Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 419 Using Bear as Bait

The target turned to Big Bear alone.

I heard that Ivankov is your good friend?

As soon as these words came out, Jinbei knew something was wrong. Introverted people don't lack feelings, but they have them buried deep in their hearts. In fact, their hearts are burning.

Even a violent leader like Long cannot bear this kind of grief and needs someone to share it with.

How can Big Bear be an exception?

Sure enough, the expression that had remained unchanged for thousands of years had changed a little.

Magic Valley Town, Akainu is really tough.

I have seen his transformation state before he died. It was really beautiful, or very beautiful, as beautiful as a miracle.

It's a pity that after he died, he even lost his eyes

Before he finished speaking, Big Bear had already taken action.

Push the pressure cannon!

His hands were like machine guns, constantly firing endless shock waves at the enemy. In Noah's opinion, it was the sea version of the prince's strategy.

Generally, this kind of powerful group attack sure-kill technique cannot determine the outcome in a battle.

Sure enough, the diffusion of the shock wave couldn't catch the opponent at all.

The CP chief just kept circling the battlefield.

One moment it flashes to the sky, the other moment it flashes to the ice.

All the attacks were in vain, and most of them flew into the sky.

The remaining shock wave blasted the ice with holes everywhere, and the sea water was blown away and began to fall like raindrops all over the sky.

Finally, when this move was completed, Big Bear fell into a sluggish state.

In the rain, the CP chief disappeared again.

This made all the muscles in Jinbei's body tense up.

The color of knowledge has always been in a state of release, but there is no trace of malice.

It's not domineering, it's not physical skills, it's fruit ability!

Otherwise it would not have disappeared so completely.

Noah said that the enemy he first encountered in Mariejoia had similar abilities.

A very magical weapon was brought back by him and is still being studied on Bika.

The World Government has so many fruits that it’s impossible to guess.

Suddenly, with the help of the changes in the water vapor here, Jinbei saw it.

Up there!

hit the water

This is a very simple and very fast move. The idea is to interrupt the opponent's attack.

It's a pity that the CP chief is a person who knows how to make choices.

Just ignore such an attack, and it might even be difficult to break through the defense.

Still go down with one knife.

Just a little bit of skin is enough.

The big bear will be tortured by the poison on the knife and lose its fighting power, and then slowly cook the remaining fishmen.

Haha, these so-called cold-faced and warm-hearted people are so easy to deal with.

Whether it's family, friendship, or love, it's all flaw.

Including kindness, sympathy, passion, and anger, they are all his weapons.

This is also his fighting idea. It is too stupid to fight head-on.

call out!

Out of stock?

The ice beneath the bear's feet actually broke, and his body fell directly into the sea.

Damn it, isn’t he a fruit capable person? court death?

At the same time, a sea current surged out from where the big bear was, causing the CP to avoid it in disgust.

It's a fish man!

Turning to look at Jinbei, it turned out that the fishman was not too panicked.

He was still accumulating energy in place, as if he was going to unleash some powerful move.

Huh? Why haven't the raindrops on my head finished falling? Why is there still something in the sky?

The CP chief looked up and saw a pink shock wave falling from the sky.

Damn it, the big bear was just pretending. This is the shock wave that just hit the air, and underestimated his use of abilities.

The moment Jinbe hit the water, he used the current to break through the ice at the feet of the bear.

The bubbling bear hadn't sunk very deep yet.

Mlocculant Jiu-Jitsu·Ocean Current·One-Handed Over-the-shoulder Throw

Jinbei exerted force with one hand and pulled up a backflow from the sea, breaking through the ice around him.

Comrades are also wrapped in this current.

The big bear fell back to the ice and began to spend its period of weakness, while Jinbei had already killed him.

This time, using a big bear as bait is extremely dangerous.

These two sword strikes, if one hit, the consequences would be disastrous.

The choice of the ice surface for the battlefield was planned in advance, allowing the two of them to leave an escape route at any time.

It is well known that people with Devil Fruit abilities are afraid of water, and their aversion to sea water is also instinctive.

But these two people did exactly the opposite.

Utilizing the fish-men's ability to control water, they designed passage tactics for escaping under the sea.

This is a tactic that must be formulated with the determination and trust to live and die together.

Jinbe took advantage of the big bear's shock wave to fill the battlefield and rushed in despite the damage.

Their chance has come.

This damage does not distinguish between friend and foe, and only with this opportunity can it be possible to get close and blast the enemy into the sea.

That's right, the CP Chief's final tactic is to throw him into the sea, and after testing the opponent's identity as a fruit ability user, use the power of nature to defeat him.

Although they are the strongest group of people under the general, they are not arrogant enough to defeat a veteran master, and they are still a master with many tricks.

Only at the beginning, when the other party has not used more methods, make a surprise attack.

Jinbei's water-controlling power, which he created with the core of Fishman Jujutsu and Water Heart, fully exploded.

With both palms together, eighteen sea currents rose behind him.

Under his control, the sea currents rising into the sky turned into dragon shapes and followed him towards the enemy.

This is a move of the knight that is highly praised in the story of Noah. People who are not born heroes or people who have the righteousness of their family and country cannot play such an essence.

Using the power of soft water to strike a yang-to-hard attack can be called a combination of hardness and softness.

With the overwhelming palm power and water dragon, he rushed to the CP commander. He used his body to withstand the shock wave on the way forward. He really hurt himself before hurting others.

The CP chief was worried about being cheated on, and was dodging easily in the shock wave.

Then I saw a blue whale shark man rushing towards me with a water dragon despite all the damage.

So desperate? But you are no match, so let's play with you.

Hang the dagger at your waist.

The two began to fight fiercely in close quarters. Fist to fist, palm to palm.

After fighting in close quarters, I discovered that the CP chief was actually a master of physical arts.

The results of Jinbei's superb training in the secrets of fish-man karate were all suppressed and beaten at will.

The domineering crushing is even more obvious. The moves are so heavy that it is difficult to resist.

Jinbei fought hard with his fists and kicks, making progress but never retreating. Coupled with the full burst of armed color, he was slightly at a disadvantage for a while.

But the CP commander is obviously very skillful. He can dodge every shock wave while fighting, and he is still unscathed so far.

After Jinbe devoted himself wholeheartedly to the attack, he had no time to care about these attacks. Instead, he was severely injured by the variant of Big Bear's moves.

If it weren't for the help of the eighteen controlled water dragons, he might have been killed by an opponent who saw the opportunity soon.

Damn it, the gap is so huge!

I can see Jinbei's unwillingness. The enemy also said casually.

Of course it's big. Otherwise, why can only the general level be called the top of the sea? We have no weaknesses.

After getting used to this style of play, the CP commander became more and more comfortable, and he planned to slowly kill his opponent here.

He would definitely not let Jinbei withdraw from here. He just wanted the fish-man to die in the hands of his own people.

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