Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 798 Cornish the Breaker

Just die in this ignorance and fear.

The sound came from all directions and the position could not be locked at all, and the direction of the displacement was also very erratic and irregular.

Although Cornis's sense of sight was very strong, the enemy's speed was too fast. By the time she reacted, the enemy was already close.

You can only use prediction to see where the enemy will take action at that moment, and passively start to give directions.

The rain was pouring down, blurring everyone's vision.

Lucci was like a fish in the rain, and every vibration of his feet made no sound.

Terrifying assassins appear among the ruins, and the Straw Hats are plunged into a huge crisis.

Every time the Leopard God's posture appears, it will take away part of the flesh and blood. Apart from the painful groans and Cornis's voice, this battlefield is so dull that it makes people palpitate.

Luffy and Sanji had several wounds on their bodies, and they were surrounded by black aura and were bleeding continuously.

Even though the two people were injured all over their bodies, they still did not fall down, nor did they cry out in pain.

He tried his best to stay in front of Weiwei and Cornis, and never let the pigeon man hurt his companions again before they fell.

The steam in the second gear of the rubber is almost extinguished by the rain, and it is even less possible to open the third gear if it cannot hit anyone.

At this time, Straw Hat still did not give up, trying to capture the enemy's movements.

And Weiwei even regretted why she let her companions rescue her. If she had followed the officials of the World Government home honestly, there would not have been such a scene.

The cruel multiple-choice questions broke the heart of this royal daughter. In addition to pain and regret, she also felt powerless.

He has an extremely clear understanding of how weak he is.

Even Cornisi is using her knowledge and knowledge to help everyone, as for herself.

The direction of the battle is a bit troublesome, so where is the breaking point?

Noah is also thinking that if we want to deal with such Rob Luqi, we can't just rely on the current formation of passively waiting to die.

At this time, an unexpected person must step forward to change the situation of the battle.

Not Weiwei, her will is not strong enough.

Not Sanji, one of his legs was seriously injured in the first exchange.

Not Luffy, the conditions for awakening are not yet met.


While the battle for Justice Island is in full swing, Mary Joa's seat of supreme power is fuming.

A bunch of trash! Why didn't you report such important information!

It turns out that when the Five Old Stars were discussing, CP Chief also brought information about Straw Hat Luffy.

The Five Old Stars, who only regarded them as boring little pirates, took one glance at them and planned to throw them aside. Even attacking Judiciary Island was not enough to move them.

But just like that, something went wrong.

straw hat?

straw hat?

straw hat!

It's still pretty good after a second look.

East China Sea, Straw Hat, the stolen fruit of CP9

There are so many elements that it can be said to be shocking.

How can we not think too much at this complicated point?

Let the Demon-Slaying Order be dispatched. It's better to believe that it is there than to believe that it is not.

I agree, it's just destroying an island of justice.

Is it too late now?

Maybe Rob Lucci has already taken the Straw Hat.

Then let the Demon-Slaying Order take a trip. If it fails, activate it immediately.

This kind of clueless order was issued like this, and the Navy Headquarters set off immediately after receiving the order.

The door of justice opened, and a large number of fleets rushed to the Judiciary Island.

If Wulaoxing's order does not directly harm the navy, it must be implemented immediately.

After all, the navy belongs to the world government.

The command was also handed over to Ackerman by Kizaru, who happened to be there.

Noah was speechless after receiving the notice. Even if the fleet came, it would be impossible to catch up. No matter how fast the ocean currents were, they would not be able to catch up with the outcome of this battle.

Through many years of combat experience, it can be seen that a certain person in the Straw Hats may be able to turn the tide of the war.

It turned out that Cornis, who was in a panic at the venue, finally thought of a way.

Fight against the shell!

The power is 10 times that of the impact, but its reaction force will also kill the user on the spot.

Needless to say, the power is so powerful that Enel, the Sky Island God, was beaten to the point of death and finally recovered with a heart erection.

Pawai, the strongest of the Sandians, also nearly died after using this move.

Although Cornis's physical fitness has improved, she is still far from being able to use her volley attack skills.

When she was about to land on the sky island, Gan Fore gave her one, repeatedly stating that this was the last resort.

Now is the last moment, come and bet on this game with your life.

Cornis took the initiative to leave Luffy's protective circle and resolutely used herself as bait despite the dissuasion of her friends.

Naturally, Rob Luqi would not let go of such an opportunity.

He just didn't have the chance before, otherwise he would have wanted to kill this female pirate who could detect his route.

The leopard, with its paws wrapped with aura of dominance and decay, clicked a few times in the void and began to approach, this time it was clear to kill.

coming! It's now!

When the breath of death had filled her brain and the sharp claws were coming, Cornis also showed her determination.

Letting the enemy's claws penetrate her body, a small pelt shell appeared in her palm and pressed against it.

Die with me!

Damn it!!! You're crazy

boom! ! !

A huge explosion occurred in front of everyone, and the terrifying shock wave overturned the Straw Hats on the side.

Bricks and stones flew randomly, and a big fireball rose into the air.

The sparse rain was also interrupted by the shock wave and slowly stopped.

The remaining three friends were also shocked. Even Noah didn't expect this seemingly weak little girl to be so determined.


Desperation surged in Luffy's heart, why was he so weak! ! !

But this is not the end.

Even with such an earth-shattering attack, he could not be beaten to death, but he understood the armored haki and the panther god state of iron.

Rob Lucci still survived.

When the smoke dissipated, the guy stood there coughing blood.

The fur on his body was all burnt and looked very miserable, and one of his arms seemed to be unable to move.

The little girl from the angel clan opposite had turned black and fell down.

The fall of another comrade greatly impacted Luffy's will.

Instinctively, he rushed forward to retrieve his friend's body, but was kicked hard by Lu Qi who had escaped from death. He was thrown under the rubble and then pinned down by a boulder.

The furious Sanji rushed forward faster than his consciousness. He wanted to give the CP9 who had hurt his companion a fatal attack.

But Rob Lucci can no longer tolerate his performance in the battle so far.

So he also rushed towards Sanji, and kicked him with the Devil's Wind Kick. The meat-crushing kick made him fire a Leopard God Six King Spear.

This newly awakened exoskeleton could not withstand the attack of this force at all, and lost consciousness after the strong impact on its internal organs.

Princess Weiwei's Peacock Chain Saw and Countercurrent was also caught casually. Lu Qi, who had already fought to the point of going crazy, did not care about the identity of the Nefertari clan of the other party.

Two punches were thrown out equally, one for Weiwei and one for Karu. One person and one duck protruded a mouthful of blood and then they all fell down.

The battle is over? No!

Luffy, who was extremely angry, stood up again after shouldering the endless pressure on his body.

Take a deep breath, three-speed rubber giant pistol!

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