Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 525 The means that are noticed

Many times during battles, Tiqi fought desperately with the enemy, but did not suffer any serious injuries. They were just skin wounds that he could bandage himself.

He also has a good relationship with everyone on the ship, and appears when anyone is sad.

I only care a little about some treasures, especially Devil Fruits, and I was laughed at by everyone, but I didn't get angry at all.

I planned to give the fruit to Tiqi before, but he refused to eat it and gave it to other brothers.

If these were not part of the conspiracy, this would definitely be a perfect son.

But does the quality of a pirate have no shortcomings?

But he didn't tell anyone, not even Marco. He would slowly observe when he had time in the future.

After Marco finished his lecture, Whitebeard continued to comfort everyone.

“The red-haired territory really owed me a big favor this time to heal my body.

From now on, we, the Whitebeard Pirates, and the red-haired pirates will be a band of brothers.

If anything happens to them, we will take care of it for them. This is the promise of the man on the sea.

Then maybe it was because they had been beaten up as soon as they came back, which made the atmosphere not very good.

Marco proposed another party to celebrate his father's recovery.

Everyone agrees with this suggestion. If you fight, you will fight. But if you are happy, you are really happy. The way pirates express their joy is very simple, by having a banquet!

The temper of the people on the sea is the same as their weather. After the strong wind, it will be sunny, and they don't remember being beaten at all.

Among them, Teach was very enthusiastic to help. Sometimes he would carry a wine barrel, and sometimes he would catch a beast and roast it.

There is no trace of a conspirator at all, he is just an enthusiastic and ordinary pirate big brother.

During this period, countless people thanked and apologized to Teach.

In the early days of Whitebeard's absence, Teach calmly calmed down many people's emotions. In the later period when emotions exploded, I also tried to stop everyone from being impulsive.

Looking back now, this big brother has done a good job, except that he is not very strong, there is nothing else to say.

In short, while his father was away, Teach did a lot of work in private and showed a little bit of his edge.

Originally, this was some preparatory step he took before deciding to inherit the inheritance after he thought it would be difficult for Whitebeard to survive.

In the past, he was the unknown crew member of Saatchi, but he showed a little bit of care some time ago.

Let everyone notice his hidden gem, and even wait for a certain moment when the battle comes to break through and turn the tide to save everyone.

The result is nonsense.

And Saatchi was very happy seeing this, he had a very good character under his command. His face was also very bright.

But this is not what Blackbeard wants at this moment.

With Dad back, he didn't want to be too conspicuous.

He could only echo casually, and when everyone praised him, they always said that it was all Sachi's credit and Marco's credit. He just did some trivial things.

His modesty was praised again, and he wiped a cold sweat after everyone dispersed.

Don't draw any more attention at this time, it's too dangerous.

Little did he know that there was a pair of eyes outside the crowd that had been secretly observing him.

Is it really possible?

The white beard that muttered to himself was a little tangled.

The banquet began, and everyone was singing, dancing, and eating and drinking. Some of them got into fights, and everyone gathered around to cheer and watch the fun.

Fights between pirates sometimes require a good relationship, otherwise it would be easy to get impatient. Qiaozi and the others were laughing wildly now.

The pressure was too much before, and they couldn't do anything despite all their strength. Now they can let off some steam.

Dad's body had always been like that before, and every time they came to visit, they could feel his aging and the passage of life.

Some older people have forgotten the high-spirited and powerful man in the world when they first met their father.

Now that I have seen it a little more, I am even more excited.

These people all wanted to celebrate their happiness with alcohol, and they also wanted to have a few more drinks with their father, but they were all stopped by Marco, who was still worried about his father's health.

This made Whitebeard very depressed. He really wanted to drink.

If you want to drink, drink with me. If I knock you down, you can come back.

Marco's domineering attitude caused everyone to drink from him. Although no one knew why Mark had such a change, they didn't mind.

So fine. Some farsighted people think this is a good thing for the entire pirate group.

The Whitebeard Pirates need a successor who can rely on this core figure.

Teach hid among the toasting crowd. He was a little jealous of Marco's treatment at this time. This was obviously Whitebeard paving the way for him.

But it doesn't matter, victory will eventually belong to me. What this world needs is an ambitious hero. Rather than the second Yonko playing house.

Under the ups and downs, even the city's deepest man, Black Beard, felt a little emotional, and expressed his sharpness by toasting.

The fire of ambition in his eyes almost came out, but luckily Sachi woke him up when he patted him on the shoulder. A simple and honest big brother is back.

Whitebeard didn't know if he was dazzled just now, or if he had a bias in his heart, so he could only sigh silently.

After the toast, Tiqi took advantage of the warm atmosphere and started running around again.

I accidentally said something, it turns out that the red-haired pirates have such strong medical capabilities, then if any of the brothers are in poor health, can they also go and ask for help?

The voice was very small, just enough to be heard by the captains around him.

Then their eyes lit up. The status of the ship's doctor on this sea was very high, and the medical skills that could bring the dead back to life were beyond their imagination.

Alcohol is on the brain and the dark hand is quietly making noises. I ran to my father and wanted to ask about this matter.


He flew straight out and hung on a tree, being laughed at by everyone below.

You little guys, you are not allowed to go to Red Hair for this matter. If you do, you will slap my white beard in the face.

They used a very precious treasure, the only one in this sea, to save me.

So even I admire the boldness of the red-haired kid.

As soon as he said this, others immediately raised their glasses and said they wanted to toast the red hair.

Kuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Whitebeard laughed wildly while drinking another drink with everyone.

He was very happy to see his sons having fun, but at the same time, he still felt a little heavy in his heart.

He can become one of the four dead emperors and has lived on the sea for 70 years, so he certainly does not lack wisdom.

As for the question just now, Teach always did and said things intentionally or unintentionally that made him very worried.

He didn't want to hurt Teach without evidence. So I silently made a decision.

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