Both Kizaru and Stoloberg were pleased with the shift of the focus of affairs to the chief of staff.

Who wants to deal with these endless chores?

Sometimes Kizaru can't bear to see Ackerman working so seriously, wondering if he is too lazy.

But then I thought about it. This is to give the other party a chance. If the other party's performance has been excellent, then he will be promoted to a higher position if there is an opportunity. Such a talent must not let go.

Noah, on the other hand, dealt with one document after another with an expressionless face. This was the path he chose.

No matter how hard and tiring it is, we must persevere. The worst we can do is dig more holes for our old friends in the future.

When Kizaru was overjoyed, he picked up a piece of jade. The undercurrent in the Navy Headquarters has reached a peak.

Originally, Aokiji's words on the day of Akainu's funeral had already condensed most of the momentum of the navy. Many people believed that Aokiji would become the next navy marshal without Akainu.

However, Cyborg Kong and Wulaoxing have yet to make a decision.

After all, Cyborg is currently the marshal of the navy, and the Five Old Stars are the supreme commander of the world government.

Appointing a naval marshal will not work if they don't take a stand.

Coincidentally, during this period, news about General Kizaru continued to come.

The recent battle with the revolutionary army added a lot of color to him.

What kind of general Kizaru is fighting bravely to be the first? General Kizaru changed his past style and worked hard to avenge Akainu.

A silent man does not mean a cold heart, I have a warm heart. ——Porusalino

Some words that the general himself did not know were spread throughout Malinfando.

I have to say that these years of confrontation with the revolutionary army have taught the World Government a lot about how to manipulate public opinion.

So they began to secretly build momentum for the most suitable candidate in their minds.

Aokiji, who knew nothing about this, returned to the G1 branch and calmly waited for the call from the headquarters.

He believed that his enthusiasm could impress all the navies.

It's not that Zan doesn't know the word means, he's just overconfident.

In other words, naively, in addition to the actions of the world government, there are two other forces doing the same thing secretly.

The method is even more subtle.

In short, Kizaru became popular, and he became popular without even knowing it.

After seeing the information feedback from the G2 branch, Ackerman artificially concealed the information, fearing that Kizaru would do something he shouldn't do.

It ruins the overall situation for everyone.

In this way, with the promotion of the navy, the world government, and the revolutionary army, things reached a very strange point.

It should be said that the lieutenant generals directly under Kizaru are not interested in the idea of ​​their boss becoming a marshal, but they will naturally not give up if they have the opportunity.

So everyone except Aokiji's faction worked hard.

What did you say? The Navy Headquarters is recruiting me back.

Kizaru looked shocked, what happened?

Could it be that Qingzhi is finally going to ascend to the position of navy marshal?

With a relaxed look on his face, he had no idea that he had been betrayed by everyone. He happily sat on the warship and ran towards the headquarters.

He even promised Ackerman that he would find a way to raise him to another level when he got to the headquarters.

Kizaru has always spared no effort to win over such talents, and those who can make him lazy are the best talents.

After getting off the warship, I felt something was wrong. As a general with strong sensitivity, when he saw a hint of reverence in the eyes of everyone looking at him, he instinctively felt a little troubled.

At this time, he no longer ordered Ackerman, but asked the adjutant to find out if anything bad happened here.

If so, then find a way to get out of here.

The boredom of trouble is an instinctive thing.

But, it's too late.

The Warring States Period sent someone to invite Kizaru to his study for a chat.

Why is the old marshal looking for him at such a sensitive moment? Wouldn't it cause misunderstanding?

In the end, he couldn't resist the other party's request and went anyway.

Warring States, Garp, and Staff He were sitting upright in the study.

These three people represent the true voice and decision-making authority within the Navy.

Polusalino, according to my understanding, the World Government plans to elect you as the new marshal of the navy. I don't know what you think.

What do you think?

I have no idea at all. Now the G2 branch is in danger, and the revolutionary army may attack at any time.

For the sake of the safety of the navy, I decided to guard there and would not return to the headquarters easily. I also asked the old marshal to help me say a few words.

Kizaru found out the reason in the lightning flash, but he didn't know that his words made Sengoku and the others even more satisfied.

I heard that you have a good relationship with the revolutionary army. How did you get to this point?

“Slander is pure slander.

The revolutionary army and I are at odds with each other. Not long ago, Fujitora was hitting me with meteorites every day.

After that, even if Kizaru tried his best to quibble, he could not stop Sengoku and the others from admiring him.

Where's the Qing Pheasant?

I will talk to Qing Pheasant. What Dahai needs now is a marshal with his own tendencies.

It is not advisable to blindly maintain neutrality and pure justice.

The Warring States Period was also helpless. It was impossible for the World Government to let a disobedient general become a marshal again.

He is also a general who is too persistent in justice.

At the same time, the words of the Warring States Period also pointed out one thing.

That is, after Kizaru takes over, he can form a team according to his own preferences, such as the Revolutionary Army or something like that.

The only troublesome thing is that the would-be marshal is not very willing to accept this arrangement.

So after ventilating in advance, I asked him to go back and think about it again.

It’s not about whether to do it or not, but when to take over.

Ackerman, let's go back to the office.

Kizaru left with his chief of staff in frustration, feeling tired.

On this day, the five old stars of the Red Earth Continent began their secret talks again.

The main reason is that the mission of CP0 is no longer necessary.

The title of the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons is increasingly undeserved.

The current situation is that there are dissent within the navy, and the pirates can no longer contain much combat power.

Moreover, the revolutionary army is also watching. You can't just go to Lord Yimu whenever you have trouble with your enemies.

The last time it was because of the special lighting situation during the revolution, even that was considered disrespectful.

Now the world government must have its own top combat power. It can’t just be one or two.

In order to supplement their combat power, they had to find a way.

Actually, there is still a place on the sea where a large amount of extreme combat power is preserved.

You're talking about the sixth floor?

Those rebellious people will not surrender.

But we have ways to control them, don't we?

It makes sense. We only raised them so that the fruits would no longer spread to the sea. Now this situation is no longer necessary.

If you don't obey me, prepare to die.

The five old men made an appalling plan in an understatement.

As for whether the Navy will object?

The great pirate they sacrificed countless comrades-in-arms to capture was released again and transformed into a member of the World Government.

That is not within the scope of Wulaoxing's consideration, as long as the method is more concealed.

It’s uncomfortable but not that uncomfortable, it’s tangled. My body was so sore that I couldn't lie down.

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