Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 441: Entering the Red Earth Continent

Fortunately, after being suppressed by two generals, the iceberg finally stopped, and everyone felt like they were surviving a disaster.

Aokiji's face turned pale as he stopped. Such an urgent and rapid release of freezing energy was a bit too much for his fruit-liberating ability.

Looking at Fujitora who was also injured, he suddenly felt a little sympathy for his opponent.

The person in front of me is also a righteous man who loves life. Unfortunately, they still have to fight for their respective positions.

The two men nodded, returned to their own battlefield, and continued fighting.

Koushiro put Brooke in a safe place and returned to the battlefield alone.

With the overhead shot, everyone also saw the horror of the battlefield.

Above the huge glacier, there is a huge deep pit with some wooden textured debris in it.

When I walked in, I saw it was a green bull, and he was not dead!

Everyone believed that no one could survive such a world-destroying attack.

The Sensen Fruit is really a fruit full of life.

Of course, the Green Bull was also dying at this moment.

Before he died, what flashed through him when he saw Koushiro was a trace of despair and final anger.

I never thought I would die here, and this world will belong to you forever.


Koushiro decisively cut off the green bull's head with autumn water.

Noah said, don’t let up until you win. Don't talk to your opponent. It will tip over. This is recorded in the book Detailed Explanation of Swordsmanship: From Beginner to Mastery.

The eyes of the green bull whose head rolled to the ground were full of unwillingness.

The Sensen fruit has the ability to take the place of death. You can grow green buds in the soil again and resurrect yourself. Although he will be very weak, he will survive in the end.

But a series of subsequent blows came to him.

First, Koushiro came back to inspect the battlefield too quickly, catching him off guard.

I originally wanted to use my language skills to delay him, but I didn't expect that this person was so decisive and actually chopped him into pieces with a knife.

The second one is to blame Qing Pheasant. Even if this man who suffered a thousand cuts had frozen the sea, and the remaining ruins of the desert island had turned into frozen soil, how could he still sprout?

It's the first time it's been on the world stage.

This is the final chapter of Death of the Green Bull.

The World Government finally experienced attrition at the general level, and the Green Bull recruited from the world died in battle.

The world is shaken! The five old stars are furious!

This is a very huge loss and an unforgivable mistake.

He Zhongjiang also understood that this matter was a big deal.

No matter who wins or loses in this war, some people will have to suffer dire consequences.

The whole army went to attack the revolutionary army, but the people who died were the World Government. What do you want the World Government to think?

Propaganda was carried out for 10 days to the people in Dahai, saying that they would capture the revolutionary army. As a result, his top combat power died first. What kind of deterrent effect can it have?

Angry, very angry.

She took out her phone and contacted Kizaru, who was not yet a general-level combatant.

What is Dai Ling Kizaru still acting in now? If you can't defeat your opponent, you know the consequences.

After hearing Lieutenant General He's order, Kizaru knew he had to take it seriously.

He smiled apologetically at Robin.

Whether you can survive or not depends on your life.

The power of the shining fruit was truly unleashed, and countless golden lights flew around the Thousand Hands Technique.

Countless impacts occur every second.

The speed of Thousand Hands and Hundreds of Styles simply cannot keep up with the rhythm.

Robin gritted his teeth and began to risk his life.

Flowers and fruits. Thousands of hands. Endless style.

The dense palm shadows protected the surroundings, and at the same time, Otohime's vision and color were all opened, forming a sympathetic stance.

Hold on until the turning point Noah said comes. At this time, the revolutionary army could no longer provide any support.

Lieutenant General He on the main battlefield is cold and ruthless. The revolutionary army must suffer huge casualties immediately in order to restore the image of the navy.

Noah also knows that the coming battle will be a very tragic stage, and the world government and navy must go all out.

The war has reached its most dangerous moment. Even Bika joined the fight. Still losing ground.

Bucky, it’s up to you!

And when Green Bull died in battle, the Pirate Alliance outside the G1 branch finally felt at ease.

It seems that the revolutionary army can really withstand the impact of the world government.

They actually killed a top combat force.

The redhead's face was full of disbelief.

The situation in the sea in the future will not be safe for the generals and emperors.

Whitebeard was also very emotional.

The aunt didn't say anything. She was thinking of Kaido's younger brother who was killed instantly.

This sea is becoming increasingly incomprehensible.

At this moment, everyone is looking at Captain Bucky.

Bucky shook his cloak, folded his arms and said politely, Let's go.

As for tactics, no need!

With this lineup, what tactics are needed? Just charge forward.

Time was of the essence, so he rushed out immediately.

Seeing Bucky's courage to charge alone, other masters will not be left behind.

The group of people jumped into the air and headed straight to the Navy G1 branch.

The observers of the G1 branch saw an enemy invasion and quickly reported to their superiors and sounded the alert bell at the same time.

One of the remaining lieutenant generals took one look at the attacker and was completely frightened.

So, what is that? Did I see it wrong? Is that the Yonko?

Bucky the clown, red-haired Shanks, white-bearded Edward Newgate, big mom Charlotte Lingling. There are also three Shichibukai. Hawkeye Mihawk, Empress Boya Hancock, Sand Crocodile Crocodile. There were also all the mates and top experts from each ship.

This group of people together has a bounty of tens of billions of Baileys, and they are also a super group that is not inferior to the Revolutionary Army.

Is this going to start a war in the new world?

He hurriedly notified Garp, the hero left behind by the navy, and Cyborg Kong, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, and there were people from the World Government inside to inform the Five Old Stars.

This is a huge event.

Brumuru, burubru.

Hey, this is Cyborg Kong.

Marshal, it's bad, pirates have invaded the G1 branch!

Cyborg Kong in the office frowned and felt very unhappy.

Trash! They're just pirates, so why panic? Even if the Four Emperors are coming, don't be afraid. Behind you is the Red Earth Continent and the World Government!

The lieutenant general is very courageous, yes, behind me is the real world's number one force.

Marshal, you are really good at predicting things. You actually guessed that the four emperors were coming together.

Really? They're all here?

Well, a few more Shichibukai are here too, including Hawkeye and the others, and Rayleigh is also here.

Hello? Marshal, please speak.

The office was empty, and Cyborg almost broke the wall and rushed out. We must rush to the Red Earth Continent elevator as soon as possible.

At the same time, Garp did the same thing.

'Raleigh, do you know what you are doing? Do you know what terrible things will happen if you attack Mariejoia in a situation like yours? You simply cannot afford what will happen. ’

Garp is truly angry this time. He is the one who knows the truth about the world.

Can't stay up late.

It is better to maintain a regular work and rest routine.

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