Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 437 When the red meteor streaks across the sky

The red hair is the adventure group, the white beard is the family group, and Bucky is the revolutionary army.

She is the only one who is the most traditional pirate. Selfish, cruel, won't trust anyone.

Don't look at her as a lunatic. She was still a very wise and great pirate when she was young. Otherwise, she would not be able to achieve the position of four emperors. It's just that after becoming the emperor, he started to let go completely.

She really didn't believe that a pirate king would work so hard to benefit the pirates and seek development.

So the aunt thought of a direction and gave an assist.

Captain Bucky must have taken so much pains to do more than just change the world.

This ladder is so smooth.

Originally, the red hair was arranged to say this, but the red hair refused. He already had an ideological struggle after knowing the inside story.

This matter is indeed friendly to the future of pirates. Otherwise, no one will get involved, and they will even organize Bucky.

Moreover, as Bucky's best friend, the red-haired man would not be effective in assisting him at this time.

He plans to cue his own. Unexpectedly, I had wrongly blamed my aunt before, but she turned out to be a kindhearted person at the critical moment.

Bucky looked like he couldn't bear it in front of everyone.

After much hesitation, he finally stated his second purpose.

Between the flowers, there is a pile of historical texts. When the time comes, everyone will rely on their ability.

He said it vaguely, and it was Between Flowers or something like that. No one present except the red hair probably knew where this place was.

But when it comes to the historical text, everyone knows it. Everyone is more energetic.

Unlike pursuing the historical truth, the pirates are not interested in this.

What they care about is the relationship between the historical text of the road sign and Raff Drew.

Good guy, you, Bucky, are plotting against Chen Cang and giving up your position as the leader of the alliance.

Secretly, I want to follow Roger's old path, but I still haven't given up on being the real Pirate King.

A clear point of interest was outlined, and many people became even more tempted.

This time, everything from immediate benefits to long-term interests was taken into consideration.

What about the Pirate Alliance?

That can.

If this is the case, Whitebeard has no objections.

What he thought was that if he was gone in the future, Marco and others would still have a way out.

I agree.

The redhead also expressed support. As long as it has nothing to do with the revolutionary army in name, it can still be done.

He is also quite optimistic about the Pirate Alliance, and a balanced situation is crucial to the emergence of Joey Boy.

The aunt is opposed to this equal alliance in her heart because she wants to be the boss.

Ignore the fact that she is the weakest, there will always be a chance in the future.

But when all the experts present looked at them, she felt that it was acceptable to be treated as equals for the time being.


Just on top of a flattened boulder.

They took out the prepared drinks and drank them all in one go.

From now on, the Cross Guild, the Whitebeard Pirates, the Red-haired Pirates, and the Big Mom Pirates have formed an alliance belonging to pirates.

Katakuri and the others who were watching felt like they were witnessing history, and just standing there felt excited.

If the alliance of the Four Emperors were released, it would definitely shake the sea.

Bucky nearly sheds tears watching the alliance being formed.

This is something he did only after risking his life. There are some things that cannot be said out loud, but the secret joy in my heart is about to reach heaven.

Even if we have completed two-thirds of the plan, we are just missing the last tremor.

Several people from the Cross Guild and Beckman also admired Bucky very much when they saw the development of things.

This time, their onlookers were standing in the atmosphere watching the progress of the situation.

Although it was all the plan given by Noah, the courage and perseverance of this guy to be able to implement such a terrifying plan are admirable.

Especially Hawkeye, who recognized Bucky even more, but it's a pity, why doesn't he use a sword?

Riley's eyes narrowed as he laughed from behind. My son is indeed excellent, very excellent.

Although it is a loose alliance, after its establishment, a powerful momentum has been generated.

Even Whitebeard's character, after seeing so many top masters belonging to the same group, had the idea of ​​​​allowing him to do whatever he wanted in the world, let alone others.

He suddenly understood the former Captain Rocks a little bit. He has unparalleled fighting power, and his younger brother is also a top pervert. How can he not be arrogant?

In terms of combat power, the Rocks Pirates at that time were not as good as the Pirate Alliance now.

Of course, after drifting for a while, everyone calmed down after seeing the battle between the World Government and the Revolutionary Army on TV.

If you really fight, you should keep a low profile.

The aunt suddenly asked at this time

When are we going to raid Mariejoia?

This is a question that everyone is a little nervous about.

If the revolutionary army collapses and they kill Marie Joa, they will die.

So everyone is very confused.


The person who said this turned out to be Bucky who proposed to keep the revolutionary army.

What are you waiting for?

Wait until the revolutionary army has achieved certain results, or can prove that it can indeed deceive the pressure, and then we will take action.

If the revolutionary army has reached its limit now and they fail to hold on after we take action, then the Pirate Alliance will be embarrassed.

Whitebeard admired Bucky very much at this time.

Under such circumstances, he could still think of this calmly. His caution and courage were top-notch. No wonder he could be on an equal footing with him at such a young age.

This is what he thinks. What if the revolutionary army collapses? This is a fatal problem.

Roger, I really lost to you.

Bucky was actually anxious too. His comrades were killed every minute on the TV, but he had to wait. What a torment it was.

He knew that the people in this loose alliance would not really be willing to take action until they saw the revolutionary army prove their combat prowess.

Noah told him that when the revolutionary army did not give a signal, never urge everyone to take action, as it would be counterproductive.

As for the signal, it is said that there will be a red meteor crossing the battlefield, and when the most powerful person falls.

I believe that such results are enough for the Pirate Alliance to take risks.

It was already the second day when we returned to the Nanhai battlefield.

The war continues.

In an extraordinary world, the concept of time would no longer fit the mold of modern warfare.

Especially the battles with high-end combat power. A few days and nights are normal.

Noah is still competing with Warring States.

The two of them fought very steadily with one palm and one sword.

Of course, compared to other battlefields, the appearance of thunder and fire is already very restrained.

Warring States thought about it all night and still didn't understand what card the revolutionary army was going to play.

Can you tell me about your treasure plan?

How could anyone ask so directly on the battlefield?

Dodge Sengoku's big fist.

Noah was calm on the outside, but a little anxious on the inside.

At present, the battlefield of the fortress is relatively stable, and the Great Steel Wall is also stable.

Not to mention several general-level battlefields, they can be delayed to any time.

Robin is also more reassured. The bigger the scene where Kizaru fights, the safer it will be.

Only the green cow

about there.

What a surprise, I stayed up late yesterday to write it, so I didn’t have to wait until night.

This month’s goal is to break one million words.

Thinking about it, it's quite exciting.

If you can read it, don’t forget to give some encouragement and support.

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