Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 735 Noah gets promotion and salary increase

It may be necessary to wait until the big things are over before he can go through the promotion procedures.

Noah had never thought about slowly climbing up from the bottom. That would be a waste of time.

He only had two short years to reach the top of the Navy before he was qualified to assist Kizaru in doing big things.

Moreover, it is too dangerous to rashly replace the vest of the headquarters. Warring States is no joke.

The G1 branch also has several very serious and responsible generals in charge, and the risks are not small.

The G2 branch is more convenient.

His current official title is captain. Because those who don't come out of the headquarters' boot camp are not considered potential rookies.

He was able to climb to this position because he repeatedly took the lead and killed countless pirates and was forced to be promoted.

It was also because his merits were too great that he could no longer be suppressed by the Donghai branch, so he was suppressed by others.

After being discovered by Kizaru's adjutant, he was taken to the G2 branch.

Kizaru's deputy Stoloberg liked Ackerman very much.

His character is taciturn, so he particularly appreciates his subordinates who also don't talk much but do things beautifully.

Although Ackerman has some mysophobia, his inner justice can be said to be firmer than most people.

The swordsmanship of staying in the air with one hand and slashing with two swords can be described as dazzling, especially against tall enemies.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the G2 branch can be considered a mid- to high-level player.

The key point is that he is very organized when leading a team. He is never timid and will not let his comrades get ahead of him.

Now when everyone is panicking, Ackerman has already raised his double sword, ready to fight the revolutionary army at any time.

When most of the enemies come over, they show off even more powerfully. The rhythm of the double swords has a unique rhythm.

Coupled with skilled domineering, it can be said that one person can serve as an army.

How could such a navy rookie be buried?

In the end, this chaotic battle ended in a draw between the two sides.

Kizaru's overworked look showed that he had really worked hard.

Fujitora also led the remaining revolutionary troops to withdraw with a look of unwillingness.

The only person with meritorious service in the entire battle was Captain Ackerman. He beheaded a revolutionary army cadre.

Although the body was snatched away by the other party, this credit cannot be erased.

It's been a long time since we had the upper hand in a fight with the Revolutionary Army. This matter deserves publicity.

Especially at a time when the navy is in urgent need of fresh blood, a major cannot escape.

After returning to camp, Stoloberg took Ackerman aside when he was tallying his military exploits.

He emphatically commended the other party's heroic performance, and also applied for two good sharp knives for 50 jobs.

It stands to reason that such high-quality weapons can be regarded as the target of competition among many people within any navy.

50 workers are weapons of some famous masters.

But General Kizaru's factions are relatively Buddhist and not so competitive. Wouldn't it be a good thing to have someone who can share more of the work?

In the end, Ackerman accepted the double sword despite repeated refusals.

The other party was so full of heart that he couldn't bear to refuse. Moreover, it is true that he came here to help the navy reorganize its internal affairs, so he did not deserve it.

After being promoted to Major in two days, he will be eligible to appear in some sensitive places on the island.

The captain, who still belonged to the Survey Corps, began his life of patrolling around the sea.

This is the main job of the Survey Corps.

Although this is the location of the confrontation between the two important fortresses, Pioneer Island and the G2 branch.

But this is also the best route from the Grand Route to the South China Sea. There will always be merchant ships that are not afraid of death passing here.

Moreover, the revolutionary army has a very good reputation, and they are not worried about any unfair treatment they will receive after entering the South China Sea.

It actually restored some of the original style of Pioneer Island.

The G2 branch is the traditional naval branch. In addition to guarding the offensive routes of the Revolutionary Army, he was also responsible for patrolling the surrounding areas.

With Ackerman's combat power, he would naturally not stay on this island all year round and be often seconded to perform missions.

The navy's mission is basically to kill pirates and escort some special fleets.

Noah discovered that the structure of the navy was not comprehensive, and the system for fighting pirates was very perfect.

From intelligence, to task assignment, to combat statistics, everything is just right.

However, communication with civilians is still lacking, and the world government seems to be strictly guarding against naval crossing.

Even if you serve as a guard for some ships with background, you are not allowed to communicate with them easily.

It can be considered that the mind of checks and balances is very clear, and the defense is almost above board.

After completing several tasks perfectly, the adjutant introduced Ackerman to Kizaru.

Ackerman? Former soldier of the 177th branch of the East China Sea. He was transferred from his original post because he beat a superior officer.

He was introduced to the G2 branch by Stoloberg and currently holds the position of Colonel.

Yes, General Kizaru.

I don't know why the other person feels very close to him. Could it be the connection between the two righteous people?

Speak of your justice.

Whether they are the same in concept is very important. After seeing the other party's experience, Kizaru decided not to delay the other party.

If you don't agree with your ideas, send them to the headquarters. I'm sure Aokiji will be short of manpower after he takes over.

Ackerman struck his heart with his right hand.

“Justice is justice, and the sword will be drawn against the unjust.”

It's better not to send this to the headquarters.

A bit pure like a young Aoki pheasant, but it will be very painful if no one protects it.

Porusalino is no idiot, he has tested all aspects of the navy.

It turns out that the opponent is not only amazing in combat power, but also talented in management.

No matter how complicated the situation is, it can be solved with ease if it is put into the hands of the other party.

If it were Akainu, he would be very wary of the existence of such a person, and would monitor him closely until there were no problems before using him again.

If it is Aokiji, he prefers to do it himself and will not give this kind of person room to develop. Only Kizaru is overjoyed now.

As an important lieutenant general-level combatant, Stoloberg could not always be busy with trivial matters in the branch.

It is impossible to leave many trivial matters in this base without anyone taking care of them, so why not have a good helper come to your door?

Ah, Ackerman is Major now, right?


Then now I order you to be the chief of staff at sea for the G2 branch.

If there are some documents in the future, you can deal with them first and then give them to me after summarizing them.


Ackerman was not frightened at all and took the documents handed over by the adjutant on the spot.

It's just a document from a naval branch.

Noah still likes this position very much.

He will first go through all aspects of the navy's grassroots situation, so that he can fully understand the navy's structure.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it were not for strength in this sea.

Just relying on the current intelligence and position, you can win the G2 branch by cooperating internally and externally.

Now every day, I just need to condense the summarized matters that need to be signed and handled by the general into a thin piece of paper and hand it over.

Kizaru couldn't help but be overjoyed by such considerate subordinates.

Earned it, earned it. Such talents are still rare in the Navy.

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