Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 808 Jesus is about to ascend to heaven

As for the journey of the last sniper king, it is an extremely interesting story.

West Sea.

Noah was sitting on the ship looking at the photos and letters in his hands and laughing.

The year 1522 is finally coming to an end, and at the beginning of this year is the Battle of the Four Emperors. Then came the Battle of the Falling Lights of the Revolution, followed by the Battle of Judiciary Island.

All kinds of wars are going on, and the weapon Moria has emerged. Everyone on the troubled sea is in fear.

As a result, at the end of the year, I finally saw some happy news.

Morgans completed the previously assigned tasks very seriously, and even exceeded the expectations.

Tsk, tsk, the camera in the South China Sea is so clear.

The first photo shows the incomprehensible expressions of all the members of the red-haired pirate group. You can see the earthquake in the pupils of Shanks, Beckman and others.

The second picture shows Jesus with a face full of confusion, shock and disbelief, and even the little tongue in his mouth can be seen.

In the third picture, everyone in the red-haired pirate group except Jesus Bu was laughing wildly, and Shanks was already rolling on the ground.

In the fourth picture, it can be seen that Jesus Bu was forced to stand together with the sniper king to take a very warm group photo.

The irresponsible scumbag showed a rare expression of embarrassment, guilt and joy.

I believe it must be a good day for Jesus Bu.

Later, Morgans wrote a detailed account and sent it to Noah.

As for the newspaper, it was not registered because the Yonko Shanks seriously refused to advertise the matter widely.

He still knows how to understand the sadness and dignity of the crew members, and the dignity of the emperor is not bad when used in this place.

As for their private teasing, it will definitely continue until Jesus ascends to heaven.

Because it's so funny.

Shanks was a little confused when he saw that the gift Ace was carrying was a man wearing a mask.

He and Beckman looked at each other. Is this a new trick of the Revolutionary Army?

He doesn't look very strong~ and his legs are still shaking.

Sniper King? His nickname is quite domineering. No one on our ship dares to call him that.

What? Come to Jesus to become a disciple? This won't work. Our red-haired pirates don't do this.

Ace came up and whispered a few words.

What did you say? Say it again!!!

Shanks put on a show of facial expressions on the spot, and Beckman's iceberg face also broke through.

Ace asked the sniper king to go out for a while. He had something to tell Shanks.

Usopp walked out tremblingly, asking one of the two emperors to please, he was almost scared out of his wits.

I wanted to regret it more than once on the road, but in the end I persisted in order to help Luffy realize his wish. It would be better to go out for some air.

Are you telling the truth?

Ace said it was 100% true, and you would know it once you called Jesus Bu over.

Then a man wearing a cape and sparse dreadlocks walked in, his appearance was quite domineering.

Shanks, who is the long-nosed man wearing a mask that I just saw at the door?

Beckman, Shanks and Ace looked at him with unusual eyes.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk.

What's going on with this endless malice?

Jesus felt like he had touched the evil in the world.

East China Sea. West Lob Village Usopp.

The expression on Jesus' face was so complicated that it was difficult to describe.

First there was shock, then joy, then guilt, and finally fear.

When he knew why Usopp went to sea because of the sentence The pirate flag is calling me, he immediately broke the defense.

Are you turning into a sniper king just to follow in the footsteps of your companions? I understand!

Jesus Bu's eyes were extraordinarily determined. He was a good boy, somewhat like me back in the day.

A very strange phenomenon is that there are almost no secrets in the red-haired pirates. In less than a while, Usopp may be the only one in the whole station who doesn't know that he has been exposed.

The life experience behind the mask of the Sniper King detonated everyone.

Even Ben Beckman was laughing wildly, which shows how interesting this thing is to them.

Doesn't this make them feel more involved than the battle of the four emperors?

“Banquet, banquet, banquet!!!”

In order to celebrate Jesus' acceptance of disciples, everyone started the banquet happily.

Almost everyone taps the Sniper King on the shoulder and then looks at the Jesus cloth.

That expression almost made the redhead lose his sniper.

At the end of the banquet, the two father and son who had recovered their senses were left standing there in embarrassment taking a group photo.

This was simply a source of joy, and Noah laughed as he looked at the letter.

This world is already painful, so we have no choice but to have some fun.

Seeing that the Straw Hats that worried him the most had all been split up, Noah also took his mind back.

It’s time to seriously resolve your own issues.

The atmosphere in the West Sea changed instantly under the inspection of the new naval stars.

Many base directors and some officials were captured.

Zhu Yuan did not have the right to judge, so he took each ship one by one to the Navy Headquarters for processing. I was really embarrassed to fill in some work for Staff He.

As for the list of outstanding personnel given by Noah, they are also being promoted and replaced in an orderly manner.

The calculation was basically carried out according to the list given by Ackerman's chief of staff. The reputation endorsed by the Navy Marshal and the previous teachings of Donghai were still very useful.

Smoker has one more re-examination process.

He was very angry about this shocking result and was afraid that he would miss someone and not catch him.

Rosinandi, on the other hand, was more intelligent and solved the problem while talking and laughing. Even the naval base that had been solved did not have any major changes. He was the most mature in his methods.

In addition to arresting people and reviewing the list, Zhu Yuan is also trying to find people outside the list.

I don't fully believe the scope of the list given by the chief of staff.

Because everyone has their own thoughts, it is not handled very quickly.

Noah was not in a hurry and started the process of talking to them alone. It happened that several people were moving separately so he could communicate.

Additional. What do you think the future of the Navy will look like?

Zhu Yuan had told him to be careful about Ackerman before they parted ways, so it was a bit unnatural at first when the chief of staff came to talk to him.

But this discussion is also normal within the navy. Countless navies who are interested in changing the sea will think about this issue.

Combined with what Ackerman had taught them in class before, he had a lot of impressions, so he put Qu Yuan's warning behind and started to discuss it formally.

Finally, what is your dream?


This question. The dream is to restore peace to this world and there will be no more pirates.

Great, keep up the good work.

Then Noah found Smoker. When he arrived, this guy was furiously reprimanding a base commander.

The action of wanting to hit someone was stopped by Ackerman in time.

“A bad temper is very detrimental to the development of work and may make the situation worse.

Each base commander represents the center of power entanglement of the navy as well as civilians and nobles, and must be cautious in doing things.

After being educated by Ackerman, Smoger was still unconvinced.

Then the chief of staff naturally told Bai Hunter how the revolutionary army conducted inspections and the trial process.

What is necessary is to obtain sufficient evidence, then conduct questioning, and finally conduct a trial.

The final punishment will be carried out according to the severity of the crime, and every step will be carried out in a reasonable and orderly manner.

This is what a mature system should do.

He also cited several examples from the South China Sea, which made the white hunter stunned for a while.

The chief of staff is very knowledgeable.

Even this matter can be said clearly. The Navy's intelligence work is really good.

The white hunter mused.

The guard of Rogge Town is not a tough guy with only muscles. He can still detect something more or less but is unwilling to break this tacit understanding.

Then there was the same old question, asking him about the future of the navy.

Smoker was extremely excited and gave some answers very firmly.

Many ideas coincide with those of the Revolutionary Army. Did this guy take the class too seriously before?

Ackerman simply stopped asking about dreams, patted Smoger on the shoulder and praised the young man for his future.

I also went there with Rosinandi. This was not about discussion and exchange, it was purely about guiding him to do some things.

Because there is not much time left for Noah and not many people know his identity now.

Rocinante must also bear some of his share of responsibilities.

The last step was to find Zhu Yuan.

This woman was the smartest and most alert of the lot.

Staff Officer He had said so many bad things about the Chief of Staff in private that he was always questioned during class.

Of course, this one also learned the most deeply, because she wanted to find Noah's problem and really got into it.

Sometimes vigilance is useless. The more vigilant you are, the more you will be convinced by yourself.

There must be something wrong with Ackerman. There is really no problem with these theories and they are even very good.

There is a feeling of sweeping away the clouds and seeing the light, and a feeling that this is the correct way to go.

Very contradictory and complicated.

When I saw Ackerman coming for me, I didn’t know how to deal with it.

In the face of sincere communication and discussion, I still told the truth without going against my heart.

It seems to Noah that her thoughts are really revolutionary, and she doesn't even know it.

Before Noah left, he was stopped by Zhu Yuan.

Teacher Ackerman. What will the future hold for the Navy?

Noah looked at this worried navy's future seriously.

It will get better and better, and bring true justice to the sea!

I'm so tired today. The quarterly report is all over my head. There is also personal income tax and so on. I really want to rest.

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