 million, so they had no problem killing small cadres.

If you meet a senior cadre, you will be beaten, and if you meet a captain, you will be crushed.

The gap in strength is very huge, speed, power, domineering and fruit ability.

A solid lesson was taught to Marie Joa: don’t think about things that are not necessary when you have nothing to do.

If they hadn't been suppressed in the new world by Bucky, they would have gone to the park to open a movie.

In the end, the Moria army suffered a tragic defeat after entering the new world, and the world government calmed down.

But these are very peaceful for Sihai. At most, he exclaims when reading the newspaper, and then continues his life.

The lines dividing the world are very clear.

Nanhai doesn't mind at all, they can still live well here even if the outside world is ruined.

The days are getting faster and faster, and the revolutionary army's system here has completely matured.

Individual careerists were caught before they could even go to sea.

The East China Sea was also exceptionally stable this year. Noah personally led a team of four rising navy stars to plow the entire East China Sea.

After Luffy left Windmill Village, the entire East China Sea was in chaos for a while and then became calm.

It seems that the troublesome whirlpool has been taken away, and this is still the weakest sea.

With the revolutionary army stationed here, it will only become more and more stable, and the ideological tide inside the naval base is about to come to light.

If it drags on any longer, it may not be possible to hide it. After all, the navy now has a general idea of ​​what the South China Sea is.

We will no longer remain indifferent to this phenomenon.

The West Sea was also cleared at the end of 1522.

Maybe not as careful as Donghai, but most of the more vicious incidents have been solved.

Another group of arrested internal navy officials were sent to Marineland. It is estimated that there will be complaints from the headquarters again.

Along the way, they also suppressed the pirates in the West Sea, and as for the mafia, they directly killed the party leader.

There is an episode here, that is, Qu Yuan met Capone Gangster when he was cleaning up the gangs.

Their boss, Capone Becky, is one of the 11 Pirate Supernovas.

The fruit ability is also a fortified fruit that Noah is very optimistic about. It can station everything (including himself) in his body, just like a castle. The objects that enter Becky's body will all become smaller, and without Becky's ability range will be restored to its original state.

It can be said to be a mutant ability of the space system, with great strategic advantages.

At this time in the original work, Capone Becky had already gone to sea and arrived at the Shampoo Islands with Straw Hat.

It also set a record of 11 supernovas.

It's a pity that there is no more prosperous age of pirates in this world, and even the pirate group has been hit in the paradise stage and the four seas stage.

There is a revolutionary army, there is a navy, there is a world government.

It seems that a certain group will be eliminated first at the end of the era.

So Capone Beki stood still in the West China Sea, not because he was not ambitious enough but because he had too many enemies.

Although the mafia is rampant, it is not as stubborn as pure pirates.

From the fact that he was willing to marry the Charlotte family to gain status in the later period, and then the Straw Hats joined forces to rebel against Big Mom, we know that this person's bottom line is very low.

Being bumped into by Zhu Yuan was also a very tragic ending. He stayed in his hometown and claimed the throne, but he didn't expect that the navy would come knocking on his door.

In this battle, the Capone gang was completely wiped out, and Capone Becky himself was beheaded by Jin Pila of Zhuyuan.

Castle·Demolition, Castle·Swamp, Castle·Tank is completely stress-free for a swordsman.

The final castle, the full-size big boss is quite domineering, and is also separated by a sword.

For swordsmen, they are really not afraid of this kind of stacked hardness and size, they are just living targets.

It's even easier to chop.

Strong strategic ability does not mean strong combat ability. At this time, the auxiliary supernovas who do not have domineering power are like that.

Xihai can indeed get by purely by relying on physical skills and fruit abilities, but his strength is locked here.

After killing the unknown Capone Beki, it was just one more name written on the report.

Since then, there are basically few people left in the Pirate Supernova.

Luo, Bonnie, Kidd, Kira, and Zoro were all captured by the Revolutionary Army and were all key members.

Luffy was taken to the Windless Zone for special training, with the goal of targeting One Piece.

Drake has not come out in the navy. In fact, pirates nowadays really don't need to send undercover agents.

In addition to the two emperors, there is the New Pirate Alliance.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the New Pirates Alliance will be eliminated sooner or later, and the red-haired side is not recruiting anyone.

The Cross Guild is very exclusive, so Drake is still a diligent rear admiral.

The remaining few people can't hide for long. This cleanup is sea-wide.

This plot has been completely wiped out, and Noah has no feelings about it.

Compared with his other things, the 11-man supernova is nothing worth mentioning.

The four naval pillars who had finished cleaning up the West Sea also returned to Ackerman to meet, and he still had to do the final settlement of the mission.

First, he expressed his affirmation, and then hoped that everyone would continue to work hard for the future of the Navy.

A meal of chicken soup can make people who are not familiar with it excited, but the four people who have taken the class are not impressed at all.

When the class started before, if the chief of staff was more enthusiastic than this, he would have done it one after another. These were all small scenes.

The credit was clearly calculated, including the rewards.

Who wouldn't like this kind of leader who is both material and spiritual?

Finally, spending New Year's Eve with the navy was something Noah had never experienced before. He felt that this group of people was quite boring.

Too serious, no one has banquet skills.

Suddenly, I felt that Luffy and the red-haired group were still very useful in lively situations. They were all social gangsters.

So Noah spent the last day of the year at the naval base closest to O'Hara.

Not spending this day with his family made him feel very resentful.

In the past, even if there was no one, at least Robin would still be there, but now his miserable appearance was really irritating.

There will be one more reason to kill Im in the future.

The revolutionary army, with the assistance of the chief of staff, also entered key departments in the West Sea in large numbers.

Now we are just waiting for the final signal to come. Sometimes we still have to take the initiative when converging.

At this last moment of the year, the pirate world was still in turmoil, and Crocodile had already gone straight to the new world.

I don’t know how Bucky deceived people, but that guy Lao Sha was there killing everyone and fighting fiercely with the New Pirate Alliance.

As a big figure in the first echelon below the top strong men, Lao Sha's strength is really no one can beat him except for a few emperors.

Therefore, the opponent will let a few veteran pirates fight with him, and there is no need to pay attention to one-on-one.

Pirates~~How can there be so much romance? Survival is the last word.

What surprised Noah even more was that Bucky didn't know what he had done to fool the empress.

So at the end of the year, the New Pirates Alliance was completely suppressed.

New Pirate Alliance? What kind of garbage is this!

You losers actually dare to look directly at the Ai family. Who gave you the courage?

The domineering empress was very expressive when she first appeared on the stage, and the disgust and disgust from the heart were all reflected on her face.

Finally, he ended his appearance with his head raised in contempt.

The height of 191 is really high compared to ordinary people, but in the New World, a place with many races, it is obviously still a bit petite.

Moreover, with her perfect appearance and sexy long legs, it is easy for people to ignore the sense of crisis that is about to overflow.

So the pirate's nature still prevailed, and all kinds of obscene words that were incompatible with drug gambling were spewed out.

Others became even more excited after being scolded and scorned by the empress.

Not in the mood to talk to these dirty things, Hancock first used his overlord look to cool them down and clean up a wave of minions.

The heart-shaped beam emitted by her hands in a heart-like pose delivered an extremely dangerous blow.

Sweet and sweet!

Pink light flashed, and except for a few old pirates who sensed the danger in advance and left the place, most of them had turned into stone statues.

Hmph! Waste!

Compared with the performance of Lao Sha's Sha Sha Fruit on the sea, the Empress's Sweet Fruit is a bit too strong.

Both living and non-living things can be petrified.

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