Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 442 Red Hair’s Announcement

Cyborg Kong took the lead and reached the edge of the Red Earth Continent.

Feeling very irritable and restless.

The moment he heard the news, his whole defense was shattered.

The list of pirates who invaded the G1 branch was reported to Cyborg Kong like a name of a dish, which made him feel terrified. What happened? Are we going to repeat the Valley of the Gods again?

Why did the pirates attack the G1 branch collectively at this time?

This branch is the first branch of the Navy. Because it is located in the New World, and it is backed by the Red Earth Continent. The candidates for daily garrison are all admirals.

There is a lift system that leads directly to Mariegioa from here.

During the World Conference, many kings came to the Red Continent from here.

What is very troublesome now?

Insufficient combat power!

The navy set out in almost full force.

There are no masters among the left-behind personnel in the World Government who can take action.

The CP chief went to the battlefield eager to perform his duties this time, and the Green Bull he had just recruited also went. And then he died just now.

He was still watching TV before receiving the notification.

When he saw the fallen general under the meteor, he was angry and a little ashamed.

After all, as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, he and the CP chief operate this green bull together.

I just recruited such a thing, my face is dull.

What’s more, there are many important people in Mariejoia at the moment.

Except for world government officials. There were also leaders from the world’s franchised countries who came to the meeting.

If something happens to them, the world will definitely be in chaos.

There are countless Tianlong people in Pangu City. Because of the war with the revolutionary army, they all hid back in Mariejoia, for fear that they would be captured while wandering around outside.

The whole sea knows that Noah and his group like to attack bubble heads. Who would have thought that instead of guarding against the revolutionary army, we would guard against pirates.

If the pirates were to break through now, it would be a devastating disaster.

With the long list of names she just heard, Mary Joa might not be able to protect her even if she tried to take action.

The consequences are also unimaginable, far more terrifying than the revolutionary army.

five old stars

He was originally furious over Green Bull's death in battle. Angry at the navy's incompetence or evil intentions.

As a result, after receiving the message asking for help from the G1 branch, I was no longer angry.

What's wrong with the sea?

Why does the era of violence happen so far in advance?

Pirates are also coming in?

How those wild dogs merged together is the key.

Do you want it from the Navy?

Don't worry, Garp and Kong have already passed. Let's see what those pirates want to do first.

The atmosphere in this conference room is very dull.

Wulaoxing looked in the direction of Hua Jian with a vague look, but he was actually quite worried in his heart.

If Lord Im is awakened, the consequences will be disastrous.

On the G1 branch side, the naval soldiers who are dedicated to their duties are still very courageous.

Following the order, the artillery began to attack the members of the Navy Alliance.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, this courage can prove that the G1 branch is worthy of being the elite among the elite.

Even though there were not many people left behind, they never thought of surrendering.

Of course, the scene is also a bit funny.

Ordinary cannonballs, even if they hit like raindrops, have no effect on this group of top pirates.

Even Bucky can ignore such an attack.

All the guns, bullets and bullets were stopped by the people around him. What were they doing with Marco and the others?

Isn't it just used to maintain the master's style?

You can't let Whitebeard punch you when you're in a crushing position. It's too embarrassing.

A lieutenant general mustered up the courage to pick up a loudspeaker and point it at the flying Pirate Alliance.

Pirates, further ahead is the G1 branch. You are provoking the World Government.

When the navy army returns, you will die without a burial place.

The World Government's reinforcements will arrive soon. It's not too late for you to withdraw now!

The Pirate Alliance ignored such meaningless words and broke through the defense in an understatement.

The group landed directly into the center of G1.

Many soldiers still appeared around, surrounding the Pirate Alliance.

It just doesn't have enough momentum, as if the pirates have surrounded the navy.

Vice Admiral Dalmesia separated from the naval encirclement and faced the pirates head on.

As the temporary head of the G1 branch, his responsibility is to defend against any enemy attacking the G1 branch.

As an esper in the form of an animal-type canine fruit-ordinary species-a Dalmatian dog.

The character is also brave and loyal like a dog.

His eyes scanned the opponents in front of him, even his hands and feet were shaking unconsciously, and his body's instinct was resisting his attacks.

But that's the Navy's job.

Pirates, let's catch them without mercy!

Although the opponent was a very ordinary lieutenant general, his will won the respect of Bucky and others.

Katakuri decided to give this loyal man a decent ending.

This is also what the Pirate Alliance means.

There is no rush to land on the Red Continent for the time being. Their goal is not to enter Mariejoia and go crazy, but to read the text of history and get the navy to return to defense.

Always give the world government time to react.

So with the pirates and navy soldiers watching, Katakuri and Dalmecia started fighting selflessly.

In less than a moment, Dalmecia was scarred.

Ka Er's talent is indeed very good. After being beaten by Noah's vest, he has made great progress and has basically reached the level of appearance in the original work ahead of schedule.

The first echelon below the emperor level can naturally take down ordinary naval vice admirals.

The last fork knocked down the opponent, and Ka Er calmly returned behind Big Mom. He did not kill.

Such a tough guy deserves another chance.

Bucky was very satisfied with Kaer's sense of proportion. He was really a talent.

Too bad he's a pirate.

Okay, it's almost time. The World Government's support personnel should have reached the edge by this time. Let's go up.

Following Bucky's words, everyone prepared to rush to the Red Earth Continent.

However, the surrounding soldiers may have been infected by Dalmecia's courage, and they actually had the intention to charge.

This startled Bucky.

Noah has repeatedly warned not to cause a large number of casualties, as there will be unknown variables.

It would be difficult if the other party rushed over. Among the group of murderers behind them, who among them is not the murderer?

Fortunately, the red-haired man was not someone who killed indiscriminately. As soon as his eyes darkened, a look of dominance swept over the entire audience.

Directly placed on most of the soldiers.

The most domineering men choose to solve problems in the most direct way.

As the soldiers fell one after another, only the general-level officers remained standing on the spot.

Tell the World Government we are coming!

I have to say that the redhead looks super handsome when he is serious.

At this time, Bucky just looked at his good friend with a confused expression, as if he had learned something.

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