Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 524 Whitebeard returns

Tiqi was among them watching the noise of those people, trying to stop them from time to time, and then being pushed away, making a gesture.

In fact, I am reflecting on my heart. If you form a team in the future, you must not accept all these brainless people, you still have to select them.

Finally, feelings are really easy to use.

Just as they were preparing to set off with murderous intent.

Where do you bastards want to go?

A loud shout came from the distance.

This voice is...Dad?

Everyone was in shock and uncertainty for a while. Everyone still knew about Dad's previous physical condition.

The sight of him lying on the hospital bed made many people feel sad, but now the violent shouting was full of anger.

The sights and sounds covered the past like raindrops.

Everyone looked at the 6-meter-tall white-haired man standing on the bow in the distance. He turned out to be their father.

Tikki was also shocked as he mingled with the crowd. Does red hair really have such ability?

Or is there some hidden secret in it? If dad's health recovers, it will not be a loss for him. He can stay here and continue to look for the fruit that can bring him a future.

As for Dad, he is now a walking shock fruit to Teach.

Then he will now change his image to a simple and honest good son who tries not to be impulsive.

Whitebeard rushed back to his territory as soon as he went down to the blue sea. He also missed his sons very much.

As soon as he got closer, he found these bastards rushing out in such a mess, and they even looked like they were going to attack the red-haired territory, which made him extremely angry.

In the past, I only thought that children were cute and sometimes impulsive, which was forgivable and acceptable. Who hasn't been young?

But this experience of being about to die while in the hospital bed changed his mentality a lot, and he had to responsibly entrust the pirate group to the next generation.

When I come back this time, I will no longer spoil them, but guide them towards maturity.

In addition, I met two of the best people in this sea this time.

In comparison, these sons are even more miserable. Appears to be impulsive and easy to take advantage of.

In anger, he raised his eyes and clasped his hands.


Violent power radiated from his body, and at the same time, the fluctuations of the earthquake fruit also appeared in everyone's sight, as if a huge core earthquake source had appeared in their world.

Invisible fluctuations continuously impacted the hearts of people on Moby Dick, and fear dominated everyone.

Marco, who was following him, was a little surprised.

Dad, what are you doing? There are Sachi and the others opposite.

Of course it's to improve their memory!

After saying this, Marco stopped stopping him. He really needed some punishment. These guys were too messy.

Air shock!

Smashing his fists into the void, cracks like glass shards appeared in mid-air. This was extremely powerful.

Whitebeard felt that his body hadn't punched properly for a long time. Although it was just a small test, it was so satisfying.

With a perfect physique, this vibrating force was perfectly controlled, and it fought all the way through the void without leaking out at all, and the waves didn't even stir up in the slightest.

No matter how angry he was, he still remembered that the people on the other side were his sons and he couldn't really cripple them.

No one near the Moby Dick expected to be punched by their father. When the threat was right in front of them, they were unable to defend themselves.

Unprepared, they were instantly knocked to the ground by this powerful force. Some of them instinctively wanted to resist, which made them even worse. They were directly lifted away and swirled into the sea.

They were knocked to the ground and were very at a loss, but this power was indeed Dad's power, which made them even more confused.

All I can say is that luckily my dad held back his strength, everyone was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so the pain would be over soon.

Teach lay down on the boat with the crowd. Under his subtle feeling, Whitebeard's combat power had indeed been restored.

This is unbelievable. It can be cured at that level. What a medical miracle.

The secret in the red-haired hand was also the second thing he wanted after the Dark Fruit. With that, you can better realize your ambitions.

After beating these people, Whitebeard asked them all to come over. He would give these idiot children a good beating on the island.

So what can all captains do? It is natural for a father to beat his children, so go ahead.

They didn't even dare to fight back, fearing that their father's health was still not good enough, so they could only let the big slaps come one after another.

The leader, Scuyard, suffered the worst. He was hung up and beaten. This guy looked at his father crying and wailing over and over again.

This can't be done to people. Emotions are real emotions. This guy who is always a diode in his mind is hopeless.

After a moment of uproar, everyone knelt down in front of Whitebeard in disgrace.

“You bastards can’t even trust me?

The red-haired captain kindly came to save his father, but you guys just want to take the opportunity to attack him?

Then how can the Whitebeard Pirates have the nerve to sail on this sea.

Do you know this is betraying our dignity?

At this time, Little Ma was scolding the crew members of the big ships on behalf of Whitebeard.

In the past, Whitebeard had to do this himself, but this time he wanted to train Marco to handle it.

He also lived up to his father's expectations and started his own transformation. Marco felt that there were some things that he should take responsibility for himself.

If you worry more about Dad, you can live a few more years.

And he is indeed angry. He basically grew up on Moby Dick and has always been with his father.

After all, he was the captain of the first team, but these people didn't believe in him at the last moment. It was too bad.

Compared with the Revolutionary Army and the Red-haired Regiment, our own fleet is indeed inferior.

So he started a long speech, explaining the truth to everyone, and also started to establish rules.

With Dad's support, the captains below didn't dare to do anything to resist.

At this moment, the captains were still immersed in the joy of their father coming back to life, and they did not reject Marco's lectures.

There are some ambitious people here, but most of them are sincere in their admiration for Dad.

Whitebeard looked at the children who were scolded by Marco with complicated eyes.

He clearly knew that they were also worried about him, but this time he chose to let Marco talk to them.

While scanning the children, he also glanced at Tikki.

What Noah said to him still made him care. This is his son. Teach has been following him for many years. If Noah hadn't been his savior, he would have punched him.

After listening to the overwhelming feeling of kindness, it is impossible to say that I have no thoughts in my heart.

The first punch should have been a little bit worse based on Teach's strength in the past, but he acted like the people around him.

Some things cannot withstand consideration, and many scenes from the past have been brought out.

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