Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 797 Rob Luqi’s power is despairing

Chapter 797 Rob Lucci is so powerful that it makes people desperate

The last member of the Straw Hats rushed into the battlefield and all members rallied.

Rob Luqi didn't care at all as to why the princess could escape on her own. It's just one more catch, which is too easy given his strength.

Just like last time, Navy Six took the lead.

Unlike his subordinates, Rob Luqi was already proficient in the Six Styles, and he had rich experience in timing and tactics.

Coupled with the domineering power, even if all members of the Straw Hats have been reinforced, they are still beaten in a very embarrassed manner.

Kerby was the first to go out.

A large amount of blood exploded on his body after being hit by Lan's leg, and he lay motionless in the ruins.

He has been practicing hard since Donghai, but without the correct path to practice, even if he has some talent, there is still a big gap in combat power between him and the rest of the Straw Hats.

Without luck points and no special attributes, I am still risking my life to this day, which is really miserable.

Spurred by this, others went berserk.

Master Usopp received the lunch box for the second time.

Of course, he was honored very much, because his inexplicable special moves made Rob Luqi very embarrassed.

In his serious state, Usopp's hit rate is horribly high. Even at the speed of the Sixth Form, Usopp will be predicted ahead of time and be hit.

The speed of Lucci, who was activating his full power, completely exceeded everyone's imagination. In the eyes of the weak, there was almost no difference between him and teleportation.

It can be hit in this way. The genius of the world government suspects that this weak chicken with a long nose has understood the domineering power of seeing and hearing, and it is a very deep understanding.

The main reason is that although the fighting method does not cause much damage, it is extremely insulting.

He was shot with an unknown amount of smelly ammunition.

Rotten eggs, slime and some really gross stuff, is this a fight? Is this moving the family kitchen? This bastard!

The white suit is no longer available, including Hadoli on the shoulders.

The furious Rob Luci rushed to Usopp regardless, and even tried to eat Luffy's special move Bazooka, Sanji's SHOOT, and Cornish's Shock Shell, all of which were rewarded to Usopp. A six-king gun.

This is a move that Luffy was lucky enough to try in the original work.

It can be seen how much trouble Usopp has caused to the enemies on land, or how much shadow is in his heart.

After receiving this blow, Usopp flew out in a spin without even howling, and fell in the rubble without knowing whether he was alive or dead. The second person threw himself into the street.

The price Lu Qi paid was only a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth and the dirty and smelly suit on his body.

A little angry, he was already thinking about whether to liberate his fruit form. This group of people was much more troublesome than before.

Before he could figure it out, Sanji had already taken action.

The vaguely awakened exoskeleton gives Sanji extremely powerful defense.

The same kick to the ground is no longer the same. With Lu Qi's physique, he actually felt a little sore and numb in his hands and feet after he withstood this move.

Afterwards, the devil's feet took over the scene.

And the speed is getting faster and faster, and the pace is getting faster and faster. Sanji's sudden outburst shocked everyone present.

The sexy chef's kicking skills shocked everyone at this moment, but his heart was sinking.

Is this what my sinful blood has left me? It's really disgusting.

But you can only use this kind of power to protect your companions, so...

Suffer death, Rob Luchi!

He was talking about protecting friendships here, but his opponent was very angry inside.

What the hell is going on with this Straw Hat crew?

Are you trying to make breakthroughs one after another? The calm style, calm suit, and calm rhythm are all gone. He now behaves like a defeated dog.

How is this possible! I am the most genius person in the past 800 years as rated by the world government. How could I be defeated by you little pirates?

A wild roar shook Sanji away who was fighting vigorously. The furious Lu Qi finally unlocked his true power.

Animal system. Cat fruit. Leopard god form.

Yellow fur appeared on his body, and his body began to become more muscular. His top was bursting out. The feet also turned into leopard claws, and the thighs looked slender and powerful.

The eyes of the leopard-headed man were burning as if they were on fire. There was still a dark aura lingering around his body, exuding a rotten smell.

After he changed form, it started to rain lightly on Judiciary Island, and the rain gradually became heavier.

This type of special animal-type fruit with original forms always has some extraordinary abilities. The incarnation of the god of food and moisture has no problem controlling a drizzle on Judiciary Island.

The rain carried away the smoke and dust, revealing the remaining members of the Straw Hats.

Are you ready to die?

The smell of decay permeated the ruins of the trial hall, and everyone felt very uncomfortable.

This is not a taste that normal creatures can accept. It comes from the decay of the soul.

Moreover, the small raindrops were very sticky on the body, and the surface of the body seemed to be restrained.


In the blink of an eye, Rob Luqi had disappeared.

As he performs assassination missions, he is very compatible with the abilities of the Leopard God Form Fruit, Shadow of Death and Rot.

Noah was also very excited to see the Tower of Justice. It turned out that not only the fantasy beasts could do this.

So it seems that Alabasta's Gakkar and Bell are really at odds with each other, especially since Gakkar is the original book of Anubis.

If you develop the aura of death a little bit, you can become one of the strong ones in the paradise stage.

Sure enough, the heritage of this ancient country is always so amazing, so the secret power of Mary Joa, who has ruled the world for 800 years, will also be even more amazing.

It’s difficult.

Suddenly Cornish shouted to Sanji's left.

The chef who believed in his companion immediately kicked into the void on the left side, and Lucci just appeared from here.

The black claw scratched directly on Sanji's leg.

The terrifying strength and weird attribute attacks were not blocked even by those who had awakened the superhuman physique of the Vinsmoke family.

After a loud noise, Lucci disappeared again, leaving only an opponent bleeding profusely from his leg.

The power of decay clings to the wound. Technological transformation is currently unable to prevent the penetration of this energy.

He couldn't even stop the bleeding, and the ground was soon stained red.

If the battle cannot be ended within a short period of time, he may bleed to death.

What kind of power is this, and why is it so terrifying?

If it is just domineering cutting, it should not achieve this effect.

His eldest sister Reiju taught Sanji about the power system before she left.

Although the Straw Hats are all wild, Reiju said in the early stage that the classification of domineering power is still weird.

Now you either have the equivalent fruit ability to heal or have information about conflicting attributes, or you can save yourself by defeating the enemy.

As for the ability to suppress the Haki Fruit, it is not currently something Sanji can achieve.

The ability to explain battles based on the combat rules of the One Piece world is also a feature.

Except for Noah, an unruly guy who doesn't like this, it also affects everyone in the Revolutionary Army. Other forces and individuals still like to follow the old tradition.

The leakage of main information cannot be hidden. I believe that every major force has a copy of the operation and characteristics of the Menmen Fruit.

Okay, Lu Qi started to get frustrated, or he wanted to defeat his opponent's psychological defense tactics.

“This is the power of the Leopard God.

The rotten breath will linger around your wounds until it drags you into the abyss of the underworld.

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