Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 438 The Green Bull is sure of victory

about there.

Terzog has been directing the entire battle deployment inside the fortress.

The current progress of the war is faster than expected before the war started, which is not a good sign.

It shows that even though the revolutionary army has made countless preparations, the balance of victory is still tilting in the direction of the World Government.

The time range given by Teacher Noah was not very precise and allowed him to control it by himself.

After watching three people fighting almost to death for a whole day, Tezog's hands were covered in cold sweat.

Seeing that the time was almost up, and they couldn't hold on any longer. Just tell Koushiro and the others that the time has come.

At the same time, contact the fire control console on Bika to enter the first level of alert.

At this moment, the trio fighting against the Green Bull were in an extremely embarrassed state.

Although the opponent is stacked with a soul debuff at the beginning. But even if the Green Bull's combat status declines, it is still in a crushing state for three people.

A whole day's work. All three of them were beaten and rolled around.

Also, the sword on Green Ox's waist is not a decoration. He is really good at it. Although it is not strong, the occasional shameless sneak attack can still be somewhat fruitful.

The first time he drew his sword, 1/3 of Brook's afro was cut off, almost making it into a flat head.

The dress on his body was also cut into tatters. It was only a skeleton, and a lot of sword energy leaked out.

Just a few major bones are covered with cracks. In many places, you can barely connect with the armed color Haki, otherwise you can already kick your head like a ball.

Because Brooke was seriously injured at the beginning, Koushiro and Tiger had been protecting him, and finally survived until now.

Koushiro showed enough highlights in this battle.

His Frost Moon Kendo made terrifying progress in the fierce battle. He always walks between life and death, and cooperates with Qiu Shui to understand the dragon-slaying sword style passed down from his ancestors.

The moves became more domineering, and the obviously beautiful Yuehua became sharper and colder. It made Green Bull feel uncomfortable.

After the chop, he was already in a crazy state, with murderous aura lingering around him, like Shura.

Tiger was lucky. As a fishman. Only with its back to the sea can it exert its effects, so it is not too much to get involved in close combat.

Most of the time, sea currents are used to attack at medium and long range. Use sea water to continuously interrupt the opponent's rhythm.

He also shouldered the responsibility of saving the scene, such as when Koushiro was caught by Fujiman, or when Brooke was about to be beaten to death.

He chose the high-pressure water jet cutting technology of ocean currents in this battle. Fighting is mainly done by using pressure to turn ocean currents into cutting knives.

Because the impact of ordinary sea water has no power to the Sensen Fruit power user unless it can be poured onto the body of the power user.

Instead, it would be more effective to use this indestructible high-pressure water jet to fight.

Tiger also mixed sand into it very scientifically, which greatly increased the lethality.

Ordinary vines and large trees cannot block the cutting at all, only some special trees can resist it.

Let's put it this way, everyone here has unique skills and pertinence, so they can fight the Green Bull until now.

Moreover, the threesome's tacit tactical cooperation became more and more consistent as they played each other, which also contributed to their success.

Koushiro fought in close quarters throughout the whole process, using the autumn water to block most of the power of the Sensen Fruit.

Brooke was responsible for feints and sneak attacks. The damage done to the soul by his soul-destroying sword made Green Bull suffer enough. It took a lot of his attention.

Tiger just wandered around and rescued the two of them at critical moments. Especially when the Green Bull was going crazy, he used his big move. Tiger will notify Neptune at the bottom of the sea to use the fish-man fusion skill. Use super ocean currents to interrupt the opponent's rampage.

It was under such circumstances that the three of them managed to hold on for a whole day, but at this moment they also felt that they had reached their limit.

Totally unbeatable.

Green Bull looked at the three people opposite. Very angry.

His strength is clearly far superior to these three opponents. But it was because my soul was injured at the beginning.

Every time it comes to a critical moment, he can't execute his killer move smoothly. The more powerful the move, the more it will touch the pain of the soul.

This unfamiliar pain and the feeling of being unable to adapt made him feel trapped.

The soul involves many things, including reflexes and domineering output and efficiency. Especially seeing and hearing.

In this state, he fought with three people for a whole day, and he was really embarrassed.

All this was captured by a distant phone bug. It is estimated that the whole world now knows that he is a parallel importer.

But a general is a general, relying on his superhuman physique and physical strength. Finally, the time came when the opponent could no longer hold on.

Green Bull's face, which had been stiff all day, finally showed a hint of a sinister smile.

He thought he had a chance to win, so of course he couldn't let go of this opportunity to pour out his hatred.

Three little mice. You have done a great job in delaying me for so long.

But now you will be defeated on this desert island outside Pioneer Island. Along with your revolutionary army, I will crush you into pieces.

That red murloc, I'm going to hang you and those guys in the sea and dry them on the island.

Green Bull is not a fool either. He saw that Tiger would go into the sea before each big move, and then attack with a completely different intensity than usual.

I knew there must be helpers in the sea, and they were also from the fish-men tribe.

This group of guys who have no human rights and are not even human beings have caused him so much trouble.

For people with the mentality of Green Bull, this is completely the biggest shame.

And that swordsman, that weapon is good, I want it. It will become my most beautiful trophy. As for you, just use it as a flower fertilizer.

As for that explosive skull. I will crush your bones inch by inch. Then burn them into bricks and throw them into the deepest part of the sea.

The Green Bull's resentment towards Brooke has almost materialized.

At this time, Koushiro's communicator suddenly said something.

The time has come.


The incomprehensible conversation between the three people made Green Bull very disdainful. Pretend to be a ghost.

And Brooke and the three of them looked at each other and decided that it was time to prepare the final killing move. If you don't succeed this time, you will die.

Tezog, who is paying attention here, is also very nervous. If the prelude fails, he will change the target.

The price to be paid is far greater than this time.

King of Souls!

A huge ghost Brook holding a guitar appeared behind Brooke.

The strength of the soul that is visible to the naked eye. The semi-liberated state of the underworld fruit.

This fruit has an interesting ability called out-of-body experience. It's an ability that Brooke has always had and is developing.

His strongest attack method is really not swordsmanship.

Like the Soul Mourning Sword, it just borrows the power of the underworld fruit to cause some targeted damage to the soul.

In such a mysterious field of attack as the soul, the best way is actually music.

I saw a comment about unlimited streaming.

Is such that.

This is the first novel I have written in my life, and I didn’t have any early planning.

Initially, I planned to write unlimited streaming. I also plan to write unlimited streaming in the future.

It’s just that the first world got longer and longer as I wrote it.

But friends, after writing this book One Piece, there will really be a second world.

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